45 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Parametric Vibrations of Laminated Plates by RFM

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    The R-functions theory is applied to study free vibration and dynamic instability of the symmetrically laminated plates subjected to combined static and periodic axial forces. It is assumed that subcritical state of the plate may be inhomogeneous. Theoretical formulation is made on the classical plate theory (CTP). The developed approach is based on combined application of Ritz’s method, Galerkin procedure, R-functions theory and Bolotin’s method. The buckling, instability zones and response curves for laminated plate with different external cutouts are presented and discussed. Effects of plate geometrical parameters, parking of layers, mechanical characteristics of the material on buckling, natural frequencies and parametric resonance are also studied

    Cultural bases of the national system of education: modern tendencies and factors of development

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    The article analyzes the culturological features of the national education system. Particular attention is paid to defining the importance of environmental education. The paper also describes the influence of the education system on the formation of multicultural, national-patriotic, environmental competencies. The study is formed on the basis of the use of both general theoretical methods and the use of special pedagogical methods: observation, specification, modeling. Using the historical method of research, the article traces the peculiarities of the interpretation of culture from the XIX century. to the present. Some attention in the work is focused on empirical methods of collecting and interpreting information. The results emphasize that the culturological foundations of the national education system need further study. This is due to modern paradigms of development of world cultural science, new digital technologies, the peculiarities of the functioning of modern polyethnic communities. In addition, the national system of education in the cultural spirit influences the formation of environmental competencies by educating a tolerant and democratic attitude to the world. Awareness and intolerance of society to non-environmental behavior affect the transformation of the environmental situation in general. Children who have received a thorough environmental education begin to actively promote the ecological way of life in adult life. In addition, children, in contrast to adults, have a greater increase in intolerance to environmental crimes

    Віддалені наслідки пасивного куріння батьків на морфофункціональний стан тимуса в їхніх нащадків

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    The study shows that changes in the morphofunctional state of thymus of the offsprings of rats, taken in conditions of parental tobacco smoking, are manifested depending on the burning of only the father or father and mother, as well as on the period of the skin cut was made. The animals were subjected to intoxication with tobacco smoke from cigarettes «Vatra» without a filter containing 0,8 mg of nicotine and 15 mg of resin. The presence in the blood of parent-rat main metabolite Nicotine – Quinine (8,22 ± 0,57 μg / L, P≤0,05) is an indisputable proof of the fact of passive tobacco intoxication. To investigate the resistance of descendants born in conditions of parental smoking, the morphofunctional state of the thymus was studied in healing wounds. For this purpose, the infant rats of the studied groups, at the age of 2 months, were made mechanical cuts with the length of 10 mm, width 3 mm on the outer surface of the right hind limb within one day. The two-month offsprings whose parents were subjected to passive smoking were withdrawn from the experiment after 24 hours (WB24, VMB24) and 48 hours after the incision (groups B48, VMB48). It was found that the most significant changes in the morphohistological structure of the thymus (increase in absolute and relative body mass, increase in the area of nuclei of epitheliocytes) occurred in the descendants, whose passive smoking was subjected both to the father and mother (VMB24). An increase in the absolute thymus mass by 54 % (p≤0,01) was found in the group of WB24 rats, where only the male «father» was smoked, and the descendants of the group VMB24, where the male-father and the female-mother were smoked on 52 % (p≤0,01). Relative mass of thymus of the descendants of these groups increases to 15 % (р≤0,01). An increase in the area of nuclei of epithelial cells of thymus of the descendants of the group VMB24 has been established to 14 % (р≤0,01). It has been shown that proliferation of epithelial cells is observed in the brain substance of the thymus of the descendants of the group WB48 on the 48th hour after mechanical wounding. The brain substance of the thymus of the descendants of the VMB48 group on the 48th hour after mechanical wound was characterized by a decrease in epithelial cells and signs of apoptosis. The revealed changes are specific manifestations of the stress response to healing wounds of descendants whose parents were subjected to chronic passive smoking.У дослідженні показано, що зміни в морфофункціональному стані тимуса в нащадків-щурів, виношених в умовах батьківського тютюнокуріння, проявляються залежно від обкурювання лише батька або батька й матері, а також від терміну зробленого надрізу шкіри. Мета дослідження – вивчити морфофункціональний стан тимуса нащадків, виношених в умовах батьківського куріння, яким нанесено механічну рану. Тварини підлягали інтоксикації тютюновим димом від цигарок «Ватра» без фільтру з умістом 0,8 мг нікотину та 15 мг смоли. Двомісячних нащадків із механічною раною на зовнішній поверхні правої задньої кінцівки, батьки яких підлягали пасивному курінню, виводили з експерименту через 24 і 48 год після зробленого надрізу. Виявлено збільшення абсолютної маси тимуса на 54 % (р0,01) у щуренят групи ВБ24, де обкурювався лише самець-«батько», а в нащадків групи ВМБ24, де обкурювалися самець-«батько» й самиця-«мати» – на 52 % (р0,01). Відносна маса тимуса в нащадків цих груп збільшується на 15 % (р≤0,01). Установлено збільшення площі ядер епітеліоцитів тимуса на 14 % (р≤0,01) у нащадків групи ВМБ24. Показано, що в мозковій речовині тимуса нащадків групи ВБ48 спостерігаємо проліферацію епітеліальних клітин. Мозкова речовина тимуса нащадків групи ВМБ48 характеризувалася зменшенням епітеліальних клітин та ознаками апоптозу. Виявлені зміни є специфічними проявами стресорної відповіді на загоєння ран у нащадків, батьки яких підлягали хронічному обкурюванню

