110 research outputs found


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    In comparison, railways are the safest mode of land transport, not only regarding pure safety performance indicators but also considering external costs to society and member state.As for polish railways, the year 2016 was the safest since 2008 even despite the growth of the railway market.There are still element’s that need to be taken care of such as continuous improvement of safety culture so that there can be a consistency in safety statistics and improvement of total safety performance. Another main aspect is the analysis of human factor with the involvement of professionals in the area of human performance since it seems that current activities are insufficient.Authors would like to summarise this short article regarding railway safety performance that undoubtedly, railways are constantly the mass transport mode to choose regarding the safety of travel

    Model przyczynowy zjawiska asymetrii informacji w informatycznym przedsięwzięciu wdrożeniowym

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    The author’s research to date has shown that information asymmetry constitutes a critical success factor both for the client and the supplier in IT information projects. Literature confirms that the phenomenon of information asymmetry between the client and the supplier in IT projects is hard to measure due to problems in accessing credible information and the lack of established methods. Hence, it is important to study the phenomenon of information asymmetry and to understand the conditioning that affects it. The aim of the article is to present a model describing the causes of information asymmetry in IT implementation projects completed through outsourcing. The author studies information asymmetry in the project life cycle of ERP, CRM, BI and DM systems. The conclusions may be interesting both for economic practitioners and for theoreticians of business economics.Dotychczasowe badania autora wykazały, iż asymetria informacji stanowi krytyczny czynnik sukcesu zarówno dla klienta, jak i dostawców wśród informatycznych przedsięwzięć wdrożeniowych. Literatura przedmiotu potwierdza, że zjawisko asymetrii informacji pomiędzy dostawcą a odbiorcą w projektach informatycznych jest trudno mierzalne z powodu ograniczonego dostępu do wiarygodnych informacji i braku opracowanych metod. Dlatego istotne jest poznanie zjawiska asymetrii informacji w projektach informatycznych oraz zrozumienie uwarunkowań wpływających na to zjawisko. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie modelu opisującego przyczyny występowania zjawiska asymetrii informacji wśród informatycznych przedsięwzięć wdrożeniowych realizowanych w oparciu o outsourcing. Autor bada asymetrię informacji w cyklu życia projektu wśród systemów klasy ERP, CRM, BI oraz DMS. Konkluzje mogą być interesujące i dla praktyków gospodarczych, i dla teoretyków informatyki ekonomicznej

    A Comparative Analysis of the Acquisition Transaction of Management Information Systems through Virtual and Face-to-Face Negotiations—The Perspective of Green IT Industry in Poland

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    The COVID-19 pandemic that began in 2020 has significantly impacted businesses, regardless of size or industry. The hybrid and remote working models have moved all meetings with potential and existing suppliers to an online environment. This also applies to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which have had to adapt themselves to the new situation and implement the solutions necessary to survive on the market. On the other hand, clients have become more aware of the environment and its changes. Customers are trying to be more eco-friendly, by choosing and moving towards Green IT. Thus, this needs to be considered. The acquisition of management information systems (MIS) in the pandemic era is based only on virtual meetings. The main goals of this paper were the identification of the changes in the negotiations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the transformation of this process into virtual environment, discussion of the possibility of using Green IT in addition to Management Information Systems, and the changes caused by the pandemic. The article was prepared based on the results of qualitative research using the case study method. The comparative analysis includes purposely selected cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems’ acquisition processes, presented from the clients’ perspective. The research was conducted in 2021, based on the authors’ practical experience, and presents four cases. This research illustrates the negotiations concerning an acquisition transaction pre-pandemic and during the pandemic. Finally, the conclusions and main differences caused by the pandemic in the acquisition transaction process of management information systems (MIS) are presented

    Superconductivity in Li3Ca2C6 intercalated graphite

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    In this letter, we report the discovery of superconductivity in Li3Ca2C6. Several graphite intercalation compounds (GICs) with electron donors, are well known as superconductors. It is probably not astonishing, since it is generally admitted that low dimensionality promotes high superconducting transition temperatures. Superconductivity is lacking in pristine graphite, but after charging the graphene planes by intercalation, its electronic properties change considerably and superconducting behaviour can appear. Li3Ca2C6 is a ternary GIC, for which the intercalated sheets are very thick and poly-layered (five lithium layers and two calcium ones). It contains a great amount of metal (five metallic atoms for six carbon ones). Its critical temperature of 11.15 K is very close to that of CaC6 GIC (11.5 K). Both CaC6 and Li3Ca2C6 GICs possess currently the highest transition temperatures among all the GICs.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Muon spin rotation study of the intercalated graphite superconductor CaC6 at low temperatures

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    Muon spin rotation (muSR) experiments were performed on the intercalated graphite CaC6 in the normal and superconducting state down to 20 mK. In addition, AC magnetization measurements were carried out resulting in an anisotropic upper critical field Hc2, from which the coherence lengths xi_ab(0)=36.3(1.5) nm and xi_c(0)=4.3(7) nm were estimated. The anisotropy parameter gamma_H= H_c2_ab/H_c2_c increases monotonically with decreasing temperature. A single isotropic s-wave description of superconductivity cannot account for this behaviour. From magnetic field dependent muSR experiments the absolute value of the in-plane magnetic penetretion depth lambda_ab=78(3) nm was determined. The temperature dependence of the superfluid density rho_s(T) is slightly better described by a two-gap than a single-gap model

    Review on Superconducting Materials

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    Short review of the topical comprehension of the superconductor materials classes Cuprate High-Temperature Superconductors, other oxide superconductors, Iron-based Superconductors, Heavy-Fermion Superconductors, Nitride Superconductors, Organic and other Carbon-based Superconductors and Boride and Borocarbide Superconductors, featuring their present theoretical understanding and their aspects with respect to technical applications.Comment: A previous version of this article has been published in \" Applied Superconductivity: Handbook on Devices and Applications \", Wiley-VCH ISBN: 978-3-527-41209-9. The new extended and updated version will be published in \" Encyclopedia of Applied Physics \", Wiley-VC

    The new ALEPH Silicon Vertex Detector

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    The ALEPH collaboration, in view of the importance of effective vertex detection for the Higgs boson search at LEP 2, decided to upgrade the previous vertex detector. Main changes were an increased length (±20 cm), a higher granularity for rφ view (50 µm), a new preamplifier (MX7 rad hard chip), a polymide (upilex) fan-out on z side to carry the signals from the strips to the front-end electronics outside the fiducial region reducing consequently the passive material in the central region by a factor of two. The detector, the running experience and its performance will be described

    The new ALEPH Silicon Vertex Detector

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    The ALEPH collaboration, in view of the importance of effective vertex detection for the Higgs boson search at LEP 2, decided to upgrade the previous vertex detector. Main changes were an increased length (±20 cm), a higher granularity for rφ view (50 µm), a new preamplifier (MX7 rad hard chip), a polymide (upilex) fan-out on z side to carry the signals from the strips to the front-end electronics outside the fiducial region reducing consequently the passive material in the central region by a factor of two. The detector, the running experience and its performance will be described