4 research outputs found

    Suspected community-acquired pneumonia in an ambulatory setting (CAPA): a French prospective observational cohort study in general practice

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    International audienceBackground: Few studies have addressed the pragmatic management of ambulatory patients with suspected community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) using a precise description of the disease with or without chest X-ray (X-ray) evidence. AIMS: To describe the characteristics, clinical findings, additional investigations and disease progression in patients with suspected CAP managed by French General Practitioners (GPs). METHODS: The patients included were older than 18 years, with signs or symptoms suggestive of CAP associated with recent-onset unilateral crackles on auscultation or a new opacity on X-ray. They were followed for up to 6 weeks. Descriptive analyses of all patients and according to their management with X-rays were carried out. RESULTS: From September 2011 to July 2012, 886 patients have been consulted by 267 GPs. Among them, 278 (31%) were older than 65 years and 337 (38%) were at increased risk for invasive pneumococcal disease. At presentation, the three most common symptoms, cough (94%), fever (93%), and weakness or myalgia (81%), were all observed in 70% of patients. Unilateral crackles were observed in 77% of patients. Among patients with positive radiography (64%), 36% had no unilateral crackles. A null CRB-65 score was obtained in 62% of patients. Most patients (94%) initially received antibiotics and experienced uncomplicated disease progression regardless of their management with X-rays. Finally, 7% of patients were hospitalised and 0.3% died. CONCLUSIONS: Most patients consulting GPs for suspected CAP had the three following most common symptoms: cough, fever, and weakness or myalgia. More than a third of them were at increased risk for invasive pneumococcal disease. With or without X-rays, most patients received antibiotics and experienced uncomplicated disease progression

    French law: what about a reasoned reimbursement of serum vitamin D assays?

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    International audienceThe number of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) assays has increased tenfold in France in less than 10 years, sometimes for invalidated reasons. In 2013, the French National Authority for Health (Haute autorité de santé, or HAS) limited the indications for serum 25OHD measurements to rickets/osteomalacia, older adults with recurrent falls, monitoring of kidney transplant in adults, and surgical treatment of obesity in adults. Our aim here was to note that other indications for serum 25OHD measurements are supported by previous literature and by a number of national and international recommendations, in particular the following: any situation of bone fragility, any chronic renal failure <45 mL/min/1.73m(2), any situation of malabsorption, clinical signs consistent with vitamin D deficiency or vitamin D overload, and calcium phosphorus evaluation. We suggest that the measurement of serum 25OHD concentration should remain reimbursed as part of these extended indications

    Ostéopathies fragilisantes, maladie rénale chronique, malabsorptions, anomalies biologiques du métabolisme phosphocalcique : les bonnes indications pour un remboursement raisonné du dosage de vitamine D [Weakening osteopathies, chronic kidney disease, malabsorption, biological anomalies of calium/phosphorus metabolism: appropriate indications for a reasoned reimbursment of serum vitamin D measurement]

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    National audienceEditoria