102 research outputs found

    The Metal Islands: Culture, History, and Politics in Caribbean Heavy Metal Music

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    For the past forty years, the Caribbean has spawned a massive array of metal music, which for the most part has remained under the radar from the rest of the world. It is nearly impossible to capture the entire history of metal in the region given its prolific output. Nevertheless, this documentary sheds some light on three metal scenes in the Spanish-speaking Caribbean: Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. The documentary examines how each island\u27s metal scene has been influenced by history, culture, and political context. It explores issues related to the origins of these scenes, social stigmatization, media persecution, the integration of local culture into the metal scene, and the relationship between the state and metal, among other topics.https://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cri_events/1404/thumbnail.jp

    Qualitative Contributions to a Randomized Controlled Trial Addressing HIV/AIDS-Stigma in Medical Students

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    Specialized training for healthcare professionals (HCP) in order to reduce HIV/AIDS related stigma must be part of a public health model for HIV/AIDS. Tested interventions to reduce HIV/AIDS related stigma among HCP have been mostly absent from these efforts. A qualitative approach was used to assess stigma reduction within a traditional randomized controlled design in order to better understand how our current stigma intervention worked and was understood by 2nd year medical students. After conducting a quantitative follow up survey one-year post intervention we conducted 20 in-depth qualitative interviews with a subsample of our intervention group participants as part of the overall evaluation process. Once the interviews were finished, we transcribed them and used NVivo (v.8) to organized the qualitative data. In the process of analyzing the qualitative data we identified core intervention areas participants described as useful for their training and development: (1) acquiring more HIV/AIDS-related knowledge, (2) increased skills for management of high stigma situations, and (3) the ability to identify socio-structural factors that foster HIV infection among clients. The gathered information is important in order to have a deep understanding of how attitudinal change happens as part of our intervention strategies

    Ellos de la calle: Nosotras de la Casa: Discurso patriarcal y las experiencias de mujeres que viven con el VIH/SIDA en Puerto Rico

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    This study aims to understand how patriarchal discourse could influence the processes of stigmatization of Puerto Rican women living with HIV/AIDS (WHA) and how this could negatively affect adherence to treatment in this population. This study is a secondary analysis of data from a larger project addressing behavioral manifestations of HIV/AIDS stigma. Three focus groups of WHA (n = 32) were analyzed. Verbalizations were related to: a) blame towards WHA for not using protection during intercourse, b) HIV/AIDS as a punishment for WHA as a result of other «promiscuous» women that came in contact with their partners, and c) stigma associated to infection via unclean needle sharing for intravenous drugs use due to WHA «not being in their house». Stigma towards WHA was related to the mean of infection, being more relevant those linked to patriarchal discourses that prevail in Puerto Rican society. The verbalizations point to an HIV stigmatizing discourse towards the feminine body enmeshed in patriarchal notions of how women should behave. Social stigmatization of HIV/AIDS should be reassessed from a gender perspective in research as well as interventions with WHA.Este trabajo busca comprender cómo el discurso patriarcal podría matizar los procesos de estigmatización en las mujeres puertorriqueñas con VIH/SIDA y cómo podría incidir negativamente en la adherencia al tratamiento. Se realizó un análisis secundario de información de un estudio sobre manifestaciones comportamentales del estigma con diseño mixto secuencial. Se analizaron cuatro grupos focales de mujeres puertorriqueñas con VIH/SIDA (n = 32). Del análisis se identificaron verbalizaciones relacionadas con: a) el papel de la maternidad; b) el acceso a servicios ginecológicos; c) la responsabilidad de la transmisión del VIH/SIDA a la mujer, viéndose el VIH/SIDA como castigo para la mujer puertorriqueña con VIH/SIDA debido a la promiscuidad de otras mujeres vinculadas a sus compañeros. Se reflejaron diferentes grados de estigmatización entre las mujeres puertorriqueñas con VIH/SIDA, y d) experiencias estigmatizantes de la mujer puertorriqueña con VIH/SIDA con profesionales de la salud, quienes las culpabilizan por no utilizar protección en las relaciones heterosexuales. El estigma estuvo matizado por la vía de infección, siendo más relevante aquellas vinculadas al discurso patriarcal. Las verbalizaciones apuntan al discurso de un VIH/SIDA con cuerpo femenino, con resultados nocivos para «aquellas de la casa», contagiadas por «aquellas que no están en la casa». Esta investigación contribuye a futuros esfuerzos para prevenir el VIH/SIDA, insertando valores culturales y sociales adscritos en una sociedad patriarcal como elementos vinculantes con la vulnerabilización de mujeres al VIH/SIDA

