82 research outputs found

    Long-Term Outcomes After Open Repair for Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

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    Background Early mortality in ruptured abdominal aneurysm (rAAA) is high, but data on long-term outcome are scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate the long-term outcome in survivors after open surgery for rAAA in well-defined population. Methods This is a population-based, observational long-term follow-up (beyond 30-day mortality) study of patients surgically treated for rAAA from 2000 through 2014. Long-term survival was analysed using Kaplan–Meier estimates and compared to the general population by analyses of relative survival. Results Out of 178 patients operated for rAAA, 95 patients (55%) either died in the perioperative period, were referred from other hospitals or were lost to follow-up (two patients). Altogether 83 patients were eligible for long-term outcomes: 72 men and 11 women. Estimated median crude survival time was 6.5 years [95% confidence interval (CI) 4.8–8.2]. Men had a median survival of 7.3 years (95% CI 5.1–9.4) versus 5.4 years in females (95% CI 3.5–7.3) (P = 0.082). Reinterventions during follow-up occurred in 31 (37%). Relative survival demonstrated a slightly higher risk of death in the rAAA population compared to the general age- and gender-matched population. Age, but not comorbidities, had a significant influence on long-term survival. Conclusion For survivors beyond 30 days after surgery for rAAA, long-term survival compares well to that of an age- and sex-matched population. A high frequency of cardiovascular comorbidities did not seem to affect long-term survival.publishedVersio

    Korleis trygge eit uroleg sinn? Ein kvalitativ studie om lÊrarar sine erfaringar om Ä redusere skulerelatert stress, og fremje meistring blant elevar pÄ ungdomstrinnet.

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    Studien sitt formÄl var Ä utforske lÊraren si oppleving av stress og meistring hjÄ elevar pÄ ungdomstrinnet. Problemstillinga for studien blei derfor: "Korleis legg lÊrarar til rette for Ä redusere stress og fremje meistring i elevane sine lÊringsaktivitetar pÄ ungdomstrinnet?" Som stÞtte for problemstillinga blei fÞlgande forskingsspÞrsmÄl: 1. Kva opplev lÊrarane at stressar elevane i det skulerelaterte arbeidet? 2. Korleis erfarer lÊrarane at elevane meistrar stresset? 3. Korleis legg lÊrarane til rette for at elevane skal meistre stresset i skulen? I studien blei intervju nytta som kvalitativ metode for datainnsamling. Utvalet bestod av tre ungdomsskulelÊrarar, og intervjua blei gjennomfÞrt digitalt grunna den pÄgÄande koronasituasjonen. Analytisk tilnÊrming for datamaterialet har vore fortolkande fenomenologisk analyse. Funna i studien indikerte at lÊrarane opplever at mest stress oppstÄr i ulike vurderingssituasjonar, fordi dei unge har hÞge forventingar til eigne prestasjonar. Som eit avvik mellom elevane sine forventingar og vurderingar, erfarte lÊrarane at elevane gjerne er usikre pÄ eiga meistringstru. Funna tyda her pÄ at elevar kan ha tendensar til eit meir lÄst tankesett. LÊrarane sine opplevingar var ogsÄ at elevar kan unngÄ vurderingssituasjonar som fÞlgje av stress, eller Ä sÞke rettleiing i andre lÊringsaktivitetar. I det stressreduserande arbeidet tyda det pÄ at lÊrarane vektlegg relasjonar og sosial stÞtte som viktig for meistring, og for Ä fremje eit meir lÊrande tankesett hjÄ elevane. Her impliserte resultata at lÊrarane bÄde bruker emosjonell og instrumentell stÞtte, og at meistringsopplevingar basert pÄ struktur, fÞreseielegheit, elevmedverknad, tilpassa opplÊring og interessebaserte aktivitetar, var viktig for elevar si meistring av stress

    Long-Term Outcomes After Open Repair for Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

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    Background Early mortality in ruptured abdominal aneurysm (rAAA) is high, but data on long-term outcome are scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate the long-term outcome in survivors after open surgery for rAAA in well-defined population. Methods This is a population-based, observational long-term follow-up (beyond 30-day mortality) study of patients surgically treated for rAAA from 2000 through 2014. Long-term survival was analysed using Kaplan–Meier estimates and compared to the general population by analyses of relative survival. Results Out of 178 patients operated for rAAA, 95 patients (55%) either died in the perioperative period, were referred from other hospitals or were lost to follow-up (two patients). Altogether 83 patients were eligible for long-term outcomes: 72 men and 11 women. Estimated median crude survival time was 6.5 years [95% confidence interval (CI) 4.8–8.2]. Men had a median survival of 7.3 years (95% CI 5.1–9.4) versus 5.4 years in females (95% CI 3.5–7.3) (P = 0.082). Reinterventions during follow-up occurred in 31 (37%). Relative survival demonstrated a slightly higher risk of death in the rAAA population compared to the general age- and gender-matched population. Age, but not comorbidities, had a significant influence on long-term survival. Conclusion For survivors beyond 30 days after surgery for rAAA, long-term survival compares well to that of an age- and sex-matched population. A high frequency of cardiovascular comorbidities did not seem to affect long-term survival.publishedVersio

