108 research outputs found

    Control of human trophoblast function

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    The trophoblast, i.e. the peripheral part of the human conceptus, exerts a crucial role in implantation and placentation. Both processes properly occur as a consequence of an intimate dialogue between fetal and maternal tissues, fulfilled by membrane ligands and receptors, as well as by hormone and local factor release. During blastocyst implantation, generation of distinct trophoblast cell types begins, namely the villous and the extravillous trophoblast, the former of which is devoted to fetal-maternal exchanges and the latter binds the placental body to the uterine wall. Physiological placentation is characterized by the invasion of the uterine spiral arteries by extravillous trophoblast cells arising from anchoring villi. Due to this invasion, the arterial structure is replaced by amorphous fibrinoid material and endovascular trophoblastic cells. This transformation establishes a low-resistance, high-capacity perfusion system from the radial arteries to the intervillous space, in which the villous tree is embedded. The physiology of pregnancy depends upon the orderly progress of structural and functional changes of villous and extravillous trophoblast, whereas a derangement of such processes can lead to different types of complications of varying degrees of gravity, including possible pregnancy loss and maternal life-threatening diseases. In this review we describe the mechanisms which regulate trophoblast differentiation, proliferation, migration and invasiveness, and the alterations in these mechanisms which lead to pathological conditions. Furthermore, based on the growing evidence that proper inflammatory changes and oxidative balance are needed for successful gestation, we explain the mechanisms by which agents able to influence such processes may be useful in the prevention and treatment of pregnancy disorders

    Effect of high-frequency electromagnetic fields on trophoblastic connexins.

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    Connexins (Cx) are membrane proteins able to influence trophoblast functions. Here we investigated the effect of high-frequency electromagnetic fields (HF-EMF) on Cx expression and localization in extravillous trophoblast cell line HTR-8/SVneo. We also analysed cell ultrastructural changes induced by HF-EMF exposure. Samples were exposed to pulse-modulated 1817 MHz sinusoidal waves (GSM-217 Hz; 1 h: SAR of 2 W/kg). Cx mRNA expression was assessed through semi-quantitative RT-PCR, protein expression by Western blotting, protein localization by indirect immunoflorescence, cell ultrastructure using electron microscopy. HF-EMF exposure significantly and selectively increased Cx40 and Cx43, without altering protein expression. Nevertheless, Cx40 and Cx43 lost their punctuate fluorescence within the cell membrane, becoming diffuse after HF-EMF exposure. Electron microscopy evidenced a sharp decrease in intercellular gap junction-like structures. This study is the first to indicate that exposure of extravillous trophoblast to GSM-217 Hz signals can modify Cx gene expression, Cx protein localization and cellular ultrastructure

    Neuron to Astrocyte Communication via Cannabinoid Receptors Is Necessary for Sustained Epileptiform Activity in Rat Hippocampus

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    Astrocytes are integral functional components of synapses, regulating transmission and plasticity. They have also been implicated in the pathogenesis of epilepsy, although their precise roles have not been comprehensively characterized. Astrocytes integrate activity from neighboring synapses by responding to neuronally released neurotransmitters such as glutamate and ATP. Strong activation of astrocytes mediated by these neurotransmitters can promote seizure-like activity by initiating a positive feedback loop that induces excessive neuronal discharge. Recent work has demonstrated that astrocytes express cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors, which are sensitive to endocannabinoids released by nearby pyramidal cells. In this study, we tested whether this mechanism also contributes to epileptiform activity. In a model of 4-aminopyridine induced epileptic-like activity in hippocampal slice cultures, we show that pharmacological blockade of astrocyte CB1 receptors did not modify the initiation, but significantly reduced the maintenance of epileptiform discharge. When communication in astrocytic networks was disrupted by chelating astrocytic calcium, this CB1 receptor-mediated modulation of epileptiform activity was no longer observed. Thus, endocannabinoid signaling from neurons to astrocytes represents an additional significant factor in the maintenance of epileptiform activity in the hippocampus

    Effects of Transmitters and Amyloid-Beta Peptide on Calcium Signals in Rat Cortical Astrocytes: Fura-2AM Measurements and Stochastic Model Simulations

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    BACKGROUND: To better understand the complex molecular level interactions seen in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, the results of the wet-lab and clinical studies can be complemented by mathematical models. Astrocytes are known to become reactive in Alzheimer's disease and their ionic equilibrium can be disturbed by interaction of the released and accumulated transmitters, such as serotonin, and peptides, including amyloid- peptides (A). We have here studied the effects of small amounts of A25-35 fragments on the transmitter-induced calcium signals in astrocytes by Fura-2AM fluorescence measurements and running simulations of the detected calcium signals. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Intracellular calcium signals were measured in cultured rat cortical astrocytes following additions of serotonin and glutamate, or either of these transmitters together with A25-35. A25-35 increased the number of astrocytes responding to glutamate and exceedingly increased the magnitude of the serotonin-induced calcium signals. In addition to A25-35-induced effects, the contribution of intracellular calcium stores to calcium signaling was tested. When using higher stimulus frequency, the subsequent calcium peaks after the initial peak were of lower amplitude. This may indicate inadequate filling of the intracellular calcium stores between the stimuli. In order to reproduce the experimental findings, a stochastic computational model was introduced. The model takes into account the major mechanisms known to be involved in calcium signaling in astrocytes. Model simulations confirm the principal experimental findings and show the variability typical for experimental measurements. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Nanomolar A25-35 alone does not cause persistent change in the basal level of calcium in astrocytes. However, even small amounts of A25-35, together with transmitters, can have substantial synergistic effects on intracellular calcium signals. Computational modeling further helps in understanding the mechanisms associated with intracellular calcium oscillations. Modeling the mechanisms is important, as astrocytes have an essential role in regulating the neuronal microenvironment of the central nervous system