    Estudio de opinion a egresados de la carrera de Contador Publico y Auditor de la Universidad de Talca Cohortes 1989-2000. Proyecto Face: Informacion para el proceso de Acreditacion

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    107 p.La Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad de Talca, forma estudiantes del área de negocios, que al egresar, se insertan en un mundo cada vez mas exigente de profesionales altamente calificados que apoyen la gestión de las organizaciones. En este contexto es fundamental el establecimiento de sistemas de mejoramiento continuo de la educación basados en altos estándares de calidad y apoyados por información sobre el desempeño y las expectativas de los individuos en el mercado laboral. Para la consecución de dicha información, se propone un sistema de auto evaluación, en donde sean los propios egresados quienes opinen sobre la formación recibida y su utilidad. La investigación se centra en explorar la opinión de los egresados de la carrera de Contador Publico y Auditor de la Universidad de Talca respecto de la educación recibida de esta universidad y describir la evolución laboral por cohorte 1989 - 2000. El diseño incluye un profundo estudio exploratorio para obtener información relevante a ser considerada en la medición final. Enseguida se aplica un estudio de tipo descriptivo concluyente, de sección transversal, realizado por medio de una encuesta que se instrumenta con un cuestionario estructurado el cual se construye con la información obtenida del estudio exploratorio, para luego ser piloteado y modificado de acuerdo con Ios hallazgos de este proceso y finalmente ser aplicado a una muestra estadística, estratificada por cohorte de la población, con error de E=5.9% y un nivel de confianza Z=95%. Los resultados de la aplicación del instrumento fueron procesados y analizados en forma descriptiva e inferencial, por medio de avanzados software estadísticos, pudiéndose concluir que en general existe una buena evaluación de la calidad de los docentes y de la infraestructura y de las habilidades técnicas recibidas, pero no así en el manejo de recursos informáticos y de idiomas. El nivel de ocupación de los egresados es bueno 92%, y en su progresión laboral se observa una tendencia positiva, evidenciada por aumentos graduales de remuneración, ascensos y el destino ocupacional. Finalmente, se recomienda la utilización de este sistema de medición y su posterior perfeccionamiento, ya que la información emanada es de gran utilidad para el mejoramiento de la gestión de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, porque permite identificar claramente las fortalezas y debilidades en la formación sus Contadores Publico y Auditor, según la opinión de los propios egresados

    The subjective experience of psychotherapists during moments of rupture in psychotherapy with adolescents

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    The study of the ruptures of the therapeutic alliance has impacted research in psychotherapy by highlighting the relational nature of this phenomenon. Despite ruptures are frequent and relevant during adolescent psychotherapy, most of the empirical evidence in this field has been carried out with adults. Understanding the subjective experience of the therapist during ruptures while working with adolescent is proposed as a starting point for the study of this type of interactional scenarios. The study examined the meanings that emerge from the therapists’ experience in terms of their explanations about the causes and effects of ruptures with adolescents. Eight psychotherapists were interviewed about their experiences during ruptures with young patients. The data was qualitatively analyzed through the Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis method. Four categories emerged: the failure to recognize the adolescent’s experience, the intensity of the affective experience of adolescents in psychotherapy, therapeutic boundaries as an articulator of the therapeutic purpose and, the obstacles that family generates during the therapeutic process. This study concurs with the literature on the need to make explicit with the family about the meaning, roles and limits of the therapy, and to prevent the exercise of control from an adultcentered position. It is concluded that in order to avoid and repair ruptures with adolescents in psychotherapy, an approach that integrates a sensitive attitude, an ecological point of view and mentalizing about the origin of the rupture is needed

    Comportamiento alimenticio de cabras suplementadas con silaje de orujo de uva en pastoreo estival en los Llanos de La Rioja, Argentina

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    PosterEn sistemas de base pastoril el suplemento interacciona con las características del forraje (cantidad y calidad). Estas relaciones pueden ser adición, sustitución o ambos efectos combinados. El objetivo del presente ensayo fue observar si la composición de la dieta de cabras bajo pastoreo nativo polifítico, es modificada por la incorporación de distintos niveles de orujo de uva ensilado (OUE). En los meses de noviembre (F1), diciembre (F2) 2012 y enero 2013 (F3) en el campo experimental del INTA La Rioja (región del chaco árido 30º30´28,4´´S, 66º07´12,75´´W). Se evaluó la composición botánica de la dieta de n: 10 cabras por tratamiento (T0= Pastizal natural (PN), T1= 0,5 % del peso vivo de las cabras (PVC) en OUE + PN y T2= 1 % del PVC en OUE + PN).EEA La RiojaFil: Brizuela, Elena Raquel. Actividad privada; ArgentinaFil: Varas, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Chilecito; ArgentinaFil: Varas, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ricarte, Ramon Armando. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Rioja; ArgentinaFil: Ricarte, Ramon Armando. Proyecto FONTAGRO ATN/RF-16112-RG Gran Chaco REDLAC-PROADAP; ArgentinaFil: Vera, Tomas Anibal. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto De Investigación Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Agricultura Familiar, Región NOA; ArgentinaFil: Vera, Tomas Anibal. Proyecto FONTAGRO ATN/RF-16112-RG Gran Chaco REDLAC-PROADAP; ArgentinaFil: Diaz, Raul Fernando. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Rioja; ArgentinaFil: Diaz, Raul Fernando. Proyecto FONTAGRO ATN/RF-16112-RG Gran Chaco REDLAC-PROADAP; ArgentinaFil: Brunello, Gabriela Esther. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Rioja; ArgentinaFil: Brunello, Gabriela Esther. Proyecto FONTAGRO ATN/RF-16112-RG Gran Chaco REDLAC-PROADAP; Argentin

    Ancient DNA reveals the lost domestication history of South American camelids in northern Chile and across the Andes

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    The study of South American camelids and their domestication is a highly debated topic in zooarchaeology. Identifying the domestic species (alpaca and llama) in archaeological sites based solely on morphological data is challenging due to their similarity with respect to their wild ancestors. Using genetic methods also presents challenges due to the hybridization history of the domestic species, which are thought to have extensively hybridized following the Spanish conquest of South America that resulted in camelids slaughtered en-masse. In this study we generated mitochondrial genomes for 61 ancient South American camelids dated between 3,500 - 2,400 years before the present (Early Formative period) from two archaeological sites in Northern Chile (Tulán-54 and Tulán-85), as well as 66 modern camelid mitogenomes and 815 modern mitochondrial control region sequences from across South America. In addition, we performed osteometric analyses to differentiate big and small body size camelids. A comparative analysis of these data suggests that a substantial proportion of the ancient vicuña genetic variation has been lost since the Early Formative period as it is not present in modern specimens. Moreover, we propose a domestication hypothesis that includes an ancient guanaco population that no longer exists. Finally, we find evidence that interbreeding practices were widespread during the domestication process by the early camelid herders in the Atacama during the Early Formative period and predating the Spanish conquest

    The Current Role of Vacuum Assisted Breast Biopsy System in Breast Disease

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    The gold standard for breast biopsy procedures is currently an open excision of the suspected lesion. However, an excisional biopsy inevitably makes a scar. The cost and morbidity associated with this procedure has prompted many physicians to evaluate less invasive, alternative procedures. More recently, image-guided percutaneous core-needle biopsy has become a frequently used method for diagnosing palpable and non-palpable breast lesions. Although sensitivity rates for core-needle biopsy are high, it has the disadvantage of histological underestimation, which renders the management of atypical ductal hyperplasia, papillary lesions, and fibroepithelial lesions somewhat difficult. Vacuum assisted breast biopsy (VABB) was developed to overcome some of these negative aspects of core-needle biopsy. VABB allows for a sufficient specimen to be obtained with a single insertion and can provide a more accurate diagnosis and completely remove the lesion under real-time ultrasonic guidance. The advantage of complete lesion removal with VABB is to reduce or eliminate sampling error, to decrease the likelihood of a histological underestimation, to decrease imaging-histological discordance, to decrease the re-biopsy rate, and to diminish the likelihood of subsequent growth on follow-up. In recent years, with the advancement of VABB instruments and techniques, many outcome studies have reported on the use of VABB for resecting benign breast lesions with a curative intent. VABB is highly accurate for diagnosing suspicious breast lesions and is highly successful at treating presumed benign breast lesions. Thus, in the near future, VABB will be routinely offered to all appropriately selected patients

    Transmission-Blocking Vaccines: Focus on Anti-Vector Vaccines against Tick-Borne Diseases

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    Tick-borne diseases are a potential threat that account for significant morbidity and mortality in human population worldwide. Vaccines are not available to treat several of the tick-borne diseases. With the emergence and resurgence of several tick-borne diseases, emphasis on the development of transmission-blocking vaccines remains increasing. In this review, we provide a snap shot on some of the potential candidates for the development of anti-vector vaccines (a form of transmission-blocking vaccines) against wide range of hard and soft ticks that include Ixodes, Haemaphysalis, Dermacentor, Amblyomma, Rhipicephalus and Ornithodoros species