1,820 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Uncanny Valley Effect in Dark Colored Skin Virtual Humans

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    With the rapid advancement of technology, the design of virtual humans has led to a very realistic user experience, such as in movies, video games, and simulations. As a result, virtual humans are becoming increasingly similar to real humans. However, following the Uncanny Valley (UV) theory, users tend to feel discomfort when watching entities with anthropomorphic traits that differ from real humans. This phenomenon is related to social identity theory, where the observer looks for something familiar. In Computer Graphics (CG), techniques used to create virtual humans with dark skin tones often rely on approaches initially developed for rendering characters with white skin tones. Furthermore, most CG characters portrayed in various media, including movies and games, predominantly exhibit white skin tones. Consequently, it is pertinent to explore people's perceptions regarding different groups of virtual humans. Thus, this paper aims to examine and evaluate the human perception of CG characters from different media, comparing two types of skin colors. The findings indicate that individuals felt more comfortable and perceived less realism when watching characters with dark colored skin than those with white colored skin. Our central hypothesis is that dark colored characters, rendered with classical developed algorithms, are considered more cartoon than realistic and placed on the left of the Valley in the UV chart.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, published at SIBIGRAPI 202

    An assessment of pitting corrosion in anodized aluminum alloys: It might not be what it seems

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    In this study, special attention was given to the characterization of pits on the anodized aluminum alloy (Al–Zn–Mg–Cu) with an anodic aluminum oxide formed in tartaric sulfuric acid. Anodic polarization in 0.1 mol L−1 NaCl solution was used to initiate pitting corrosion in the anodized alloy. Pit characteristics, such as morphology and depth, were evaluated by using optical microscopy and optical profilometry, and scanning electron microscopy. The methodology adopted in this study revealed severe under-film pitting due to highly occluded conditions and showed that the extent of the under-film pitting is significantly greater than the size of pit mouth observed from the surface.<br/

    PIBID e a inserção tecnológica na Escola Municipal Frei Cristóvão de Santo Hilário: um caminho para aprendizagem da matemática / PIBID and the technological insertion in the Municipal School Frei Cristóvão de Santo Hilário: a way to learn mathematics

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    Frente a uma era digital acreditamos que ferramentas tecnológicas possam mudar a aprendizagem matemática de forma significativa e abrangente. Desse modo, este artigo objetiva discorrer sobre a inserção da tecnologia em ambientes educacionais diversificados na busca de aperfeiçoamento da formação inicial e continuada de professores  acerca dos efeitos positivos de resultados de oficinas em práticas pedagógicas  considerados pontos positivos , que se fizeram  presente na inserção da tecnologia na Educação e sua implicação no processo de ensino-aprendizagem no ano letivo de 2016 na escola Municipal Frei Cristovão de Santo Hilário no município de Lagarto/ SE  com um olhar atento sobre o Projeto Matemática e Suas Tecnologias trazidas pelo PIBID

    SnoReport 2.0 : new features and a refined Support Vector Machine to improve snoRNA identification

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    Background: snoReport uses RNA secondary structure prediction combined with machine learning as the basis to identify the two main classes of small nucleolar RNAs, the box H/ACA snoRNAs and the box C/D snoRNAs. Here, we present snoReport 2.0, which substantially improves and extends in the original method by: extracting new features for both box C/D and H/ACA box snoRNAs; developing a more sophisticated technique in the SVM training phase with recent data from vertebrate organisms and a careful choice of the SVM parameters C and γ ; and using updated versions of tools and databases used for the construction of the original version of snoReport. To validate the new version and to demonstrate its improved performance, we tested snoReport 2.0 in different organisms. Results: Results of the training and test phases of boxes H/ACA and C/D snoRNAs, in both versions of snoReport, are discussed. Validation on real data was performed to evaluate the predictions of snoReport 2.0. Our program was applied to a set of previously annotated sequences, some of them experimentally confirmed, of humans, nematodes, drosophilids, platypus, chickens and leishmania. We significantly improved the predictions for vertebrates, since the training phase used information of these organisms, but H/ACA box snoRNAs identification was improved for the other ones. Conclusion: We presented snoReport 2.0, to predict H/ACA box and C/D box snoRNAs, an efficient method to find true positives and avoid false positives in vertebrate organisms. H/ACA box snoRNA classifier showed an F-score of 93 % (an improvement of 10 % regarding the previous version), while C/D box snoRNA classifier, an F-Score of 94 % (improvement of 14 %). Besides, both classifiers exhibited performance measures above 90 %. These results show that snoReport 2.0 avoid false positives and false negatives, allowing to predict snoRNAs with high quality. In the validation phase, snoReport 2.0 predicted 67.43 % of vertebrate organisms for both classes. For Nematodes and Drosophilids, 69 % and 76.67 %, for H/ACA box snoRNAs were predicted, respectively, showing that snoReport 2.0 is good to identify snoRNAs in vertebrates and also H/ACA box snoRNAs in invertebrates organisms


