255 research outputs found

    El sistema endocannabinoide y su implicación en la depresión y en los procesos adictivos

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    Adicción y depresión.En esta conferencia se presentan los últimos trabajos del grupo de investigación en Neurobiología del Comportamiento de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) dirigido por la Dra. Olga Valverde, sobre la implicación del sistema endocannabinoide en la adicción y la depresión


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    Xylophanes tyndarus (Lepidóptera: Sphingidae) in the province of Misiones (Argentina)

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    Fil: De Coll, Olga del Rosario. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Montecarlo (Misiones); Argentina.Fil: Valverde, Liliana. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto Superior de Entomología; Argentina.Contiene: Características de la especie. Fotografías

    GPR3 Receptor, a Novel Actor in the Emotional-Like Responses

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    GPR3 is an orphan G protein-coupled receptor endowed with constitutive Gs signaling activity, which is expressed broadly in the central nervous system, with maximal expression in the habenula. We investigated the consequences of its genetic deletion in several behavioral paradigms and on neurotransmission. Compared to wild-type, hippocampal neurons from Gpr3−/− mice displayed lower basal intracellular cAMP levels, consistent with the strong constitutive activity of GPR3 in transiently transfected cells. Behavioral analyses revealed that Gpr3−/− mice exhibited a high level of avoidance of novel and unfamiliar environment, associated with increased stress reactivity in behavioral despair paradigms and aggressive behavior in the resident-intruder test. On the contrary, no deficit was found in the learning ability to avoid an aversive event in active avoidance task. The reduced ability of Gpr3−/− mice to cope with stress was unrelated to dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, with Gpr3−/− mice showing normal corticosterone production under basal or stressful conditions. In contrast, dramatic alterations of monoamine contents were found in hippocampus, hypothalamus and frontal cortex of Gpr3−/− mice. Our results establish a link between tonic stimulation of the cAMP signaling pathway by GPR3 and control of neurotransmission by monoamines throughout the forebrain. GPR3 qualifies as a new player in the modulation of behavioral responses to stress and constitutes a novel promising pharmacological target for treatment of emotional disorders

    Gestión logística en el control de inventarios en una empresa comercializadora de Trujillo 2021

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    La presente investigación se ha realizado en una empresa comercializadora de Trujillo la cual no cumple con los procesos respectivos, cuyo objetivo principal fue determinar el efecto de la gestión logística en el control de inventarios. La metodología empleada fue de tipo aplicada de enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental transversal puesto que las variables no se manipulan y se analizan y estudian en un determinado tiempo y población. La muestra y población en estudio fue la empresa comercializadora de Trujillo. se ha analizado y al no utilizar procedimientos se identificó que no manejan en su totalidad indicadores para realizar sus procesos y no cuentan con Kardex para el registro de todos los artículos, la rotación de inventarios la hacen alrededor de un mes aproximadamente es así que el stock se repuso cada 46 días promedio. Se concluyó que la adecuada utilización de indicadores como planificación, implementación, abastecimiento y control de la gestión logística causa efecto positivo en el control de inventarios puesto que verifica el movimiento de los suministros, valoriza y controla el ingreso y salida de estos, controlando de forma eficaz y eficiente

    PsyGeNET : a knowledge platform on psychiatric disorders and their genes

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    Altres ajuts: Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (no. 115372, EMIF and no. 115191, Open PHACTS), resources of which are composed of financial contribution from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) and EFPIA companies' in kind contribution.Summary: PsyGeNET (Psychiatric disorders and Genes association NETwork) is a knowledge platform for the exploratory analysis of psychiatric diseases and their associated genes. PsyGeNET is composed of a database and a web interface supporting data search, visualization, filtering and sharing. PsyGeNET integrates information from DisGeNET and data extracted from the literature by text mining, which has been curated by domain experts. It currently contains 2642 associations between 1271 genes and 37 psychiatric disease concepts. In its first release, PsyGeNET is focused on three psychiatric disorders: major depression, alcohol and cocaine use disorders. PsyGeNET represents a comprehensive, open access resource for the analysis of the molecular mechanisms underpinning psychiatric disorders and their comorbidities

    Neuroinflammatory and behavioral susceptibility profile of mice exposed to social stress towards cocaine effects

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    Using the social defeat (SD) model, numerous studies have shown that stressed mice display an enhanced response to the motivational effects of cocaine in the self-administration (SA) and conditioned-place preference (CPP) paradigms. However, not all subjects exposed to stress express its harmful effects. Some are particularly susceptible to the deleterious effects of repeated SD, while resilient mice successfully cope with stressful experiences and display adjusted psychological functioning after stress. Vulnerability to develop stress-related disorders, such as depression, has been linked to coping strategies and more recently to individual differences in the immune system. However, no studies have evaluated if coping strategies and immune system reactivity to social stress experiences can also predict susceptibility to stress-induced enhancement of the cocaine response. We evaluated cocaine response in socially defeated mice in the CPP and SA paradigms. To evaluate neuroimmune reactivity to stress the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 and the chemokine CX3CL1 were measured in the striatum and hippocampus. Behavioral phenotype during and after SD episodes was also evaluated. Our results showed that susceptible mice to the depressive-like behaviors effects of stress showed increased conditioned rewarding effects of cocaine in the CPP. In addition, susceptible mice displayed passive-reactive coping behavior during social stress episodes and more pronounced changes in neuroinflammatory markers after the last SD episode, which lasted for one month. Although the complex mechanisms underlying susceptibility or resilience to social stress are still unclear, our results point to multiple adaptive stress responses expressed at different phenotypic levels

