24 research outputs found

    A mixed-mode dependent interface and phase-field damage model for solids with inhomogeneities

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    The developed computational approach is capable of initiating and propagating cracks inside materials and along material interfaces of general multi-domain structures under quasi-static conditions. Special attention is paid to particular situation of a solid with inhomogeneities. Description of the fracture processes are based on the theory of material damage. It introduces two independent damage parameters to distinguish between interface and internal cracks. The parameter responsible for interface cracks is defined in a thin adhesive layer of the interface and renders relation between stress and strain quantities in fashion of cohesive zone models.The second parameter is defined inside material domains and it is founded on the theory of phase-field fracture guaranteeing the material damage to occur in a thin material strip introducing a regularised model of internal cracks. Additional property of both interface and phase-field damage is their capability to distinguish between fracture modes which is useful if the structures is subjected to combined loading. The solution methodology is based on a variational approach which allows implementation of non-linear programming optimisation into standard methods of finite-element discretisation and time stepping method.Computational implementation is prepared in MATLAB whose numerical data validate developed formulation for analysis of problems of fracture in multi-domain elements of structures.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures, to be published in Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanic

    Wild chimpanzees are infected by Trypanosoma brucei

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    AbstractAlthough wild chimpanzees and other African great apes live in regions endemic for African sleeping sickness, very little is known about their trypanosome infections, mainly due to major difficulties in obtaining their blood samples. In present work, we established a diagnostic ITS1-based PCR assay that allows detection of the DNA of all four Trypanosoma brucei subspecies (Trypanosoma brucei brucei, Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, and Trypanosoma brucei evansi) in feces of experimentally infected mice. Next, using this assay we revealed the presence of trypanosomes in the fecal samples of wild chimpanzees and this finding was further supported by results obtained using a set of primate tissue samples. Phylogenetic analysis of the ITS1 region showed that the majority of obtained sequences fell into the robust T. brucei group, providing strong evidence that these infections were caused by T. b. rhodesiense and/or T. b. gambiense. The optimized technique of trypanosome detection in feces will improve our knowledge about the epidemiology of trypanosomes in primates and possibly also other endangered mammals, from which blood and tissue samples cannot be obtained.Finally, we demonstrated that the mandrill serum was able to efficiently lyse T. b. brucei and T. b. rhodesiense, and to some extent T. b. gambiense, while the chimpanzee serum failed to lyse any of these subspecies

    Identification of potentially zoonotic parasites in captive orangutans and semi-captive mandrills: phylogeny and morphological comparison

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    Cysts and trophozoites of vestibuliferid ciliates and larvae of Strongyloides were found in fecal samples from captive orangutans Pongo pygmaeus and P. abelii from Czech and Slovak zoological gardens. As comparative material, ciliates from semi-captive mandrills Mandrillus sphinx from Gabon were included in the study. Phylogenetic analysis of the detected vestibuliferid ciliates using ITS1-5.8s-rRNA-ITS2 and partial 18S rDNA revealed that the ciliates from orangutans are conspecific with Balantioides coli lineage A, while the ciliates from mandrills clustered with Buxtonella-like ciliates from other primates. Morphological examination of the cysts and trophozoites using light microscopy did not reveal differences robust enough to identify the genera of the ciliates. Phylogenetic analysis of detected L1 larvae of Strongyloides using partial cox1 revealed Strongyloides stercoralis clustering within the cox1 lineage A infecting dogs, humas and other primates. The sequences of 18S rDNA support these results. As both B. coli and S. stercoralis are zoonotic parasites and the conditions in captive and semi-captive settings may facilitate transmission to humans, prophylactic measures should reflect the findings

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology

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    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2019 gatheres submissions of participants of the conference. Every submission is the result of positive evaluation by reviewers from the corresponding field. Conference is divided into sections – Analysis of human movement; Sport training, nutrition and regeneration; Sport and social sciences; Active ageing and sarcopenia; Strength and conditioning training; section for PhD students

    Road reconstruction nb. II/312 in the segment of the road Žamberk - Dlouhoňovice

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    Dokumentace pro stavební povolení rekonstrukce silnice II/312 v úseku Žamberk - Dlouhoňovice. Provedení úprav nevyhovujících směrových a šířkových poměrů na komunikaci.Documentation for building permit of the road reconstruction nb. II/312 in the segment of the road Zamberk - Dlouhonovice. Realization of modification of inconvenient directional and width proportions on the roads.Katedra dopravního stavitelstvíUchazeč stručně seznámil komisi se svou diplomovou práci. Po prezentaci hlavních výsledků a závěrů diplomové práce zodpověděl dotazy vedoucího a oponenta diplomové práce. V diskusi o diplomové práci stručně zodpověděl všechny dotazy členů komise.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Basics of driving on K1 in terrains of difficulty to WW3 (Interactive DVD)

