223 research outputs found

    Making & Mending

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    This thesis examines how feminist ways of making and mending can be applied through a material investigation into postdisciplinary craft practices. Through practice-led research, material investigation and a conscious break from craft methods, I am embracing failure as a methodological framework. Some research motivations were guided by my own experience with influential women in my family. Through research and material investigations, craft practices were applied through a DIY method and were supported by sloppy craft theory. By embracing deskilling and reskilling within my work, I am investigating mending practices as a place for communal sharing and connection. By embracing interdisciplinary approaches, craft and private practices are melded with sculptural and industrial metalworking, culminating in the form of plaster and bronze hands and tools. These solid, sculptural pieces of work are designed to capture gestures, the human form and the tools that created both embroidery and crochet pieces in this art practice. The exhibition was meant to be set in a recreated, imagined domestic space - to reflect women’s work and the rise of feminist craft practices in contemporary art. This space was envisioned to break away from the white cube and invite the viewer to share their knowledge and memories through an interactive "mend-in" session


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    O presente estudo teve por objetivo examinar a temática sobre a ideologia e o papel das mídias na sociedade e os conceitos básicos do marketing político e eleitoral. Nesse sentido, o Curso de Comunicação Social da Unoesc Joaçaba, Publicidade e Propaganda desenvolveu um projeto na disciplina de Propaganda Ideológica, com a 7ª fase, intitulado Campanha Eleitoral 2015: Publicidade e Propaganda, buscando simular uma campanha eleitoral e desenvolver atividades que abordam assuntos, como: política, participação, democracia, direitos, marketing eleitoral. Além de desenvolver o perfil de cada candidato e toda a campanha eleitoral, os alunos precisaram desenvolver o lado cidadão ativo, crítico, ou seja, participativo, assim, dividiram-se em grupos e organizaram uma simulação de campanha eleitoral, criando partidos políticos fictícios, elaborando proposta e materiais de campanha (santinhos, vídeos e outros), os quais foram apresentados aos demais colegas de curso. O debate aconteceu em três blocos, após o debate aconteceu a votação, onde todos os acadêmicos do Curso de Comunicação votaram ao final para escolha do melhor candidato. O evento aconteceu na noite de 18 de junho de 2015, no Auditório D, bloco IV da Unoesc Joaçaba. O projeto foi fundamentado na teoria de Vygotsky.Palavras-chave: Educação. Comunicação. Simulação. Eleições.

    Fishing within offshore wind farms in the North Sea:Stakeholder perspectives for multi-use from Scotland and Germany

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    Offshore wind power generation requires large areas of sea to accommodate its activities, with increasing claims for exclusive access. As a result, pressure is placed on other established maritime uses, such as commercial fisheries. The latter sector has often been taking a back seat in the thrust to move energy production offshore, thus leading to disagreements and conflicts among the different stakeholder groups. In recognition of the latter, there has been a growing international interest in exploring the combination of multiple maritime activities in the same area (multi-use; MU), including the re-instatement of fishing activities within, or in close proximity to, offshore wind farms (OWFs). We summarise local stakeholder perspectives from two sub-national case studies (East coast of Scotland and Germany's North Sea EEZ) to scope the feasibility of combining multiple uses of the sea, such as offshore wind farms and commercial fisheries. We combined a desk-based review with 15 semi-structured qualitative interviews with key knowledge holders from both industries, regulators, and academia to aggregate key results. Drivers, barriers and resulting effects (positive and negative) for potential multi-use of fisheries and OWFs are listed and ranked (57 factors in total). Factors are of economic, social, policy, legal, and technical nature. To date, in both case study areas, the offshore wind industry has shown little interest in multi-use solutions, unless clear added value is demonstrated and no risks to their operations are involved. In contrast, the commercial fishing sector is proactive towards multi-use projects and acts as a driving force for MU developments. We provide a range of management recommendations, based on stakeholder input, to support progress towards robust decision making in relation to multi-use solutions, including required policy and regulatory framework improvements, good practice guidance, empirical studies, capacity building of stakeholders and improvements of the consultation process. Our findings represent a comprehensive depiction of the current state and key stakeholder aspirations for multi-use solutions combining fisheries and OWFs. We believe that the pathways towards robust decision making in relation to multi-use solutions suggested here are transferable to other international locations

