374 research outputs found

    Incêndio da alma A Dramaturgia das Radionovelas

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    Este artigo debate alguns procedimentos e características da escrita dramatúrgica das peças radiofônicas formatadas como radionovelas, cuja ocorrência se registra a partir da década de 1930 em países da America Latina, tais como Cuba e Brasil. Suas origens literárias, a definição do formato, os procedimentos de escrita do texto dramatúrgico aplicado ao ambiente radiofônico, e o desenvolvimento desse gênero a partir da décadas de 1930, serão alguns dos pontos aqui trabalhados. This article discusses some procedures and characteristics of dramaturgical writing radio plays formatted as soap operas, whose occurrence is recorded from the 1930s in Latin American countries such as Cuba and Brazil. Its literary origins, the de nition of the format, procedures written text dramaturgical applied to the radio environment, and the development of this genre from the 1930’s, here are some of the points worked

    Minha cidade e o "velho casarão da Pereira Oliveira"

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    Este artigo compõe um estudo que destaca o principal espaço de teatro de Florianópolis como monumento arquitetônico referente ao patrimônio histórico e cultural dessa cidade, e algumas das diversas destinações que ele teve ao longo do século XX

    Association between breastfeeding and complementary feeding in pre-pandemic and pandemic COVID-19 times : maternar cohort study

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    Objective: Evaluate the association between breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding at six months and the introduction of complementary feeding during the pre-pandemic and the COVID-19 pandemic periods. Methods: Cohort study conducted with puerperal women and their newborns in the immediate postpartum period at a reference maternity hospital in Southern Brazil between 2018-2020. The COVID-19 pandemic period and the need to work outside the home during restricted circulation were the factors of exposure. The outcome evaluated was the weaning in the first six months (breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding) and the introduction of complementary feeding before the sixth month of life. Results: 547 puerperal women and their newborns were included. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a higher risk to weaning of exclusive breastfeeding up until six months (RR 1.16; 95%CI 1.03-1.31) and introducing complementary feeding early (RR 1.40; 95%CI 1.01-1.96). The need to work outside the home during the COVID-19 pandemic increased the risk of not breastfeeding exclusively at the sixth month (RR 1.27; 95%CI 1.08-1.49). Conclusions: The difficulties of the pandemic did reflect negatively on breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices. The pandemic was a risk factor for the early weaning of exclusive breastfeeding and the introduction of complementary feeding. However, not having to work outside the home during the pandemic period was a protective factor for exclusive breastfeeding at six months

    Update on and future perspectives for the diagnosis of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency in Brazil

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    Tècniques de genotipat; Deficiència d'alfa-1 antitripsinaTécnicas de genotipado; Deficiencia de alfa-1 antitripsinaGenotyping techniques; alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiencyAlpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is a rare genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the SERPINA1 gene, which encodes the protease inhibitor alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT). Severe AATD predisposes individuals to COPD and liver disease. Early diagnosis is essential for implementing preventive measures and limiting the disease burden. Although national and international guidelines for the diagnosis and management of AATD have been available for 20 years, more than 85% of cases go undiagnosed and therefore untreated. In Brazil, reasons for the underdiagnosis of AATD include a lack of awareness of the condition among physicians, a racially diverse population, serum AAT levels being assessed in a limited number of individuals, and lack of convenient diagnostic tools. The diagnosis of AATD is based on laboratory test results. The standard diagnostic approach involves the assessment of serum AAT levels, followed by phenotyping, genotyping, gene sequencing, or combinations of those, to detect the specific mutation. Over the past 10 years, new techniques have been developed, offering a rapid, minimally invasive, reliable alternative to traditional testing methods. One such test available in Brazil is the A1AT Genotyping Test, which simultaneously analyzes the 14 most prevalent AATD mutations, using DNA extracted from a buccal swab or dried blood spot. Such advances may contribute to overcoming the problem of underdiagnosis in Brazil and elsewhere, as well as being likely to increase the rate detection of AATD and therefore mitigate the harmful effects of delayed diagnosis.This study received financial support from Grifols S.A., Barcelona, Spain

    Y tú, ¿cómo discriminas?

