1,099 research outputs found

    Modelo de conciencia para la sustentabilidad

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    Roughly, the conscience for sustainability unveils a process of civil self-management in the face of the absence or inefficiency of state management in terms of resource supply and quality of public services. In this sense, the present work set out to establish a model for the study of the phenomenon. Documentary work was done with a sample selection of sources indexed to national repositories, considering the year of publication and the keywords. Lines related to the extension of the model, as well as to the comparison between regions are confirmed to corroborate the findings reported in the literature.Grosso modo, la conciencia para la sustentabilidad devela un proceso de autogestión civil frente a la ausencia o ineficiencia de la gestión estatal en materia de abastecimiento de recursos y calidad de los servicios públicos. En ese tenor, el presente trabajo se propuso establecer un modelo para el estudio del fenómeno. Se realizó un trabajo documental con una selección muestral de fuentes indexadas a repositorios nacionales, considerando el año de publicación y las palabras claves. Se advierten líneas concernientes a la extensión del modelo, así como a la comparación entre regiones para corroborar los hallazgos reportados en la literatura

    Response to fluoxetine in children and adolescents: a weighted gene co-expression network analysis of peripheral blood

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    The inconclusive and non-replicated results of pharmacogenetic studies of antidepressant response could be related to the lack of acknowledgement of its mechanism of action. In this scenario, gene expression studies provide and interesting framework to reveal new candidate genes for pharmacogenetic studies or peripheral biomarkers of fluoxetine response. We propose a system biology approach to analyse changes in gene expression induced by eight weeks of treatment with fluoxetine in peripheral blood. 21 naïve child and adolescents participated in the present study. Our analysis include the identification of gene co-expression modules, using Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA), followed by protein-protein interaction (PPi) network construction coupled with functional annotation. Our results revealed two modules of co-expression genes related to fluoxetine treatment. The constructed networks from these modules were enriched for biological processes related to cellular and metabolic processes, cell communication, immune system processes, cell death, response to stimulus and neurogenesis. Some of these processes, such as immune system, replicated previous findings in the literature, whereas, neurogenesis, a mechanism proposed to be involved in fluoxetine response, had been identified for first time using peripheral tissues. In conclusion, our study identifies several biological processes in relation to fluoxetine treatment in peripheral blood, offer new candidate genes for pharmacogenetic studies and valuable markers for peripheral moderator biomarkers discovery

    Vigilância da qualidade microbiológica de água de consumo humano e de água destinada ao abastecimento público da província de Valência durante o período 2002-2010

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    This study focuses on assessing the microbiological quality of drinking water and of water intended for drinking in the province of Valencia (Spain) between 2002 and 2010. Variation was found regarding space, time and source requirements in samples that did not meet the standards of quality established by Royal Decree 140/2003 for the following: total coliforms (TC); faecal coliforms (FC); Escherichia coli (EC); aerobic bacteria at 22 ºC (AB 22 ºC); faecal streptococci (FS); enterococci (EN); sulphite-reducing clostridia (SC); and Clostridium perfringens (CP). The samples were stratified by those meeting the standards (“Compliance”) and those that did not (“Non-Compliance”), as well as by their relationship with the degree of chlorination.A total of 10057 water samples were examined from various sources: springs; surface waters; denitrifying plant waters; wells; and distribution networks. They were grouped into each of the 17 districts of the province of Valencia.The total number of samples that failed to meet the standards of quality, for each criterion, were as follows: 34.0 % for TC; 16.0 % FS-EN; 13.0 % for FC-EC; 5.6 % for SC-CP; and 15.5 % for AB 22 ºC. Regarding spatial variation in samples, the highest percentages of samples in the “Non-Compliance” group were found in the interior part of the province. For time variation, the highest percentages of “Non-Compliance” were for the years: 2002 - 2004, 2008 and 2009. Regarding source variation, origin of the samples with “Non- compliance” was highest for surface waters, followed by springs and wells.For all samples studied, 39.8 % were within the “Non-Compliance” group, of which 18.3 % came from sources that supply the population (distribution networks).Of the samples within the “Compliance” group, 61 % were chlorinated, which confirms that chlorine is a powerful disinfectant and that chlorination is an effective water disinfection treatment.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo la evaluación de la calidad microbiológica de las muestras de agua analizadas en la provincia de Valencia durante el período 2002-2010. Se observó la variación espacial, temporal y por origen de las muestras que no cumplían los requisitos especificados en el RD 140/2003 para los coliformes totales (CT), coliformes fecales (CF), Escherichia coli (EC), aerobios a 22 ºC (AB 22 ºC), estreptococos fecales (EF), enterococos (EN), Clostridium sulfito reductores (CS), y Clostridium perfringens (CP), estratificando las muestras en aquellas que cumplían la normativa “Conformes” y las que no “No Conformes”, y su relación con el grado de cloración.Se estudian un total de 10057 muestras de agua procedentes de fuentes que no manan de la red, aguas superficiales, aguas provenientes de plantas desnitrificadoras, pozos y redes de distribución. Se han agrupado en las 17 comarcas de la provincia de Valencia.Del total de las muestras, no cumplían los requisitos de calidad para CT el 34,0 %, para EF-EN el 16,0 %, para AB 22 ºC el 15.5 % para CF-EC el 13,0 % y para CS-CP el 5,6 %. Los porcentajes más elevados de muestras “No Conformes” se observaron situados en la zona interior, y en los años 2002-2004, 2008 y 2009. Respecto a la distribución por origen, se observaron en aguas superficiales, seguidas de fuentes y pozos.Del total de muestras estudiadas, el 39,8 % eran “No Conformes”, y de estas un 18,3 % procedían de abastecimientos que proveen a la población (redes de distribución).El 61,0 % de las muestras “Conformes” estaban cloradas, lo que demuestra que el cloro sigue siendo un tratamiento efectivo de desinfección.Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de amostras de água analisadas na província de Valência durante o período de 2002 a 2010. Observou-se a variação espacial, temporal e da origem das amostras que não cumprem os requisitos estabelecidos no RD 140/2003, para coliformes totais (CT), coliformes fecais (CF), Escherichia coli (EC), germes aeróbios a 22 ºC (AB 22 ºC), estreptococos fecais (EF), enterococos (EN), Clostridium sulfito (CS) e Clostridium perfringens (CP), estratificando as amostras que cumpriam os requisitos em “conformes” e as que não cumpriam em “não conformes” e a relação com o nível de cloro. Foi estudado um total de 10057 amostras de água de diversas origens: fontes, águas superficiais, centrais de desnitrificação, poços e rede de distribuição. Foram agrupadas nos 17 municípios de Valência.Do total das amostras, não cumpriam os requisitos de qualidade para CT (34 %), EF e EN (16 %), AB 22 ºC (15,5 %), CF e EC (13 %) e CS e CP (5,6 %). Quanto à variação espacial registaram-se as maiores percentagens de amostras “não conformes” na zona interior e nos anos 2002 a 2004, 2008 e 2009. No que diz respeito à distribuição por origens foram observadas maiores percentagens de amostras “não conformes” nas águas de superfície, seguido de nascentes e poços.Do total de amostras analisadas, 39,8 % estavam “não conforme”, sendo que 18,3 % destas eram da rede que abastece a população (rede de distribuição).61 % das amostras “conformes” estão cloradas, o que significa que o cloro ainda é um tratamento eficaz de desinfeção

    Current Approaches for Glioma Gene Therapy and Virotherapy

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor in the adult population and it carries a dismal prognosis. Inefficient drug delivery across the blood brain barrier (BBB), an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment (TME) and development of drug resistance are key barriers to successful glioma treatment. Since gliomas occur through sequential acquisition of genetic alterations, gene therapy, which enables to modification of the genetic make-up of target cells, appears to be a promising approach to overcome the obstacles encountered by current therapeutic strategies. Gene therapy is a rapidly evolving field with the ultimate goal of achieving specific delivery of therapeutic molecules using either viral or non-viral delivery vehicles. Gene therapy can also be used to enhance immune responses to tumor antigens, reprogram the TME aiming at blocking glioma-mediated immunosuppression and normalize angiogenesis. Nano-particles-mediated gene therapy is currently being developed to overcome the BBB for glioma treatment. Another approach to enhance the anti-glioma efficacy is the implementation of viro-immunotherapy using oncolytic viruses, which are immunogenic. Oncolytic viruses kill tumor cells due to cancer cell-specific viral replication, and can also initiate an anti-tumor immunity. However, concerns still remain related to off target effects, and therapeutic and transduction efficiency. In this review, we describe the rationale and strategies as well as advantages and disadvantages of current gene therapy approaches against gliomas in clinical and preclinical studies. This includes different delivery systems comprising of viral, and non-viral delivery platforms along with suicide/prodrug, oncolytic, cytokine, and tumor suppressor-mediated gene therapy approaches. In addition, advances in glioma treatment through BBB-disruptive gene therapy and anti-EGFRvIII/VEGFR gene therapy are also discussed. Finally, we discuss the results of gene therapy-mediated human clinical trials for gliomas. In summary, we highlight the progress, prospects and remaining challenges of gene therapies aiming at broadening our understanding and highlighting the therapeutic arsenal for GBM.Fil: Banerjee, Kaushik. University of Michigan; Estados UnidosFil: Núñez Aguilera, Felipe Javier. Fundación Instituto Leloir; ArgentinaFil: Haase, Santiago. University of Michigan; Estados UnidosFil: McClellan, Brandon L.. University of Michigan; Estados UnidosFil: Faisal, Syed M.. University of Michigan; Estados UnidosFil: Carney, Stephen V.. University of Michigan; Estados UnidosFil: Yu, Jin. University of Michigan; Estados UnidosFil: Alghamri, Mahmoud S.. University of Michigan; Estados UnidosFil: Asad, Antonela Sofía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas; ArgentinaFil: Nicola Candia, Alejandro Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas; ArgentinaFil: Varela, Maria Luisa. University of Michigan; Estados UnidosFil: Candolfi, Marianela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas; ArgentinaFil: Lowenstein, Pedro R.. University of Michigan; Estados UnidosFil: Castro, Maria G.. University of Michigan; Estados Unido

    In vitro Digestibility of Whole Forage Re-Shoots from Two New Sugar Cane Cultivars (Saccharum spp. C97-366 and C99-374).

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    In vitro digestibility of two new sugar cane cultivars for animal forage was determined. Three runs were made using gas from cattle feces as inoculum. The plant's integral fraction was studied at 6, 8, and 11 months of re-shoot. Forage cultivar My5514 was used as witness. The Ørskov and McDonald´s model (1979), transformed by Correa (2004), was used to determine the parameters. Simple variance analyses were carried out, and the differences between the means for P < 0.05, were determined by Tukey. The results showed that the two new cultivars produced similar in vitro gas volumes, and even higher (8 and 11 months of age) than the My5514 forage cultivar. At 8 months, the new cultivars had the best in vitro gas production values. The values achieved for the in vitro gas production, speed (0.011 h -1-0.033h -1), and gas production potential (32.7 ml-52.1 ml), were high. Moreover, the lag had low values (2.10 h-4.57 h)

    Comportamiento y salud de los jóvenes universitarios: satisfacción con el estilo de vida

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    The purpose of this study was to describe behaviors that form part of the life-style of young college students in 10 dimensions: exercise and physical activity, leisure time, self-care and medical care, diet, alcohol, tobacco and illegal drug consumption, sleep, sexuality, interpersonal relationships, coping and perceived emotional state, and their satisfaction with each. 598 students participated (44.7% men and 55.3% women) from a private university in the southwest of Colombia, who answered the College Youth Lifestyle Questionnaire (Cevju). The results show a high prevalence of healthy practices in all dimensions, except for exercise and physical activity, and satisfaction with lifestyle and general health  status. There was coherence between the level of satisfaction and practices (healthy or unhealthy), and this relationship was analyzed following the guidelines of the stages of change model. Finally, some ideas are presented for consideration, with the idea of creating intervention programs aimed at promoting positive health behaviors and preventing those that adversely affect health.El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir los comportamientos que hacen parte de los estilos de vida de los jóvenes universitarios, en diez dimensiones: ejercicio y actividad física, tiempo de ocio, autocuidado y cuidado médico, alimentación, consumo de alcohol, tabaco y drogas ilegales, sueño, sexualidad, relaciones interpersonales, afrontamiento y estado emocional percibido, y su correspondiente grado de satisfacción con dichas prácticas. Participaron 598 estudiantes (44,7% hombres y 55,3% mujeres) de una universidad privada de Colombia, quienes diligenciaron el “Cuestionario de estilos de vida en jóvenes universitarios” (Cevju). Los resultados obtenidos muestran un predominio de prácticas saludables en todas las dimensiones, con excepción de ejercicio y actividad física y alta satisfacción con el estilo de vida y el estado general de salud. Hubo coherencia entre el nivel de satisfacción con el tipo de prácticas realizadas, y esta relación fue analizada siguiendo los lineamientos del modelo de etapas de cambio. Finalmente, se propusieron algunos aspectos relevantes para la creación de programas de intervención que se orienten a la promoción de un mayor número de conductas positivas para la salud y a la disminución de aquellas que puedan deteriorarla.O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os comportamentos que fazem parte dos estilos de vida dos jovens universitários, em dez dimensões: Exercício e atividade física, Tempo de ócio, Cuidado e cuidado médico, Alimentação, Consumo de álcool, Tabaco e drogas ilegais, Sonho, Sexualidade, Relações interpessoais Enfrentamento e Estado emocional percebido, e seu correspondente grau de satisfação com ditas práticas. Participaram 598 estudantes (44,7% homens e 55,3% mulheres) de uma universidade privada do sudoeste colombiano, que diligenciaram o “Cuestionario de estilos de vida en jóvenes universitarios” (Cevju). Os resultados obtidos mostram um predomínio de práticas saudáveis em todas as dimensões com exceção de Exercício e atividade física, e alta satisfação com o estilo de vida e o estado geral de saúde. Houve coerência entre o nível de satisfação com o tipo de práticas realizadas (saudáveis ou não saudáveis) e esta relação foi analisada seguindo os lineamientos do modelo de períodos de mudança. Finalmente, foram propostos alguns aspectos relevantes de análise para a criação de programas de intervenção que se orientem para a promoção de um maior número de condutas positivas para a saúde e para a diminuição daquelas que possam deteriorá-l

    COVID-19 Clinical Profile in Latin American Migrants Living in Spain: Does the Geographical Origin Matter?

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    COVID-19; Latin America; SeverityCOVID-19; Amèrica Llatina; GravetatCOVID-19; América Latina; GravedadThe aim of this study was to describe and compare the clinical characteristics of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 pneumonia according to their geographical origin. This is a retrospective case-control study of hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia treated at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (Barcelona) during the first wave of the pandemic. Cases were defined as patients born in Latin America and controls were randomly selected among Spanish patients matched by age and gender. Demographic and clinical variables were collected, including comorbidities, symptoms, vital signs and analytical parameters, intensive care unit admission and outcome at 28 days after admission. Overall, 1080 hospitalized patients were registered: 774 (71.6%) from Spain, 142 (13.1%) from Latin America and the rest from other countries. Patients from Latin America were considered as cases and 558 Spanish patients were randomly selected as controls. Latin American patients had a higher proportion of anosmia, rhinorrhea and odynophagia, as well as higher mean levels of platelets and lower mean levels of ferritin than Spanish patients. No differences were found in oxygen requirement and mortality at 28 days after admission, but there was a higher proportion of ICU admissions (28.2% vs. 20.2%, p = 0.0310). An increased proportion of ICU admissions were found in patients from Latin America compared with native Spanish patients when adjusted by age and gender, with no significant differences in in-hospital mortality.Isabel Campos-Varela’s research activity is funded by grant PI19/00330 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III. CIBERehd is supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III. The work was independent of all funding. This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors

    Algae as food in Europe: an overview of species diversity and their application

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    ABSTRACT: Algae have been consumed for millennia in several parts of the world as food, food supplements, and additives, due to their unique organoleptic properties and nutritional and health benefits. Algae are sustainable sources of proteins, minerals, and fiber, with well-balanced essential amino acids, pigments, and fatty acids, among other relevant metabolites for human nutrition. This review covers the historical consumption of algae in Europe, developments in the current European market, challenges when introducing new species to the market, bottlenecks in production technology, consumer acceptance, and legislation. The current algae species that are consumed and commercialized in Europe were investigated, according to their status under the European Union (EU) Novel Food legislation, along with the market perspectives in terms of the current research and development initiatives, while evaluating the interest and potential in the European market. The regular consumption of more than 150 algae species was identified, of which only 20% are approved under the EU Novel Food legislation, which demonstrates that the current legislation is not broad enough and requires an urgent update. Finally, the potential of the European algae market growth was indicated by the analysis of the trends in research, technological advances, and market initiatives to promote algae commercialization and consumption.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perfil sorológico do vírus John Cunningham (JCV) em pacientes com esclerose múltipla

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    Treatment options for multiple sclerosis (MS) have changed over the last few years, bringing about a new category of drugs with more efficient profiles. However, these drugs have come with a whole new profile of potential adverse events that neurologists have to learn well and quickly. One of the most feared complications of these MS treatments is progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy caused by the reactivation of the John Cunningham virus (JCV). Objective: To identify the serologic profile of JCV in patients with MS. Methods: Data on serum antibodies for JCV were obtained using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay provided by the STRATIFY-JCV program. Results: A total of 1,501 blood tests were obtained from 1,102 patients with MS. There were 633 patients (57.1%) who were positive for antibodies for JCV and 469 patients who were negative (42.9%). Twenty-three patients became positive after initially having negative JCV antibody status. The rate of seroconversion was 18.5% over 22 months. Conclusion: The JCV serologic profile and seroconversion in Brazilian patients were similar to those described in other countries.As opções terapêuticas para esclerose múltipla (EM) modificaram-se ao longo dos últimos anos, trazendo uma nova categoria de drogas com melhor perfil de eficácia. No entanto, estas drogas vieram com um novo perfil de potenciais eventos adversos que exigem que o neurologista os reconheça bem e rapidamente. Uma das complicações mais temidas destes tratamentos para a EM é a leucoencefalopatia multifocal progressiva (LEMP), causada pela reativação do vírus John Cunningham (JCV). Objetivo: Identificar o perfil sorológico de JCV em pacientes com EM. Métodos: Dados sorológicos de JCV foram obtidos através do ensaio por enzimas imuno-adsorvidas (ELISA) fornecido pelo programa STRATIFY-JCV. Resultados: Um total de 1.501 testes sanguíneos foram obtidos de 1.102 pacientes com EM. O grupo teve 633 pacientes (57,1%) soropositivos para anticorpos anti-JCV e 469 pacientes negativos (42,9%). Vinte e três pacientes se tornaram posivitos após resultados iniciais negativos para anticorpos anti-JCV. A taxa de soroconversão foi 18,5% em 22 meses. Conclusão: O perfil sorológico do JCV e a soroconversão nos pacientes brasileiros foi semelhante àquela descrita em outros países