360 research outputs found

    Los videojuegos, nuevas narrativas del siglo XXI.

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    85 p. Recuso Electr?nicoNuestro trabajo realiza una contextualizaci?n, acerca de los conceptos b?sicos del juego a trav?s de los planteamientos de Huizinga, que cimentaron la base para toda una serie de estudios referentes a los beneficios de la l?dica y el juego en el desarrollo cognitivo y emocional. De igual manera analizaremos el concepto de videojuego como tal y los beneficios descubiertos acerca de estos, haciendo una revisi?n de diferentes estudios dentro de los cuales encontramos los del Psic?logo Carlos Gonz?lez Tard?n, entre varios autores m?s. En el segundo cap?tulo, se desarrollar? un an?lisis narratol?gico a diferentes videojuegos, tomando como base los estudios realizados por Mart?nez y Scheffel en cuanto estudios narratol?gicos literarios y tambi?n las postulaciones de Gaudreault y Jost quienes desarrollaron todo un an?lisis narratol?gico al discurso cinematogr?fico. Posteriormente realizaremos en nuestro tercer cap?tulo una investigaci?n acerca del proceso creativo involucrado en la realizaci?n de argumentos y guiones dise?ados para los videojuegos,. Dentro de dicho proceso se analiz? la relaci?n de los fundamentos b?sicos de la producci?n narrativa, establecidos por Arist?teles, Vladimir Propp, Joseph Campbell y Lajos Egri, adem?s de su aplicaci?n en el campo de los videojuegos, de igual manera a trav?s de varios ejemplos se se plasma nuestra experiencia en la realizaci?n de los distintos formatos de guiones utilizados en la composici?n de nuestro propio videojuego. Finalizamos con algunas conclusiones referentes al tema, en la que a trav?s del resumen de los diferentes an?lisis y nuestra experiencia.Our work makes a contextualization about the basics of the game through approaches Huizinga, which cemented the basis for a series of studies on the benefits of fun and play in cognitive and emotional development. Similarly we discuss the concept of game as such and benefits discovered about these, by reviewing different studies within which are those of Psic?logo Tard?n Carlos Gonzalez, among several other authors. In the second chapter, different games narratological analysis, based on studies by Martinez and Scheffel as narratological literary studies and applications from Gaudreault and Jost who developed a whole narratological the cinematic discourse analysis will be developed. Then we will make our third chapter an investigation into the creative process involved in making arguments and scripts designed for video games ,. Within this process the relationship of the basic fundamentals of narrative production was analyzed, established by Aristotle, Vladimir Propp, Joseph Campbell and Lajos Egri, in addition to its application in the field of video games, equally through several examples our experience is reflected in the performance of various script formats used in the composition of our own game. We conclude with some conclusions concerning the topic, which through the summary of the different analyzes and our experience. Keywords: Narratolog?a, Video Games, Story, Education

    Long-term residue removal under tillage decreases amoA-nitrifiers and stimulates nirS-denitrifier groups in the soil

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    No-till in continuous corn (Zea mays L.) production helps to keep an important volume of residues on the soil surface, creating management challenges that could be alleviated by residue removal for bioenergy or animal use. Crop residues, however, are essential to stimulate microbial nutrient cycling in agroecosystems. Thus, both residue removal and tillage options need to be fully evaluated for their impacts on ecosystem services related to soil health, including microbial N cycling. We explored the main steps of the microbial N cycle in relation to soil properties by using targeted gene abundance as a proxy following over a decade of residue removal in continuous corn systems either under no-till or chisel tillage. We used real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for the quantification of phylogenetic groups and functional gene screening of the soil microbial communities, including genes encoding critical enzymes of the microbial N cycle: nifH (N2 fixation), amoA (nitrification – ammonia oxidation), nirK and nirS (denitrification – nitrite reduction), and nosZ (denitrification – nitrous oxide reduction). Our results showed that long-term residue removal and tillage decreased soil organic matter (SOM), water aggregate stability (WAS), and the relative abundance (RA) of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) carrying nitrifying amoA genes. Denitrifiers carrying nirS genes decreased under no-till as crop residue was removed. In addition, our results evidenced strong correlations among soil properties and phylogenetic groups of bacteria, archaea, and fungi. Overall, this study demonstrated limited but definite impacts of residue management and tillage on the soil environment, which could be exacerbated under less resilient conditions.Fil: Kim, N.. University of Illinois; Estados UnidosFil: Riggins, C. W.. University of Illinois; Estados UnidosFil: Rodríguez Zas, S.. University of Illinois; Estados UnidosFil: Zabaloy, Maria Celina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; ArgentinaFil: Villamil, Maria Bonita. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. University of Illinois; Estados Unido

