2,978 research outputs found

    Foundations of Theoretical Approaches in Systems Biology

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    AM-S was funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) projects OpHeLiA (0316197) and HOBBIT (031B0363A). RA funded by Generalitat de Catalunya Consolidated Group SGR133 (2017). JV was funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) projects e:Med-CAPSyS (01ZX1604F and 01ZX1304F) and e:Bio-MelEVIR (031L0073A)

    Ânforas romanas no concelho de Fronteira. Exemplares recolhidos entre 1999 e 2002

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    Apresentam-se os fragmentos de contentores anfóricos que foram recolhidos em escavações e prospecções realizadas nos diversos sítios romanos do concelho de Fronteira. Estabelecem-se quadros tipológicos e considerações sobre os abastecimentos de produtos a esta região

    Carta geológica da Guiné-Bissau: de 1982 a 2011

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    Apresentada no Colóquio Internacional Ciência nos Trópicos : olhares sobre o passado, perspectivas de futuro = Science in the tropics : Glimpsing the past, projecting the future, IICT, LisboaVersão em papel da publicação em CD-ROM editada em 201

    Effects of Candidate Gender and Assertiveness on Likability and Promotability to A Leadership Position: Comparing Perceptions of U.S. Millennials with Those of Older U.S. Workers

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    This study examined the impact of job candidates\u27 gender and assertiveness on millennial and older generations of workers\u27 perceptions of the candidates\u27 likability, competence, and promotability. A 2x2 experimental methodology was used to test 11 hypotheses. Participants watched one of four videos with a male and a female actor displaying assertive and non-assertive styles during an interview for a promotion opportunity. The results showed that the female candidate was considered slightly less promotable overall. Consistent with past research, perceptions of the candidate\u27s competence and likability were strongly related to promotability. When displaying assertive behaviors, both male and female candidates were rated as less likable. Contrary to previous research, this negative effect of assertiveness on likability was not stronger for the female candidate. Also, contrary to past research, the assertive candidates were not perceived as more competent. Ratings of promotability were not affected by whether the raters were millennials or from older generations. A generational difference in the impact of the candidate\u27s assertiveness on likability was observed, but contrary to the hypothesis, members of older generations perceived the assertive candidates as less likable than millennials did. Consistent with past research, participants who evaluated the candidates as attractive also found them much more likable and competent. This research contributes to the literature on leadership, gender bias, and backlash against assertive women and how these may be changing, particularly as millennials comprise more of the workforce. Overall, the results show less evidence of bias than was seen in studies from earlier decades

    Os diferentes tipos de resultados nas cooperativas

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    O objetivo desta comunicação consiste em identificar os tipos de resultados nas cooperativas, compreender o tratamento contabilístico dos mesmos e aferir se o normativo contabilístico em vigor permite evidenciar as especificidades daqueles. Deste modo, utilizando uma metodologia qualitativa, com recurso à análise de conteúdo e a uma análise empírica, procede-se a uma reflexão sobre o regime jurídico e contabilístico dos resultados das cooperativas em Portugal. A informação obtida mostra que o tratamento contabilístico dos resultados não está devidamente adequado à realidade das cooperativas, por duas razões: em primeiro lugar não são claramente identificáveis na lei os diferentes tipos de resultados; em segundo lugar, contata-se que os resultados nas cooperativas têm o mesmo tratamento contabilístico dos resultados nas sociedades comerciais, apesar das diferenças substanciais entre as formas jurídicas. De facto, o objetivo das cooperativas não se traduz na obtenção de um lucro, mas corresponde a um escopo mutualístico, uma vez que estas entidades visam, a título principal a satisfação das necessidades económicas e sociais dos seus membros. Por sua vez, as sociedades comerciais visam, a título principal, a obtenção do lucro. Em conformidade, defendemos a alteração do enquadramento contabilístico aplicável às cooperativas, para que dessa forma se evidencie o real objeto destas, designadamente o seu escopo mutualístico, e deste modo se diferencie nos documentos contabilísticos os diferentes tipos de resultados. Impõe-se designadamente uma contabilização separada dos resultados cooperativos e dos resultados extracooperativos e extraordinários. Esta contabilização separada é essencial desde logo por razões fiscais, uma vez que o regime fiscal aplicável a cada um dos tipos de resultados é diferenciado. A nível contabilístico, as demonstrações financeiras deveriam evidenciar os diferentes tipos de resultados, por forma a refletir a imagem verdadeira e apropriada do desempenho da cooperativa

