42 research outputs found

    Influencia del tipo de terapia antirretroviral de gran actividad (Targa) en la evolución de los pacientes con VIH. Hospital de Infectología "José Daniel Rodríguez Maridueña", Guayaquil 2009 - 2010

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    Se ha señalado que la evolución de los pacientes con VIH-SIDA tiene relación con el tipo de tratamiento. El uso actual de TARGA se ha relacionado con una mejor evolución de los pacientes, algunos han señalado que algunos tipos de terapia antirretroviral tienen mejor respuesta que otros. Sin embargo se ha cuestionado aquello, señalando que el pilar principal es el estado inmunológico del paciente. Objetivos: Determinar la influencia del tipo de TARGA en la evolución de los pacientes con VIH-SIDA atendidos en el hospital de Infectología "José Daniel Rodríguez Maridueña" en la ciudad de Guayaquil Metodología: Se realizó un estudio caso control en el que se incluyeron pacientes que se encontraban recibiendo algún tipo de TARGA. La muestra seleccionada fue distribuida en grupos de 65 pacientes que evolucionaron desfavorablemente y 15 cuya evolución fue satisfactoria. Análisis: estadístico: Para la comparación de las variables categóricas la prueba de t de Student Fisher y para las variables númericas el Chi2 de homogeneidad considerándose significativos valores de P < 0.05. Para establecer el grado de asociación entre las variables numéricas se calculó el índice R2. Resultados: Los pacientes que evolucionaron de manera satisfactoria y aquellos que no tuvieron diferencias respecto al tipo de TARGA empleado (P > 0.05). Los niveles de CD4 entre los pacientes del grupo control antes del inicio de la TARGA fueron en promedio de 250 ± 135 células/mm3 vs. 31 ± 17 células/mm3 en el grupo caso (P 0,0003). El grado de asociación entre los niveles de CD4 antes y después de la TARGA tuvo una asociación buena (R2 0,522) Conclusión: No existe relación entre el tipo de TARGA y la evolución. Los niveles de CD4 previo al inicio del TARGA determinan la evolución

    Genetic variation and clonal diversity in introduced populations of Mimulus guttatus assessed by genotyping at 62 single nucleotide polymorphism loci

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    Background: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are increasingly being used to study non-native populations. SNPs are relatively information poor on a per locus basis, but allow genotyping more loci than others markers (e.g., microsatellites) and have the advantage of consistent allele calls between studies.Aims: We investigated the utility of a newly developed set of SNP markers, suitable for high throughput genotyping to characterise genotypic variation and population structure in non-native populations of the facultative clonal herb Mimulus guttatus in the United Kingdom (UK).Methods: We analysed 62 SNP markers and using a high throughput platform genotyped 383 individuals from 10 populations from the native range in North America and 14 populations in the UK.Results: We found wide variation in genotypic diversity within UK populations, indicating reproductive strategies that vary from mostly clonal to mostly sexual. All but one UK population were, on average, more closely related to each other than to North American populations, and the exceptional UK population showed strong affinity to native Alaskan plants.Conclusions: A small number of SNPs can detect patterns of clonality and broad-scale relationships between native and introduced populations. However, elucidating population structure at a finer scale will require genotyping individuals at greater depth

    Ansiedad ante la muerte y calidad de vida en adultos mayores víctimas de abandono del Distrito de Víctor Larco

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    La presente investigación tuvo como finalidad explicar la relación entre ansiedad ante la muerte y calidad de vida en adultos mayores víctimas de abandonó del distrito de Víctor Larco. Para lo cual, tuvo una muestra conformada por 100 adultos mayores víctimas de abandono, entre las edades de 65 a 85 años. Para la recolección de datos, se utilizó la escala de Ansiedad Ante La Muerte (DAS) y el cuestionario de Calidad De Vida (WHOQOL – BREF). Los resultados obtenidos indican que existe un tamaño de efecto trivial entre las variables estudiadas. De tal manera dentro del análisis por dimensiones se puede evidenciar que los resultados obtenidos son: tamaño de efecto trivial para las dimensiones de miedo a que la vida llegue a su fin y miedo a la muerte con la variable calidad de vida, por otro lado se encuentra un efecto de tamaño pequeño en miedo a la agonía o enfermedad con respecto a su calidad de vida

