55 research outputs found

    Das Millionenshow-Prinzip als multimediales und interaktives Methodenbündel

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    Das Millionenshowprinzip ist ein sehr flexibles und vielseitig kombinierbares Methodenbündel, mit dem (trockener) Lehr- und Lernstoff spannend und interaktiv vermittelt werden kann. In diesem Artikel stellen wir aus unterschiedlichen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen drei erfolgreiche Anwendungen des Millionenshowprinzips vor (Lernquiz, Wiederholungsquiz, Wissensrevue), die als Alternative zu klassischen frontalen Vorträgen eingesetzt wurden. Allen gemeinsam ist der multimediale, interaktive und spielorientierte Charakter, wodurch Studierende in ungezwungener Atmosphäre aktiv eingebunden werden. 23.01.2013 | Olivia Vrabl (Wien) & Pamela Vrabl (Innsbruck


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    Die libysche Revolution ist heute alleine schon aufgrund ihres langen Bestehens eine Besonderheit. In den mittlerweile fast 40 Jahren seiner Herrschaft hat das Regime Gaddafis atemberaubende Richtungswechsel vollzogen, die in dieser Arbeit auf ihre Wesenszüge untersucht werden. Dem Putsch von 1969 maß man im Westen zuerst wenig Bedeutung zu, verstand man ihn doch mehr als regionale Üblichkeit denn als gravierende Zäsur. Dass die libysche Revolution im Vergleich mit anderen Revolutionen durchaus typische Charakteristika aufweist, wird ein einem eigenen Kapitel dargelegt. Libyens internationale Bedeutungslosigkeit verschwand jedoch schlagartig, als Gaddafi begann, Freiheits- und Dissidentenbewegungen aller Art zu unterstützen - bis hin zur eigenen Ausführung terroristischer Akte in der ganzen Welt. Schnell geriet das Land ins Visier der USA und wurde, wenn auch zu Unrecht, als sowjetischer Vorposten bezeichnet. Gaddafi suchte vor allem in der ersten Dekade seiner Herrschaft intensiv nach Partnern für seine Arabische Einheit und in diesem Zuge vollzogen sich immer wieder rasche Verwandlungen von Freunden in Feinde und umgekehrt. Die libysche Außenpolitik handelte sich aus internationaler Sicht Attribute wie „unberechenbar“ oder „widersprüchlich“ ein, eine Einschätzung, der in dieser Arbeit entgegengetreten wird. Vielmehr ist von einer äußerst konsequenten Politik mit gewichteter Prioritätensetzung auszugehen. Es wird geschildert, wie sich Libyen Image eines Schurkenstaaten erarbeitete, wenn auch nur teilweise in eigener Verantwortung. Erst der nur schwer nachvollziehbare Hass Ronald Reagans auf Gaddafi trieb den Konflikt mit dem Westen auf die Spitze und das Land selbst in die absolute Isolation. Widersprüchlich ist vor allem die Innenpolitik der libyschen Jamahiriya, predigte Gaddafi doch die Volksherrschaft und schloss dennoch das Volk in den Schlüsselbereichen von der Herrschaft aus. Einem Rentenstaat bisher unbekannten Ausmaßes stand eine repressive Herrschaft gegenüber, in der von der versprochenen Freiheit nicht viel übrig blieb. Immer wieder fanden Putsch- und Attentatsversuche statt, und im Laufe der Achtziger entstand zunehmend eine islamistische Opposition, die spätestens mit den Heimkehrern aus dem Afghanistankrieg ein Problem für das Regime wurde. Mitte der Achtziger sah sich die libysche Revolution in ihrer Existenz bedroht, die desaströse Außenpolitik nicht nur im Tschad führte gemeinsam mit den US - Luftangriffen auf Libyen und einer schweren Wirtschaftskrise zu einer totalen Änderung der libyschen Innen – und Außenpolitik. Nach innen begann eine langsame Liberalisierung der Wirtschaft, nach Außen 142 setzte man von nun an auf Kooperation statt Konfrontation – der Terror hatte als politisches Instrument ausgedient. Nur wenige Jahre nach der Kurskorrektur explodierten Flugzeuge über dem schottischen Lockerbie und dem Niger. Libyen wurde der Urheberschaft beschuldigt, ob mit Recht oder nicht, wird sich wohl nie vollständig klären lassen. Zumindest werden in dieser Arbeit gute Gründe aufgezeigt, weshalb die Anschläge nicht ins neue Konzept Gaddafis passen konnten. In der Folge verhängten die Vereinten Nationen während der 90iger Sanktionen gegen Libyen, nachdem die USA dies schon lange zuvor auf unilateralem Weg getan hatten. Libyen reagierte darauf vor allem mit der Fortsetzung der eingeschlagenen Öffnungspolitik und gründete nach der Maghreb – Union auch eine Sahara – Staatengemeinschaft. Gaddafi profilierte sich zunehmend als Vermittler in Krisensituationen und erlangte mit geschickter Politik eine herausragende Position in Afrika. Die OAU honorierte dies mit der geschlossenen Forderung nach einer Aufhebung der Sanktionen und setzte den Westen mit Erfolg unter Druck, einem Kompromiss in der Frage der Auslieferung der libyschen Verdächtigen im Lockerbiekonflikt zuzustimmen. Nach deren Überstellung in die Niederlande suspendierten die UN ihre Sanktionen 1999. Aufgehoben wurden sie jedoch erst Jahre später, als Libyen die Verantwortung für die Anschläge übernommen hatte und Entschädigung zahlte. Die US-Sanktionen hingegen blieben weiter intakt und wurden schrittweise ab 2004 abgebaut, als Libyens Wiedereingliederung in die Weltgemeinschaft schon längst in vollem Gange war. Rasant steigende Ölpreise und Investitionen aus dem Ausland lassen Libyens Wirtschaft nun erstarken wie nie zuvor und ermöglichen dem Staat, im Ausland immer wieder als Wohltäter aufzutreten. Im Rahmen der von Gaddafis Sohn Saif al-Islam geführten Wohlfahrtsstiftung fließen Millionen in Lösegelder für entführte Touristen, wodurch sich das internationale Ansehen Libyens noch weiter verbessert. Saif profiliert sich aus westlicher Sicht immer mehr als potentieller Nachfolger, doch der Westen begeht dabei wiederholt den Fehler, die Nachfolgefrage nicht durch eine libysche Brille zu betrachten. Welche Rolle Gaddafis Kinder spielen und ob sie eine Chance auf sein revolutionäres Erbe haben, wird in einem der abschließenden Kapitel diskutiert

