10 research outputs found

    Mental health in the Pacific: Urgency and opportunity

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    The Pacific region faces a significant and growing burden of noncommunicable diseases and mental disorders. An emerging issue is the increasing overlap between physical and mental health conditions, which are often the result of interactive effects and lead to more severe consequences. In addition, climate change is amplifying health risks, as it poses both physical and existential threats to Pacific Island communities. The sustainable development agenda provides a holistic opportunity to address these issues; key elements include improving health surveillance and strengthening health systems, within a multisectoral approach, in order to work towards achieving Healthy Islands

    Epidemiological and virological characteristics of seasonal influenza in the Western Pacific Region of the World Health Organization, 2011–2015

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    Seasonal influenza is an acute viral infection that causes annual epidemics. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the global disease burden of seasonal influenza is approximately one billion cases annually resulting in up to 500 000 deaths. (1) Epidemics are well defined as seasonal in northern and southern temperate climates with annual epidemics occurring in late winter or early spring. (2) In contrast, seasonal patterns in tropical and subtropical regions are less clear and tend to show more consistent levels of transmission year-round

    Fluoride contamination, health problems and remediation methods in Asian groundwater: A comprehensive review

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