307 research outputs found

    Características de la distribución de los rendimientos bursátiles: Un análisis con datos diarios y datos intradiarios

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    En este trabajo examinamos la distribución marginal de los rendimientos bursátiles para 2 índices europeos, 2 índices americanos y 2 índices asiáticos. Realizamos un análisis con datos diarios e intradiarios y consideramos diversas distribuciones como son la distribución Normal, la Hiperbólica Generalizada, la Logística y la mixtura Gaussiana. Estimamos los parámetros de estas distribuciones por el método de máxima verosimilitud. Por último, utilizamos distintos contrastes de bondad de ajuste para analizar si estas distribuciones son una aproximación apropiada para la distribución empírica de los rendimientos bursátilesDepartamento de Economía AplicadaGrado en Finanzas, Banca y Seguro

    A methodology to analyse and assess pumping management strategies in coastal aquifers to avoid degradation due to seawater intrusion problems

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    In this paper we will focus on an interesting and complex problem, the analysis of coastal aquifer management alternatives in aquifers affected by seawater intrusion problems. A systhematic method based on an approximation of the safe yield concept for coastal aquifers and a simple model approach to the problem is proposed to help in the decision making process. It is based on the assessment of an index, that we have called the Pumping Reduction to Achieve a Natural Good Status (PRANGS), which we have defined as the minimum reduction in pumped abstractions necessary to maintain seawater intrusion below the value estimated for the natural regime under different climate conditions: humid (PRANGSh), intermediate (PRANGSi) and dry years (PRANGSd). It requires to solve an optimization problem (for each of the climate conditions: humid, intermediate and dry years), whose objective function is to minimize the reduction in pumping whilst ensuring intrusion does not exceed the natural regime ones. A simulation model that provides a valid approximation of seawater intrusion is needed. The methodology was applied to a well-known Spanish Mediterranean aquifer, the Oropesa-Torreblanca Plain aquifer. The optimization problem was solved using an iterative process from a constant density flow simulation model of the aquifer, assuming a direct relationship between piezometric drawdown and seawater intrusion

    Tuning of modulation spectrum parameters for voice pathology detection

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    Acoustic parameters are frequently used to assess the presence of pathologies in human voice. Many of them have demonstrated to be useful but in some cases its results could be optimized by selecting appropriate working margins. In this study two indices, CIL and RALA, obtained from Modulation Spectra are described and tuned using different frame lengths and frequency ranges to maximize AUC in normal to pathological voice detection. After the tuning process, AUC reaches 0.96 and 0.95 values for CIL and RALA respectively representing an improvement of 16 % and 12 % at each case respect to the typical tuning based only on frame length selection

    Analysis of complexity and modulation spectra parameterizations to characterize voice roughness

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    Disordered voices are frequently assessed by speech pathologists using acoustic perceptual evaluations. This might lead to problems due to the subjective nature of the process and due to the in uence of external factors which compromise the quality of the assessment. In order to increase the reliability of the evaluations the design of new indicator parameters obtained from voice signal processing is desirable. With that in mind, this paper presents an automatic evaluation system which emulates perceptual assessments of the roughness level in human voice. Two parameterization methods are used: complexity, which has already been used successfully in previous works, and modulation spectra. For the latter, a new group of parameters has been proposed as Low Modulation Ratio (LMR), Contrast (MSW) and Homogeneity (MSH). The tested methodology also employs PCA and LDA to reduce the dimensionality of the feature space, and GMM classiffers for evaluating the ability of the proposed features on distinguishing the different roughness levels. An effciency of 82% and a Cohen's Kappa Index of 0:73 is obtained using the modulation spectra parameters, while the complexity parameters performed 73% and 0:58 respectively. The obtained results indicate the usefulness of the proposed modulation spectra features for the automatic evaluation of voice roughness which can derive in new parameters to be useful for clinicians

    Collaboration, interdisciplinarité et internationalisation dans la construction d’apprentissages significatives: L’expérience du Séminaire de Pensée économique critique