    Hotel 5 estrellas Garden Inn - Piura

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    El presente proyecto se basa en la creación de un “Hotel 5 estrellas – Hilton Garden Inn”, ubicado en la zona de Los Ejidos del Norte - Piura. Parte a través del estudio y análisis de la problemática ocasionada por el déficit de establecimiento de hospedaje de tipo corporativo en la ciudad de Piura, buscando brindar calidad y confort a los usuarios que demanden el servicio de hospedaje. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo, se inició recopilando datos estadísticos y cifras reales del crecimiento del sector turístico durante los años 2010 al 2016 a nivel nacional e internacional. Identificando que las Ciudades del Norte, muestran un gran déficit de establecimientos de hospedaje Corporativos, no logrando cubrir la oferta actual del mercado. Se analizó e identifico los requisitos para el turista corporativo, desde los aspectos funcionales, estéticos, tecnológicos y ambientales, para cumplir con los estándares de calidad en la creación de una infraestructura arquitectónica de categoría 5 estrellas con carácter recreativo – empresarial. En la cual se realizarán eventos sociales, culturales y empresarial de acuerdo a los requerimientos del mercado nacional e internacional. La propuesta arquitectónica se apoya en los parámetros establecidos por el promotor (Hilton Hotels & Resort) y la marca (Garden Inn). Definiendo los alcances del proyecto para obtener los satisfactores que son la respuesta del objeto al usuario. Teniendo como requisito fundamental la integración con el contexto inmediato y mediato de la zona principal requisito de la marca elegida.This project is based on the creation of a "5 Star Hotel - Hilton Garden Inn", located in the area of Los Ejidos del Norte - Piura. Part through the study and analysis of the problems caused by the deficit of establishment of corporate type lodging in the city of Piura, seeking to provide quality and comfort to users who demand the hosting service. For the development of this work, it began collecting statistical data and real figures of the growth of the tourism sector during the years 2010 to 2016 at national and international level. Identifying that the Cities of the North, show a large deficit of Corporate lodging establishments, not being able to cover the current offer of the market. The requirements for the corporate tourist were analyzed and identified, from the functional, aesthetic, technological and environmental aspects, in order to comply with the quality standards in the creation of an architectural infrastructure of 5 star category with recreational - business character. In which social, cultural and business events will be held according to the requirements of the national and international market. The architectural proposal is based on the parameters established by the promoter (Hilton Hotels & Resort) and the brand (Garden Inn). Defining the scope of the project to obtain the satisfiers that are the object's response to the user. Having as a fundamental requirement the integration with the immediate and mediated context of the main area requirement of the brand chosen.Tesi

    Monitoring the performance of wastewater treatment plants for organic matter removal using excitation-emission matrix fluorescence

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    This study has assessed the usefulness of excitation-emission matrix fluorescence (EEMF) as a fast and simple analytical technique to track changes in dissolved organic matter (DOM) during the sequence of treatment in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Three different industrial wastewaters and treatment plants have been studied in this work: an industrial park wastewater treated in an independent line at the Burgos WWTP (Spain), a food industry wastewater (crisps and snacks manufacturing) that was treated in a MBR (Membrane Biological Reactor) pilot plant (University of Burgos) and a municipal landfill leachate treated in a physicochemical treatment plant within the same landfill. Removal percentages for the wastewater organic matter at each stage of the treatment plants were successfully obtained by monitoring the main fluorescence peaks: protein-like peaks (tryptophan-like peaks T1, T2 and tyrosine-like peaks B1, B2), humic-like peaks (fulvic-like peak A and humic-like peak C) and microbially-derived peak M. Therefore, EEMF readily allows the assessment of the reactivity of the different types of organic matter towards specific treatments, such as clarification, biodegradation, filtration, etc. Among the wastewaters studied, the food industry wastewater exhibited the greater diversity of fluorescence peaks (B1, B2, T1, T2, A1, A2 and M) whereas the landfill leachate only showed the presence of humic substances (mainly humic-like peak C). This study has demonstrated that EEMF is a useful and user-friendly technique to monitor the performance of wastewater treatment plants for organic matter removal, allowing a rapid response to potential problems in the treatment

    Neuroadaptive changes and behavioral effects after a sensitization regime of MDPV

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    3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) is a synthetic cathinone with cocaine-like properties. In a previous work, we exposed adolescent mice to MDPV, finding sensitization to cocaine effects, and a higher vulnerability to cocaine abuse in adulthood. Here we sought to determine if such MDPV schedule induces additional behavioral-neuronal changes that could explain such results. After MDPV treatment (1.5 mg·kg-1, twice daily, 7 days), mice were behaviorally tested. Also, we investigated protein changes in various brain regions MDPV induced aggressiveness and anxiety, but also contributed to a faster habituation to the open field. This feature co-occurred with an induction of ΔFosB in the orbitofrontal cortex that was higher than its expression in the ventral striatum. Early after treatment, D2R:D1R ratio pointed to a preponderance of D1R but, upon withdrawal, the ratio recovered. Increased expression of Arc, CDK5 and TH, and decrease in DAT protein levels persisted longer after withdrawal, pointing to a neuroplastic lasting effect similar to that involved in cocaine addiction. The implication of the hyperdopaminergic condition in the MDPV-induced aggressiveness cannot be ruled out. We also found an initial oxidative effect of MDPV, without glial activation. Moreover, although initially the dopaminergic signal induced by MDPV resulted in increased ΔFosB, we did not observe any change in NFκB or GluA2 expression. Finally, the changes observed after MDPV treatment could not be explained according to the autoregulatory loop between ΔFosB and the epigenetic repressor G9a described for cocaine. This provides new knowledge about the neuroadaptive changes involved in the vulnerability to psychostimulant addiction