586 research outputs found

    Pengertian dan Maksud Utang Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1998 Tentang Kepailitan dan Penerapannya dalam Putusan Pengadilan =

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    The objectives of this research are to understand the definition of debt as stipulated in the Act no. 4/1998 on Bankruptcy and its implementation in the court decision, and to study the legal considerations that the judges use in deciding a case of bankruptcy resulting from debt. This is a normative legal research, which combines library research and field research. It used questionnaire and guided interview as instru-ments to collect primary data and document study to obtain secondary data. It analized the data in a descriptive and qualitative method. The research results show that the definition of debt as intended in the Act no. 4/1998 on Bankruptcy and its implementation in the court decision for each examined case is different, similarly with the legal considerations adopted by the judge. The decision of bankruptcy case must fulfil the requirements contained in the Act on Bankruptcy and the case can be proven in a simple and clear mariner. If it is not proven in a simple and clear manner, the settlement will be gained through the civil court. Keywords: definition of debt -- Act no.4/1998- bankruptcy -- court decision

    Stochastic precession of the polarization in a polariton laser

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    Microcavity polaritons in the lasing regime undergo a spontaneous symmetry breaking transition resulting in coherent emission with a well defined polarization. The order parameter is thus a vector describing both the laser global phase and polarization. Using an ultrafast single-shot detection technique we show that polariton lasing in GaAs-based microcavities presents a high degree of second order coherence (g(2)(τ=0)≈1g^{(2)}(\tau=0) \approx 1) above threshold, and that the initial polarization is stochastic, taking any possible direction in the Poincar\'e sphere (linear, elliptical or circular). Once the polarization direction is established, subsequent oscillations of the emission probability witness the presence of an intrinsic polarization splitting. Our results show the negligible role of polariton interactions in the total emission statistics and in the establishment of the initial polarization.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Transkulturelle Kompetenz im Spanischunterricht: Sensibilisierung fĂŒr IdentitĂ€tskonstruktionen durch Übersetzungsprozesse im Werk von Rosario FerrĂ©

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    Der Spanischunterricht bietet viel Anschauungsmaterial, um in heterogenen, schulischen Lernsettings ĂŒber Fragen von IdentitĂ€t und Zugehörigkeit bewusst und selbstkritisch nachzudenken. Dieser Beitrag möchte darstellen, wie das Übersetzen sowohl als literarisches PhĂ€nomen als auch als didaktische Methode eine Reflexion ĂŒber die Normvorstellungen von Kultur, Sprache und IdentitĂ€t anregen kann. Die Lyrik von Rosario FerrĂ© bietet sich fĂŒr eine inhaltliche Erschließung der Thematik Migration und Kulturkontakt in besonderer Weise an. DarĂŒber hinaus ist es möglich, durch eine Konfrontation mit dem literarischen Werk und insbesondere seiner sprachlichen HybriditĂ€t transkulturelle PhĂ€nomene Ă€sthetisch erfahrbar zu machen

    Lichtmikroskopische Analyse des Wurzeldentins nach Kanalinstrumentierung mittels vier verschiedener maschineller Nickel-Titan-Feilensysteme

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    Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es die Mikrorissbildung im Wurzeldentin nach schrittweiser Aufbereitung mit vier verschiedenen maschinellen Nickel-Titan-Systemen zu untersuchen. 60 humane, einwurzelige ZĂ€hne mit geradem Wurzelverlauf und abgeschlossenem Wurzelwachstum wurden randomisiert auf 4 Gruppen (n=15) aufgeteilt. Nach Trepanation der VersuchszĂ€hne erfolgte ihre koronale Reduktion auf 15 mm, woraus sich eine einheitliche ArbeitslĂ€nge von 14 mm ergab. Es schloss sich die schrittweise Aufbereitung der ZĂ€hne mit dem zugeteilten System an. Verwendet wurden GT-Series X, Mtwo, Reciproc und das S-ApeX-System. Vor Aufbereitungsbeginn und nach jeder Feile erfolgte eine mikrofotographische Dokumentation jeweils von mesial und distal. Das entstandene Bildmaterial wurde standardisiert ausgewertet. FĂŒr die statistische Berechnung der Daten wurde das Softwarepaket SPSS 19.0 verwendet. Jedes der untersuchten Systeme induzierte die Bildung von Mikrorissen im Wurzeldentin, wenn auch in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß. Die Risszunahme von der ersten zu den nĂ€chst folgenden Feilen war signifikant (p=0,05). Die höchste GesamtrisslĂ€nge wurde bei mit dem S-ApeX-System aufbereiteten ZĂ€hnen gemessen, wohingegen das GT-Series X-System die wenigsten Mikrorisse in-duzierte. BezĂŒglich des Zeitaufwandes fĂŒr die Aufbereitung waren Reciproc und GT-Series X signifikant schneller als Mtwo und S-ApeX