    Exploring Terrestrial Planet Formation in the TW Hydrae Association

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    Spitzer Space Telescope infrared measurements are presented for 24 members of the TW Hydrae association (TWA). High signal-to-noise 24-micron (um) photometry is presented for all of these stars, including 20 stars that were not detected by IRAS. Among these 20 stars, only a single object, TWA 7, shows excess emission at 24um and at the level of only 40% above the star's photosphere. TWA 7 also exhibits a strong 70um excess that is a factor of 40 brighter than the stellar photosphere at this wavelength. At 70um, an excess of similar magnitude is detected for TWA 13, though no 24um excess was detected for this binary. For the 18 stars that failed to show measurable IR excesses, the sensitivity of the current 70um observations does not rule out substantial cool excesses at levels 10-40x above their stellar continua. Measurements of two T Tauri stars, TW Hya and Hen 6-300, confirm that their spectacular IR spectral energy distributions (SEDs) do not turn over even by 160um, consistent with the expectation for their active accretion disks. In contrast, the Spitzer data for the luminous planetary debris systems in the TWA, HD 98800B and HR 4796A, are consistent with single-temperature blackbody SEDs. The major new result of this study is the dramatic bimodal distribution found for the association in the form of excess emission at a wavelength of 24um, indicating negligible amounts of warm (>100 K) dust and debris around 20 of 24 stars in this group of very young stars. This bimodal distribution is especially striking given that the four stars in the association with strong IR excesses are >100x brighter at 24um than their photospheres

    Lamellipodin tunes cell migration by stabilizing protrusions and promoting adhesion formation

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    Efficient migration on adhesive surfaces involves the protrusion of lamellipodial actin networks and their subsequent stabilization by nascent adhesions. The actin-binding protein lamellipodin (Lpd) is thought to play a critical role in lamellipodium protrusion, by delivering Ena/VASP proteins onto the growing plus ends of actin filaments and by interacting with the WAVE regulatory complex, an activator of the Arp2/3 complex, at the leading edge. Using B16-F1 melanoma cell lines, we demonstrate that genetic ablation of Lpd compromises protrusion efficiency and coincident cell migration without altering essential parameters of lamellipodia, including their maximal rate of forward advancement and actin polymerization. We also confirmed lamellipodia and migration phenotypes with CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Lpd knockout Rat2 fibroblasts, excluding cell type-specific effects. Moreover, computer-aided analysis of cell-edge morphodynamics on B16-F1 cell lamellipodia revealed that loss of Lpd correlates with reduced temporal protrusion maintenance as a prerequisite of nascent adhesion formation. We conclude that Lpd optimizes protrusion and nascent adhesion formation by counteracting frequent, chaotic retraction and membrane ruffling.This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper

    CSF Surfactant Protein Changes in Preterm Infants After Intraventricular Hemorrhage

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    Introduction: Surfactant proteins (SP) have been shown to be inherent proteins of the human CNS and are altered during acute and chronic disturbances of CSF circulation. Aim of the study was to examine the changes of surfactant protein concentrations in CSF of preterm babies suffering from intraventricular hemorrhage. Patients and Methods: Consecutive CSF samples of 21 preterm infants with intraventricular hemorrhages (IVH) and posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus (PHHC) were collected at primary intervention, after 5–10 days and at time of shunt insertion 50 days after hemorrhage. Samples were analyzed for surfactant proteins A, B, C, and G by ELISA assays and the results were compared to 35 hydrocephalus patients (HC) without hemorrhage and 6 newborn control patients. Results and Discussion: Premature patients with IVH showed a significant elevation of surfactant proteins SP-A, C, and G compared to HC and control groups: mean values for the respective groups were SP-A 4.19 vs. 1.08 vs. 0.38 ng/ml. Mean SP-C 3.63 vs. 1.47 vs. 0.48 ng/ml. Mean SP-G 3.86 vs. 0.17 vs. 0.2 ng/ml. SP-A and G concentrations were slowly falling over time without reaching normal values. SP-C levels declined faster following neurosurgical interventions and reached levels comparable to those of hydrocephalus patients without hemorrhage. Conclusion: Intraventricular hemorrhages of premature infants cause posthemorrhagic CSF flow disturbance and are associated with highly significant elevations of surfactant proteins A, C, and G independent of total CSF protein concentrations

