32 research outputs found

    A gluteal mass of Langerhans cell histiocytosis mimicking malignancy

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    Langerhans cell histiocytosis is a disease primarily affects the bone. More than 50 percent of the disease occurs between the age of 1 and 15. We reported a case of a 2 year old boy who presented with a gluteal mass. Radiographic imaging showed an osteolytic lesion suspicious of malignancy. However, the histological diagnosis was Langerhans cell histiocytosis

    Lithium and the risk of fractures in patients with bipolar disorder: A population-based cohort study

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    Lithium is considered to be the most effective mood stabilizer for bipolar disorder. Evolving evidence suggested lithium can also regulate bone metabolism which may reduce the risk of fractures. While there are concerns about fractures for antipsychotics and mood stabilizing antiepileptics, very little is known about the overall risk of fractures associated with specific treatments. This study aimed to compare the risk of fractures in patients with bipolar disorder prescribed lithium, antipsychotics or mood stabilizing antiepileptics (valproate, lamotrigine, carbamazepine). Among 40,697 patients with bipolar disorder from 1993 to 2019 identified from a primary care electronic health record database in the UK, 13,385 were new users of mood stabilizing agents (lithium:2339; non-lithium: 11,046). Lithium was associated with a lower risk of fractures compared with non-lithium treatments (HR 0.66, 95 % CI 0.44–0.98). The results were similar when comparing lithium with prolactin raising and sparing antipsychotics, and individual antiepileptics. Lithium use may lower fracture risk, a benefit that is particularly relevant for patients with serious mental illness who are more prone to falls due to their behaviors. Our findings could help inform better treatment decisions for bipolar disorder, and lithium's potential to prevent fractures should be considered for patients at high risk of fractures

    ITGAM is associated with disease susceptibility and renal nephritis of systemic lupus erythematosus in Hong Kong Chinese and Thai

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    ITGAM was recently found to be associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in populations of not only European ancestry, but also in Hispanic- and African-Americans, Mexicans and Colombians. The risk alleles in the gene, however, were found to be monomorphic in two Asian populations examined: Japanese and Korean. In this study, using a collection of 910 SLE patients and 2360 controls from Chinese living in Hong Kong, analyzed by both genome-wide association and direct sequencing, we confirmed the association of the same risk alleles in ITGAM with the disease. These findings were further replicated in the Thai population with 278 patients and 383 ethnicity- and geography-matched controls. Subphenotype stratification analyses showed significantly more involvement of the gene in patients with renal nephritis and neurological disorders. Although our results support a pivotal role by rs1143679 (R77H) in disease association, our data also suggests an additional contribution from rs1143683, another non-synonymous polymorphism in this gene (A858V). Therefore, despite the low-allele frequencies of the risk alleles of the gene in our two Asian populations, ITGAM was confirmed to be a risk factor related to disease susceptibility and probably severe manifestations of SLE

    Open data from the third observing run of LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA, and GEO

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    The global network of gravitational-wave observatories now includes five detectors, namely LIGO Hanford, LIGO Livingston, Virgo, KAGRA, and GEO 600. These detectors collected data during their third observing run, O3, composed of three phases: O3a starting in 2019 April and lasting six months, O3b starting in 2019 November and lasting five months, and O3GK starting in 2020 April and lasting two weeks. In this paper we describe these data and various other science products that can be freely accessed through the Gravitational Wave Open Science Center at https://gwosc.org. The main data set, consisting of the gravitational-wave strain time series that contains the astrophysical signals, is released together with supporting data useful for their analysis and documentation, tutorials, as well as analysis software packages

    Eutrophication modelling of reservoirs in Taiwan

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    Two reservoirs in Taiwan were modeled to simulate the hydrodynamics and water quality in the water column. The modelling effort was supported with data collected in the field for a 2-year period for both reservoirs. Spatial and temporal distributions of temperature in the water column of the two reservoirs were well reproduced by the hydrodynamic model. Model calculated concentrations of key water quality constituents such as nutrients, dissolved oxygen, and algal biomass matched the measured values closely in both reservoirs. Most importantly, vertical stratification of temperature and dissolved oxygen in the Tseng-Wen Reservoir was mimicked by the model throughout this 2-year period. The calibrated model was then used to simulate water quality response to various nutrient reduction scenarios. Model results reveal that a 30-55% reduction of the phosphorus loads will upgrade the existing eutrophic/mesotrophic to oligotrophic conditions in the Te-Chi Reservoir. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Water quality modeling for the Feitsui Reservoir in northern Taiwan

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    Field data collected from the Feitsui Reservoir in Taiwan indicate that the water is at a stage between mesotrophic and eutrophic. Recent measurements such as total phosphorus, chlorophyll a and Secchi depth levels suggest that the water quality has been declining. A two-dimensional, laterally averaged, finite difference hydrodynamic and water quality model was used to simulate the water quality in the Feitsui Reservoir in an effort to determine sound water quality management strategies. The model was calibrated and verified using data collected in 1996 and 1997. The calibrated model was used to simulate algal biomass (in terms of chlorophyll a) levels under various wasteload reduction scenarios. Model results show that 50 percent reduction of the total phosphorus load will improve the existing water quality, shifting the trophic status from eutrophic/mesotrophic to oligotrophic. The modeling effort has yielded valuable information that can be used by decision makers for the evaluation of different management strategies of reducing watershed nutrient loads