288 research outputs found

    Genetic variation and clonal diversity in introduced populations of Mimulus guttatus assessed by genotyping at 62 single nucleotide polymorphism loci

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    Background: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are increasingly being used to study non-native populations. SNPs are relatively information poor on a per locus basis, but allow genotyping more loci than others markers (e.g., microsatellites) and have the advantage of consistent allele calls between studies.Aims: We investigated the utility of a newly developed set of SNP markers, suitable for high throughput genotyping to characterise genotypic variation and population structure in non-native populations of the facultative clonal herb Mimulus guttatus in the United Kingdom (UK).Methods: We analysed 62 SNP markers and using a high throughput platform genotyped 383 individuals from 10 populations from the native range in North America and 14 populations in the UK.Results: We found wide variation in genotypic diversity within UK populations, indicating reproductive strategies that vary from mostly clonal to mostly sexual. All but one UK population were, on average, more closely related to each other than to North American populations, and the exceptional UK population showed strong affinity to native Alaskan plants.Conclusions: A small number of SNPs can detect patterns of clonality and broad-scale relationships between native and introduced populations. However, elucidating population structure at a finer scale will require genotyping individuals at greater depth

    Use of biogenic sulfide for the synthesis of CuS nanocrystals and nanocomposites

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    During the metabolism of organic matter (CH2O), sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) use sulfate as the terminal electron acceptor, resulting in the production of H2S. This biologically generated sulfide, in the presence of metal ions, can be used for metal precipitation (Bhagat et al., 2004). The use of SRB in bioremediation processes, namely, in the reduction of highcontent sulfate and metal effluents, is well documented (Costa and Duarte, 2005; Garcia et al., 2001). Nevertheless, the process generates an excess of sulfide and the elimination of the sulfide in excess and disposal of the metal sulfides produced are also problems that need to be carefully addressed. Copper monosulfide (CuS) has gained considerable attention in material science due to its excellent potential in catalysis (Mallick et al., 2007), optical functionality (Liz-Marzan, 2006) and electronic functionalities (Kamat, 2002)

    Efikasnost proizvodnje mesa zeca uz pomoć savremene tehnologije na privatnoj farmi

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    It is proposed to grow rabbits in the modern production technology with the use of the developed technology of using recycled materials in the construction of cages for keeping rabbits. It is also proposed to use interbreed crossing of New Zealand White breed and Flanders, and also breeds Californian and Flanders breed.Predlaže se uzgoj zečeva u savremenoj proizvodnoj tehnologiji uz korišćenje razvijene tehnologije upotrebe recikliranih materijala u izgradnji kaveza za držanje zečeva. Takođe se predlaže korišćenje meleza novozelandske bele rase i flandrijske rase zečeva, kao i meleza kalifornijske i flandrijske rasa


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    Stripsody es una obra contemporánea de Cathy Berberian compuesta en 1966, con la colaboración del dibujante de comics Roberto Zamarin, para el Festival de Música Contemporánea a pedido de Hans Otte, en nombre de la radio Bremen. Las O, nos proponemos intervenir esta obra, compuesta originalmente para solista, llevándola al espacio, dándole lugar al cuerpo, a un conjunto de cuerpos sonoros que tensionan y cuestionan también estos modos tradicionales de la música. En esta nueva adaptación de la obra de Berberián aparece un coro que replica, contradice, imita, ignora, entradas y salidas de los códigos formales. Nos interesa jugar las contradicciones entre la formación académica–musical intelectual y las rupturasdeformaciones en las voces y los cuerpos. Desde el humor, la ironía en dialogo con la partitura como partenaire.Eje 7: Discusiones teórico-conceptuales en torno al cuerpo. PerformancesFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Difusió virtual d'itineraris de camp en ciències de la terra

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    El portal d'internet GEOCAMP (http://einstein.uab.es/_c_gr_geocamp/geocamp/), d'activitats de camp en Ciències de la Terra permet optimitzar el treball abans, després i durant una excursió. Fins ara aquest ha estat el contingut del recurs virtual. La gran acceptació que ha anat tenint entre els alumnes de la universitat (sobretot dels primers cursos) com en altres entorns (professorat de secundària etc.) ens ha portat a ampliar-ne el seu abast. Així doncs, ens hem plantejat dos objectius. Un primer objectiu ha estat la traducció de la web al castellà i l'anglès. Un segon objectiu ha estat desenvolupar un apartat de propostes d'itineraris de camp concrets. Aquest segon objectiu ha de contribuir a omplir de contingut el recurs web a partir de l'aportació d'itineraris que estem desenvolupant des de dins el projecte però també a partir d'aportacions externes

    El recurso Solanum tuberosum y la reconstrucción paleodietaria humana en la ecorregión de Puna (provincia de Jujuy, Argentina)

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    El objetivo general de este trabajo fue generar datos para el armado de un marco de referencia adecuado para el estudio paleodietario humano, mediante el análisis de isótopos estables, en la ecorregión de Puna, Noroeste argentino. Con tal fin, se presentan los primeros resultados del análisis isótopos estables del carbono y el nitrógeno (δ13C y δ15N) en vegetales, principalmente Solanum tuberosum (n = 24). Los especímenes se adquirieron en el mercado local y en huertas familiares, estas últimas sin recibir ni abonos ni plaguicidas sintéticos, los cuales pueden incidir en las relaciones isotópicas del nitrógeno. La metodología propuesta consistió en el relevamiento de información entre productores locales, la caracterización del suelo en cuanto a sus propiedades químicas (PH, conductividad eléctrica, carbono orgánico y nitratos) y la medición isotópica de los vegetales muestreados. Los datos obtenidos demuestran una escasa variación en los valores δ15N, aunque tres especímenes de la variedad Desirée presentan valores llamativamente altos (entre +13,5 ‰ y +15,2 ‰)

