58 research outputs found

    MINROCIND una eina d’aprenentatge presencial e interactiva dels jaciments de roques i minerals industrials a Catalunya: eina d'aprenentatge presencial i/o interactiu en el àmbit dels ensenyaments de la mineralogia i petrologia aplicada

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    Es presenta un nou material didàctic elaborat per a assolir l’aprenentatge de les roques industrials. Consta d’una part física i una altra virtual. La primera està constituïda per una mostra de roca polida i la seva làmina prima, per a ser utilitzada a les pràctiques a classe o pel autoaprenentatge. La part virtual és una base de dades interactiva amb fitxes amb les característiques bàsiques de la roca, i de les seves pedreres. S’inclouen les pedreres més importants de Catalunya. Més endavant es preveu ampliar-lo a altres àrees.Postprint (published version

    RAEA-Heliciculture: mechanism of conservation and rural development in Andalusia

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    The fast growth system is a snail rearing method with a high degree of technification. Actually, the experimental evaluation of the system is being developed by an Andalusian Network of Agrarian Research (RAEA-Heliciculture) on commercial farms. The aim of this study was to compare the fast growth and the intensive systems in juvenile Helix aspersa snails. The growth and the growth patterns are studied in 5 groups of 60 H. aspersa snails reared with both systems. The snails reared with the fast growth system reached a high weight (0.956 g) and a low variability (13%). The growth rate with the fast growth system showed the best fit to exponential model, while the growth rate with the intensive system showed good fit to logistic model.El sistema de pronto engorde es una especialización productiva en la fase de crecimiento y engorde de Helix aspersa con alto nivel de tecnificación. Actualmente se está desarrollando su evaluación experimental en granjas comerciales, a través de una Red Andaluza de Experimentación Agraria (RAEA-Helicicultura). Con el objetivo de comparar el sistema de pronto engorde frente al intensivo, se estudia el crecimiento y su modelización en 5 lotes de 60 caracoles H. aspersa criados con ambos sistemas durante la fase juvenil. Los resultados muestran que los caracoles del sistema de pronto engorde alcanzan el peso más alto con 0,956 g y la menor variabilidad (13%). El crecimiento con el pronto engorde se ajusta a un modelo exponencial, mientras que el sistema intensivo muestra mayor bondad en el ajuste con el modelo logístico

    Assessment of acute-phase protein response associated with the different pathological forms of bovine paratuberculosis

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    11 páginas, 1 tabla.In this study, the concentrations of two acute-phase proteins (APPs), haptoglobin (Hp) and serum amyloid A (SAA), were quantitatively assessed in serum samples from cattle naturally infected with paratuberculosis (PTB). APP profiles were compared across 190 animals classified according to the different pathological forms associated with infection: uninfected (n = 59), with focal lesions (n = 73), multifocal lesions (n = 19), and diffuse paucibacillary (n = 11) and diffuse multibacillary lesions (n = 28). Our results showed a significant increase in both APPs in infected animals compared to the control group, with differences depending on the type of lesion. Hp and SAA levels were increased significantly in all infected animals, except in cows with diffuse multibacillary lesions that showed similar values to non-infected animals. The expression pattern of both APPs was similar and negatively correlated with the antibody levels against PTB. These results indicate that the release of Hp and SAA is related to the presence of PTB lesions associated with a high cell-mediated immune response and a lower bacterial load, suggesting that the pro-inflammatory cytokines that are associated with these forms are the main stimulus for their synthesis. These molecules could show some potential to be used as putative biomarkers of PTB infection, particularly for the identification of subclinical animals showing pathological forms related to latency or resistance to the development of advanced lesions.This study was funded by grants RTI2018-099496-B-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and LE259/P18 from “Junta de Castilla y León”

    Malacological diversity in Andalusia. Renewable resource

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    The aim of this study is the evaluation of malacological diversity in Andalusian region. It has been observed high heterogeneity in relation to distribution patters of snails. Terrestrial edible snail populations are grouped in zones in relation to spatial distribution and specie. Zone I is located in Sierra Morena and shows a low density level of the most commonly edible species (O. lactea, H. aspersa, T. pisana and E. vermiculata). Zone II is extended throughout La Campiña and Vega del Guadalquivir. This zone is widely populated by snails with great economically importance: O. lactea and T. pisana and H. aspersa with a smaller density. Zone III is located in Sierras Béticas and it is characterised by the presence of many endemic populations (O. lactea murcica, O. punctata, T. pisana arietina, T. subdentata helicella, C. nemoralis, I. gualtierianus gualtierianus, I. gualtierianus alonensis, I. gualtierianus guiraoanus, etc.). It is necessary to develop strategic plans in order to conserve the malacological diversity in Andalusia.El objetivo del estudio es la evaluación de la diversidad malacológica andaluza como base del aprovechamiento de un recurso genético de interés económico. Se zonifican las poblaciones de caracoles comestibles existentes en Andalucía en relación al número de especies y su distribución geográfica. Se observa elevada heterogeneidad que da lugar a la conformación de tres zonas diferenciadas, en las que aparecen fundamentalmente los géneros Otala, Theba, Cantareus, Iberus, Eobania, Cepaea, Pseudotachea y Sphincterochila. La Zona I comprende Sierra Morena y se caracteriza por una baja presencia de caracoles, asociados mayoritariamente a la presencia humana y representados por las especies más comunes (O. lactea, H. aspersa, T. pisana y E. vermiculata). La Zona II comprende la Campiña y Vega del Guadalquivir, donde aparecen las especies de mayor valor comercial: O. lactea y T. pisana, con gran distribución; y H. aspersa con menor presencia. Finalmente la Zona III, que se integra por las Sierras Béticas donde aparecen, junto con las especies anteriormente citadas, gran diversidad de taxones con elevada singularidad, debido a la existencia de un número importante de endemismos y poblaciones relictas (O. lactea murcica, O. punctata, T. pisana arietina, T. subdentata helicella, C. nemoralis, I. gualtierianus gualtierianus, I. gualtierianus alonensis, I. gualtierianus guiraoanus, etc.). La existencia de esta biodiversidad justifica la necesidad de adoptar acciones estratégicas y planes específicos de conservación que preserven este recurso de forma eficaz

    Hair cortisol level as a molecular biomarker in retinitis pigmentosa patients

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) patients commonly experience negative psychological states due to their progressive and unpredictable loss of vision and visual variations related to stress. The aim of this study was to examine hair cortisol concentrations (HCCs), which is usually associated with chronic stress, pretending to unveil possible associations between underlying psychological factors and disease severity in RP patients. Methods: Seventy-eight RP patients and 148 healthy controls were included in this study. A complete ophthalmological exam was performed in all patients to grade into severity disease groups. Perceived stress and trait-anxiety were measured by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) questionnaire. Results: Fifty-two (67%) patients had severe RP and 26 (33%) mild-moderate RP. Fifty-eight (58,9%) patients reported severely levels of stress and 18 (23.,1%) highly levels assessed by STAI questionnaire. RP patients exhibited higher HCCs (500.04 ± 120.99 pg/mg) than in controls (136.17 ± 60.51 pg/mg; p < 0.001). Severe RP patients had significant higher HCCs than mild-moderate patients differing in 274.27 pg/mg (p < 0.001). RP severity grade and perceived anxiety levels in the questionaries were not associated. Group differences were not affected by relevant covariates (age, grade of severity, stress status, and gender). Conclusions: HCC seems an effective biomarker associated with chronic stress in RP patients. This study shows that HCC in patients with RP are elevated compared to population-based controls, and association between HCC and RP severity was found. Future research is needed to characterize the effect of untreated negative psychological states on progression of the disease if any.Gerencia Regional de Salud de Castilla y León (GRS, 1932/A/19)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (grant PID2020-114585RA-I00

    Imagen corporal y satisfacción corporal en adultos : diferencias por sexo y edad

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    Existe en la actualidad un gran interés por la apariencia del cuerpo tanto por razones estéticas como de salud, no sólo en mujeres y jóvenes, sino también en hombres y adultos de mayor edad. La importancia de este fenómeno radica, entre otras razones, en que se asocia a conductas saludables o de riesgo, incluyendo la práctica de ejercicio físico. Objetivos y método: Conocer la Imagen Corporal (IC) a través de tres percepciones corporales: Imagen corporal actual (ICA), ideal (ICI) y social (ICS), así como la Satisfacción Corporal (SC) de una muestra de adultos de 18 a 40 años, y explorar posibles diferencias por sexo y edad. Los participantes respondieron voluntariamente una encuesta online sobre sus percepciones corporales, su SC y otras cuestiones. La ICA, ICI e ICS se evaluaron mediante preguntas y siluetas correspondientes a diferentes valores de IMC y composición muscular. La SC se evaluó mediante preguntas y a través de la discrepancia ICA-ICI. Resultados: La ICA y la ICS, así como la SC, fueron moderadamente positivas. La ICI fue significativamente más tonificada y delgada que la ICA. Los hombres mostraron una ICA, ICI, ICS y SC significativamente más positiva que las mujeres. Los adultos mayores demostraron una ICA significativamente mejor pero también una ICI más exigente que los adultos más jóvenes. Se encontró un efecto de interacción edad*sexo en la discrepancia ICA-ICI. Conclusiones: Dado que percepciones negativas de la apariencia corporal y una baja SC se relacionan con comportamientos poco saludables y mayor riesgo de diferentes problemas de salud, nuestros resultados son interesantes para el desarrollo de intervenciones para mejorar la IC y la SC basadas en conductas saludables, incluyendo ejercicio físico, teniendo en cuenta la edad y el sexo.Nowadays, there is great interest in body appearance due to both aesthetic and health reasons, this occurring not only among women and the youth, but also among men and older adults. The relevance of this phenomenon lies, among other reasons, on its association with healthy or risk behaviors, including exercise practice. Objectives and method: To explore Body Image (IC) through three body perceptions: Current (ICA), Ideal (ICI) and Social (ICS) body image, as well as Body Satisfaction (SC) in a sample of 18 to 40 years old adults, and to establish possible differences by sex and age. Participants voluntarily completed an online survey on their bodily perceptions, SC and other issues. ICA, ICI and ICS were assessed by questions and silhouettes corresponding to different values of BMI and muscle composition. SC was assessed by questions and through the ICA-ICI discrepancy. Results: The ICA and ICS, as well as the SC, were moderately positive. The ICI was significantly more toned and thinner than the ICA. Men demonstrated perceptions of ICA, ICI, ICS and SC significantly more positive than women. Older young adults showed a significantly better ICA but also a more demanding ICI than younger young adults. An interaction effect age*sex was found for the ICA-ICI discrepancy. Conclusions: Given that negative perceptions of body appearance and poor SC are related to unhealthy behaviors and increased risk of several health problems, our findings are interesting for the design of interventions aimed at improving IC and SC based on healthy behaviors, including exercise, taking into account age and sex

    A neurodegenerative disease landscape of rare mutations in Colombia due to founder effects

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    Background The Colombian population, as well as those in other Latin American regions, arose from a recent tri-continental admixture among Native Americans, Spanish invaders, and enslaved Africans, all of whom passed through a population bottleneck due to widespread infectious diseases that left small isolated local settlements. As a result, the current population reflects multiple founder effects derived from diverse ancestries. Methods We characterized the role of admixture and founder effects on the origination of the mutational landscape that led to neurodegenerative disorders under these historical circumstances. Genomes from 900 Colombian individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) [n = 376], frontotemporal lobar degeneration-motor neuron disease continuum (FTLD-MND) [n = 197], early-onset dementia not otherwise specified (EOD) [n = 73], and healthy participants [n = 254] were analyzed. We examined their global and local ancestry proportions and screened this cohort for deleterious variants in disease-causing and risk-conferring genes. Results We identified 21 pathogenic variants in AD-FTLD related genes, and PSEN1 harbored the majority (11 pathogenic variants). Variants were identified from all three continental ancestries. TREM2 heterozygous and homozygous variants were the most common among AD risk genes (102 carriers), a point of interest because the disease risk conferred by these variants differed according to ancestry. Several gene variants that have a known association with MND in European populations had FTLD phenotypes on a Native American haplotype. Consistent with founder effects, identity by descent among carriers of the same variant was frequent. Conclusions Colombian demography with multiple mini-bottlenecks probably enhanced the detection of founder events and left a proportionally higher frequency of rare variants derived from the ancestral populations. These findings demonstrate the role of genomically defined ancestry in phenotypic disease expression, a phenotypic range of different rare mutations in the same gene, and further emphasize the importance of inclusiveness in genetic studies.Q2Q2Antecedentes La población colombiana, así como la de otras regiones latinoamericanas, surgió de una mezcla tricontinental reciente entre los nativos americanos, los invasores españoles y los africanos esclavizados, todos los cuales pasaron por un cuello de botella poblacional debido a enfermedades infecciosas generalizadas que dejaron a pequeños aislados. asentamientos locales. Como resultado, la población actual refleja múltiples efectos fundadores derivados de diversas ascendencias. Métodos Caracterizamos el papel de la mezcla y los efectos fundadores en el origen del paisaje mutacional que condujo a trastornos neurodegenerativos en estas circunstancias históricas. Genomas de 900 individuos colombianos con enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) [n = 376], continuo degeneración lobar frontotemporal-enfermedad de la motoneurona (FTLD-MND) [n = 197], demencia de inicio temprano no especificada (EOD) [n = 73 ], y participantes sanos [n = 254] fueron analizados. Examinamos sus proporciones de ascendencia global y local y examinamos esta cohorte en busca de variantes nocivas en los genes que causan enfermedades y confieren riesgos. Resultados Identificamos 21 variantes patogénicas en genes relacionados con AD-FTLD, y PSEN1 albergaba la mayoría (11 variantes patogénicas). Se identificaron variantes de las tres ascendencias continentales. Las variantes heterocigotas y homocigotas de TREM2 fueron las más comunes entre los genes de riesgo de EA (102 portadores), un punto de interés porque el riesgo de enfermedad conferido por estas variantes difería según la ascendencia. Varias variantes genéticas que tienen una asociación conocida con MND en poblaciones europeas tenían fenotipos FTLD en un haplotipo nativo americano. De acuerdo con los efectos del fundador, la identidad por descendencia entre portadores de la misma variante fue frecuente. Conclusiones La demografía colombiana con múltiples mini-cuellos de botella probablemente mejoró la detección de eventos fundadores y dejó una frecuencia proporcionalmente más alta de variantes raras derivadas de las poblaciones ancestrales. Estos hallazgos demuestran el papel de la ascendencia definida genómicamente en la expresión fenotípica de la enfermedad, un rango fenotípico de diferentes mutaciones raras en el mismo gen, y enfatizan aún más la importancia de la inclusión en los estudios genéticos.https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6529-7077https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=es&user=kaGongoAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdatehttps://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000055000&lang=esRevista Internacional - Indexad

    Risk factors and outcome of COVID-19 in patients with hematological malignancies

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    Background: Prognostic factors of poor outcome in patients with hematological malignancies and COVID-19 are poorly defned. Patients and methods: This was a Spanish transplant group and cell therapy (GETH) multicenter retrospective observational study, which included a large cohort of blood cancer patients with laboratory-confrmed SARS-CoV-2 infection through PCR assays from March 1st 2020 to May 15th 2020. Results: We included 367 pediatric and adult patients with hematological malignancies, including recipients of autologous (ASCT) (n=58) or allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT) (n=65) from 41 hospitals in Spain. Median age of patients was 64 years (range 1-93.8). Recipients of ASCT and allo-SCT showed lower mortality rates (17% and 18%, respectively) compared to non-SCT patients (31%) (p=0.02). Prognostic factors identifed for day 45 overall mortality (OM) by logistic regression multivariate analysis included age>70 years [odds ratio (OR) 2.1, 95% con‑ fdence interval (CI) 1.2-3.8, p=0.011]; uncontrolled hematological malignancy (OR 2.9, 95% CI 1.6-5.2, p20 mg/dL (OR 3.3, 95% CI 1.7-6.4, p<0.0001). In multivariate analysis of 216 patients with very severe COVID-19, treatment with azithromycin or low dose corticosteroids was associated with lower OM (OR 0.42, 95% CI 0.2-0.89 and OR 0.31, 95% CI 0.11-0.87, respectively, p=0.02) whereas the use of hidroxycloroquine did not show signifcant improvement in OM (OR 0.64, 95% CI 0.37-1.1, P=0.1). Conclusions: In most patients with hematological malignancies COVID-19 mortality was directly driven by older age, disease status, performance status, as well as by immune (neutropenia) parameters and level of infammation (high CRP). Use of azithromycin and low dose corticosteroids may be of value in very severe COVID-19