    Training of audio descriptors : the cinematographic aesthetics as basis for the learning of the audio description aesthetics – materials, methods and products

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    A Audiodescrição (AD), recurso utilizado para tornar o teatro, o cinema, a TV, bem como obras de arte visuais, acessíveis a pessoas com deficiência visual, vem aos poucos sendo implantada no Brasil e demandando profissionais capacitados. Com base nessa constatação, este artigo traz o relato de um projeto desenvolvido durante estágio pós-doutoral que se dedicou ao confronto da estética cinematográfica com as técnicas de audiodescrição a fim de verificar como o conhecimento da primeira pode contribuir para a formação do audiodescritor. Por meio da pesquisa-ação, foi produzido um curta metragem adaptado de um conto de Mário de Andrade intitulado O Peru de Natal. O filme homônimo, assim como sua audiodescrição, foram realizados pelos alunos e professores da disciplina Tradução Intersemiótica do curso de Letras da Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE). Assim, pretendeu-se sugerir procedimentos didáticos que partiram da experiência dos alunos ao avaliarem suas escolhas e as implicações destas.Audio description (AD), a resource used to make theater, cinema, TV, and visual works of art accessible to people with visual impairments, is slowly being implemented in Brazil and demanding qualified professionals. Based on this statement, this article reports the results of a research developed during post-doctoral studies. The study is dedicated to the confrontation of film aesthetics with audio description techniques to check how the knowledge of the former can contribute to audiodescritor training. Through action research, a short film adapted from a Mario de Andrade’s, a Brazilian writer, short story called O Peru de Natal (Christmas Turkey) was produced. The film as well as its audio description were carried out involving students and teachers from the discipline Intersemiotic Translation at the State University of Ceará. Thus, we intended to suggest pedagogical procedures generated by the students experiences by evaluating their choices and their implications

    Rotational diffusion membrane and fluorescence anisotropy.

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    Structural properties of model membranes, such as lipid vesicles, may be investigated through the addition of fluorescent probes. After incorporation, the fluorescent molecules are excited with linearly polarized light and the fluorescence emission is depolarized due to translational as well as rotational diffusion during the lifetime of the excited state. The monitoring of emitted light is undertaken through the technique of time-resolved fluorescence: the intensity of the emitted light informs on fluorescence decay times, and the decay of the components of the emitted light yield rotational correlation times which inform on the fluidity of the medium. The fluorescent molecule DPH, of uniaxial symmetry, is rather hydrophobic and has collinear transition and emission moments. It has been used frequently as a probe for the monitoring of the fluidity of the lipid bilayer along the phase transition of the chains. The interpretation of experimental data requires models for localization of fluorescent molecules as well as for possible restrictions on their movement. In this study, we develop calculations for two models for uniaxial diffusion of fluorescent molecules, such as DPH, suggested in several articles in the literature. A zeroth order test model consists of a free randomly rotating dipole in a homogeneous solution, and serves as the basis for the study of the diffusion of models in anisotropic media. In the second model, we consider random rotations of emitting dipoles distributed within cones with their axes perpendicular to the vesicle spherical geometry. In the third model, the dipole rotates in the plane of the of bilayer spherical geometry, within a movement that might occur between the monolayers forming the bilayer. For each of the models analysed, two methods are used by us in order to analyse the rotational diffusion: (I) solution of the corresponding rotational diffusion equation for a single molecule, taking into account the boundary conditions imposed by the models, for the probability of the fluorescent molecule to be found with a given configuration at time t. Considering the distribution of molecules in the geometry proposed, we obtain the analytical expression for the fluorescence anisotropy, except for the cone geometry, for which the solution is obtained numerically; (II) numerical simulations of a restricted rotational random walk in the two geometries corresponding to the two models. The latter method may be very useful in the cases of low-symmetry geometries or of composed geometries