55 research outputs found

    How COVID-19 pandemic affected fisheries (catch volume and price): a case study in Europe

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    Portugal, with the highest per capita fish consumption and expenditure in the European Union, provides an excellent case study for examining the effects of COVID-19 containment measures on fishing activity. The present study focused exclusively on data obtained from mainland Portugal, covering the years 2015–2021. The analysis included different time periods: namely, pre-lockdown, during lockdown, and post-lockdown. The primary objective was to investigate and gain insights into the potential effects of lockdown measures on the quantity (catch volume) and price (/Kg)ofdifferentfishspeciesgroups.Duringthelockdown,professionalfishermenexperiencedlowerquantities,comparedtotheaverageofpreviousyears(20152019),insomemonths(March,AprilandMay),oftuna(44crustaceans(31.9Althoughpricesfluctuated,onlycrustaceansshowedasignificantdecreaseinvalue(34.8/Kg) of different fish species groups. During the lockdown, professional fishermen experienced lower quantities, compared to the average of previous years (2015–2019), in some months (March, April and May), of tuna (− 44%: from 85 ton to 47 ton), small pelagic fish (− 41.8%: from 4510 ton to 2627 ton), crustaceans (− 31.9%: from 94 ton to 64 ton), and bivalves (− 33.5%: from 412 ton to 274) being landed. Although prices fluctuated, only crustaceans showed a significant decrease in value (− 34.8%: from 14.85/Kg to 9.68 $/Kg). Groundfish, flatfish, cephalopods, and other marine fish groups did not experience any significant impacts on landing quantities. Although there was some recovery in catch volume and market prices in the post- closure period, indicating a certain level of resilience in the sector, the socio-economic context indirectly exacerbated the profitability challenges faced by the fishing industry due to COVID-19. Given the potential for future socio-economic crises, policymakers (e.g., country government) and stakeholders (e.g., Fishers’ associations, HORECA) should prepare comprehensive and easily implementable measures to strengthen the sector and minimize potential disruptions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Toxic effects multi-walled carbon nanotubes on bivalves: comparison between of functionalized and non-functionalized nanoparticles

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    Despite of the large array of available carbon nanotube (CNT) configurations that allow different industrial and scientific applications of these nanoparticles, their impacts on aquatic organisms, especially on invertebrate species, are still limited. To our knowledge, no information is available on how surface chemistry alteration (functionalization) of CNTs may impact the toxicity of these NPs to bivalve species after a chronic exposure. For this reason, the impacts induced by chronic exposure (28 days) to unfunctionalized MWCNTs (Nf-MWCNTs) in comparison with functionalized MWCNTs (f-MWCNTs), were evaluated in R. philippinarum, by measuring alterations induced in clams' oxidative status, neurotoxicity and metabolic capacity. The results obtained revealed that exposure to both MWCNT materials altered energy-related responses, with higher metabolic capacity and lower glycogen, protein and lipid concentrations in clams exposed to these CNTs. Moreover, R. philippinarum exposed to Nf-MWCNTs and f-MWCNTs showed oxidative stress expressed in higher lipid peroxidation and lower ratio between reduced and oxidized glutathione, despite the activation of defense mechanisms (superoxide-dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione S-transferases) in exposed clams. Additionally, neurotoxicity was observed by inhibition of Cholinesterases activity in organisms exposed to both MWCNTs.publishe

    Distribution of Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in the invaded range: a geographic approach with notes on species traits variability

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    Corbicula fluminea is considered one of the most important non-native invasive species (NIS) in aquatic systems mainly due to its widespread distribution and ecological and economic impacts. This species is known to negatively affect native bivalves, also with severe effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Throughout an exhaustive bibliographic survey and with the aid of Geographic Information Systems tools, this study tracks the species dispersion from its native range, including the description of important physical and environmental barriers. Additional analyses were conducted to examine possible influences of latitudinal/ temperature gradients on important traits (e.g. life span, maximum and mean body length, growth at the end of first year). Altitude and winter minimum temperature appear to be delaying the invasion worldwide, but it seems inevitable that the species will spread across the globe. Latitude and summer temperature show a relationship with growth and life span. Overall, the information gathered in this review may be relevant to forecast future distribution patterns of this NIS, and to anticipate the possible implementation of effective management measures. Moreover, it may constitute a valuabletool inthe prediction of population responses to an increasingly changing environment.This research was supported by FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology), through a PhD grant attributed to D. Crespo (SFRH/BD/80252/2011), a post-doc grant attributed to S. Leston (SFRH/BPD/91828/2012) and M Dolbeth (SFRH/BPD/41117/2007) and BIOCHANGED project (PTDC/MAR/111901/2009), subsidized by the European Social Fund and MCTES (Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior) National Funds, through the POPH (Human Potential Operational Programme), QREN (National Strategic Reference Framework) and COMPETE (Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Behavioural Responses of Cerastoderma edule as Indicators of Potential Survival Strategies in the Face of Flooding Events

