85 research outputs found

    Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous : romance

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    Oui je doutais de l\u27espĂ©rance,et du bonheur,et de l\u27amour!et ce doute, affruese souffrance,Ă©tait mon mal de chaque jour!c\u27est qu\u27alors j\u27ignorais qu\u27un Ange pouvait descendre parmi nous;maintenant, je le vois,tout change..... maintenant,je le vois, tout change..... Et je crois a l\u27espoir: Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous!et je crois a l\u27espoir: Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous.Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous! HĂ©las! dans mes longs jours d\u27alarmes,que j\u27ai versĂ© d\u27amĂšres pleurs:au jourd\u27hui, ces pleurs ont des charmes;je suis heureux de mes douleurs!oui, pour moi, quand je vous Ă©coute,du Ciel s\u27apaise le courroux;c\u27est un blasphĂȘme que le doute,c\u27est un blasphĂȘme que le doute..... Et je crois au bonheur:Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous!et je crois au bonheur:Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous,Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous! Et moi, dont l\u27Ăąme Ă©tait flĂ©trie, qui ne croyais jamais aimer:si vous saviez, lorsque je prie,quel nom, tout bas, j\u27aime Ă  nommer!Ă  Dieu seul dans mon trouble extrĂȘme,je redis ce nom Ă  genoux;prier, c\u27est dire que l\u27on aime, prier c\u27est dire que l\u27on aime!.... Et je crois a l\u27amour:Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous!et je crois Ă  l\u27amour:Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous,Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous

    Fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas : romance

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    Fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas; je t\u27en prie Ă  genoux,O toi, mon Dieu, qui connais mes a larmes;Son regard si touchant,Son langage si doux,M\u27apportent du bonheur; et je verse des larmes!...Oh! par pitiĂ©, mon Dieu, fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas!Oh! par pitiĂ©, mon Dieu, fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas, fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas! Fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas; car, moi, je l\u27aimerais,De cet amour qui rend triste et charmĂ©;Un jour, s\u27il m\u27aimait moins, tu le sais, j\u27en mourrais,Ce n\u27est plus vivre, hĂ©las! que d\u27ĂȘtre moins aimĂ©e!...Oh! par pitiĂ©, mon Dieu, fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas!Oh! par pitiĂ©, mon Dieu, fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas, fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas! Fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas; j\u27implore ton secours;Et de ses veux, dĂ©robe moi la plainte!...Ici, j\u27aimerai sans crainte!...Fais ici bas, mon Dieu, que je ne l\u27aime pas!Fais par pitiĂ©, mon Dieu, que je ne l\u27aime pas, que je ne l\u27aime pas

    Es-tu la soeur des anges? : romance

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    Es-tu la soeur des Anges, trop divine pour noustoi, qui de nos louanges fuis le charme si doux?et veux-tu, solitaire, effeuiller tes beaux jours en rĂȘvant,sur la terre, aux cĂ©lestes amours?et veux tu, solitaire, effeuiller tes beaux jours en rĂȘvant,sur la terre, aux cĂ©lestes amours? Sous la blanche couronne que tu mets sur ton front,je crois voir la Madonne qui jamais ne rĂ©pond,que te sert dĂȘtre belle, la plus belle toujours,quand tu restes fidĂšle aux cĂ©lestes amours?que te sert d\u27ĂȘtre belle, la plus belle toujours,quand tu restes fidĂšle aux cĂ©lestes amours? Moi, si j\u27ose prĂ©tendre au bonheur des Ă©lus,ah! c\u27est qu\u27il peut descendre ici, n\u27en doute plus!n\u27ai-je pas, douce femme, l\u27espĂ©rance toujours,de ravir ta belle Ăąme aux cĂ©lestes amours?n\u27ai-je pas, douce femme, l\u27espĂ©rance toujours,de ravir ta belle Ăąme aux cĂ©lestes amours