    Organic Acid Excretion in Penicillium ochrochloron Increases with Ambient pH

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    Despite being of high biotechnological relevance, many aspects of organic acid excretion in filamentous fungi like the influence of ambient pH are still insufficiently understood. While the excretion of an individual organic acid may peak at a certain pH value, the few available studies investigating a broader range of organic acids indicate that total organic acid excretion rises with increasing external pH. We hypothesized that this phenomenon might be a general response of filamentous fungi to increased ambient pH. If this is the case, the observation should be widely independent of the organism, growth conditions, or experimental design and might therefore be a crucial key point in understanding the function and mechanisms of organic acid excretion in filamentous fungi. In this study we explored this hypothesis using ammonium-limited chemostat cultivations (pH 2–7), and ammonium or phosphate-limited bioreactor batch cultivations (pH 5 and 7). Two strains of Penicillium ochrochloron were investigated differing in the spectrum of excreted organic acids. Confirming our hypothesis, the main result demonstrated that organic acid excretion in P. ochrochloron was enhanced at high external pH levels compared to low pH levels independent of the tested strain, nutrient limitation, and cultivation method. We discuss these findings against the background of three hypotheses explaining organic acid excretion in filamentous fungi, i.e., overflow metabolism, charge balance, and aggressive acidification hypothesis

    The Dynamics of Plasma Membrane, Metabolism and Respiration (PM-M-R) in Penicillium ochrochloron CBS 123824 in Response to Different Nutrient Limitations-A Multi-level Approach to Study Organic Acid Excretion in Filamentous Fungi.

