182 research outputs found

    Low-pressure, water-assisted anatexis of basic dykes in a contact metamorphic aureole, Fuerteventura (Canary Islands): oxygen isotope evidence for a meteoric fluid origin

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    Migmatites produced by low-pressure anatexis of basic dykes are found in a contact metamorphic aureole around a pyroxenite-gabbro intrusion (PX2), on Fuerteventura. Dykes outside and inside the aureole record interaction with meteoric water, with low or negative δ18O whole-rock values (+0.2 to −3.4‰), decreasing towards the contact. Recrystallised plagioclase, diopside, biotite and oxides, from within the aureole, show a similar evolution with lowest δ18O values (−2.8, −4.2, −4.4 and −7.6‰, respectively) in the migmatite zone, close to the intrusion. Relict clinopyroxene phenocrysts preserved in all dykes, retain typically magmatic δ18O values up to the anatectic zone, where the values are lower and more heterogeneous. Low δ18O values, decreasing towards the intrusion, can be ascribed to the advection of meteoric water during magma emplacement, with increasing fluid/rock ratios (higher dyke intensities towards the intrusion acting as fluid-pathways) and higher temperatures promoting increasing exchange during recrystallisatio

    Metasomatic Vein Formation By Stationary Fluids In Carbonate Xenoliths At The Eastern Margin Of The Bergell Intrusion, Val Sissone, Italy

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    Fluid flow is an important mechanism associated with heat and mass transport within the Earth’s crust. The study of veins, which represent channelling of fluids, can thus be key in understanding these fluid movements, unravelling fluid composition and origin, paleo stress regimes, and the history of the host-rock. New stable isotope data on carbonates and silicates have been combined with phase petrology, mass balance, and field observations to evaluate the formation mechanism of metasomatic reaction veins in dolomitic xenoliths in the Bergell tonalites (Val Sissone, Italy). Multiple generations of extensional veins can be followed from the contact zone between the dolomites and the intrusion to a few meters within either the tonalites (with the epidote-quartz veins), or within the dolomites, where they terminate. Each type of vein contains a central zone, which is formed by open fracture crystallization. This central fracture is framed by relatively symmetric replacement zones, where the original dolomite reacted to form either forsterite, diopside, tremolite or talc, all accompanied by calcite in either a succession of reaction zones or in simpler bi-mineral (silicate + calcite) veins. The δ18O and δ13C values across the veins allow temperatures to be estimated from different mineral pairs (silicate + calcite), and which confirm vein formation along a retrograde cooling path of the intrusion. At least four different fluid infiltration events are required, the first one around 555 °C to form the forsterite-calcite veins, followed by the epidote-quartz veins at temperatures around 430 °C, then the tremolite-calcite veins at around 390 °C, and finally the talc-calcite veins at around 140 °C. The shape of the δ18O and δ13C profiles, which are flat across the central part and the replacement zones of the veins (buffered by the intrusion), change substantially over short distances. Both of these isotope profiles overlap with the equally sharp mineralogical front between the veins and the unreacted dolomites. These profiles are interpreted to be the result of an isotopic exchange mechanism driven by dissolution and re-precipitation reactions. All veins are oriented perpendicular to the contact with the intrusive body, except for the late talc veins. Elevated fluid pressures, above the confining pressures caused by the regional and intrusion emplacement stress field, are suggested to be responsible for the initial fracturing of the carbonates and intrusive rocks. The contact zones between the tonalites and carbonates likely served as fluid conduits, where fluids accumulated and the pressure built up until hydrofracturing occurred. We propose that the veins formed through episodic pulses of highly reactive fluids that remained stationary during reaction, rather than a system where fluids flushed through the veins. Based on the XCO2-constrained mass balance, the formation of the veins would only require a relatively small amount of fluid, which could potentially originate from the intrusive rocks in vicinity of the xenoliths. Veining is not ubiquitous around the Bergell intrusion, suggesting that it only may have been a localized event and thus there is no need to involve a larger convective hydrothermal system for their formation