    Deux Marguerites : chansonnette

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    Vous qu\u27on nomme Marguerite, du doux nom de cette fleur,qu\u27on interroge, et qui vite,nous rĂ©pond: joie ou douleur.... Ah! quand je vous aime, d\u27un amour extrĂȘme,que mon coeur ne dit qu\u27Ă  Dieu!hĂ©las! Marguerite, rĂ©pondez-moi vite,m\u27aimez-vous, m\u27aimez-vous, m\u27aimez-vous un peu? Dans nos prĂ©s, lorsque je cueille la blanche fleur, que sait tout,elle dit, si je l\u27effeuille, que je vous aime.....beaucoup.....Ah! quand je vous La fleur donne l\u27espĂ©rance, mais la fleur peut nous l\u27ĂŽter,et, sur vous, dans ma souffrance, je n\u27ose la consulter.....Ah! quand je vous Le secret que je redoute, je veux le savoir de vous;rĂ©pondez, je vous Ă©coute, je vous en prie Ă  genoux.....Mais, quand je vous aime, d\u27un amour extrĂȘme, qu\u27Ă  Dieu seul je dis tout bas!ah! si ma souffrance, est sans espĂ©rance, par pitiĂ©, ne rĂ©pondez pas!par pitiĂ©, ne rĂ©pondez pas

    Huit ans, ou La prière sur le rivage

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    Il est triste et seul sur la plage amĂšre, l\u27humble enfant du pĂȘcheur qui vogue insoucieux!Son doux regard suit au loin son vieux pĂšre,Son jeune coeur suit l\u27Ăšclair de ses yeux... Sans pĂ©ril, blanche et frĂȘle,Vogue en paix la nacelle!Vogue en paix la nacelle!Rien si bien ne dĂ©fendQue la priĂšre d\u27un enfant!Rien si bien ne dĂ©fendQue la priĂš re d\u27un enfant! Pour un dur travail sur la mer immense,HĂ©las! il a huit ans... huit ans! ah! c\u27est trop peu!..Mais Ă  genoux dans sa jeune impuissance,Du bord des flots, il priera le bon Dieu! Sans pĂ©... Oui! Dieu souriant dĂ©fend raqu\u27il tonne,Comme au voeu desesprits voltigeant surses pas:Car les enfants, ce trĂ©sors qu\u27il nous donne,Seront toujours les anges d\u27ici-bas... Sans pĂ©... Qu\u27importe au pĂȘcheur et l\u27onde inhumaine,Et l\u27Ă©cueil, et les vents sous ce cĂ©leste appui?BercĂ© pareux, chaque soir le ramĂšneAux petits bras entr\u27 ouverts devant lui.. Sans pĂ©..

    Dendritic Cells Crosspresent Antigens from Live B16 Cells More Efficiently than from Apoptotic Cells and Protect from Melanoma in a Therapeutic Model

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    Dendritic cells (DC) are able to elicit anti-tumoral CD8+ T cell responses by cross-presenting exogenous antigens in association with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Therefore they are crucial actors in cell-based cancer immunotherapy. Although apoptotic cells are usually considered to be the best source of antigens, live cells are also able to provide antigens for cross-presentation by DC. We have recently shown that prophylactic immunotherapy by DC after capture of antigens from live B16 melanoma cells induced strong CD8+ T-cell responses and protection against a lethal tumor challenge in vivo in C57Bl/6 mice. Here, we showed that DC cross-presenting antigens from live B16 cells can also inhibit melanoma lung dissemination in a therapeutic protocol in mice. DC were first incubated with live tumor cells for antigen uptake and processing, then purified and irradiated for safety prior to injection. This treatment induced stronger tumor-specific CD8+ T-cell responses than treatment by DC cross-presenting antigens from apoptotic cells. Apoptotic B16 cells induced more IL-10 secretion by DC than live B16 cells. They underwent strong native antigen degradation and led to the expression of fewer MHC class I/epitope complexes on the surface of DC than live cells. Therefore, the possibility to use live cells as sources of tumor antigens must be taken into account to improve the efficiency of cancer immunotherapy