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    Filamentous fungi are important cell factories. In contrast, we do not understand well even basic physiological behavior in these organisms. This includes the widespread phenomenon of organic acid excretion. One strong hurdle to fully exploit the metabolic capacity of these organisms is the enormous, highly environment sensitive phenotypic plasticity. In this work we explored organic acid excretion in Penicillium ochrochloron from a new point of view by simultaneously investigating three essential metabolic levels: the plasma membrane H+-ATPase (PM); energy metabolism, in particular adenine and pyridine nucleotides (M); and respiration, in particular the alternative oxidase (R). This was done in strictly standardized chemostat culture with different nutrient limitations (glucose, ammonium, nitrate, and phosphate). These different nutrient limitations led to various quantitative phenotypes (as represented by organic acid excretion, oxygen consumption, glucose consumption, and biomass formation). Glucose-limited grown mycelia were used as the reference point (very low organic acid excretion). Both ammonium and phosphate grown mycelia showed increased organic acid excretion, although the patterns of excreted acids were different. In ammonium-limited grown mycelia amount and activity of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase was increased, nucleotide concentrations were decreased, energy charge (EC) and catabolic reduction charge (CRC) were unchanged and alternative respiration was present but not quantifiable. In phosphate-limited grown mycelia (no data on the H+-ATPase) nucleotide concentrations were still lower, EC was slightly decreased, CRC was distinctly decreased and alternative respiration was present and quantifiable. Main conclusions are: (i) the phenotypic plasticity of filamentous fungi demands adaptation of sample preparation and analytical methods at the phenotype level; (ii) each nutrient condition is unique and its metabolic situation must be considered separately; (iii) organic acid excretion is inversely related to nucleotide concentration (but not EC); (iv) excretion of organic acids is the outcome of a simultaneous adjustment of several metabolic levels to nutrient conditions

    On measuring the response of mesophyll conductance to carbon dioxide with the variable J method

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    The response of mesophyll conductance to CO2 (gm) to environmental variation is a challenging parameter to measure with current methods. The ‘variable J’ technique, used in the majority of studies of gm, assumes a one-to-one relationship between photosystem II (PSII) fluorescence and photosynthesis under non-photorespiratory conditions. When calibrating this relationship for Populus trichocarpa, it was found that calibration relationships produced using variation in light and CO2 were not equivalent, and in all cases the relationships were non-linear—something not accounted for in previous studies. Detailed analyses were performed of whether different calibration procedures affect the observed gm response to CO2. Past linear and assumed calibration methods resulted in systematic biases in the fluorescence estimates of electron transport. A sensitivity analysis on modelled data (where gm was held constant) demonstrated that biases in the estimation of electron transport as small as 2% (∼0.5 μmol m−2 s−1) resulted in apparent changes in the relationship of gm to CO2 of similar shape and magnitude to those observed with past calibration techniques. This sensitivity to biases introduced during calibrations leads to results where gm artefactually decreases with CO2, assuming that gm is constant; if gm responds to CO2, then biases associated with past calibration methods would lead to overestimates of the slope of the relationship. Non-linear calibrations were evaluated; these removed the bias present in past calibrations, but the method remained sensitive to measurement errors. Thus measurement errors, calibration non-linearities leading to bias, and the sensitivity of variable J gm hinders its use under conditions of varying CO2 or light

    Mesophyll conductance to CO2, assessed from online TDL-AS records of 13CO2 discrimination, displays small but significant short-term responses to CO2 and irradiance in Eucalyptus seedlings

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    Mesophyll conductance (gm) is now recognized as an important limiting process for photosynthesis, as it results in a significant decrease of CO2 diffusion from substomatal cavities where water evaporation occurs, to chloroplast stroma. Over the past decade, an increasing number of studies proposed that gm can vary in the short term (e.g. minutes), but these variations are still controversial, especially those potentially induced by changing CO2 and irradiance. In this study, gm data estimated with online 13C discrimination recorded with a tunable diode laser absorption spectrometer (TDL-AS) during leaf gas exchange measurements, and based on the single point method, are presented. The data were obtained with three Eucalyptus species. A 50% decrease in gm was observed when the CO2 mole fraction was increased from 300 μmol mol−1 to 900 μmol mol−1, and a 60% increase when irradiance was increased from 200 μmol mol−1 to 1100 μmol mol−1 photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). The relative contribution of respiration and photorespiration to overall 13C discrimination was also estimated. Not taking this contribution into account may lead to a 50% underestimation of gm but had little effect on the CO2- and irradiance-induced changes. In conclusion, (i) the observed responses of gm to CO2 and irradiance were not artefactual; (ii) the respiratory term is important to assess absolute values of gm but has no impact on the responses to CO2 and PPFD; and (iii) increasing irradiance and reducing the CO2 mole fraction results in rapid increases in gm in Eucalyptus seedlings