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    According to climate change scenarios the incidence of extreme events, such as flooding, is expected to increase worldwide. In the current climate change context, understanding behavioural responses of marine species to such stressors is essential, especially for species of high ecological and economic interest such as bivalves, which can be quite useful for future management and conservation actions. In this study, a laboratory experiment using different salinity conditions was undertaken to assess potential behavioural responses of cockles (Cerastoderma edule), as a survival strategy facing low-salinity stress during riverine flood events. Results showed consistent patterns of burrowing/emergence of cockles facing salinity variation: with high salinities the individuals were observed buried in the sediment; when salinity decreased, organisms were observed to actively emerge, and when salinity was <10, cockles were found exposed at the sediment surface. These behavioural changes may be a strategy for the survival of this species in response to flooding: once at the sediment surface, hydrodynamics may transport organisms towards areas that are more suitabl

    Impact assessment of multiple stressors on the Mondego estuary: a multidimensional approach on the bivalve Scrobicularia plana

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    Tese de doutoramento em Biologia (Ecologia) apresentada à Fac. de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de CoimbraThe main goal of the present thesis was to assess the impacts of anthropogenic and natural stressors on the Mondego estuary. In order to achieve this purpose, the ecological responses of the macrobenthic community, and particularly of the bivalve Scrobicularia plana, to multiple stressors and under different ecological scenarios were studied. Focusing on the dynamics and production of macrobenthic assemblages and key species of the estuary is a good evaluation method of the ecological integrity and is important to understand how the ecosystem reacts to ecological impacts and how it will respond to future changes. The thesis core is divided in three main chapters, focusing on: 1) the impacts of anthropogenic and natural stressors on the macrobenthic community and on one of its main components (bivalves); 2) the ecological behaviour of S. plana under different environmental scenarios and by the development of a population dynamics model, simulating eutrophication and restoration conditions; 3) the ecological patterns of several S. plana populations along its distributional range, intending to assess different life strategies on populations of the same species. In Chapter 1, the interactions between eutrophication and intense floods were assessed, centring on the dynamics of the macrobenthic assemblages of the Mondego estuary. Therefore, changes in density and biomass, trophic structure, diversity and spatial distribution were analysed from 1993 to 2002. The eutrophication process clearly affected the macrobenthic community (decline in species richness, decline in herbivores and increases in detritivores and small deposit feeding polychaetes), which showed strong signs of recovery after restoration. However, additional stressors (flood) had more severe effects on these assemblages then expected, stopping the recovery process. Furthermore, two of the main species of this community were studied and compared, analysing long-term changes in dynamics and production over a 13-year period on two distinct habitats on the estuary, intending to assess the influence of multiple stressors and the existence of interactions between these species. S. plana and Cerastoderma edule showed different spatial distribution patterns on the estuary and contrasting responses to eutrophication. The combined effects of multiple stressors seem to severely affect the S. plana population. In Chapter 2 an ecological model to simulate the population dynamics was developed, using data from three sampling areas under different ecological scenarios – eutrophication (1993 to 1995) and restoration (1999 to 2002). The model is regulated by water temperature, salinity and population density, controlling recruitment and mortality. The occurrence of extreme values of environmental variables had the strongest effect on the model, and possibly on the real system. Results seem to corroborate the notion that system restoration was successful. In fact the model performance was highest under the restoration scenario, indicating that the system became more predictable. Finally, in Chapter 3, the existence of latitudinal variations on the ecological patterns of a species along its distribution range was assessed on S. plana. An extended bibliographic research and field data from the Mondego estuary was the base of this study, focusing on reproduction patterns, population dynamics, growth and production. Areas in the middle of the distribution range of this species seem to show optimal ecological conditions, showing long reproduction periods and the highest abundance, growth rates and production values. The ecological performance of S. plana seemed to decrease towards both its North and South limits of distribution and different life strategies were observed along the geographic range of the species.A presente dissertação tem como principal objectivo a avaliação do efeito de impactos de origem antropogénica e natural no estuário do Mondego. Desta forma, foram realizados estudos para inferir as respostas ecológicas da comunidade macrobentónica, com especial incidência no bivalve Scrobicularia plana, em relação a agentes de stress múltiplos e em diferentes cenários ecológicos. A produção e dinâmica das associações macrobentónicas e de espécies-chave do estuário são bons métodos de avaliação da integridade ecológica do ecossistema e importantes para prever como irá reagir a impactos e alterações futuras. Assim, a estrutura da tese é constituída por três capítulos principais incidindo em: 1) impacto de perturbações antropogénicas e naturais na comunidade macrobentónica e num dos seus grupos principais, os bivalves; 2) o comportamento ecológico de Scrobicularia plana em diferentes molduras ambientais, através do desenvolvimento de um modelo populacional com simulações de condições de eutrofização e de recuperação; 3) padrões ecológicos de várias populações de S. plana ao longo da sua distribuição latitudinal, com o intuito de determinar diferentes tipos de estratégias em populações da mesma espécie. No capítulo 1, as interacções entre a eutrofização e cheias intensas foram determinadas, centrando-se ao nível da dinâmica das comunidades macrobentónicas do estuário do Mondego. Assim, foram analisadas alterações de densidade, biomassa, estrutura trófica, diversidade e distribuição espacial entre os anos de 1993 e 2002. Concluiu-se que o processo de eutrofização afectou claramente a comunidade macrobentónica, reflectindo-se no declínio da riqueza específica e herbívoros e no aumento de detritívoros e pequenos poliquetas, mas após a instauração do plano de gestão registaram-se sinais significativos de recuperação. No entanto, o efeito adicional de cheias causou consequências mais severas nas associações do que o inicialmente esperado, levando à interrupção do processo de recuperação. Ainda, duas das espécies mais importantes da comunidade foram estudadas e comparadas através da análise de alterações de longo prazo da sua dinâmica e produção, durante um período de 13 anos, em dois habitats estuarinos distintos, com o intuito de determinar o efeito de agentes de stress múltiplos e a existência de interacções entre as espécies. S. plana e Cerastoderma edule mostraram diferentes padrões de distribuição espacial no estuário e respostas contrárias face à eutrofização. O efeito cumulativo de agentes de stress múltiplos parece ter afectado mais intensamente a população de S. plana. No capítulo 2, desenvolveu-se um modelo ecológico para simular a dinâmica de população, com dados de 3 locais de amostragem sob cenários ecológicos diferentes – eutrofização (1993-1995) e recuperação (1999-2002). O modelo é regulado pela temperatura da água, salinidade e densidade populacional que controlam o recrutamento e mortalidade. A ocorrência de valores extremos de variáveis ambientais causou o efeito mais forte no modelo e possivelmente no sistema real. Os resultados obtidos parecem sustentar o sucesso do programa de recuperação ambiental, uma vez que o desempenho do modelo foi maior neste cenário e indicando ao mesmo tempo que o sistema se tornou mais previsível. No capítulo 3, foi determinada a existência de uma variação latitudinal nos padrões ecológicos de S. plana ao longo da sua área de distribuição. Este estudo teve como base uma pesquisa bibliográfica extensa e dados de campo do estuário do Mondego, tendo incidido nos padrões de reprodução, dinâmica populacional, crescimento e produção. As áreas no centro da distribuição geográfica desta espécie parecem apresentar condições ecológicas óptimas, com períodos de reprodução mais longos, elevadas abundâncias, taxas de crescimento e valores de produção. O desempenho ecológico de S. plana parece diminuir em direcção aos limites de distribuição, apresentando estratégias de vida diferentes ao longo do gradiente latitudinal

