27 research outputs found

    The Smartphone Addiction Levels and the Association With Communication Skills in Nursing and Medical School Students

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    Background The use of smartphones among young people is quite common. However, smartphones are associated with negative effects when used excessively. It has been reported that smartphone use may adversely affect learning in the classroom, cause safety issues, and negatively affect interpersonal communications. Purpose The aims of this study were to determine the level of smartphone addiction among nursing and medical school students and to examine the effect of smartphone addiction level on communication skills. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted with medical school and nursing students at a public university (502 participants). Data were collected using a personal information form, the Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version (SAS-SV), and the Communication Skills Assessment Scale. Results All of the participants in the study owned smartphones. Most (70.9%) were female, and 58.2% were in the nursing program. The participants used smartphones for a mean time of 5.07 +/- 3.32 hours a day, primarily for messaging. The mean total SAS-SV score for the participants was 31.89 +/- 9.90, and a significant difference in SAS-SV mean scores was found with regard to the variables of department, gender, daily smartphone use duration, academic success, status regarding smartphone use in the classroom, participation in sports, easy communication with patients and relatives, preferred mode of communication, health problems tied to phone use, and injury status (p < .05). In addition, a positive weak-to-moderate relationship was found between SAS-SV mean scores and the variables of daily smartphone use duration and years of smartphone use, whereas a negative weak relationship was found between SAS-SV mean scores and Communication Skills Assessment Scale scores. Daily smartphone use duration was found to be the most important predictor of smartphone addiction. Conclusions/Implications for Practice Higher SAS-SV scores have a negative impact on interpersonal communication and social life and reduce learning efficacy in students. Therefore, students and lecturers should be better informed regarding the benefits and risks of smartphone use in education, with precautions provided against excessive and needless use

    Occupational Anxiety of Nursing Students After Graduation and Impacting Factors

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    Amaç: Bu araştırma hemşirelik öğrencilerinin mesleki kaygılarını ve mesleki kaygıları etkileyen faktörleri belirlemekamacıyla yapıldı.Yöntem: Araştırma Şubat-Nisan 2017 tarihlerinde bir devlet üniversitesi sağlık yüksekokulunda yürütüldü. Veriler hemşirelikbölümünde okuyan 230 öğrenciden toplandı. Veri toplamada öğrencilerin sosyo-demografik özellikleri, mesleği tercih etmeve sürdürme isteği ve mesleki kaygılara yönelik soruları içeren anket formu kullanıldı.Bulgular: Öğrencilerin en fazla kaygılı olduğu ilk üç konu mesleğine bağlı bir hastalığa yakalanmak (%77), toplumdamesleğine yönelik saygının yeterli olmaması (%77) ve lisans mezunu olmayan hemşirelerle aynı statüde değerlendirilmekti(%74). Öğrencilerin en az kaygı duyduğu konular ise istediği kurumda iş bulamamak (%6.5), bakım verdiği bireylerle (%3)ve sağlık ekibiyle (%4.3) etkin iletişim kuramamaktı. Kadın öğrencilerde, hemşireliği isteyerek seçmeyen öğrencilerde vemezuniyet sonrası hemşire olarak çalışmak istemeyen öğrencilerde bazı mesleki kaygılar daha fazlaydı.Sonuç: Öğrencilerin çalışan güvenliği ve mesleki statü başta olmak üzere mesleklerine yönelik çeşitli kaygılarıbulunmaktadır. Bu sonuçlara dayalı olarak öncelikle öğrencilerin klinik eğitimleri kapsamında iş güvenliği önlemlerininarttırılması gerekmektedir. Öğrencilerin eğitim hayatları süresince hemşireliği sevmeleri ve benimsemelerine de önemverilmelidir. Ayrıca hemşireliğin profesyonel bir meslek olarak kabul görmesi ve saygınlığının artması yönünde hemşirelerin,hemşirelik okullarının ve hemşirelik hizmeti veren kurumların iyi örnekler sunmalarına, birlik olarak hareket etmelerineihtiyaç bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçların hemşirelik okullarının eğitim planlamalarına yol göstereceği veöğrencilerin çalışma hayatına daha iyi hazırlanmalarına yardımcı olacağı düşünülmektedir.Aim: This research was carried out in order to determine the occupational anxiety of nursing students and the factors affecting these anxieties. Method: This research was conducted at a school of health of a state university between February and April 2017. The data was collected from 230 students attending the nursing program. A questionnaire including questions about the students’ sociodemographic attributes, the reasons for choosing this particular profession and eagerness for its maintenance, and also questions regarding occupational anxiety were used for data collection. Results: The first three issues the students were most anxious about were to contract a profession-related illness (77%), profession oriented lack of respect in the community (77%), and being put in the same equation with nurses who do not have a bachelor’s degree. The least concern the students were anxious about were not being able to find a position in a desired workplace (6.5%), not being able to establish a communication with the patients they deal with (3%) or with the healthcare professionals (4.3%). Some occupational anxiety areas were higher among female students, students who did not choose nursing intentionally, and students who did not want to work as a nurse after graduation. Conclusions: Students have various anxieties about their occupation, two of which were in particular employee safety, and occupational status. Based on these results, it is necessary that precautions on occupational safety be increased within the scope of clinical practise trainings of students. It is also necessary to place importance on the love and interiorisation of nursing during nursing education. In addition, nurses, nursing schools and institutions giving nursing services should provide good examples, and act as unity in order to increase nursing care as a professional occupation and to increase its respectability. It is thought that the results obtained from this study will guide nursing schools' educational planning and help students prepare for working life better