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    Sabemos que existen múltiples formas en que los adolescentes se discriminan entre sí, como por ejemplo, al etiquetarse con sobrenombres: "el gordo", "la cuatro ojos", "el nerd" o "la negra". Además de los apodos, con frecuencia cometen agresiones, malos tratos y humillación. ¿Es esto discriminación? Sin duda. Con el propósito de contribuir al tránsito hacia una cultura del respeto a la diversidad surge la colección “Curso taller” sobre la no discriminación, en la cual se abordan las formas, las intensidades y los ámbitos donde con mayor frecuencia ocurre la discriminación hacia los grupos en situación de vulnerabilidad en nuestro país, como son las mujeres, las personas que viven con VIH-sida, los indígenas, las personas con algún tipo de discapacidad, los adultos mayores, las niñas y los niños, y las personas con preferencia sexual no convencional. El propósito fundamental de estos cursos taller es propiciar la reflexión y sensibilizar a los destinatarios, con un sentido educativo de prevención y denuncia, sobre los costos que han tenido las prácticas discriminatorias para nuestra sociedad. Asimismo, se pretende reforzar el hecho de que la no discriminación y la igualdad de oportunidades es un derecho fundamental de todas las personas, el cual se encuentra plasmado en nuestra Constitución Política y en distintos documentos internacionales que México ha firmado

    Altered vitamin K biodistribution and metabolism in experimental and human chronic kidney disease

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is accompanied with extensive cardiovascular calcification, in part correlating with functional vitamin K deficiency. Here, we sought to determine causes for vitamin K deficiency beyond reduced dietary intake. Initially, vitamin K uptake and distribution into circulating lipoproteins after a single administration of vitamin K1 plus K2 (menaquinone 4 and menaquinone 7, respectively) was determined in patients on dialysis therapy and healthy individuals. The patients incorporated very little menaquinone 7 but more menaquinone 4 into high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein particles than did healthy individuals. In contrast to healthy persons, HDL particles from the patients could not be spiked with menaquinone 7 in vitro and HDL uptake was diminished in osteoblasts. A reduced carboxylation activity (low vitamin K activity) of uremic HDL particles spiked with menaquinone 7 vs. that of controls was confirmed in a bioassay using human primary vascular smooth muscle cells. Kidney menaquinone 4 tissue levels were reduced in 5/6-nephrectomized versus sham-operated C57BL/6 mice after four weeks of a vitamin K rich diet. From the analyzed enzymes involved in vitamin K metabolism, kidney HMG-CoA reductase protein was reduced in both rats and patients with CKD. In a trial on the efficacy and safety of atorvastatin in 1051 patients with type 2 diabetes receiving dialysis therapy, no pronounced vitamin K deficiency was noted. However, the highest levels of PIVKA-II (biomarker of subclinical vitamin K deficiency) were noted when a statin was combined with a proton pump inhibitor. Thus, profound disturbances in lipoprotein mediated vitamin K transport and metabolism in uremia suggest that menaquinone 7 supplementation to patients on dialysis therapy has reduced efficacy

    Effect of Compression Garments in the Speed Performance among Track and Field and Swimming student-athletes in a Catholic University of the Philippines

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    Background and Purpose: Speed is critical for sports such as swimming and track and field. One of the sports industry's solutions is compression garments to enhance athletic performance. This study aims to determine the effect of short and long compression garments on the speed performance of track and field and swimming athletes of the University of Santo Tomas. Methodology: The researchers used quantitative and experimental methods. This study focused on the athletes of the track and field and swimming teams of the University of Santo Tomas. The researchers conducted the study at the open field and swimming pool within the vicinity of the University; 14 athletes from track and field and 16 from the swimming team were invited to participate in the 60M Sprint Test and Critical Swim Speed Test. Results: The study shows a slight difference in the speed performance of track and field athletes when using short compression garments (7.54m/s) and long compression garments (7.44m/s). While swimming, the speed performance when using a long compression garment (1.450m/s) is higher than the short compression garment (1.512m/s). Both swimming (0.887) and track and field (0.559) show no significant difference in using the compression garment. Conclusion and Recommendations: Based on the study, there is a minimal difference in using long compression garments against short compression garments. Therefore, the researchers recommend using long compression garments since this garment slightly increases participants' speed which is vital in any sport measuring speed to win a race. The researchers recommend further study by increasing the number of participants, only endurance athletes participants, and including the materials used in making the garments. This further helps the claim that long and short compression garments affect speed performance regardless of sports or events