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa de producción de cardo y elaboración de arreglos florales en la parroquia de San Antonio, cantón Ibarra

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    Producir cardos frescos, libres de plagas e insectos, es decir productos de calidad, a través de procedimientos tecnificados con el compromiso de preservar la naturaleza y el bienestar de nuestros trabajadores, que hacen que el producto sea cotizado en el mercado nacional e internacional generando recursos económicos para el crecimiento de la empresa.El presente estudio busca comprobar la factibilidad para la creación de una empresa dedicada a producir y vender arreglos florales elaborados en base a cuatro tipos de cardo, como son: Silvestre, Carduus, Picnomon acarna y Scolymus hispanicus, en la parroquia de San Antonio, Cantón Ibarra, de manera eficiente y eficaz; el suelo de la parroquia es de origen volcánico denominado negros andinos por su elevado contenido de materia orgánica, buena capacidad de retención de agua, suelos francos, franco arenoso, franco arcilloso apto para producir todo tipo de flores, de clima templado y cálido. El proyecto se encuentra estructurado con un diagnóstico situacional, el cual es una radiografía del lugar donde se va a ubicar el proyecto, en el que se determinó condiciones de vida de la población de la parroquia, principales actividades productivas y económicas. Mediante un estudio de mercado se pudo identificar, que la creación de este proyecto tiene acogida, ya que se cuenta con el apoyo de la población, lo cual permitió determinar la oferta y demanda existente para sustentarla creación de la nueva empresa a implantarse. Con este proyecto se creara nuevas fuentes de empleo para el desarrollo económico y social tanto de la parroquia como del cantón. La inversión es alta, pero se recupera en un período prudente, mismo que se realizará a través de la Corporación Financiera Nacional, con esto el proyecto asegura una buena rentabilidad y crecimiento constante, encaminado a innovar cada día para cubrir las diferentes demandas. Mediante el estudio de impactos se pudo determinar cambios económicos, sociales, ambientales, culturales y empresariales que afectan de manera positiva al desarrollo de la parroquia, dichos impactos estarán en constante control y monitoreo para así mantener un manejo adecuado del entorno dentro y fuera de la empresa. Por las razones expuestas anteriormente se puede afirmar que el presente proyecto es económica y técnicamente viable de ejecutarlo

    Concentrations of nitrogen compounds are related to severe rhinovirus infection in infants. A time-series analysis from the reference area of a pediatric university hospital in Barcelona

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    Background: There is scarce information focused on the effect of weather conditions and air pollution on specific acute viral respiratory infections, such as rhinovirus (RV), with a wide clinical spectrum of severity. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the association between episodes of severe respiratory tract infection by RV and air pollutant concentrations (NOx and SO2 ) in the reference area of a pediatric university hospital. Methods: An analysis of temporal series of daily values of NOx and SO2 , weather variables, circulating pollen and mold spores, and daily number of admissions in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) with severe respiratory RV infection (RVi) in children between 6 months and 18 years was performed. Lagged variables for 0-5 days were considered. The study spanned from 2010 to 2018. Patients with comorbidities were excluded. Results: One hundred and fifty patients were admitted to the PICU. Median age was 19 months old (interquartile range [IQR]: 11-47). No relationship between RV-PICU admissions and temperature, relative humidity, cumulative rainfall, or wind speed was found. Several logistic regression models with one pollutant and two pollutants were constructed but the best model was that which included average daily NOx concentrations. Average daily NOx concentrations were related with the presence of PICU admissions 3 days later (odds ratio per IQR-unit increase: 1.64, 95% confidence interval: 1.20-2.25)). Conclusions: This study has shown a positive correlation between NOx concentrations at Lag 3 and children's PICU admissions with severe RV respiratory infection. Air pollutant data should be taken into consideration when we try to understand the severity of RVis.This project was partially supported by the Spanish National Health Institute Carlos III (Grant id. PI17/349). Desiree Henares received a grant for predoctoral training in research into Health by the Spanish National Health Institute Carlos III (project number: FI17/00248). The funders have not influenced the design or analysis, nor have they had any role inpreparing the manuscript.S

    Exercise Physiology at “Conversational Level” Is Not Impaired in Healthy Young Subjects Wearing Masks or Respirators.