    Production and characterization of Al2024/SiC Composites with high SiC reinforcement

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    Bu çalışmada, ağırlıkça %10, %20 ve %40 SiC takviyesi içeren Al2024/SiC parçacıklarının mekanik öğütme (MÖ) yöntemiyle üretimi ve üretilen bu parçacıkların sıcak presleme (SP) yöntemiyle sıkıştırılması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapı içerisinde değişen ağırlık oranlarında (%10, 20 ve 40) SiC toz takviyesinin morfoloji, mikro yapı, element analizi, sertlik ve yoğunluk özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Deneysel çalışmalar sonucunda MÖ işlemi ile elde edilen homojen parçacıklar sayesinde mikro yapıda homojen bir element dağılımı gözlemlenmiştir. Ancak, yapıda ağırlıkça artan SiC toz miktarının porozite oluşumuna neden olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ağırlıkça %10, %20 ve %40 SiC içeriğine sahip kompozit numunelerin % bağıl yoğunluk değerleri sırasıyla %99.060, %98.301 ve %95.252 olarak ölçülmüştür. Yapıdaki SiC tanecik takviyesinin ağırlığının artmasıyla sertlik değerlerinde çok yüksek bir artış gözlenmiştir. Ağırlıkça %10, %20 ve %40 SiC toz içeren Al2024/SiC kompozit malzemeler için sertlik değerleri sırasıyla 177.23 HV(0.5), 250.617 HV(0.5) ve 316.67 HV(0.5) olarak ölçülmüştür.In this study, the production of Al2024/SiC particles containing 10%, 20% and 40% by weight SiC reinforcement by mechanical milling (MM) method and the compaction of these produced particles by hot pressing (SP) method were carried out. The effects of SiC particle reinforcement in varying weight ratios (%10, 20 and 40) in the structure on morphology, microstructure, elemental analysis, hardness and density properties were investigated. As a result of the experimental studies, a homogeneous elemental distribution was observed in the microstructure thanks to the homogeneous particles obtained by the MM process. However, it was determined that the amount of SiC particles increasing in weight in the structure caused the formation of porosity. The % relative density values of the composite samples with 10, 20 and 40 wt% SiC contents were measured as 99.060%, 98.301% and 95.252%, respectively. A very high increase in hardness values was observed with the increase in weight of SiC particle reinforcement in the structure. Hardness values were measured as 177.23 HV(0.5), 250.617 HV(0.5) and 316.67 HV(0.5) for Al2024/SiC composite materials containing 10, 20 and 40 wt% SiC particles, respectively

    Neogene Uplift and Magmatism of Anatolia: Insights from Drainage Analysis and Basaltic Geochemistry