    Establecimiento y Fortalecimiento de un Centro de Semillas de Especies Forestales Nativas del Bosque Atlántico del Alto Paraná

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    El objetivo general del proyecto es establecer mecanismos eficientes para la identificación y manejo de áreas de colecta de semillas forestales de especies nativas, para alimentar y sustentar el funcionamiento de un centro de semillas forestales que sirva como banco de conservación, investigación y distribución de material genético con alto valor económico, social y ambiental.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Survival of lichens and bacteria exposed to outer space conditions - Results of the Lithopanspermia experiments

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    n the space experiments Lithopanspermia, experimental support was provided to the likelihood of the lithopanspermia concept that considers a viable transport of microorganisms between the terrestrial planets by means of meteorites. The rock colonising lichens Rhizocarpon geographicum and Xanthoria elegans, the vagrant lichen Aspicilia fruticulosa, and endolithic and endoevaporitic communities of cyanobacteria and bacteria with their natural rock substrate were exposed to space for 10 days onboard the Biopan facility of the European Space Agency (ESA). Biopan was closed during launch and re-entry. In addition, in the Stone facility, one sample of R. geographicum on its natural granitic substrate was attached at the outer surface of the re-entry capsule close to the stagnation point, only protected by a thin cover of glass textolite. Post-flight analysis, which included determination of the photosynthetic activity, LIVE/DEAD staining, and germination capacity of the ascospores, demonstrated that all three lichen were quite resistant to outer space conditions, which include the full spectrum of solar extraterrestrial electromagnetic radiation or selected wavelength ranges. This high resistance of the lichens to space appears to be due to their symbiotic nature and protection by their upper pigmented layer, the cortex. In contrast, the rock- or halite-inhabiting bacteria were severely damaged by the same exposure. After atmospheric re-entry, the granite of the Stone sample was transformed into a glassy, nearly homogenous material, with several friction striae. None of the lichen cells survived this re-entry process. The data suggest that lichens are suitable candidates for testing the concept of lithopanspermia, because they are extremely resistant to the harsh environment of outer space. The more critical event is the atmospheric re-entry after being captured by a planet. Experiments simulating the re-entry process of a microbe-carrying meteoroid did not show any survivors

    Sunflower Hybrid Breeding: From Markers to Genomic Selection

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    In sunflower, molecular markers for simple traits as, e.g., fertility restoration, high oleic acid content, herbicide tolerance or resistances to Plasmopara halstedii, Puccinia helianthi, or Orobanche cumana have been successfully used in marker-assisted breeding programs for years. However, agronomically important complex quantitative traits like yield, heterosis, drought tolerance, oil content or selection for disease resistance, e.g., against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum have been challenging and will require genome-wide approaches. Plant genetic resources for sunflower are being collected and conserved worldwide that represent valuable resources to study complex traits. Sunflower association panels provide the basis for genome-wide association studies, overcoming disadvantages of biparental populations. Advances in technologies and the availability of the sunflower genome sequence made novel approaches on the whole genome level possible. Genotype-by-sequencing, and whole genome sequencing based on next generation sequencing technologies facilitated the production of large amounts of SNP markers for high density maps as well as SNP arrays and allowed genome-wide association studies and genomic selection in sunflower. Genome wide or candidate gene based association studies have been performed for traits like branching, flowering time, resistance to Sclerotinia head and stalk rot. First steps in genomic selection with regard to hybrid performance and hybrid oil content have shown that genomic selection can successfully address complex quantitative traits in sunflower and will help to speed up sunflower breeding programs in the future. To make sunflower more competitive toward other oil crops higher levels of resistance against pathogens and better yield performance are required. In addition, optimizing plant architecture toward a more complex growth type for higher plant densities has the potential to considerably increase yields per hectare. Integrative approaches combining omic technologies (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and phenomics) using bioinformatic tools will facilitate the identification of target genes and markers for complex traits and will give a better insight into the mechanisms behind the traits