    Expert appraisal in injuries of the shoulder rotator cuff

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    Background: Most of detected changes in the shoulder rotator cuff are the consequence of chronic changes. Fresh injuries of individual parts of the rotator cuff have to be proved without a doubt as soon as possible after the injury. The basic question with regard to any expert appraisal of changes in the shoulder rotator cuff is undoubtedly the determination of post-injury changes as well as the distinction between degenerative changes, changes discovered by chance and fresh injuries of the rotator cuff. A detailed analysis of the clinical picture, the biomechanics of the event and early application of specific imaging diagnostic methods enable certain determination of causal connections between the actual event and the established changes in rotator cuff.Conclusions: A systematic approach to analysis of all data about the condition of the shoulder prior to the injury, certain establishment of connection between the injury event, the first medical surgical, histological and ultrasound results, CT and magnetic resonance, along with the analyses of accompanying changes, enable an expert to give a decisive medical expert appraisal. The latest findings about the biomechanics of rotator cuff injuries which contain an analysis of load on individual parts of the rotator cuff in certain arm positions as well as the knowledge about the progress and causes of the circulation changes in parts of rotator cuff and the role of microtrauma provide for the distinction between the manifestation of silent changes which have been undergoing for a longer time and undoubtedly established fresh injuries of the healthy parts of the rotator cuff. The article presents the phase analysis of established changes in the rotator cuff, including the findings and instructions for providing an expert appraisal of the shoulder rotator cuff following an injury.</p

    Comparison of two-layer and three-layer glazing window

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    Namen projektne naloge je izvesti primerjavo dvoslojne in troslojne zasteklitve na modelu enodružinske hiše v različnih regijah po državi. Tehnični podatki oken so bili privzeti s strani proizvajalca oken MIK Mednarodno trgovsko in proizvodno podjetje d.o.o.. Za izračun energijske bilance objekta je bil uporabljen računalniški program Gradbena fizika URSA 4.0.The purpose of this diploma paper is conduct a comparison of two-layer and three-layer glazing on the model of single-family house in different regions of the country . Window specifications are adopted by the window manufacturer MIK Mednarodno trgovsko in proizvodno podjetje d.o.o.. For energy balance calculation of the building has been used a computer program Gradbena fizika URSA 4.0


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    V sodobnem svetu se srečujemo z uporabo oblačnih storitev vsepovsod. Zaradi velikega poudarka današnjega časa na mobilnosti in fleksibilnosti, je oblačništvo čedalje bolj pomembno pri poslovanju organizacij. Ponudniki poslovnih programskih rešitev, zagotavljajo podjetjem dostopanje in uporabljanje poslovnih programov kjerkoli in kadarkoli. V trenutnih gospodarskih razmerah se pojavlja velika tekmovalnost podjetij pri boju za stranke in CRM sistemi so pri tem postali nepogrešljivi za pridobivanja prednosti podjetja. Sistemi podpirajo prodajne procese ter vsebujejo tudi marketinške funkcije za ohranjanje ter pridobivanje strank. Lokalno nameščene programe CRM pa počasi zamenjuje ponudba v oblakih. Tudi mala in srednja podjetja se borijo za rast in razvoj, zato se odločajo investicije v izboljševanje poslovnih procesov. Vsa podjetja iščejo boljše načine poslovanja z nižjimi stroški in večjo učinkovitostjo. Usmerjati pa se morajo predvsem k rešitvam, ki jim nudijo nižje tveganje pri poslovanju ter možnostih povečanja obsega poslov. V središču so torej mikro, mala in srednje velika podjetja v povezovanjem z oblačnimi sistemi za upravljanje odnosov s strankami. V diplomski nalogi je podrobneje predstavljen eden izmed največjih ponudnikov oblačnih CRM sistemov, Salesforce. Preveril sem ali njihov program zagotavlja potrebe mikro podjetja na podlagi primerjave zahtev podjetja z ponudbo Salesforca. Imel sem možnosti analize programa s pomočjo 30 dnevne brezplačne uporabe oblačnih storitev. Izkazalo se je, da oblačne rešitve Salesforca ne zadovoljujejo potreb mikro podjetja iz več razlogov. Paket storitev je teoretično zelo dober, praktično pa v manjših podjetjih ne bi izboljševal poslovnega procesa. Ima napredne funkcije ter orodja, zato je na pogled vrhunsko orodje, ampak se težava pojavlja v neuporabnosti za manjša podjetja.In the modern world we are faced with the use of cloud services everywhere. Due to the large focus our time on the mobility and flexibility is cloud computing increasingly important in business organizations. Providers of business software solutions, providing companies to access and use business applications anywhere, anytime. In the current economic climate, it appears a big rivalry undertakings in the fight for customers and CRM systems have become indispensable for the acquisition of advantages. Systems supporting sales processes, and they also contain a marketing tool for the conservation and acquisition of customers. CRM offer in the clouds gradually replaces locally installed programs. Even small and medium-sized enterprises are struggling for growth and development, they are deciding for investments in the improvement of business processes. All companies are looking for better ways of doing business with lower costs and greater efficiency. They must especially look for solutions that offer them lower business risk and the possibilities of increasing the volume of business. The focus is on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the integration with the cloudy systems for customer relationship management. In dissertation is more detailed presented one of the largest providers of cloud CRM systems, Salesforce. I checked whether their program ensures the needs of micro enterprises on the basis of a comparison of the requirements of the company with Salesforce offer. I had option to analysis program, using 30-day free cloud services use. It turned out that the Salesforce cloud solutions don’t meet the needs of micro enterprises for various reasons. The package of services is theoretically very good, but not practical. In smaller enterprises would not be extreme satisfied. It has advanced features and tools, on the first look it looks good, but it is in useless in small companies