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the use of both surgical masks and FFP2 respirators on the inspiratory muscle strength, metabolic parameters, heart rate, subjective perceived exertion, and dyspnea perception, before and during 30 min stable load exercise at “conversational level”. Methods: A randomized cross-over study was carried out. Nineteen healthy adults completed 3 conditions (without a mask, with a surgical mask or an FFP2 respirator) during a 30-min steady-state test at the lactate threshold intensity. Inspiratory muscle strength was measured before and after the test, and metabolic parameters, heart rate, subjective perceived exertion, and dyspnea perception were collected at baseline, during, and after the test. Results: There was a significant reduction in inspiratory muscle strength after the 30-min test in all conditions (control: 6.26 mm Hg, p < 0.5; surgical mask: 8.55 mm Hg, p < 0.01; FFP2 respirator: 12.42 mm Hg, p < 0.001), but without significant differences between them (p = 0.283). Data showed a statistically significant effect for time, but did not show a statistically significant interaction between condition and time for heart rate (p = 0.674), oxygen saturation (p = 0.297), blood lactate level (p = 0.991), rating perceived exertion (p = 0.734) and dyspnea (p = 0.532) comparisons. Conclusions: The present study findings suggested that inspiratory muscle strength and physiological parameters during “conversational level” exercise were not impaired under wearing masks in healthy, nonsmoking young adults.pre-print319 K

    Hepatocellular carcinoma risk-stratification based on ASGR1 in circulating epithelial cells for cancer interception

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    Purpose: Lack of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinoma impedes stratifying patients based on their risk of developing cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity of circulating epithelial cells (CECs) based on asialoglycoprotein receptor 1 (ASGR1) and miR-122-5p expression as potential diagnostic and prognostic tools in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and liver cirrhosis (LC). Methods: Peripheral blood samples were extracted from LC and HCC patients at different disease stages. CECs were isolated using positive immunomagnetic selection. Genetic and phenotypic characterization was validated by double immunocytochemistry for cytokeratin (CK) and ASGR1 or by in situ hybridization with miR-122-5p and CECs were visualized by confocal microscopy. Results: The presence of CECs increased HCC risk by 2.58-fold, however, this was only significant for patients with previous LC (p = 0.028) and not for those without prior LC (p = 0.23). Furthermore, the number of CECs lacking ASGR1 expression correlated significantly with HCC incidence and absence of miR-122-5p expression (p = 0.014; r = 0.23). Finally, overall survival was significantly greater for patients at earlier cancer stages (p = 0.018), but this difference was only maintained in the group with the presence of CECs (p = 0.021) whereas progression-free survival was influenced by the absence of ASGR1 expression. Conclusion: Identification and characterization of CECs by ASGR1 and/or miR- 122-5p expression may be used as a risk-stratification tool in LC patients, as it was shown to be an independent prognostic and risk-stratification marker in LC and early disease stage HCC patients.Regional Ministry of Health of AndalusiaMinistry of Economy, Competitiveness, Enterprises and Universities PC-0522-2016 PC-0267-2017 PC-0033-2017Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII) DOC_01682 CD18/0012

    Hepatocellular carcinoma risk-stratification based on ASGR1 in circulating epithelial cells for cancer interception