    Políticas de zoonosis en Colombia: del Código Sanitario a la salud ambiental

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    Objetivo Analizar las políticas públicas de zoonosis en Colombia, en el período de 1975 a 2014, como respuestas estatales.Metodología Se utilizó el enfoque de análisis de ciclo de política o enfoque secuencial. Este análisis se llevó a cabo por medio de los siguientes aspectos: contenidos, procesos, actores y relaciones verticales y horizontales entre las políticas.Resultados Las políticas de zoonosis son muy diversas en su alcance, contenidos y formas, y hacen parte de una historia de éxitos y fracasos, que sólo han logrado transformar de manera parcial el panorama general y regional de las zoonosis.Conclusiones La implementación de las decisiones que tienen alcance operacional es relativamente lenta y dispersa en las zonas de zoonosis del país. Ha sido un logro importante el viraje desde las políticas individualizadas a la gran política de salud ambiental-PISA.Objective To analyze public policies of zoonosis in Colombia, in the period of 1975 to 2014, as State responses.Methodology Used the policy cycle analysis approach or sequential approach. This analysis was carried out by means of the following aspects: content, processes, actors, and vertical and horizontal relationships between policies.Results Zoonosis policies were very different in scope, contents and forms, and results are part of a history of successes and failures, who have only managed to partially transform the general and regional overview of the zoonosis.Conclusions The implementation of decisions that have operational scope is relatively slow and scattered in areas of zoonosis in the country. A major achievement has been the shift from policies that are individualized to the great policy of health environmental-PISA

    Hormonal and Sex Impact on the Epidemiology of Canine Lymphoma

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    The Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results data demonstrate that the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma is lower for women, but that the incidence increases after fifty years of age, at which menopause is regularly reached, suggesting that female hormones may be protective for NHL. This study examines the influence of sex on lymphoma risk in a relevant large animal model. Records for dogs in the Veterinary Medical Database were analyzed from 1964 to 2002. Risk ratios were calculated to evaluate associations between sex, neutering status, and lymphoma occurrence. A total of 14,573 cases and 1,157,342 controls were identified. Intact females had a significantly lower risk of developing lymphoma, Odds Ratio 0.69 (0.63–0.74) with a P < .001. We conclude that there is a sex effect on NHL risk in dogs similar to humans. We hypothesize that the hormone levels of intact females lower the risk of NHL. The possibility of a protective role of endogenous estrogens in the etiology of NHL should be investigated

    Una mirada nacional y mundial al programa de Administración de Empresas: por el sendero de la acreditación

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    Articulados con el proceso de acreditación del programa de Administración de Empresas de UNISANGIL, se desarrollóun trabajo de consulta de los diferentes programas acreditados de universidades reconocidas a nivel nacional einternacional, con el fin de cumplir con una de las necesidades que plantea la formulación del Proyecto Educativo del Programa (PEP), el cual recopila lainformación apropiada y útil para definir los referentes académicos y analizar la posición actual del programa frente aotras universidades. El análisis arrojó un balance muy positivo para UNISANGIL, siendo de gran orgullo poder transmitir estainformación, propiciando un mayor sentido de pertenencia con el programa de Administración de Empresas de estainstitución

    Testing the Distraction Hypothesis:do extrafloral nectaries reduce ant-pollinator conflict?

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    1. Ant guards protect plants from herbivores, but can also hinder pollination by damaging reproductive structures and/or repelling pollinators. Natural selection should favour the evolution of plant traits that deter ants from visiting flowers during anthesis, without waiving their defensive services. The Distraction Hypothesis posits that rewarding ants with extrafloral nectar could reduce their visitation of flowers, reducing ant-pollinator conflict while retaining protection of other structures. 2. We characterised the proportion of flowers occupied by ants and the number of ants per flower in a Mexican ant-plant, Turnera velutina. We clogged extrafloral nectaries on field plants and observed the effects on patrolling ants, pollinators and ants inside flowers, and quantified the effects on plant fitness. Based on the Distraction Hypothesis we predicted that preventing extrafloral nectar secretion should result in fewer ants active at extrafloral nectaries, more ants inside flowers and a higher proportion of flowers occupied by ants, leading to ant-pollinator conflict, with reduced pollinator visitation and reduced plant fitness. 3. Overall ant activity inside flowers was low. Preventing extrafloral nectar secretion through clogging reduced the number of ants patrolling extrafloral nectaries, significantly increased the proportion of flowers occupied by ants from 6.1% to 9.7%, and reduced plant reproductive output through a 12% increase in the probability of fruit abortion. No change in the numbers of ants or pollinators inside flowers was observed. This is the first support for the Distraction Hypothesis obtained under field conditions, showing ecological and plant fitness benefits of the distracting function of extrafloral nectar during anthesis. 4. Synthesis: Our study provides the first field experimental support for the Distraction Hypothesis, suggesting that extrafloral nectaries located close to flowers may bribe ants away from reproductive structures during the crucial pollination period, reducing the probability of ant-occupation of flowers, reducing ant-pollinator conflict, and increasing plant reproductive success