    Caracterização da Qualidade do Ar Interior em Espaços Públicos com Permissão de Fumar

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia do Ambiente do Departamento de Engenharia Mecanica, apresentada à FCTUCResumo A preocupação com a Qualidade do Ar Interior (QAI) tem vindo a aumentar, especialmente nos edifícios de serviços, pois permanecem no seu interior um número significativo de ocupantes durante longos períodos. No âmbito do SCE – Sistemas de Certificação Energética e Qualidade do Ar Interior (Decreto-Lei nº 78/2006, de 4 de Abril), surgiu o Regulamento dos Sistemas Energéticos de Climatização em Edifícios – RSECE (Decreto-Lei nº 79/2006). Actualmente, um elevado número de pessoas permanece durante os seus horários de trabalho em edifícios vedados (sem possibilidade de abrir janelas) e com sistemas centrais de ar condicionado. O ar dentro destes edifícios é recirculado e, por consequência, os contaminantes dentro dos edifícios acumulam-se gradualmente se não forem adequadamente filtrados. Exemplos de algumas fontes de contaminação nos interiores são: materiais de construção, materiais de isolamento, colas e agregantes utilizados, alcatifas, fumo do tabaco, produtos utilizados para limpeza e produtos químicos usados em aparelhos de escritório tais como fotocopiadoras e faxes. Os sintomas associados à Qualidade Deficiente do Ar em Interiores são denominados como “Síndrome do Edifício Doente” (SED). A exposição ao fumo do tabaco ambiental (FTA) – também chamada «tabagismo passivo» – continua a ser responsável por morbilidade e mortalidade excessivas na União Europeia, com custos significativos para toda a sociedade. Já foram tomadas várias medidas para promover zonas sem fumo na UE. Em princípios dos anos noventa, algumas directivas comunitárias em matéria de saúde e segurança no trabalho vieram limitar o tabaco no trabalho. No entanto, poucos têm sido os estudos para conhecer o grau de poluição pelo fumo do tabaco a que as pessoas estão sujeitas em vários lugares públicos e privados. A presente Dissertação tem como objectivo caracterizar a QAI e quantificar o nível de poluição do ar provocada pelo fumo do cigarro em pequenos edifícios de serviços onde é permitido fumar. Os edifícios em questão são cafés e bares, classificados no âmbito do SCE, como pequenos edifícios de serviços. O estudo baseou-se essencialmente na medição da concentração de partículas no ar interior, com registo simultâneo do número de ocupantes e de fumadores. Apresentam-se também os valores registados para a temperatura, humidade relativa e nível de CO2 no ar interior. Palavras-chave: Qualidade do Ar Interior, Síndrome do Edifício Doente (SED), Fumo do tabaco ambiental (FTA), Espaços Públicos