    Alterations in voltage-sensing of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore in ANT1-deficient cells

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    The probability of mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) pore opening is inversely related to the magnitude of the proton electrochemical gradient. The module conferring sensitivity of the pore to this gradient has not been identified. We investigated mPT's voltage-sensing properties elicited by calcimycin or H2O2 in human fibroblasts exhibiting partial or complete lack of ANT1 and in C2C12 myotubes with knocked-down ANT1 expression. mPT onset was assessed by measuring in situ mitochondrial volume using the 'thinness ratio' and the 'cobalt-calcein' technique. De-energization hastened calcimycin-induced swelling in control and partially-expressing ANT1 fibroblasts, but not in cells lacking ANT1, despite greater losses of mitochondrial membrane potential. Matrix Ca(2+) levels measured by X-rhod-1 or mitochondrially-targeted ratiometric biosensor 4mtD3cpv, or ADP-ATP exchange rates did not differ among cell types. ANT1-null fibroblasts were also resistant to H2O2-induced mitochondrial swelling. Permeabilized C2C12 myotubes with knocked-down ANT1 exhibited higher calcium uptake capacity and voltage-thresholds of mPT opening inferred from cytochrome c release, but intact cells showed no differences in calcimycin-induced onset of mPT, irrespective of energization and ANT1 expression, albeit the number of cells undergoing mPT increased less significantly upon chemically-induced hypoxia than control cells. We conclude that ANT1 confers sensitivity of the pore to the electrochemical gradient

    Alterations in voltage-sensing of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore in ANT1-deficient cells

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    The probability of mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) pore opening is inversely related to the magnitude of the proton electrochemical gradient. The module conferring sensitivity of the pore to this gradient has not been identified. We investigated mPT's voltage-sensing properties elicited by calcimycin or H2O2 in human fibroblasts exhibiting partial or complete lack of ANT1 and in C2C12 myotubes with knocked-down ANT1 expression. mPT onset was assessed by measuring in situ mitochondrial volume using the 'thinness ratio' and the 'cobalt-calcein' technique. De-energization hastened calcimycin-induced swelling in control and partially-expressing ANT1 fibroblasts, but not in cells lacking ANT1, despite greater losses of mitochondrial membrane potential. Matrix Ca(2+) levels measured by X-rhod-1 or mitochondrially-targeted ratiometric biosensor 4mtD3cpv, or ADP-ATP exchange rates did not differ among cell types. ANT1-null fibroblasts were also resistant to H2O2-induced mitochondrial swelling. Permeabilized C2C12 myotubes with knocked-down ANT1 exhibited higher calcium uptake capacity and voltage-thresholds of mPT opening inferred from cytochrome c release, but intact cells showed no differences in calcimycin-induced onset of mPT, irrespective of energization and ANT1 expression, albeit the number of cells undergoing mPT increased less significantly upon chemically-induced hypoxia than control cells. We conclude that ANT1 confers sensitivity of the pore to the electrochemical gradient

    Coupling of the NMDA receptor to neuroprotective and neurodestructive events

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    NMDA receptors are a subtype of ionotropic glutamate receptor with an important role in the physiology and pathophysiology of central neurons. Inappropriate levels of Ca(2+) influx through the NMDA receptor can contribute to neuronal loss in acute trauma such as ischemia and traumatic brain injury, as well as certain neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s. However, normal physiological patterns of NMDA receptor activity can promote neuroprotection against both apoptotic and excitotoxic insults. As a result, NMDA receptor blockade can promote neuronal death outright or render them vulnerable to secondary trauma. Thus, responses to NMDA receptor activity follow a classical hormetic dose-response curve: both too much and too little can be harmful. There is a growing knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying both the neuroprotective and neurodestructive effects of NMDA receptor activity, as well as the factors that determine whether an episode of NMDA receptor activity is harmful or beneficial. It is becoming apparent that oxidative stress plays a role in promoting neuronal death both in response to both hyper- and hypoactivity of the NMDA receptor. Increased understanding in this field is leading to the discovery of new therapeutic targets and strategies for excitotoxic disorders, as well as a growing appreciation of the harmful consequences of NMDA receptor blockade
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