15 research outputs found

    Diverse Learners and Teacher Education: A Sociocultural Approach

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    The “achievement gap” is a current issue in teacher education and PK-12 schools. Why do schools seem to privilege white, middle to upper class students and oppress others? School districts are under pressure to eliminate this gap, and for years, teacher educators have attempted to address these questions—but often using a deficit way of looking at children and families that exacerbates the problem. At the same time, colleges and universities are currently grappling with shifting needs and desires of students who have expectations for time and technology that do not match traditional delivery models of higher education. Based on these concerns, we conducted a broad literature review, surveys, and archival research regarding diverse learners and teacher education in Oregon. The purpose of this research was to examine practices in PK-12 teaching and teacher education regarding diverse learners, to determine the needs of diverse learners in Oregon and how these needs are or are not being met by various teacher education programs, and to examine teacher education programs in light of the 21st century college student. As a result of the literature review and data collection, we redesigned Multicultural Education to include multiliteracies, service-learning, more time and attention to specific strategies for working with diverse learners, and a comprehensive assessment system

    Supporting shared decision making for older people with multiple health and social care needs: a realist synthesis

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    Background: Health care systems are increasingly moving towards more integrated approaches. Shared decision making (SDM) is central to these models but may be complicated by the need to negotiate and communicate decisions between multiple providers, as well as patients and their family carers; particularly for older people with complex needs. The aim of this review was to provide a context relevant understanding of how interventions to facilitate SDM might work for older people with multiple health and care needs, and how they might be applied in integrated care models. Methods: Iterative, stakeholder driven, realist synthesis following RAMESES publication standards. It involved: 1) scoping literature and stakeholder interviews (n-13) to develop initial programme theory/ies, 2) systematic searches for evidence to test and develop the theories, and 3) validation of programme theory/ies with stakeholders (n=11). We searched PubMed, The Cochrane Library, Scopus, Google, Google Scholar, and undertook lateral searches. All types of evidence were included. Results: We included 88 papers; 29 focused on older people or people with complex needs. We identified four context-mechanism-outcome configurations that together provide an account of what needs to be in place for SDM to work for older people with complex needs. This includes: understanding and assessing patient and carer values and capacity to access and use care, organising systems to support and prioritise SDM, supporting and preparing patients and family carers to engage in SDM and a person-centred culture of which SDM is a part. Programmes likely to be successful in promoting SDM are those that allow older people to feel that they are respected and understood, and that engender confidence to engage in SDM. Conclusions: To embed SDM in practice requires a radical shift from a biomedical focus to a more person-centred ethos. Service providers will need support to change their professional behaviour and to better organise and deliver services. Face to face interactions, permission and space to discuss options, and continuity of patient-professional relationships are key in supporting older people with complex needs to engage in SDM. Future research needs to focus on inter-professional approaches to SDM and how families and carers are involved

    Diverse Learners Research Video

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    Coaching and guidance with patient decision aids : A review of theoretical and empirical evidence

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly citedCoaching and guidance are structured approaches that can be used within or alongside patient decision aids (PtDAs) to facilitate the process of decision making. Coaching is provided by an individual, and guidance is embedded within the decision support materials. The purpose of this paper is to: a) present updated definitions of the concepts “coaching” and “guidance”; b) present an updated summary of current theoretical and empirical insights into the roles played by coaching/guidance in the context of PtDAs; and c) highlight emerging issues and research opportunities in this aspect of PtDA designPeer reviewedFinal Published versio


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    Carrier-mediated transport of drugs occurs in various tissues in the body and may largely affect the rate of distribution and elimination. Saturable translocation mechanisms allowing competitive interactions have been identified in the kidneys (tubular secretion), mucosal cells in the gut (intestinal absorption and secretion), choroid plexus (removal of drug from the cerebrospinal fluid), and liver (hepatobiliary excretion). Drugs with quaternary and tertiary amine groups represent the large category of organic cations that can be transported via such mechanisms. The hepatic and to a lesser extent the intestinal cation carrier systems preferentially recognize relatively large molecular weight amphipathic compounds. In the case of multivalent cationic drugs, efficient transport only occurs if large hydrophobic ring structures provide a sufficient lipophilicity-hydrophilicity balance within the drug molecule. At least two separate carrier systems for hepatic uptake of organic cations have been identified through kinetic and photoaffinity labeling studies. In addition absorptive endocytosis may play a role that along with proton-antiport systems and membrane potential driven transport may lead to intracellular sequestration in lysosomes and mitochondria. Concentration gradients of inorganic ions may represent the driving forces for hepatic uptake and biliary excretion of drugs. Recent studies that aim to the identification of potential membrane carrier proteins indicate multiple carriers for organic anions, cations, and uncharged compounds with molecular weights around 50,000 Da. They may represent a family of closely related proteins exhibiting overlapping substrate specificity or, alternatively, an aspecific transport system that mediates translocation of various forms of drugs coupled with inorganic ions. Consequently, extensive pharmacokinetic interactions can be anticipated at the level of uptake and secretion of drugs regardless of their charge