    Interaction of rat alveolar macrophages with dental composite dust

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    Background: Dental composites have become the standard filling material to restore teeth, but during the placement of these restorations, high amounts of respirable composite dust (<5 mu m) including many nano-sized particles may be released in the breathing zone of the patient and dental operator. Here we tested the respirable fraction of several composite particles for their cytotoxic effect using an alveolar macrophage model system. Methods: Composite dust was generated following a clinical protocol, and the dust particles were collected under sterile circumstances. Dust was dispersed in fluid, and 5-mu m-filtered to enrich the respirable fractions. Quartz DQ12 and corundum were used as positive and negative control, respectively. Four concentrations (22.5 mu g/ml, 45 mu g/ml, 90 mu g/ml and 180 mu g/ml) were applied to NR8383 alveolar macrophages. Light and electron microscopy were used for subcellular localization of particles. Culture supernatants were tested for release of lactate dehydrogenase, glucuronidase, TNF-alpha, and H2O2. Results: Characterization of the suspended particles revealed numerous nano-sized particles but also many high volume particles, most of which could be removed by filtering. Even at the highest concentration (180 mu g/ml), cells completely cleared settled particles from the bottom of the culture vessel. Accordingly, a mixture of nano- and micron-scaled particles was observed inside cells where they were confined to phagolysosomes. The filtered particle fractions elicited largely uniform dose-dependent responses, which were elevated compared to the control only at the highest concentration, which equaled a mean cellular dose of 120 pg/cell. A low inflammatory potential was identified due to dose-dependent release of H2O2 and TNF-alpha. However, compared to the positive control, the released levels of H2O2 and TNF-alpha were still moderate, but their release profiles depended on the type of composite. Conclusions: Alveolar macrophages are able to phagocytize respirable composite dust particle inclusive nanoparticles. Since NR8383 cells tolerate a comparatively high cell burden (60 pg/cell) of each of the five materials with minimal signs of cytotoxicity or inflammation, the toxic potential of respirable composite dust seems to be low. These results are reassuring for dental personnel, but more research is needed to characterize the actual exposure and uptake especially of the pure nano fraction

    Interaction of rat alveolar macrophages with dental composite dust

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    Background: Dental composites have become the standard filling material to restore teeth, but during the placement of these restorations, high amounts of respirable composite dust (<5 mu m) including many nano-sized particles may be released in the breathing zone of the patient and dental operator. Here we tested the respirable fraction of several composite particles for their cytotoxic effect using an alveolar macrophage model system. Methods: Composite dust was generated following a clinical protocol, and the dust particles were collected under sterile circumstances. Dust was dispersed in fluid, and 5-mu m-filtered to enrich the respirable fractions. Quartz DQ12 and corundum were used as positive and negative control, respectively. Four concentrations (22.5 mu g/ml, 45 mu g/ml, 90 mu g/ml and 180 mu g/ml) were applied to NR8383 alveolar macrophages. Light and electron microscopy were used for subcellular localization of particles. Culture supernatants were tested for release of lactate dehydrogenase, glucuronidase, TNF-alpha, and H2O2. Results: Characterization of the suspended particles revealed numerous nano-sized particles but also many high volume particles, most of which could be removed by filtering. Even at the highest concentration (180 mu g/ml), cells completely cleared settled particles from the bottom of the culture vessel. Accordingly, a mixture of nano- and micron-scaled particles was observed inside cells where they were confined to phagolysosomes. The filtered particle fractions elicited largely uniform dose-dependent responses, which were elevated compared to the control only at the highest concentration, which equaled a mean cellular dose of 120 pg/cell. A low inflammatory potential was identified due to dose-dependent release of H2O2 and TNF-alpha. However, compared to the positive control, the released levels of H2O2 and TNF-alpha were still moderate, but their release profiles depended on the type of composite. Conclusions: Alveolar macrophages are able to phagocytize respirable composite dust particle inclusive nanoparticles. Since NR8383 cells tolerate a comparatively high cell burden (60 pg/cell) of each of the five materials with minimal signs of cytotoxicity or inflammation, the toxic potential of respirable composite dust seems to be low. These results are reassuring for dental personnel, but more research is needed to characterize the actual exposure and uptake especially of the pure nano fraction