    “Anyone can co-design?”: A case study synthesis of six experience-based co-design (EBCD) projects for healthcare systems improvement in New South Wales, Australia

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    Experience-based co-design (EBCD) is a quality improvement approach that is being used internationally to bring service users and health professionals together to improve healthcare experiences, systems and processes. Early evaluations and case studies of EBCD have shown promise in terms of improvements to experience and organisational processes, however challenges remain in participation around shared power and decision making, mobilisation for implementation, sustainment of improvements and measurement of outcomes. The objective of this case study was to explore the emergent issues in EBCD participation and implementation in six quality improvement projects conducted in mental health, rehabilitation, blood and bone marrow transplant, brain injury rehabilitation, urinary incontinence and intellectual disability settings by the Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI), New South Wales, Australia (2015-2018). Methods: A two stage process of analysis was employed. The first stage involved a case to case synthesis using a variable-oriented approach. In this approach themes were identified within individual cases and compared across cases in workshops with all project leads. In the second stage the case themes were synthesised within an overarching thematic that was identified as the main challenge in effective participation and implementation in these EBCD projects. The results: themes identified in the first stage of analysis related to different methods for gathering experiences and the activities used for the co-design of improvements. Variability in service user participation within co-design workshops was also discussed. Four out of the six projects implemented improvements in full. The prominent thematic overarching all six EBCD cases was the need for guidance on capability development and co-design preparedness for all participants in co-design not only project leads. In conclusion, variability in EBCD implementation makes it difficult to identify which component parts are essential for improving experiences and services, and which of these lead to sustained changes and benefits for service users and health professionals. One way to address this is to develop a model for co-design capability and preparedness that is closely linked with a set of eight mechanisms that have been previously identified as essential to achieving change in healthcare improvement initiatives. Experience Framework This article is associated with the Innovation & Technology lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework. (http://bit.ly/ExperienceFramework) Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this len

    Análisis de paleodietas humanas en zonas áridas a través de isótopos estables: el caso de Antofagasta de la Sierra (noroeste argentino)

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    This article presents preliminary advances in the human paleodietary characterization of individuals from the Antofagasta de la Sierra, puna de Catamarca (Northwestern Argentina) micro-region. Samples belong to individuals from different agro-pastoral periods from the Late Holocene. A methodology based on stable isotope analysis (δ13C collagen y δ15N; δ13C apatite) was applied to a total of 14 individuals, taking into consideration local and neighboring resources. Results indicate that in most cases consumption of C4 vegetable species like maize (Zea mays) and amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus) was less relevant vis-à-vis other resources, while meat resources from lower elevations of the Puna eco-region were of higher importance https://doi.org/10.22380/2539472X44Este artículo presenta los primeros avances en la caracterización paleodietaria humana de individuos pertenecientes a la microrregión de Antofagasta de la Sierra, puna de Catamarca (noroeste argentino), correspondientes a diferentes periodos agropastoriles del Holoceno Tardío. Sobre un total de 14 individuos se aplicó una metodología basada en el análisis de isótopos estables (δ13 Ccolágeno y δ15N; δ13C apatita), considerando recursos locales y de áreas aledañas. Los resultados indican que el consumo de especies vegetales C4 , como el maíz (Zea mays) y el amaranto (Amaranthus caudatus), es menos importante respecto a otros recursos en la mayoría de los casos analizados, y son más relevantes los recursos cárnicos provenientes de las cotas más bajas de la ecorregión puna.      https://doi.org/10.22380/2539472X4

    The efficiency of the production of rabbit meat with the help of modern technology in the personal subsidary farm

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    It is proposed to grow rabbits in the modern production technology with the use of the developed technology of using recycled materials in the construction of cages for keeping rabbits. It is also proposed to use interbreed crossing of New Zealand White breed and Flanders, and also breeds Californian and Flanders breed

    In situ TEM observation of the Boudouard reaction: multi-layered graphene formation from CO on cobalt nanoparticles at atmospheric pressure

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    Using a MEMS nanoreactor in combination with a specially designed in situ Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) holder and gas supply system, we imaged the formation of multiple layers of graphene encapsulating a cobalt nanoparticle, at 1 bar CO:N2 (1:1) and 500 °C. The cobalt nanoparticle was imaged live in a TEM during the Boudouard reaction. The in situ/operando TEM studies give insight into the behaviour of the catalyst at the nanometer-scale, under industrially relevant conditions. When switching from Fischer-Tropsch syngas conditions (CO:H2:N2 1:2:3 at 1 bar) to CO-rich conditions (CO:N2 1:1 at 1 bar), we observed the formation of multi-layered graphene on Co nanoparticles at 500 °C. Due to the high temperature, the surface of the Co nanoparticles facilitated the Boudouard reaction, causing CO dissociation and the formation of layers of graphene. After the formation of the first patches of graphene at the surface of the nanoparticle, more and more layers grew over the course of about 40 minutes. In its final state, around 10 layers of carbon capped the nanoparticle. During this process, the carbon shell caused mechanical stress in the nanoparticle, inducing permanent deformation. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017