    Psychometric Properties of a German Online Version of the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale 1

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    Suggestibility is a trait dimension that has been differentiated into Yield and Shift dimensions. Yield refers to the susceptibility to suggestive item content in a first question series (Yield 1) and a second question series following negative feedback (Yield 2). Shift describes the tendency to change answers over the two series of questions depending on social pressure. This study aimed at investigating the psychometric properties and the factor structure of a German online version of the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale 1 (GSS 1) and measurement invariance of suggestibility scores for gender and research institution. A total of N=560 (n=287 female; age: M=24.20, SD=4.60years) students participated in the study. We present Stanine norms for the application of the online GSS 1. Results supported the theoretical basis of the GSS by revealing the two expected suggestibility factors: Yield and Shift. As expected, a leading factor and a non-leading factor were identified for Yield 1 and Yield 2 and a single factor for Shift. We report psychometric properties (e.g., item difficulty, part-whole corrected item-total correlations, reliability coefficients). We compare the factorial structure of the German online GSS 1 with former versions of the GSS 1. Our data suggest widely measurement invariance for gender and research institution on Yield 1 and Yield 2

    Fideicomiso operativo

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    El presente trabajo de investigaciĂłn tiene por objeto estudiar los fideicomisos operativos y los efectos de su utilizaciĂłn en Argentina en la actualidad, sirviendo como guĂ­a a los Contadores PĂșblicos, ya que escasea la bibliografĂ­a en sus aspectos contables e impositivos. El tema de estudio fue elegido debido a que a partir de la crisis del 2001 que sufriĂł la Argentina, la utilizaciĂłn de fideicomisos fue un excelente medio para garantizar el cumplimiento de los distintos proyectos, que a su vez generaron un importante desarrollo econĂłmico. El fideicomiso se encuentra dentro de las figuras jurĂ­dicas que buscan darle al sistema econĂłmico una herramienta que permita hacer cumplir funciones tales como: limitaciĂłn de la responsabilidad, mediante la afectaciĂłn de un patrimonio a un objeto especĂ­fico, resultando ese patrimonio la Ășnica fuente de garantĂ­a de los acreedores del fideicomiso, asegurar el cumplimiento del negocio subyacente a travĂ©s de la separaciĂłn patrimonial.Fil: GimĂ©nez Vera, Carla Denis. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias EconĂłmicas.Fil: MartĂ­n, Tamara Elisabeth. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias EconĂłmicas.Fil: MartĂ­nez, AndrĂ©s DamiĂĄn. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias EconĂłmicas

    Microencapsulation of epoxy resins: Optimization of synthesis conditions

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    In this work, a series of microcapsules were prepared by in situ polymerization in oil-in-water emulsion with poly(urea-formaldehyde) as shell material and diglycidyl ether of bisphenol F as core substance. Different reaction parameters were analyzed: emulsification conditions (time, agitation method and rate), the viscosity of the core phase, stirring speed during synthesis, core/shell mass ratio and drying process. Morphology, chemical structure, mean size, size distribution and thermal properties of the resulting microcapsules were studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Optical Microscopy (OM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Several spherical microcapsules with different sizes and distributions were obtained by the adjustment of reaction parameters. Lyophilized microcapsules resulted in free flowing powders, which remained stable under more than 1 year at ambient laboratory conditions. From preliminary testing results, it was demonstrated that microcapsules fabricated under optimized reaction conditions had a satisfactory size and shell structure and were strong enough to bear the manufacturing of an epoxy-based composite material. Thus, results obtained in this work show that these microcapsules are potential candidates for the development of self-healing composites.Fil: Ollier Primiano, Romina Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a de Materiales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de IngenierĂ­a. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a de Materiales; ArgentinaFil: Penoff, Marcela Elisabeth. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a de Materiales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de IngenierĂ­a. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a de Materiales; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez, Vera Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a de Materiales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de IngenierĂ­a. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a de Materiales; Argentin

    Perusahaan Tidak Adil kepada Saya!: Gambaran Perceived Justice pada Situasi Perubahan

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    Employees perceive the fairness of organization’s systems and procedure is called perceived justice. Some studies indicated that perceived justice affects many organizational attitudes and behaviors, such as job satisfaction, absenteeism, counterproductive behavior, and turnover. Therefore, organization needs to give attention on employees’ perceived justice. This study was taken in PT. EFG, where its employees have been complaining about  many changes happened. This study was conducted with mixed method approach. Quantiative data was collected through 114 online questionnaires. The questionnaire measures three dimensions which are distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice. Qualitative data was collected through interview to five participants with high and low intensity of perceived justice. The findings show that supervisor play an important role in  determining other employees’ procedural and interactional justice. Other factors such as characteristics, previous experiences, perception about change and coworkers also affect employees’ perceived justice.

    VĂ€gen till ett lyckat kvalitetsarbete med ISO 9001

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    More than 90 % of all business activity in the world market consists of small and midsized companies today. Recent studies have shown that there has been an increase in small companies’ certification to ISO's management standards. Smaller organizations tend to have more limited amounts of resources at their disposal than larger ones. This can result in difficulties during the implementation process of ISO 9001. It is therefore of great significance that the implementation is carried out in an efficient manner. ISO 9000 is one of the most frequently used management systems in the world today. It is essential that the organization is actively and consistently managed to maintain a successful management system. The quality standard is based on eight quality management principles. These principles can be used by managers as a reference; to guide their organization towards improved performance. The fact that ISO’s quality management principles are general and do not provide any specific requirements is recognized as a reoccurring problem. The aim of this study is to identify the most critical success factors that may be of importance to senior management during the implementation of ISO 9001. The study also examines similarities between these critical success factors and the eight quality management principles. The study is focused on small- to middle-sized firms. This study establishes which success factors are most important during the implementation of ISO 9001. The findings in this study indicate top management commitment, continual improvements, employees’ commitment, communication, a culture of quality, training and the understanding of the ISO 9000 standards’ as reoccurring success factors irrespective of the size of the organization. The study also presents success factors that can be categorized as specific for smaller companies: standardization of all processes, choice of certification body, formalised system for monitoring complaints, internal and external customer focus, positive attitude towards ISO 9000 among employees, focus on error prevention and being able to present ISO 9000 in an easy manner to the employees. After a comparison between these critical success factors and the eight management principles, it is concluded that one factor is different from the management principles. No similarities can be found between this factor and any of the eight management principles; choice of certification body. The remaining factors can be interpreted as a variant of some of the eight leadership principles.SmĂ„ och medelstora företag utgör 90 % av all företagsverksamhet pĂ„ vĂ€rldsmarknaden. Antalet mindre företag som certifierar sig enligt ISO 9001 har ökat de senaste Ă„ren. Mindre företag har sĂ€llan samma resursbas som stora företag. Detta kan medföra vissa svĂ„righeter vid implementeringen av ISO 9001. DĂ€rför Ă€r det av vikt att genomförandet av kvalitetsledningssystemet sker pĂ„ ett effektivt sĂ€tt. ISO 9000 Ă€r ett av de mest vĂ€lkĂ€nda kvalitetsledningssystemen idag. För ett framgĂ„ngsrikt kvalitetsarbete, Ă€r det viktigt att organisationer styrs pĂ„ ett aktivt och tydligt sĂ€tt. ISO 9000-serien utgĂ„r frĂ„n Ă„tta ledningsprinciper. Dessa kan anvĂ€ndas av högsta ledningen för att driva organisationen mot förbĂ€ttrade prestationer. Problematiken med dessa ledningsprinciper Ă€r deras generella formulering och att de inte utgör nĂ„gra direkta krav som mĂ„ste uppfyllas. Syftet med detta examensarbete Ă€r att identifiera de mest kritiska framgĂ„ngsfaktorerna som ledningen bör uppmĂ€rksamma vid ett genomförande av ISO 9001. Det undersöks ocksĂ„ hur vĂ€l dessa överensstĂ€mmer med de Ă„tta ledningsprinciperna. Uppsatsen Ă€r avgrĂ€nsad till smĂ„ och medelstora företag. Denna uppsats faststĂ€ller vilka framgĂ„ngsfaktorer som Ă€r viktigast vid en implementering av ISO 9001. Ledningens engagemang, stĂ€ndiga förbĂ€ttringar, de anstĂ€lldas delaktighet, kommunikation, kvalitetskultur, utbildning och förstĂ„else om ISO 9000 Ă€r faktorer som förekommer i stor utstrĂ€ckning oberoende av företagets storlek. Studien pĂ„visar att det Ă€ven finns faktorer som Ă€r sĂ€rskilt utmĂ€rkande för mindre företag: standardisering av alla processer, val av certifieringsorgan, formellt system för kartlĂ€ggning av klagomĂ„l, Intern och extern kundfokus, positiv attityd till ISO 9000 hos de anstĂ€llda, ett fokus pĂ„ förebyggande av fel och att ISO 9000 ska kunna presenteras till de anstĂ€llda pĂ„ ett lĂ€tt sĂ€tt. Efter en jĂ€mförelse av dessa kritiska framgĂ„ngsfaktorer och de Ă„tta ledningsprinciperna, hittades en faktor som skiljer sig helt frĂ„n ledningsprinciperna. Likheter hos denna faktor gĂ„r inte att hitta bland nĂ„gon av de Ă„tta ledningsprinciperna: val av certifieringsorgan. Resterande faktorer kan tolkas som en variant av nĂ„gon av de Ă„tta ledningsprinciperna