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    Este trabalho busca investigar como são constituídas, no contexto do curso de Licenciatura&nbsp;em Matemática da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, as mudanças de concepções e de&nbsp;perspectivas dos licenciandos sobre o próprio curso e sobre a profissão docente. Para isso, analisamos&nbsp;os impactos do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática na formação para ensinar matemática(s) no&nbsp;Ensino Fundamental e Médio a partir da decolonialidade. Propusemos uma roda de conversa com os&nbsp;estudantes de Licenciatura para coletar e analisar os dados, seguindo um modelo de análise de vídeos etranscrições. Observamos que as mudanças de perspectiva ocorridas&nbsp; expõem questões discutidas por&nbsp;referenciais teóricos sobre formação de professores. As reflexões ocorridas durante a execução dos&nbsp;procedimentos metodológicos configuram-se em grandes contribuições para o desenvolvimento deste&nbsp;artigo, pois reforçam nosso entendimento de que a investigação sobre a formação de futuros&nbsp;professores de matemática(s) deve ser problematizada, significativa e decolonial


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    Durante a pandemia da covid-19 houveram diversos desafios no ensino a distância principalmentenas instituições que ainda tinham o ensino presencial como principal forma antes da pandemia. Com essesdesafios, docentes e monitores tiveram de se adaptar às novas metodologias para proporcionar o melhor ensinopossível para os discentes aprenderem efetivamente os conteúdos. Neste trabalho são apresentadas asmetodologias utilizadas durante a disciplina de Programação Web I ministrada remotamente no ano de 2020,no período 2020.5 nomeado como Período Letivo Emergencial (PLE) e como estas auxiliaram na interação dosdiscentes com o material didático desenvolvido durante a disciplina

    Effect of simplified chemical moisture control protocols on the bond durability of fiber posts cemented to root dentin / Efeito de protocolos simplificados de controle químico de umidade na durabilidade da união de pinos de fibra cimentados à dentina radicular

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    Objective: Investigate the influence of simplified chemical moisture control protocols on the bond durability of fiber posts through an evaluation of push-out bond strength.  Materials and methods: Forty-eight roots from single-rooted human teeth were treated endodontically and randomly distributed among groups with different dehydration protocols (n = 8): simplified ethanol wet bonding/100 (100G) – irrigation with 100% ethanol; simplified ethanol wet bonding/50 (50G) – irrigation with 50% ethanol; wet bonding (WG) – removal of excess water with paper. Fiber posts were cemented with the Ambar/Allcem (FGM) luting system, following the manufacturer's instructions. The bonded roots were cut cross-sectionally, producing slices 1 mm in thickness. The specimens were tested for push-out bond strength after 24 h (T1) and 12 months (T2) of storage. Specimens from each group were also processed for the nanoleakage analysis. The statistical analysis was performed considering a 5% significance level. Results: Significant differences were found among groups at T1 (p = 0.01) and T2 (p = 0.007). Bond stability in 100G was maintained after one year of aging, demonstrating greater bond strength (9.51 ± 3.28) in comparison to the other groups, with no significant differences in the analysis of the roots by thirds. The nanoleakage results confirmed that the simplified 100% ethanol wet bonding method improved the quality of the interface. Conclusions: Simplified 100% ethanol wet bonding contributes to the bond stability of the fiberglass posts on root dentin. 

    The burden of atherosclerosis in Portugal

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    © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please [email protected]: This paper sought to estimate the burden of disease attributable to atherosclerosis in mainland Portugal in 2016. Methods and results: The burden of atherosclerosis was measured in disability-adjusted life years (DALY) following the latest 2010 Global Burden of Disease (GBD) methodology. DALYs were estimated as the sum of years of life lost (YLL) with years lived with disability (YLD). The following clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis were included: ischemic heart disease (IHD) (including acute myocardial infarction (AMI), stable angina, and ischemic heart failure (IHF)), ischemic cerebrovascular disease (ICVD) and peripheral arterial disease (PAD). YLL were estimated based on all-cause mortality data for the Portuguese population and mortality due to IHD, ICVD and PAD for the year 2016 sourced from national statistics. Standard life expectancy was sourced from the GBD study. YLD corresponded to the product of the number of prevalent cases by an average disability weight (DW) for all possible combinations of disease. Prevalence data for the different clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis were sourced from epidemiological studies. DW were sourced from the published literature. In 2016, 15,123 deaths were attributable to atherosclerosis, which corresponded to 14.3% of overall mortality in mainland Portugal. DALYs totaled 260,943, 75% due to premature death (196,438 YLL) and 25% due to disability (64,505 YLD). Conclusion: Atherosclerosis entails a high disease burden to society. A large part of this burden would be avoidable if evidence-based effective and cost-effective interventions targeting known risk factors, from prevention to treatment, were implemented.This study was funded by Bayer Portugal, Lda. Funding was independent of the study outcomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio