333 research outputs found

    Frequencies of form function correlates in the Dutch verb inflection system

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    Wetensch. publicatieFaculteit der Lettere

    Mutual intelligibility between closely related languages in Europe

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    By means of a large-scale web-based investigation, we established the degree of mutual intelligibility of 16 closely related spoken languages within the Germanic, Slavic and Romance language families in Europe. We first present the results of a selection of 1833 listeners representing the mutual intelligibility between young, educated Europeans from the same 16 countries where the test languages are spoken. Next, we present the data from a sub-group of listeners who had not learned the test language and had had minimal exposure to it. This allows us to investigate how well the listeners understand the test language on the basis of structural similarities between their own language and the test languages. Finally, we compare the results of the two data sets to the traditional genealogic characterisation of the three language groups. We expect the intelligibility results from the second group of listeners who had had minimal exposure to the test language to be a better reflection of the genealogical characterisation than the results from the larger group who had sometimes been exposed to the test language or had learned it at school

    Mutual intelligibility between closely related languages in Europe

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    By means of a large-scale web-based investigation, we established the degree of mutual intelligibility of 16 closely related spoken languages within the Germanic, Slavic and Romance language families in Europe. We first present the results of a selection of 1833 listeners representing the mutual intelligibility between young, educated Europeans from the same 16 countries where the test languages are spoken. Next, we present the data from a sub-group of listeners who had not learned the test language and had had minimal exposure to it. This allows us to investigate how well the listeners understand the test language on the basis of structural similarities between their own language and the test languages. Finally, we compare the results of the two data sets to the traditional genealogic characterisation of the three language groups. We expect the intelligibility results from the second group of listeners who had had minimal exposure to the test language to be a better reflection of the genealogical characterisation than the results from the larger group who had sometimes been exposed to the test language or had learned it at school

    Quality control procedures and methods of the CARINA database

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    Data on the carbon and carbon relevant hydrographic and hydrochemical parameters from previously not publicly available cruises in the Arctic, Atlantic and Southern Ocean have been retrieved and merged to a new data base: CARINA (CARbon IN the Atlantic). These data have gone through rigorous quality control (QC) procedures to assure the highest possible quality and consistency. All CARINA data were subject to primary QC; a process in which data are studied in order to identify outliers and obvious errors. Additionally, secondary QC was performed for several of the measured parameters in the CARINA data base. Secondary QC is a process in which the data are objectively studied in order to quantify systematic differences in the reported values. This process involved crossover analysis, and as a second step the offsets derived from the crossover analysis were used to calculate corrections of the parameters measured on individual cruises using least square models. Significant biases found in the data have been corrected in the data products, i.e. three merged data files containing measured, calculated and interpolated data for each of the three regions (i.e. Arctic Mediterranean Seas, Atlantic, and Southern Ocean). Here we report on the technical details of the quality control and on tools that have been developed and used during the project, including procedures for crossover analysis and least square models. Furthermore, an interactive website for uploading of results, plots, comments etc. was developed and was of critical importance for the success of the project, this is also described here

    CARINA TCO2 data in the Atlantic Ocean

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    Water column data of carbon and carbon-relevant hydrographic and hydrochemical parameters from 188 cruises in the Arctic Mediterranean Seas, Atlantic and Southern Ocean have been retrieved and merged in a new data base: the CARINA (CARbon IN the Atlantic) Project. These data have gone through rigorous quality control (QC) procedures so as to improve the quality and consistency of the data as much as possible. Secondary quality control, which involved objective study of data in order to quantify systematic differences in the reported values, was performed for the pertinent parameters in the CARINA data base. Systematic biases in the data have been tentatively corrected in the data products. The products are three merged data files with measured, adjusted and interpolated data of all cruises for each of the three CARINA regions (Arctic Mediterranean Seas, Atlantic and Southern Ocean). Ninety-eight cruises were conducted in the "Atlantic" defined as the region south of the Greenland-Iceland-Scotland Ridge and north of about 30° S. Here we report the details of the secondary QC which was done on the total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) data and the adjustments that were applied to yield the final data product in the Atlantic. Procedures of quality control – including crossover analysis between stations and inversion analysis of all crossover data – are briefly described. Adjustments were applied to TCO2 measurements for 17 of the cruises in the Atlantic Ocean region. With these adjustments, the CARINA data base is consistent both internally as well as with GLODAP data, an oceanographic data set based on the WOCE Hydrographic Program in the 1990s, and is now suitable for accurate assessments of, for example, regional oceanic carbon inventories, uptake rates and model validation

    Consistency of cruise data of the CARINA database in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean

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    Initially a North Atlantic project, the CARINA carbon synthesis was extended to include the Southern Ocean. Carbon and relevant hydrographic and geochemical ancillary data from cruises all across the Arctic Mediterranean Seas, Atlantic and Southern Ocean were released to the public and merged into a new database as part of the CARINA synthesis effort. Of a total of 188 cruises, 37 cruises are part of the Southern Ocean, including 11 from the Atlantic sector. The variables from all Southern Ocean cruises, including dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2), total alkalinity, oxygen, nitrate, phosphate and silicate, were examined for cruise-to-cruise consistency in one collective effort. Seawater pH and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are also part of the database, but the pH quality control (QC) is described in another Earth System Science Data publication, while the complexity of the Southern Ocean physics and biogeochemistry prevented a proper QC analysis of the CFCs. The area-specific procedures of quality control, including crossover analysis between stations and inversion analysis of all crossover data (i.e. secondary QC), are briefly described here for the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Data from an existing, quality controlled database (GLODAP) were used as a reference for our computations – however, the reference data were included into the analysis without applying the recommended GLODAP adjustments so the corrections could be independently verified. The outcome of this effort is an internally consistent, high-quality carbon data set for all cruises, including the reference cruises. The suggested corrections by the inversion analysis were allowed to vary within a fixed envelope, thus accounting for natural variability. The percentage of cruises adjusted ranged from 31% (for nitrate) to 54% (for phosphate) depending on the variable

    Winter Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes Constructed From Summer Observations of the Polar Southern Ocean Suggest Weak Outgassing

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordData Availability Statement: All of the data products used in this study are freely available online, links can be found through the following cited sources: Bakker et al. (2016), Olsen et al. (2019), Roemmich and Gilson (2009), Meier et al. (2017), Bushinsky, Gray, et al. (2017), Dlugokencky et al. (2017), Holte et al. (2017), Atlas et al. (2011), Kalnay et al. (1996), Rödenbeck, Keeling, et al. (2013), Bushinsky, LandschĂŒtzer, et al. (2019), and LandschĂŒtzer, Gruber, and Bakker (2017). CCMP Version-2.0 vector wind analyses are produced by Remote Sensing Systems; these data are available at www.remss.com. Argo data were collected and made freely available by the International Argo Program and the national programs that contribute to it (http://www.argo.ucsd.edu, http://argo.jcommops.org). The Argo Program is part of the Global Ocean Observing System (Argo 2000). Argo float data and metadata are from the Global Data Assembly Center (Argo GDAC, http://doi.org/10.17882/42182).The Southern Ocean plays an important role in the global oceanic uptake of CO2. Estimates of the air-sea CO2 flux are made using the partial pressure of CO2 at the sea surface ((Formula presented.)), but winter observations of the region historically have been sparse, with almost no coverage in the Pacific or Indian ocean sectors south of the Polar front in the period 2004–2017. Here, we use summertime observations of relevant properties in this region to identify subsurface waters that were last in contact with the atmosphere in the preceding winter, and then reconstruct “pseudo observations” of the wintertime (Formula presented.). These greatly improve wintertime coverage south of the Polar Front in all sectors, improving the robustness of flux estimates there. We add the pseudo observations to other available observations of (Formula presented.) and use a multiple linear regression to produce a gap-filled time-evolving estimate of (Formula presented.) from which we calculate the air-sea flux. The inclusion of the pseudo observations increases outgassing at the beginning of the period, but the effect reduces with time. We estimate a 2004–2017 long-term mean flux of −0.02 ± 0.02 Pg C yr−1 for the Southern Ocean south of the Polar Front, similar to comparable studies based on shipboard (Formula presented.) data. However, we diverge somewhat from an estimate which utilized autonomous float data for recent years: we find a small sink in 2017 of −0.08 ± 0.03 Pg C yr−1 where the float-based estimate suggested a small source.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    SUBTLEX-CY: A new word frequency database for Welsh

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    We present SUBTLEX-CY, a new word frequency database created from a 32 million word corpus of Welsh television subtitles. An experiment comprising of a lexical decision task examined SUBTLEX-CY frequency estimates against words with inconsistent frequencies in a much smaller Welsh corpus that is often used by researchers, the Cronfa Electroneg o’r Gymraeg (CEG; Ellis et al., 2001) as well as four other Welsh word frequency databases. Words were selected that were classified as low frequency (LF) in SUBTLEX-CY and high frequency (HF) in CEG and compared to words that were classified as medium frequency (MF) in both SUBTLEX-CY and CEG. Reaction time analyses showed that HF words in CEG were responded to more slowly compared to medium frequency (MF) words, suggesting that SUBTLEX-CY corpus provides a more reliable estimate of Welsh word frequencies. The new Welsh word frequency database that also includes part-of-speech, contextual diversity, and other lexical information is freely available for research purposes on the Open Science Framework repository at https://osf.io/9gkqm/

    Mesoscale features create hotspots of carbon uptake in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current

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    The influence of eddy structures on the seasonal depletion of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and carbon dioxide (CO2) disequilibrium was investigated during a trans-Atlantic crossing of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) in austral summer 2012. The Georgia Basin, downstream of the island of South Georgia (54-55°S, 36-38°W) is a highly dynamic region due to the mesoscale activity associated with the flow of the Subantarctic Front (SAF) and Polar Front (PF). Satellite sea-surface height and chlorophyll-a anomalies revealed a cyclonic cold core that dominated the northern Georgia Basin that was formed from a large meander of the PF. Warmer waters influenced by the SAF formed a smaller anticyclonic structure to the east of the basin. Both the cold core and warm core eddy structures were hotspots of carbon uptake relative to the rest of the ACC section during austral summer. This was most amplified in the cold core where greatest CO2 undersaturation (-78 ”atm) and substantial surface ocean DIC deficit (5.1 mol m-2) occurred. In the presence of high wind speeds, the cold core eddy acted as a strong sink for atmospheric CO2 of 25.5 mmol m-2 day-1. Waters of the warm core displayed characteristics of the Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ), with warmer upper ocean waters and enhanced CO2 undersaturation (-59 ”atm) and depletion of DIC (4.9mol m-2). A proposed mechanism for the enhanced carbon uptake across both eddy structures is based on the Ekman eddy pumping theory: (i) the cold core is seeded with productive (high chlorophyll-a) waters from the Antarctic Zone and sustained biological productivity through upwelled nutrient supply that counteracts DIC inputs from deep waters; (ii) horizontal entrainment of low-DIC surface waters (biological uptake) from the PFZ downwell within the warm core and cause relative DIC-depletion in the upper water column. The observations suggest that the formation and northward propagation of cold core eddies in the region of the PF could project low-DIC waters towards the site of Antarctic Intermediate Water formation and enhance CO2 drawdown into the deep ocean

    CARINA synthesis project: pH data scale unification and cruise adjustments

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    Data on carbon and carbon-relevant hydrographic and hydrochemical parameters from 188 previously non-publicly available cruise data sets in the Artic Mediterranean Seas (AMS), Atlantic Ocean and Southern Ocean have been retrieved and merged to a new database: CARINA (CARbon IN the Atlantic Ocean). These data have gone through rigorous quality control (QC) procedures to assure the highest possible quality and consistency. The data for most of the measured parameters in the CARINA database were objectively examined in order to quantify systematic differences in the reported values. Systematic biases found in the data have been corrected in the data products, three merged data files with measured, calculated and interpolated data for each of the three CARINA regions; AMS, Atlantic Ocean and Southern Ocean. Out of a total of 188 cruise entries in the CARINA database, 59 reported pH measured values. All reported pH data have been unified to the Sea-Water Scale (SWS) at 25 C. Here we present details of the secondary QC of pH in the CARINA database and the scale unification to SWS at 25 C. The pH scale has been converted for 36 cruises. Procedures of quality control, including crossover analysis between cruises and inversion analysis are described. Adjustments were applied to the pH values for 21 of the cruises in the CARINA dataset. With these adjustments the CARINA database is consistent both internally as well as with the GLODAP data, an oceanographic data set based on the World Hydrographic Program in the 1990s. Based on our analysis we estimate the internal consistency of the CARINA pH data to be 0.005 pH units. The CARINA data are now suitable for accurate assessments of, for example, oceanic carbon inventories and uptake rates, for ocean acidification assessment and for model validation