    Paediatricians’ Practice About SUDDEN Infant Death Syndrome in Catalonia, Spain

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    Background SIDS is the major cause of death among healthy born infants in developed countries. Its causes are still unclear, but its risk can be reduced by implementing some simple active interventions. In Spain, limited attention was given to SIDS by the national healthcare system, and actual data on healthcare professionals’ practice on this topic was not available. This study explored for the first time paediatricians’ knowledge and practice about SIDS. Methods A cross-sectional survey was carried out between November 2012 and April 2013 in Catalonia, and reached 1202 paediatricians. The response rate was 46%. Results 94% of respondents perceived themselves as qualified for giving advice and recommendations about SIDS to parents, but only 58% recognized the supine position as the safest position and recommended the supine position exclusively to parents. Seniority and ‘having received a specific training about SIDS’ were detrimental to paediatricians’ knowledge. Discussion Efforts should be made in order to improve paediatricians’ knowledge and practice about SIDS. Specific refresher trainings are highly recommended, and should especially target paediatricians with higher seniority. These trainings could be provided as optional modules, as we could see that the paediatricians who would most benefit from them are already aware of the need to refresh their knowledge

    Wall shear stress as measured in vivo: consequences for the design of the arterial system

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    Based upon theory, wall shear stress (WSS), an important determinant of endothelial function and gene expression, has been assumed to be constant along the arterial tree and the same in a particular artery across species. In vivo measurements of WSS, however, have shown that these assumptions are far from valid. In this survey we will discuss the assessment of WSS in the arterial system in vivo and present the results obtained in large arteries and arterioles. In vivo WSS can be estimated from wall shear rate, as derived from non-invasively recorded velocity profiles, and whole blood viscosity in large arteries and plasma viscosity in arterioles, avoiding theoretical assumptions. In large arteries velocity profiles can be recorded by means of a specially designed ultrasound system and in arterioles via optical techniques using fluorescent flow velocity tracers. It is shown that in humans mean WSS is substantially higher in the carotid artery (1.1–1.3 Pa) than in the brachial (0.4–0.5 Pa) and femoral (0.3–0.5 Pa) arteries. Also in animals mean WSS varies substantially along the arterial tree. Mean WSS in arterioles varies between about 1.0 and 5.0 Pa in the various studies and is dependent on the site of measurement in these vessels. Across species mean WSS in a particular artery decreases linearly with body mass, e.g., in the infra-renal aorta from 8.8 Pa in mice to 0.5 Pa in humans. The observation that mean WSS is far from constant along the arterial tree implies that Murray’s cube law on flow-diameter relations cannot be applied to the whole arterial system. Because blood flow velocity is not constant along the arterial tree either, a square law also does not hold. The exponent in the power law likely varies along the arterial system, probably from 2 in large arteries near the heart to 3 in arterioles. The in vivo findings also imply that in in vitro studies no average shear stress value can be taken to study effects on endothelial cells derived from different vascular areas or from the same artery in different species. The cells have to be studied under the shear stress conditions they are exposed to in real life

    Consensus guidelines for the use and interpretation of angiogenesis assays

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    The formation of new blood vessels, or angiogenesis, is a complex process that plays important roles in growth and development, tissue and organ regeneration, as well as numerous pathological conditions. Angiogenesis undergoes multiple discrete steps that can be individually evaluated and quantified by a large number of bioassays. These independent assessments hold advantages but also have limitations. This article describes in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro bioassays that are available for the evaluation of angiogenesis and highlights critical aspects that are relevant for their execution and proper interpretation. As such, this collaborative work is the first edition of consensus guidelines on angiogenesis bioassays to serve for current and future reference