    Impacto da eutrofização na dinâmica populacional e produção de Scrobicularia plana (da costa) no mondego

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    Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ecologi

    The impact of estuarine salinity changes on the bivalves Scrobicularia plana and Cerastoderma edule, illustrated by behavioral and mortality responses on a laboratory assay

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    Salinity is a major factor impacting estuarine organisms, especially in cases of abrupt changes. The increased physiological stress frequently results in behavioral and physiological responses and in extreme cases may lead to mortality episodes. Mortality and behavioral activity of the bivalves Scrobicularia plana and Cerastoderma edule were evaluated under a wide range of salinity values. Specimens were sampled in the Mondego estuary (Portugal), acclimated and exposed to different salinity treatments (0–35) at constant temperature (20 °C). Organisms were fed daily. Mortality and individual activity were registered during 120 h laboratory assays. Both species showed an optimal salinity range for their activity (S. plana: 20–30; C. edule: 20–25), and survival was mainly affected by low salinity (S. plana: LC50120 h = 5.35; C. edule: LC50120 h = 11.09), with 100% mortality under critical values (S. plana: <5; C. edule: <10). Therefore, the occurrence of extreme climate events, especially floods, may in fact severely impact these species through drastic changes in salinity

    Behavioral and mortality responses of the bivalves Scrobicularia plana and Cerastoderma edule to temperature, as indicator of climate change's potential impacts

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    tTemperature is one of the most important abiotic factors affected by climate change. It determines phys-iological processes, ecological patterns and establishes the limits of geographic distribution of species.The induced thermal stress frequently results in physiological and behavioral responses and, in extremecases, may lead to mortality episodes. Scrobicularia plana and Cerastoderma edule behavioral and mortalityresponses to temperature were evaluated. Specimens were sampled in the Mondego estuary (Portugal),acclimated and exposed to different temperature treatments (5–35◦C). Individual activity and mortal-ity were registered during 120 h laboratory assays. Both species showed a thermal optimum for theiractivity (S. plana: 15–23◦C; C. edule: 20–23◦C), and survival was mainly affected by high temperature(S. plana: LC50120 h= 28.86◦C; C. edule: LC50120 h= 28.01◦C), with 100% mortality above critical values(≥32◦C). Results further indicated that both species are more affected the higher the temperature and thelonger the exposure time. This study indicates that the occurrence of extreme climatic events, especiallyheat waves, may be particularly impairing for these species

    Behavioural Responses of Cerastoderma edule as Indicators of Potential Survival Strategies in the Face of Flooding Events

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    According to climate change scenarios the incidence of extreme events, such as flooding, is expected to increase worldwide. In the current climate change context, understanding behavioural responses of marine species to such stressors is essential, especially for species of high ecological and economic interest such as bivalves, which can be quite useful for future management and conservation actions. In this study, a laboratory experiment using different salinity conditions was undertaken to assess potential behavioural responses of cockles (Cerastoderma edule), as a survival strategy facing low-salinity stress during riverine flood events. Results showed consistent patterns of burrowing/emergence of cockles facing salinity variation: with high salinities the individuals were observed buried in the sediment; when salinity decreased, organisms were observed to actively emerge, and when salinity was <10, cockles were found exposed at the sediment surface. These behavioural changes may be a strategy for the survival of this species in response to flooding: once at the sediment surface, hydrodynamics may transport organisms towards areas that are more suitabl