    El virus de la D.V.B. como agente contaminante en cultivo de tejidos animales

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    The Hovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BWV)belongs to the genus Pestisvirus. It is the cause or reproductive disorders in catlle and is widespread in the conuntry. There are noncytophatogenic strains of the BVDV very difficult to detect inthe primary tissue culture and cell lines, ordinarilly used in diagnostic test or research activities. Foetal calf serum (FCS) is the common source of contamulation for the animal tissue culture, because of the poor quality controll during its collection and markenting under local conditions. It is possibly to fmd two kind of situations related to BVDV and the presence of viral particles; in each case is possible to have problems with the laboratory procedures. In order to avoid BWV tissue culture contamination, in our laboratory it has been used an indirect inmunofluorescense tedinique for the detectionofthe Wusinfoetalcaüserumandtissue cultures, havingresults asfoilows: 28.5%positives from 32 FCS samples from differnt sources and 42.8% from tissue cuitures from different animal origen and several research centres. Come recomdations are made for the prevention and control ot this problem at diagnostic and researchlaboratorylevelliietheuse of BI, indirect peroxidase techniques, or inmunopresitation for the detection of the Wus, and the use of a few number of fwtuses for each lot of FCS in order to reduce the risk of contamination from this source.El Pestisvirus que produce la Diarrea Viral Bovina (V.D.V.B.), ocasiona problemas reproductivos en el ganado vacuno y se encuentra ampliamente difundido en el país. La presencia de cepas no citopatogénicas del mismo, las cuales normalmente no se evidencian en los cultivos celulares contaminados con éste virus, han constituido un Iimitante para el establecimiento y mantenimiento de cultivos primarios y líneas celulares libres del V.D.V.B., para uso rutinario en actividades diagnósticas o investigativas. El suero fetal bovino (SFB) es la fuente usual de contaminación para los cultivos de tejidos animales, dadas las escasas previsiones para el control de su calidad, ya que la recolección y mercadeo del SFB se realiza con criterios artesanales y sin los debidos controles de calidad. Específicamente en el caso del V.D.V.B., se pueden presentar dos situaciones con el SFB: que contenga partículas virales o que posea niveles de anticuerpos contra el virus; en ambos casos se darán problemas en los procedimientos realizados con dichos sueros. Con el fin de controlar las contaminaciones de los cultivos celulares con el VDVB, en el Postgrado de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional, se ha empleado la técnica de Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta (IFl) para detectarlas tanto, en el SFB como en diferentes cultivos celulares, obteniéndose para el SFB el 25.8% de positivos de un total de 32 muestras de diferentes orígenes y para los cultivos celulares el 42.8% de positivos de 28 lotes, procedentes de diferente origen animal y centros de investigación, resultados que son comparables con los obtenidos por otros laboratorios internacionales como el National Animal Diseases Laboratory (NADL) del Departamento de Agricultura de USA. Dentro de las recomendaciones para la prevención y control del problema en laboratorios de diagnóstico e investigación médica y veterinaria, que empleen tecnologías relacionadas con manejo y mantenimiento de cultivos celulares, están las de implementar técnicas para la detección del virus como la IFI, la peroxidasa o la Inmunoprecipitación, al igual que el manejo de un bajo número de fetos en la conformación de lotes de SFB

    Desenvolvimento do perfil sensorial para cultivares de arroz brasileiro.

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    Avaliação dos produtos. Desenvolvimento da terminologia sensorial. Treinamento dos provadores. Avaliação do desempenho da equipe. Análise dos resultados.bitstream/item/65466/1/CTAA-DOCUMENTOS-21-DESENVOLVIMENTO-DO-PERFIL-SENSORIAL-PARA-CULTIVARES-DE-ARROZ-BRASILEIRO-FL-021.pd

    The effect of prophylactic treatment with levetiracetam on the incidence of post-attenuation seizures in dogs undergoing surgical management of single congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts

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    Objectives: To report (1) the incidence of post-attenuation seizures (PAS) in dogs that underwent single congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunt (cEHPSS) attenuation and (2) to compare incidence of PAS in dogs that either did or did not receive prophylactic treatment with levetiracetam (LEV).Study Design: Multi-institutional retrospective study.Sample Population: Nine-hundred-and-forty dogs.Methods: Medical records were reviewed to identify dogs that underwent surgical attenuation of a single cEHPSS from January 2005 through July 2017 and developed PAS within seven days postoperatively. Dogs were divided into three groups: no LEV (LEV-); LEV at >15mg/kg TID for >24 hours or a 60mg/kg intravenous loading dose preoperatively, followed by >15mg/kg TID postoperatively (LEV1); ); and LEV at less than 15mg/kg TID, for less than 24 hours preoperatively, or continued at less than 15mg/kg TID postoperatively (LEV2).Results: Nine-hundred-and-forty dogs were included. Seventy-five (8.0%) developed PAS. Incidence of PAS was 35/523 (6.7%), 21/188 (11.2%) and 19/228 (8.3%) in groups LEV-, LEV1 and LEV2, respectively. This difference was not statistically significant (p=0.14). No significant differences between groups of dogs that seized with respect to variables investigated were identified.Conclusions: The overall incidence of PAS was low (8%). Prophylactic treatment with LEV according to the protocols investigated in our study was not associated with a reduced incidence of PAS.Clinical Significance: Prophylactic treatment with LEV does not afford protection against development of PAS. Surgically treated dogs should continue to be monitored closely during the first seven days postoperatively for seizures