    Structured and Systematic Team and Procedure Training in Severe Trauma: Going from ‘Zero to Hero’ for a Time-Critical, Low-Volume Emergency Procedure Over Three Time Periods

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    Background Resuscitative emergency thoracotomy is a potential life-saving procedure but is rarely performed outside of busy trauma centers. Yet the intervention cannot be deferred nor centralized for critically injured patients presenting in extremis. Low-volume experience may be mitigated by structured training. The aim of this study was to describe concurrent development of training and simulation in a trauma system and associated effect on one time-critical emergency procedure on patient outcome. Methods An observational cohort study split into 3 arbitrary time-phases of trauma system development referred to as ‘early’, ‘developing’ and ‘mature’ time-periods. Core characteristics of the system is described for each phase and concurrent outcomes for all consecutive emergency thoracotomies described with focus on patient characteristics and outcome analyzed for trends in time. Results Over the study period, a total of 36 emergency thoracotomies were performed, of which 5 survived (13.9%). The “early” phase had no survivors (0/10), with 2 of 13 (15%) and 3 of 13 (23%) surviving in the development and mature phase, respectively. A decline in ‘elderly’ (>55 years) patients who had emergency thoracotomy occurred with each time period (from 50%, 31% to 7.7%, respectively). The gender distribution and the injury severity scores on admission remained unchanged, while the rate of patients with signs on life (SOL) increased over time. Conclusion The improvement over time in survival for one time-critical emergency procedure may be attributed to structured implementation of team and procedure training. The findings may be transferred to other low-volume regions for improved trauma care.publishedVersio

    Episodic Abdominal Pain Characteristics Are Not Associated with Clinically Relevant Improvement of Health Status After Cholecystectomy

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    Background:  Cholecystectomy is the therapy of first choice in patients with uncomplicated symptomatic cholecystolithiasis, but it remains unclear which patients truly benefit in terms of health status improvement. Patients generally present with episodic abdominal pain of varying frequency, duration, and intensity. We assessed whether characteristics of abdominal pain episodes are determinants of clinically relevant improvement of health status after cholecystectomy. Methods:  In a post hoc analysis of a prospective multicenter cohort study, patients of ≄18 years of age with uncomplicated symptomatic cholecystolithiasis subjected to cholecystectomy were included. Preoperatively, patients received a structured interview and a questionnaire consisting of the visual analogue scale (VAS; range 0-100) and gastrointestinal quality of life index (GIQLI). At 12 weeks after cholecystectomy, the GIQLI was again administered. Logistic regression analyses were performed to determine significant associations. Results:  Questionnaires were sent to 261 and returned by 166 (63.6 %) patients (128 females, mean age at surgery 49.5 ± 13.8). A total of 131 (78.9 %) patients reported a clinically relevant improvement of health status. The median (interquartile range) frequency, duration, and intensity of abdominal pain episodes were 0.38 (0.18-0.75) a week, 4.00 (2.00-8.00) hours, and 92 (77-99), respectively. None of the characteristics was associated with a clinically relevant improvement of health status at 12 weeks after cholecystectomy. Conclusions:  Characteristics of abdominal pain episodes cannot be used to inform patients with symptomatic cholecystolithiasis who are skeptic about the timing of cholecystectomy for optimal benefit. Timing of cholecystectomy should therefore be based on other characteristics and preferences

    Epidemiology of Gallbladder Disease: Cholelithiasis and Cancer

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    Diseases of the gallbladder are common and costly. The best epidemiological screening method to accurately determine point prevalence of gallstone disease is ultrasonography. Many risk factors for cholesterol gallstone formation are not modifiable such as ethnic background, increasing age, female gender and family history or genetics. Conversely, the modifiable risks for cholesterol gallstones are obesity, rapid weight loss and a sedentary lifestyle. The rising epidemic of obesity and the metabolic syndrome predicts an escalation of cholesterol gallstone frequency. Risk factors for biliary sludge include pregnancy, drugs like ceftiaxone, octreotide and thiazide diuretics, and total parenteral nutrition or fasting. Diseases like cirrhosis, chronic hemolysis and ileal Crohn's disease are risk factors for black pigment stones. Gallstone disease in childhood, once considered rare, has become increasingly recognized with similar risk factors as those in adults, particularly obesity. Gallbladder cancer is uncommon in developed countries. In the U.S., it accounts for only ~ 5,000 cases per year. Elsewhere, high incidence rates occur in North and South American Indians. Other than ethnicity and female gender, additional risk factors for gallbladder cancer include cholelithiasis, advancing age, chronic inflammatory conditions affecting the gallbladder, congenital biliary abnormalities, and diagnostic confusion over gallbladder polyps