    Regional Human Resource Development in ASEAN: An Institutional Theory Perspective

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    With the growing influence of intergovernmental organizations such as the European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the scope and complexity of human resource development (HRD) activities have expanded. Informed by an institutional theory perspective, we examined the evolution of HRD as well as HRD-related programs in ASEAN to illuminate the mechanisms and conditions shaping HRD in ASEAN. Our primary sources were archival data from ASEAN from 1967–2021 and relevant publications of international development agencies that feature HRD-related activities in the region. Our analysis suggests that the establishment of an intergovernmental organization (i.e., ASEAN), with its continuing efforts towards economic cooperation and community building among its member states, was central to the emergence and development of Regional HRD in Southeast Asia. This inquiry advances understanding of the role of intergovernmental institutions in influencing HRD activities. The study also showcases the critical role of HRD in furthering common interests around economic and socio-cultural initiatives in ASEAN

    Influence of Wind Incidence Angle on the Cooling of Rooftop-mounted Solar Panels

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    The cooling of PV panels is crucial because their electrical output and lifespan are adversely affected as their operating temperature rises. Considering wind current cooling impacts on the rooftop-mounted solar panels, adopting the local climate conditions such as dominant wind patterns is recommended to the building sector so that new buildings are placed considering the local wind directions. A 3D CFD model employing the URANS approach is developed to show the impacts of wind direction on the cooling rate of a PV panel installed on the surface of a slanted roof. The radiation effect is considered using the surface-to-surface radiation model. Two free stream velocities of 2 and 5 m/s and seven wind angles between 0 and 180 degrees are modelled. The results showed an optimum incidence angle at which the panel experiences lower temperatures. At wind angles below 90 degrees where there is direct contact between the wind flow and PV surfaces, the convective cooling rate is higher which in turn decreases the PV temperature. However, at higher angles, due to the presence of walls and edges of the structure, the wind flow is redirected resulting in the formation of wind flow separation. Therefore, convective cooling degrades, and PV experiences higher temperatures

    Recommendations of the Polish Society of Physiotherapy, the Polish Society of Family Medicine, the College of Family Physicians in Poland and the European Rural and Isolated Practitioners Association regarding the use of simple forms of physiotherapy, including massage and self-massage in primary care, endorsed by the Polish Society of Physiotherapy Specialists

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    Background In general practice, dysfunctions within the locomotor system are a recurring health issue. Most frequently, diagnoses and treatments relate to pain syndromes of the backbone, the shoulder girdle or the pelvic girdle. The authors believe that physiotherapy, along with other clinical disciplines, should be regarded as an important factor which influences the effectiveness of the therapeutic process in this area. In primary care, treatment of musculoskeletal disorders – especially at the stage of early clinical symptoms – should incorporate basic physiotherapy methods, e.g., massage, physical procedures, kinesiotherapy and the underrated education of the patient. Restoring appropriate spatial arrangement of tissues provides the right conditions for the regeneration and repair of muscles, ligaments and tendons, although it is a process that requires a long time. Therefore, it can be very important to introduce self-therapy in the form of systematically repeated, easy-to-replicate procedures in the scope of self-massage and self-kinesiotherapy. Objectives This paper presents the impact of physiotherapy in treating selected disorders and pain syndromes of the locomotor system with particular attention to the role of massage. Emphasis is placed on the meaning of self-massage in the process of restoring structural balance of tissues. The model of active inclusion of the patient in the treatment process as preparation for self-therapy is presented. This paper aims to justify the need to reorganize health services provided through general practicioners within the National Health Fund network by incorporating physiotherapy in primary care.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Burden of cardiovascular disease across 29 countries and GPs' decision to treat hypertension in oldest-old

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    OBJECTIVES: We previously found large variations in general practitioner (GP) hypertension treatment probability in oldest-old (>80 years) between countries. We wanted to explore whether differences in country-specific cardiovascular disease (CVD) burden and life expectancy could explain the differences. DESIGN: This is a survey study using case-vignettes of oldest-old patients with different comorbidities and blood pressure levels. An ecological multilevel model analysis was performed. SETTING: GP respondents from European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN) countries, Brazil and New Zeeland. SUBJECTS: This study included 2543 GPs from 29 countries. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: GP treatment probability to start or not start antihypertensive treatment based on responses to case-vignettes; either low (/=50% started treatment). CVD burden is defined as ratio of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost due to ischemic heart disease and/or stroke and total DALYs lost per country; life expectancy at age 60 and prevalence of oldest-old per country. RESULTS: Of 1947 GPs (76%) responding to all vignettes, 787 (40%) scored high treatment probability and 1160 (60%) scored low. GPs in high CVD burden countries had higher odds of treatment probability (OR 3.70; 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.00-4.57); in countries with low life expectancy at 60, CVD was associated with high treatment probability (OR 2.18, 95% CI 1.12-4.25); but not in countries with high life expectancy (OR 1.06, 95% CI 0.56-1.98). CONCLUSIONS: GPs' choice to treat/not treat hypertension in oldest-old was explained by differences in country-specific health characteristics. GPs in countries with high CVD burden and low life expectancy at age 60 were most likely to treat hypertension in oldest-old. Key Points * General practitioners (GPs) are in a clinical dilemma when deciding whether (or not) to treat hypertension in the oldest-old (>80 years of age). * In this study including 1947 GPs from 29 countries, we found that a high country-specific cardiovascular disease (CVD) burden (i.e. myocardial infarction and/or stroke) was associated with a higher GP treatment probability in patients aged >80 years. * However, the association was modified by country-specific life expectancy at age 60. While there was a positive association for GPs in countries with a low life expectancy at age 60, there was no association in countries with a high life expectancy at age 60. * These findings help explaining some of the large variation seen in the decision as to whether or not to treat hypertension in the oldest-old

    General practitioners' deprescribing decisions in older adults with polypharmacy: a case vignette study in 31 countries.

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    BACKGROUND General practitioners (GPs) should regularly review patients' medications and, if necessary, deprescribe, as inappropriate polypharmacy may harm patients' health. However, deprescribing can be challenging for physicians. This study investigates GPs' deprescribing decisions in 31 countries. METHODS In this case vignette study, GPs were invited to participate in an online survey containing three clinical cases of oldest-old multimorbid patients with potentially inappropriate polypharmacy. Patients differed in terms of dependency in activities of daily living (ADL) and were presented with and without history of cardiovascular disease (CVD). For each case, we asked GPs if they would deprescribe in their usual practice. We calculated proportions of GPs who reported they would deprescribe and performed a multilevel logistic regression to examine the association between history of CVD and level of dependency on GPs' deprescribing decisions. RESULTS Of 3,175 invited GPs, 54% responded (N = 1,706). The mean age was 50 years and 60% of respondents were female. Despite differences across GP characteristics, such as age (with older GPs being more likely to take deprescribing decisions), and across countries, overall more than 80% of GPs reported they would deprescribe the dosage of at least one medication in oldest-old patients (> 80 years) with polypharmacy irrespective of history of CVD. The odds of deprescribing was higher in patients with a higher level of dependency in ADL (OR =1.5, 95%CI 1.25 to 1.80) and absence of CVD (OR =3.04, 95%CI 2.58 to 3.57). INTERPRETATION The majority of GPs in this study were willing to deprescribe one or more medications in oldest-old multimorbid patients with polypharmacy. Willingness was higher in patients with increased dependency in ADL and lower in patients with CVD