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    This paper claims the important rol that the collaborative methodologies play in the process of constructing meaningful learnings. This is shown in the model of “Critical Study Workshop”, disigned and developed from the University of Zaragoza as Critical Economic Thought Workshop, in such a way that its interdisciplinary and international demensions stress the collaboration as well as the significativity of the reached learnings. The description of the experience and the presentations of its results —as they have been obteined through valoration surveys to the participating students in successives editions— explain that this collaborative methodology, strengthened by the motivation that interdisciplinarity and an international context offer, serves to achieve not only good learning results but also significant learnings: the degree of comprehension and reflection on the socioeconomic problems addressed increases, as well as the interest and the engagement of the students with their study. Besides, the method enhances not only the cognitive significance of the learnings but also the critical significance, that affects the way that the student places himself/herself by reference to his/her social context, and the lived significance, that links what has been learned with the student’s concerns.En este trabajo sostenemos que las metodologías colaborativas juegan un importante papel en el proceso de construcción de aprendizajes significativos. Así lo muestra el modelo del “Seminario de Estudio Crítico”, diseñado y desarrollado como Seminario de Pensamiento Económico Crítico desde la Universidad de Zaragoza, y cuya dimensión interdisciplinar e internacional sirve además para acentuar tanto la colaboración como la significatividad en los aprendizajes. La descripción de la experiencia y la exposición de sus resultados —obtenidos a través de encuestas al alumnado participante en las sucesivas ediciones— constata que esta metodología colaborativa, reforzada por la motivación que ofrece la interdisciplinariedad y el contexto internacional, sirve para alcanzar no solo buenos resultados de aprendizaje sino también aprendizajes significativos: aumenta el grado de compresión y de reflexión sobre los problemas socio-económicos tratados, así como el interés y vinculación del alumnado a su estudio. Ahora bien, el método potencia no sólo la significatividad cognitiva de los aprendizajes sino también la significatividad crítica, que afecta al modo en que se sitúa el/la estudiante en su contexto social, y la significatividad vivida, que vincula lo aprendido con sus preocupaciones personales.Dans ce travail nous soutenons que les méthodologies collaboratives jouent un rôle important dans le procès de construction d’apprentissages significatives. Cela se montre dans le modèle du « Séminaire d’Étude Critique », selon il a été conçu et développé dès l’Université de Zaragoza comme Séminaire de pensée économique critique, et dont la dimension interdisciplinaire et internationale sert pour accentuer la collaboration aussi que la significativité des apprentissages. La description de l’expérience et l’exposée des résultats — obtenues par enquêtes d’évaluation aux étudiants participants dans les éditons successives — constat que la méthodologie collaborative, renforcée avec la motivation que l’interdisciplinarité et le contexte international offrent, contribue à atteindre non pas seulement des bons résultats d’apprentissage mais aussi des apprentissages significatives : le degré de compréhension et réflexion sur les problèmes socio-économiques abordés s’accroître, aussi que l’intérêt et liens des étudiants avec leur étude. Or, la méthode ne stimule pas seulement la significativité cognitive des apprentissages, mais aussi la significativité critique, qui a à voir avec la façon dont le/la étudiante se situe par rapport à son contexte social, et la significativité vécue, qui fait le lien entre ce qui est appris et les préoccupations personnelles de l’étudiant

    Corpus callosum tumor as the presenting symptom of neurofibromatosis type 1 in a patient and literature review

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    Introducción. La neurofibromatosis tipo 1 (NF1) es uno de los síndromes neurocutáneos más frecuentes y puede asociarse a tumores intracraneales en cualquier localización, pero excepcionalmente en el cuerpo calloso. Objetivos. Presentar un caso de NF1 que se manifiesta como un tumor de cuerpo calloso y llevar a cabo una revisión de la incidencia de tumores del cuerpo calloso en nuestra casuística y en la bibliografía. Caso clínico. Niño visto desde los 3 años con criterios diagnósticos de NF1 (sin comprobación genética), que fue estudiado por resonancia magnética (RM) y RM espectroscópica. La RM mostró objetos brillantes en la neurofibromatosis en diversas zonas cerebrales y cerebelosas, posible tumor en el tronco cerebral (parte bulbar) y tumor en la zona derecha del esplenio del cuerpo calloso. La RM espectroscópica del posible tumor del tronco mostró hallazgos compatibles con tumoración glial de bajo grado. Se siguió su evolución hasta los 19 años sin que hubieran existido cambios clínicos ni en el tamaño de los tumores en las dos localizaciones. Sólo existen seis casos publicados de tumor del cuerpo calloso en pacientes con NF1. Conclusión. Presentamos un nuevo caso de un paciente con tumor del cuerpo calloso en un paciente con NF1. Las características de la imagen y la evolución clínica van a favor del carácter benigno de este tipo de tumorIntroduction. Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is one of the most frequent neurocutaneous syndromes. NF1 can be associated with intracranial tumors in any location, but only rarely in the corpus callosum. Aims. To describe a case of NF1 presenting as a tumor of the corpus callosum and to carry out a review of the incidence of the tumors of corpus callosum in our series and in the literature. Case report. We present a child who was studied since 3 years of age because of complete NF1 clinical diagnostic criteria (without genetic study). He was studied by MR and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). MR study showed neurofibromatosis bright objects distributed over several regions of the cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum, a possible brain stem tumor (bulbar zone) and the splenium of the corpus callosum. The MRS of the brain stem tumor showed changes consistent with a low grade glial tumor. The patient was followed until 19-years of age without demonstrating any changes in the clinical features or the tumor size in both locations Only six cases of corpus callosum tumor in patients with NF1 have been published to date. Conclusions. We present a new case with tumor of the corpus callosum and NF1. The imaging characteristics and the clinical course were in favour of the benign nature of this type of tumo

    Automatic age detection in normal and pathological voice

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    Systems that automatically detect voice pathologies are usually trained with recordings belonging to population of all ages. However such an approach might be inadequate because of the acoustic variations in the voice caused by the natural aging process. In top of that, elder voices present some perturbations in quality similar to those related to voice disorders, which make the detection of pathologies more troublesome. With this in mind, the study of methodologies which automatically incorporate information about speakers’ age, aiming at a simplification in the detection of voice disorders is of interest. In this respect, the present paper introduces an age detector trained with normal and pathological voice, constituting a first step towards the study of age-dependent pathology detectors. The proposed system employs sustained vowels of the Saarbrucken database from which two age groups are examinated: adults and elders. Mel frequency cepstral coefficients for characterization, and Gaussian mixture models for classification are utilized. In addition, fusion of vowels at score level is considered to improve detection performance. Results suggest that age might be effectively recognized using normal and pathological voices when using sustained vowels as acoustical material, opening up possibilities for the design of automatic age-dependent voice pathology detection systems