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    Purpose: Lack of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinoma impedes stratifying patients based on their risk of developing cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity of circulating epithelial cells (CECs) based on asialoglycoprotein receptor 1 (ASGR1) and miR-122-5p expression as potential diagnostic and prognostic tools in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and liver cirrhosis (LC). Methods: Peripheral blood samples were extracted from LC and HCC patients at different disease stages. CECs were isolated using positive immunomagnetic selection. Genetic and phenotypic characterization was validated by double immunocytochemistry for cytokeratin (CK) and ASGR1 or by in situ hybridization with miR-122-5p and CECs were visualized by confocal microscopy. Results: The presence of CECs increased HCC risk by 2.58-fold, however, this was only significant for patients with previous LC (p = 0.028) and not for those without prior LC (p = 0.23). Furthermore, the number of CECs lacking ASGR1 expression correlated significantly with HCC incidence and absence of miR-122-5p expression (p = 0.014; r = 0.23). Finally, overall survival was significantly greater for patients at earlier cancer stages (p = 0.018), but this difference was only maintained in the group with the presence of CECs (p = 0.021) whereas progression-free survival was influenced by the absence of ASGR1 expression. Conclusion: Identification and characterization of CECs by ASGR1 and/or miR- 122-5p expression may be used as a risk-stratification tool in LC patients, as it was shown to be an independent prognostic and risk-stratification marker in LC and early disease stage HCC patients

    Development and Diagnosis of a Teaching Experience Using Participatory Methods: Towards an Ecosystemic Learning in Higher Education

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    The redefinition of the objectives of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) generates novelty in the teaching design developed by universities. The constructivist perspective encourages the use of methods that promote teamwork, an interest for information searching, autonomy and an increased motivation for learning, among others. Currently, the acquisition of the established curricular content receives feedback thanks to information and communication technologies (ICTs). This research describes the implementation of an experience related to the use of teaching/learning participatory methods with first- and second-year students in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education bachelor’s degrees. This experience is based on flipped classrooms and role-playing and is supported by ICTs. A questionnaire was delivered to a total of 100 individuals on their perception of participatory methods and their assessment of the methods used for the described experience. After performing the analysis, the conclusions showed that higher education students considered that classroom implementation of emerging methods helped them at a theoretical, practical and professional level as well as motivated them, which allows us to advance towards the goals of the EHEA

    Reflections on Equity in Higher Education in Ecuador and Argentina

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    El trabajo de investigación se propone como una reflexión sobre la equidad en la educación superior, tomando en comparación la realidad de dos países latinoamericanos. Para ello, se plantea como pregunta de investigación: ¿Qué elementos de convergencia existen entre el criterio de equidad en la educación superior de Ecuador y Argentina? A partir de la interrogante, el objetivo del estudio es describir el criterio de equidad en la educación superior de Ecuador y Argentina como elemento para la determinación de puntos de convergencia entre las dos realidades. La metodología fue diseñada a partir de la educación comparada, para lo cual se definió una pregunta general, se seleccionaron las unidades de análisis para comparación, se obtuvieron resultados por medio de la revisión crítica de diferentes fuentes de información y se propusieron conclusiones comparativas. De forma concluyente y partir de los resultados se plantea que Argentina y Ecuador tienen la convergencia en: &nbsp;(a) concepto de equidad como parte del sistema educativo universitario, (b) legislación sobre equidad en el sistema educativo universitario y (c) desafíos de la equidad en la educación superior. Sin embargo, la diferencia es muy marcada en la forma de acceso a la educación superior y el criterio de gratuidad.The research work is proposed as a reflection on equity in higher education, comparing the reality of two Latin American countries. To this end, the research question is: What elements of convergence exist between the criterion of equity in higher education between Ecuador and Argentina? Based on this question, the objective of the study is to describe the criterion of equity in higher education in Ecuador and Argentina as an element for the determination of points of convergence between the two realities. The methodology was designed on the basis of comparative education, for which a general question was defined, the units of analysis for comparison were selected, results were obtained through the critical review of different sources of information and comparative conclusions were proposed. Conclusively, and based on the results, Argentina and Ecuador converge in: (a) the concept of equity as part of the university education system, (b) legislation on equity in the university education system and (c) challenges of equity in higher education. However, the difference is very marked in the form of access to higher education and the criterion of free education