8 research outputs found

    Aplicacion del silicato tricalcico como una alternativa biocompatible.

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    El seleccionar un adecuado material para la obturación apical es un acto fundamental para la resolución de un caso con una lesión periapical persistente; los principales factores que deberá tener este material es su biocompatibilidad y el crear un sellado hermético para evitar filtración; deberá poseer capacidad para inducir osteogénesis y reparación, no desarrollar toxicidad, ser radiopaco y bacteriostático. El Biodentine es un material recientemente introducido al mercado (2011), principalmente compuesto de silicato tricálcico. Es usado para tratamientos de reparación en corona y raíz, reparando perforaciones, resorciones, empleado para apexificaciones y como material de retroobturación; también puede ser utilizado como un sustituto de dentina en caries demasiado extensas.

    Cell Modelling of Hematopoiesis

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    In this work, we introduce a new software created to study hematopoiesis at the cell population level with the individually based approach. It can be used as an interface between theoretical works on population dynamics and experimental observations. We show that this software can be useful to study some features of normal hematopoiesis as well as some blood diseases such as myelogenous leukemia. It is also possible to simulate cell communication and the formation of cell colonies in the bone marrow

    Blood Cell Dynamics: Half of a Century of Modelling

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    The objective of this paper is to give a review of the main works dealing with mathematical modeling of blood cell formation, disorders and treatments within the past fifty years. From the first models to the most recent ones, this research field has inspired many leading experts in mathematics, biology, physics, physiology and computer sciences. Each contribution was a step further to the understanding of these complex processes. This work summarizes the key ones and tries to show not only the evolution of the interest for this problem but also the different research trends throughout the decades up to the latest models of the past years

    Mathematical methods for modeling the microcirculation

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