    The importance of emotional intelligence in managing of nursing personnel in social welfare institutions

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    Teoretična izhodišča: V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na pomen čustvene inteligence pri vodenju negovalnega kadra v domovih za starejše. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu med člani timov proučevanega doma za starejše, njihove medsebojne odnose ter organizacijsko klimo. Raziskovalna metodologija: V teoretičnem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo in analitično – sintetično metodo. V empiričnem delu smo uporabili kvantitativno metodo raziskovanja, pri kateri smo kot instrument uporabili anketo. Raziskovalni vzorec je zajemal 4 vodje enot, 8 vodij timov in 120 članov delovnih timov, zaposlenih v proučevanem domu za starejše. V sklepnem delu smo uporabili primerjalno metodo med različnimi dognanji avtorjev in lastnimi spoznanji iz poslovne prakse ter nazadnje še potrdili ali ovrgli naše hipoteze na osnovi dobljenih empiričnih podatkov. Uporabljena je bila tudi metoda kompilacije. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da je čustvena inteligenca vodij enot višja od čustvene inteligence vodij timov, prav tako pa lahko trdimo, da višina čustvene inteligence vodij vpliva na organizacijsko klimo in zadovoljstvo podrejenih. Diskusija in zaključek: Višina čustvene inteligence vodstvenega kadra ima velik vpliv na organizacijsko klimo v organizaciji, organizacije s pozitivno organizacijsko klimo pa so praviloma uspešnejše. Prav posebnega pomena sta pozitivna organizacijska klima in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih v domovih za starejše, kjer je počutje varovancev v veliki meri odvisno od zadovoljstva zaposlenih, predvsem od zadovoljstva kadra, s katerim imajo direktne stike. Zato menimo, da bi morala biti pozitivna organizacijska klima cilj vsakega doma za starejše.Theoretical background: In this master\u27s thesis, we focused on the importance of emotional intelligence in the management of nursing staff in retirement homes. The purpose of the research was to determine the satisfaction at the workplace among the team members at the surveyed retirement home, their mutual relations and the organizational climate. Research methodology: In the theoretical part, the descriptive method and the analytical - synthetic method were used. In the empirical part we used a quantitative research method in which a survey was used as an instrument. The research sample consisted of four heads of units, eight team leaders, and 120 team members working at the surveyed retirement home. In the conclusion, we used the comparative method between the various findings of different authors and our own findings from the commercial practice, and finally confirmed or reversed our hypotheses based on the obtained empirical data. The compilation method was also used. Results: We have concluded that the emotional intelligence of the heads of units is higher than the emotional intelligence of team leaders, and it can also be said that the level of the emotional intelligence of leaders influences the organizational climate and the satisfaction of the subordinates. Discussion and conclusion: The level of the emotional intelligence of the managerial staff has a major impact on the organizational climate in the organization, as well as organizations with a positive organizational climate are usually more successful. The positive organizational climate and the satisfaction of the employees in retirement homes are of particular importance, where the wellbeing of the people in care depends to a large extent on the satisfaction of the employees, especially on the satisfaction of the staff with whom they have direct contacts. Therefore, we believe that a positive organizational climate should be the goal of every retirement home