    Front Immunol

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    HIV-2 infection is characterized by low viremia and slow disease progression as compared to HIV-1 infection. Circulating CD14++CD16+ monocytes were found to accumulate and CD11c+ conventional dendritic cells (cDC) to be depleted in a Portuguese cohort of people living with HIV-2 (PLWHIV-2), compared to blood bank healthy donors (HD). We studied more precisely classical monocytes; CD16+ inflammatory (intermediate, non-classical and slan+ monocytes, known to accumulate during viremic HIV-1 infection); cDC1, important for cross-presentation, and cDC2, both depleted during HIV-1 infection. We analyzed by flow cytometry these PBMC subsets from Paris area residents: 29 asymptomatic, untreated PLWHIV-2 from the IMMUNOVIR-2 study, part of the ANRS-CO5 HIV-2 cohort: 19 long-term non-progressors (LTNP; infection ≄8 years, undetectable viral load, stable CD4 counts≄500/ÎŒL; 17 of West-African origin -WA), and 10 non-LTNP (P; progressive infection; 9 WA); and 30 age-and sex-matched controls: 16 blood bank HD with unknown geographical origin, and 10 HD of WA origin (GeoHD). We measured plasma bacterial translocation markers by ELISA. Non-classical monocyte counts were higher in GeoHD than in HD (54 vs. 32 cells/ÎŒL, p = 0.0002). Slan+ monocyte counts were twice as high in GeoHD than in HD (WA: 28 vs. 13 cells/ÎŒL, p = 0.0002). Thus cell counts were compared only between participants of WA origin. They were similar in LTNP, P and GeoHD, indicating that there were no HIV-2 related differences. cDC counts did not show major differences between the groups. Interestingly, inflammatory monocyte counts correlated with plasma sCD14 and LBP only in PLWHIV-2, especially LTNP, and not in GeoHD. In conclusion, in LTNP PLWHIV-2, inflammatory monocyte counts correlated with LBP or sCD14 plasma levels, indicating a potential innate immune response to subclinical bacterial translocation. As GeoHD had higher inflammatory monocyte counts than HD, our data also show that specific controls are important to refine innate immunity studies

    Paleoclimate Implications for Human-Made Climate Change

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    Paleoclimate data help us assess climate sensitivity and potential human-made climate effects. We conclude that Earth in the warmest interglacial periods of the past million years was less than 1{\deg}C warmer than in the Holocene. Polar warmth in these interglacials and in the Pliocene does not imply that a substantial cushion remains between today's climate and dangerous warming, but rather that Earth is poised to experience strong amplifying polar feedbacks in response to moderate global warming. Thus goals to limit human-made warming to 2{\deg}C are not sufficient - they are prescriptions for disaster. Ice sheet disintegration is nonlinear, spurred by amplifying feedbacks. We suggest that ice sheet mass loss, if warming continues unabated, will be characterized better by a doubling time for mass loss rate than by a linear trend. Satellite gravity data, though too brief to be conclusive, are consistent with a doubling time of 10 years or less, implying the possibility of multi-meter sea level rise this century. Observed accelerating ice sheet mass loss supports our conclusion that Earth's temperature now exceeds the mean Holocene value. Rapid reduction of fossil fuel emissions is required for humanity to succeed in preserving a planet resembling the one on which civilization developed.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures; final version accepted for publication in "Climate Change at the Eve of the Second Decade of the Century: Inferences from Paleoclimate and Regional Aspects: Proceedings of Milutin Milankovitch 130th Anniversary Symposium" (eds. Berger, Mesinger and Sijaci

    Climate change patterns in Amazonia and biodiversity

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    Precise characterization of hydroclimate variability in Amazonia on various timescales is critical to understanding the link between climate change and biodiversity. Here we present absolute-dated speleothem oxygen isotope records that characterize hydroclimate variation in western and eastern Amazonia over the past 250 and 20 ka, respectively. Although our records demonstrate the coherent millennial-scale precipitation variability across tropical-subtropical South America, the orbital-scale precipitation variability between western and eastern Amazonia exhibits a quasi-dipole pattern. During the last glacial period, our records imply a modest increase in precipitation amount in western Amazonia but a significant drying in eastern Amazonia, suggesting that higher biodiversity in western Amazonia, contrary to 'Refugia Hypothesis', is maintained under relatively stable climatic conditions. In contrast, the glacial-interglacial climatic perturbations might have been instances of loss rather than gain in biodiversity in eastern Amazonia, where forests may have been more susceptible to fragmentation in response to larger swings in hydroclimate. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

    Holocene sea ice variability driven by wind and polynya efficiency in the Ross Sea

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    The causes of the recent increase in Antarctic sea ice extent, characterised by large regional contrasts and decadal variations, remain unclear. In the Ross Sea, where such a sea ice increase is reported, 50% of the sea ice is produced within wind-sustained latent-heat polynyas. Combining information from marine diatom records and sea salt sodium and water isotope ice core records, we here document contrasting patterns in sea ice variations between coastal and open sea areas in Western Ross Sea over the current interglacial period. Since about 3600 years before present, an increase in the efficiency of regional latent-heat polynyas resulted in more coastal sea ice, while sea ice extent decreased overall. These past changes coincide with remarkable optima or minima in the abundances of penguins, silverfish and seal remains, confirming the high sensitivity of marine ecosystems to environmental and especially coastal sea ice conditions