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    It is generally agreed that mantle dynamics have played a significant role in generating and maintaining the elevated topography of Anatolia during Neogene times. However, there is much debate about the relative importance of subduction zone and asthenospheric processes. Key issues concern onset and cause of regional uplift, thickness of the lithospheric plate, and the presence or absence of temperature and/or compositional anomalies within the convecting mantle. Here, we tackle these interlinked issues by analyzing and modeling two disparate suites of observations. First, a drainage inventory of 1,844 longitudinal river profiles is assembled. This geomorphic database is inverted to calculate the variation of Neogene regional uplift through time and space by minimizing the misfit between observed and calculated river profiles subject to independent calibration. Our results suggest that regional uplift commenced in the east at 20 Ma and propagated westward. Secondly, we have assembled a database of geochemical analyses of basaltic rocks. Two different approaches have been used to quantitatively model this database with a view to determining the depth and degree of asthenospheric melting across Anatolia. Our results suggest that melting occurs at depths as shallow as 60 km in the presence of mantle potential temperatures as high as 1400°C. There is evidence that potential temperatures are higher in the east, consistent with the pattern of sub-plate shear wave velocity anomalies. Our combined results are consistent with isostatic and admittance analyses and suggest that elevated asthenospheric temperatures beneath thinned Anatolian lithosphere have played a first order role in generating and maintaining regional dynamic topography and basaltic magmatism

    Mekanik öğütme yöntemi ile üretilen mikronaltı Al2O3 seramik parçacıklarının fiziksel özellikleri üzerine öğütme zamanı, öğütme hızı ve bilye toz ağırlık oranının etkisi

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    Bu çalışmada mekanik öğütme yöntemi ile kaba toz boyutuna sahip Al2O3 (Alüminyum Oksit) tozlarından mikronaltı ve nano toz boyutuna sahip Al2O3 tozlarının üretimi amaçlanmıştır. Aynı zamanda mekanik öğütme işlemine tabi tutulan Al2O3 tozlarının morfolojisi, parçacık boyutu, özgül yüzey alanı, görünür yoğunluğu ve mikroyapısı üzerine mekanik öğütme parametreleri olan öğütme zamanı, öğütme hızı ve bilye toz ağırlık oranının etkisi araştırılmıştır. Morfoloji incelemeleri için taramalı elektron mikroskobu kullanılmıştır. Al2O3 tozlarının ortalama parçacık boyutu ve özgül yüzey alanı parçacık boyutu ölçüm cihazı ile araştırılmıştır. Görünür yoğunluk değerleri hall akış metre cihazı kullanılarak ölçülmüştür. Morfoloji incelemeleri, başlangıçta köşeli morfolojiye sahip Al2O3 parçacıklarının artan öğütme hızı ile düzensiz ve küresele yakın bir morfolojiye dönüştüğünü göstermiştir. Parçacık boyutu değerleri incelendiğinde boyut azalışındaki en etkin mekanik öğütme parametresinin öğütme hızı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen en düşük parçacık boyutu değeri 320 nm olup bu değere 300 devir/dk. 5 sa. ve 15:1 toz bilye ağırlık oranı şartlarında ulaşılmıştır. Al2O3 tozlarının 48 mikron değerindeki başlangıç boyutu ile 5 sa. kısa bir öğütme süresi sonunda elde edilen 320 nm’lik parçacık boyutu karşılaştırıldığında mekanik öğütme işleminin seramik toz öğütme işlemi üzerine etkisi açık bir şekilde ortaya konmuştur

    Early Miocene adakite-like volcanism in the Balkuyumcu region, central Anatolia, Turkey: Petrology and geochemistry

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    International audienceThe Balkuyumcu region, located in the southwestern part of Ankara in the Izmir-Ankara suture zone (central Anatolia, Turkey), consists of basic andesitic, andesitic, dacitic and rhyolitic rocks extruded during the Early Miocene (20–22 Ma) as a result of post-collisional volcanism. Balkuyumcu volcanic rocks can be divided into two groups on the basis of their mineralogy and composition: The basic andesitic (BA) and andesitic, dacitic and rhyolitic (ADR) groups. The ADR and BA group of rocks have adakite-like and calc-alkaline characteristics, respectively. The ADR group has higher SiO2 content, Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios and low MgO, Mg#, Y and Yb contents than the BA group. Both groups have nearly the same Sr, Nd isotopic compositions and display similar normalized multi-element patterns with enrichments in LILE and LREE, depletions in Nb, Ti, Zr, P and a lack of Eu anomalies. Major, trace element and Sr, Nd isotopic data indicate that both groups of rocks were derived from the same source but affected by different magmatic processes during ascent. The adakite-like rocks may have been produced by partial melting of thickened lower continental crust. Fractional crystallization also played a major role in their formation. However, the BA group rocks were derived from partial melting of lower continental crust that was probably delaminated. These rocks appear to have had limited interaction with mantle peridodite during ascent to the surface