    Microbial activity affects sulphur in biogenic aragonite

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    Carbonates that exhibit obvious diagenetic alteration are usually excluded as archives in palaeoenvironmental studies. However, the potential impact of microbial alteration during early diagenesis is still poorly explored. To investigate the sensitivity of sulphur concentration, distribution, oxidation state and isotopic composition in marine aragonite to microbial alteration, Arctica islandica bivalves and Porites sp. corals were experimentally exposed to anaerobic microbial activity. The anoxic incubation media included a benthic bacterial strain Shewanella sediminis and a natural anoxic sediment slurry with a natural microbial community of unknown species. Combined fluorescence microscopy and synchrotron‐based analysis of the sulphur distribution and oxidation state enabled a comparison of organic matter and sulphur content in the two materials. Results revealed a higher proportion of reduced sulphur species and locally stronger fluorescence within the pristine bivalve shell compared to the pristine coral skeleton. Within the pristine bivalve specimen, reduced sulphur was enriched in layers along the inner shell margin. After incubation in the anoxic sediment slurry, this region revealed rust‐brown staining and a patchy S2‐ distribution pattern rather than S2‐‐layers. Another effect on sulphur distribution was rust‐brown coloured fibres along one growth line, revealing a locally higher proportion of sulphur. The δ34S value of carbonate‐associated sulphate remained largely unaffected by both incubation media, but a lower δ34S value of water‐soluble sulphate reflected the degradation of insoluble organic matter by microbes in both experiments. No significant alteration was detected in the coral samples exposed to microbial alteration. The data clearly identified a distinct sensitivity of organically bound sulphur in biogenic aragonite to microbial alteration even when “traditional” geochemical proxies such as δ18OCARB or δ13CCARB in the carbonate didn’t show any effect. Differences in the intensity of microbial alteration documented are likely due to inherent variations in the concentration and nature of original organic compositions in the samples

    Planning for Sustainability in Small Municipalities: The Influence of Interest Groups, Growth Patterns, and Institutional Characteristics

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    How and why small municipalities promote sustainability through planning efforts is poorly understood. We analyzed ordinances in 451 Maine municipalities and tested theories of policy adoption using regression analysis.We found that smaller communities do adopt programs that contribute to sustainability relevant to their scale and context. In line with the political market theory, we found that municipalities with strong environmental interests, higher growth, and more formal governments were more likely to adopt these policies. Consideration of context and capacity in planning for sustainability will help planners better identify and benefit from collaboration, training, and outreach opportunities


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    O presente trabalho relata ações desenvolvidas pelas bolsitas do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Incentivo à docência, Licenciatura Pedagogia, da EEB Mater Dolorum de Capinzal, SC, cujos objetivos foram estimular os alunos a ações que visem à segurança e à qualidade de vida no trânsito e sistematizar conhecimentos de forma interdisciplinar entre Língua Portuguesa, Matemática, Geografia e Arte, promovendo o desenvolvimento de  atitudes e hábitos que permitam uma melhor qualidade de vida no trânsito. O projeto nasceu da observação do comportamento que colocava os alunos em risco de vida em relação ao trânsito dentro e fora da escola. Os alunos realizaram uma pesquisa de coleta de dados em dois pontos das ruas de Capinzal, registrando o número de pessoas que atravessa a via na faixa de pedestres ou fora dela e o número de condutores que parava para o pedestre atravessar ou seguiam em frente sem respeitar as regras do trânsito. Em sala de aula, os dados foram transformados em tabelas e gráficos, apontamentos e registros em forma de texto informativo. Desenvolveu-se a construção de uma maquete explicativa das placas de sinalização, a elaboração de um folder informativo sobre atitudes de pedestres e a produção de um vídeo clipe da paródia sobre orientações aos pedestres e condutores quanto à segurança no trânsito, o qual foi gravado em estúdio, publicado no site <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRW5JSHgPt0> e participou do concurso 4º Prêmio Fenabrave, SC, no momento com mais de 1.200 visualizações, 240 curtidas e 45 compartilhamentos, também apareceu em entrevista na rádio Barriga Verde e foi publicado no blog da escola. Acredita-se que atividades dessa natureza, desenvolvidas pelo PIBID e pelos alunos, ultrapassem o sentido da informação e se transformem em conhecimento, que promove os sujeitos a serem responsáveis na sociedade em que vivem, atuando de forma respeitosa no trânsito para, no futuro, tornarem-se condutores responsáveis, diminuindo os riscos apresentados pela falta de cuidado no trânsito.Palavras-chave: Segurança no trânsito. Aprendizagem. PIBID