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    Diplomová práce se zaobírá vhodnou technikou jízdy na K1, zpracovanou v multimediálním materiálu. Teoretická část se bude zabývat stručnou historií vzniku a průběhu vývoje jízdy na divoké vodě. Definujeme, jaké jsou úrovně obtížnosti divoké vody. Budou popsány a vysvětleny základní vodácké úkony pro jízdu na K1. Vysvětlíme si, jaké potřebujeme vybavení. Důležitou části bude znázornění správné techniky jízdy na kajaku. V praktické části aplikujeme vybranou metodiku a techniku na zkušeného slalomového jezdce. Budeme potřebovat loď K1 a vybavení pro jízdu, kamerové vybavení, 2 osoby (jezdec, kameraman), počítač pro vytvoření multimediálního prvku. Hlavním zaměřením bude správné provedení technik s odpovídajícím komentářem.ObhájenoThe diploma thesis deals with the appropriate technique of driving on K1, processed in multimedia material. The theoretical part will deal with a brief history of the origin and development of white water riding. We define what the whitewater difficulty levels are. Basic paddling operations for riding on K1 will be described and explained. We will explain what equipment we need. An important part will be demonstrating the correct kayaking technique. In the practical part, we apply the selected methodology and technique to an experienced slalom rider. We will need a K1 boat and equipment for riding, camera equipment, 2 people (rider, cameraman), a computer to create a multimedial video . The main focus will be the correct execution of techniques with appropriate commentary

    Methodology massage technique for sports and regenerative massage - the upper limbs (interactive DVD)

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    Tématem bakalářské práce je metodika masérských technik pro sportovní a rekondiční masáže - horní končetiny. Jejím výstupem je interaktivní DVD masáže horní končetiny. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část se zaměřuje na historii sportovní masáže. Definuje co je to masáž a jaké má účinky. Popisuje jednotlivé masážní hmaty a stručně charakterizuje druhy sportovní masáže. Také se zabývá anatomii horní končetiny (kostra, svaly). Praktická část obsahuje popis přípravy a tvorby videozáznamu. Soubor vybraných hmatů pro masáž horní končetiny. Na závěr porovnání metodik z různých zdrojů. Záznam videa je v příloze práce.ObhájenoThe topic of this bachelor thesis is the massage techniques methodology for sports and recondition massages - upper limb. It's output is an interactive DVD with a sample of an upper limb massage. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part is focused on the history of sports massage. Next comes the definition of the term "massage" and its effects. Individual massage touches are described and sports massage types are briefly characterised. The thesis deals with upper limb anatomy (skeleton, muscles) as well. The practical part contains the description of the videorecording preparation and production. There si also a group of selected upper limb massage touches. At the end of the thesis are compared methodologies from different sources. The videorecord is attached to the thesi

    Efraim Freud - Son of Duty

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    Life and Work of Ephraim Freud, builder of Israel, writers and translators. His childhood and youth in pre-war Czechoslovakia, World War II. lived in the Jewish Brigade, living and working in Israel since its inception in the early 21st. century. The basis of the work is electronic correspondence with Ephraim Freud, is accompanied by archival research, literature and contemporary newspaper articles

    Efraim Freud - Son of Duty

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    Life and Work of Ephraim Freud, builder of Israel, writers and translators. His childhood and youth in pre-war Czechoslovakia, World War II. lived in the Jewish Brigade, living and working in Israel since its inception in the early 21st. century. The basis of the work is electronic correspondence with Ephraim Freud, is accompanied by archival research, literature and contemporary newspaper articles.Život a dílo Efraima Freuda (nar. 1921) - budovatele moderního státu Izrael, spisovatele a překladatele. Jeho dětství a mládí v předválečném Československu, 2. světová válka prožitá v Židovské brigádě, život a práce v Izraeli od jeho vzniku do počátku 21.století. Základem práce je elektronická korespondence s Efraimem Freudem, doplněná archivním výzkumem, literaturou a dobovými novinovými články.HTF - Katedra historické teologie a církevních dějinHussite Theological FacultyHusitská teologická fakult