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    Amaç: Bu araştırma hemşirelik öğrencilerinin mesleki kaygılarını ve mesleki kaygıları etkileyen faktörleri belirlemekamacıyla yapıldı.Yöntem: Araştırma Şubat-Nisan 2017 tarihlerinde bir devlet üniversitesi sağlık yüksekokulunda yürütüldü. Veriler hemşirelikbölümünde okuyan 230 öğrenciden toplandı. Veri toplamada öğrencilerin sosyo-demografik özellikleri, mesleği tercih etmeve sürdürme isteği ve mesleki kaygılara yönelik soruları içeren anket formu kullanıldı.Bulgular: Öğrencilerin en fazla kaygılı olduğu ilk üç konu mesleğine bağlı bir hastalığa yakalanmak (%77), toplumdamesleğine yönelik saygının yeterli olmaması (%77) ve lisans mezunu olmayan hemşirelerle aynı statüde değerlendirilmekti(%74). Öğrencilerin en az kaygı duyduğu konular ise istediği kurumda iş bulamamak (%6.5), bakım verdiği bireylerle (%3)ve sağlık ekibiyle (%4.3) etkin iletişim kuramamaktı. Kadın öğrencilerde, hemşireliği isteyerek seçmeyen öğrencilerde vemezuniyet sonrası hemşire olarak çalışmak istemeyen öğrencilerde bazı mesleki kaygılar daha fazlaydı.Sonuç: Öğrencilerin çalışan güvenliği ve mesleki statü başta olmak üzere mesleklerine yönelik çeşitli kaygılarıbulunmaktadır. Bu sonuçlara dayalı olarak öncelikle öğrencilerin klinik eğitimleri kapsamında iş güvenliği önlemlerininarttırılması gerekmektedir. Öğrencilerin eğitim hayatları süresince hemşireliği sevmeleri ve benimsemelerine de önemverilmelidir. Ayrıca hemşireliğin profesyonel bir meslek olarak kabul görmesi ve saygınlığının artması yönünde hemşirelerin,hemşirelik okullarının ve hemşirelik hizmeti veren kurumların iyi örnekler sunmalarına, birlik olarak hareket etmelerineihtiyaç bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçların hemşirelik okullarının eğitim planlamalarına yol göstereceği veöğrencilerin çalışma hayatına daha iyi hazırlanmalarına yardımcı olacağı düşünülmektedir.Aim: This research was carried out in order to determine the occupational anxiety of nursing students and the factors affecting these anxieties. Method: This research was conducted at a school of health of a state university between February and April 2017. The data was collected from 230 students attending the nursing program. A questionnaire including questions about the students’ sociodemographic attributes, the reasons for choosing this particular profession and eagerness for its maintenance, and also questions regarding occupational anxiety were used for data collection. Results: The first three issues the students were most anxious about were to contract a profession-related illness (77%), profession oriented lack of respect in the community (77%), and being put in the same equation with nurses who do not have a bachelor’s degree. The least concern the students were anxious about were not being able to find a position in a desired workplace (6.5%), not being able to establish a communication with the patients they deal with (3%) or with the healthcare professionals (4.3%). Some occupational anxiety areas were higher among female students, students who did not choose nursing intentionally, and students who did not want to work as a nurse after graduation. Conclusions: Students have various anxieties about their occupation, two of which were in particular employee safety, and occupational status. Based on these results, it is necessary that precautions on occupational safety be increased within the scope of clinical practise trainings of students. It is also necessary to place importance on the love and interiorisation of nursing during nursing education. In addition, nurses, nursing schools and institutions giving nursing services should provide good examples, and act as unity in order to increase nursing care as a professional occupation and to increase its respectability. It is thought that the results obtained from this study will guide nursing schools' educational planning and help students prepare for working life better

    Microstructure and Properties of Al-B 4 C Functionally Graded Materials Produced by Powder Metallurgy Method

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    Abstract In the present work, three different types-layered Al-B 4 C functionally graded materials were fabricated via powder metallurgy. The Al-B 4 C powder mixtures were cold pressed in two different pressures (400 and 500MPa) and sintered at 600 o C for 3h under argon atmosphere. After investigating the pressure and sintering process of the mixed powder with different compositions, the density, microstructure, elemental distribution and hardness variation of the produced FGMs were evaluated. A detailed characterization of the microstructure of the FGMs was carried out using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The results revealed that the mechanical properties of the Al-B 4 C FGMs system strongly depend on constitutional variation, and display various graded distributions as well. The microstructure of FGMs so produced exhibits a gradual change of hardness from 165BHN in aluminum to 250BHN in B 4 C region