491 research outputs found

    Los comienzos del IESE: el impulso del Beato Josemaria

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    Direct instruction wakeup for out-of-order processors

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    Instruction queues consume a significant amount of power in high-performance processors, primarily due to instruction wakeup logic access to the queue structures. The wakeup logic delay is also a critical timing parameter. This paper proposes a new queue organization using a small number of successor pointers plus a small number of dynamically allocated full successor bit vectors for cases with a larger number of successors. The details of the new organization are described and it is shown to achieve the performance of CAM-based or full dependency matrix organizations using just one pointer per instruction plus eight full bit vectors. Only two full bit vectors are needed when two successor pointers are stored per instruction. Finally, a design and pre-layout of all critical structures in 70 nm technology was performed for the proposed organization as well as for a CAM-based baseline. The new design is shown to use 1/2 to 1/5th of the baseline instruction queue power, depending on queue size. It is also shown to use significantly less power than the full dependency matrix based design.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Effect of Yoghourt Starter Culture and Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles on the Activity of Enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus in Domiati Cheese

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    Domiati cheese is the most popular type of white soft cheese in Egypt. Staphylococcus aureus is a common microorganism that can easily contaminate Domiati cheese during processing and distribution. Enterotoxigenic S. aureus strains produce staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE) that have been involved in food poisoning outbreaks worldwide. The aim of the present study was to examine the inhibitory effect of yoghourt starter culture and nickel oxide nanoparticles (NiO NPs) on the development of the enterotoxigenic S. aureus together with the enterotoxin production during the manufacturing and storage of Domiati cheese. Fresh cow’s milk was inoculated with S. aureus in a count of six log CFU/mL with the addition of either yoghourt starter culture or NiO Nps. The cytotoxicity of NiO NPs on normal human epithelial cells (HEC) was assessed using the MTT assay. In the current study, the inoculated milk was used for making Domiati cheese and the survival Weibull and log-linear models were fitted to the observed data. The obtained results showed that the mean log count of S. aureus decreased one week earlier by using yoghourt starter culture. Staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) was identified only in the control cheese. Notably, Domiati cheese contained MIC of NiO NPs (35 µg/mL), which resulted in a significant decrease in S. aureus counts since at day 21 of cheese ripening it was not detected (<10 CFU/g). Overall, the current study indicated that the addition of yoghourt starter culture and NiO NPs during the processing of Domiati cheese could be useful candidates against S. aureus and enterotoxin production in the dairy industry

    Psychosocial status of Physical Education teachers according to socio-demographic characteristics

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    Actualmente, los docentes están expuestos a riesgos psicosociales propios del contexto educativo y es importante superar y anticiparse a las adversidades que ello conlleva. Por ello, este estudio pretende analizar los niveles de estrés, síndrome de burnout y resiliencia en profesores de educación física, así como establecer las relaciones existentes en función del género y la situación sociolaboral. El estudio tuvo un diseño no experimental, descriptivo, comparativo y correlacional, con medición en un solo grupo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 415 profesores de educación física de toda España, con un rango de edad de 21-53 años (M=28,78±6,15) y una distribución heterogénea, representando el 69,4% del género masculino y el 30,6% del género femenino. Para registrar los aspectos sociodemográficos se utilizó la Escala de Estrés Percibido (PSS), el Inventario de Burnout de Maslach (MBI), la Escala de Resiliencia de Connor-Davidson (CD-RISC) y un cuestionario Ad- Hoc. Finalmente se observa que, para el síndrome de burnout, la subescala con mayor puntuación es el agotamiento emocional, seguida de la realización personal y la despersonalización. Para la resiliencia, se observa que la subescala con mayor puntuación es la competencia personal, seguida de la aceptación positiva, el control y el propósito, la tolerancia a los acontecimientos negativos y las influencias espirituales.Currently, teachers are exposed to psychosocial risks specific to the educational context and it is important to overcome and anticipate the adversities involved. Therefore, this study aims to analyse the levels of stress, burnout syndrome and resilience in physical education teachers, as well as to establish the existing relationships according to gender and sociooccupational situation. The study had a non-experimental, descriptive, comparative and correlational design, with measurement in a single group. The sample consisted of 415 physical education teachers from all over Spain, with an age range of 21-53 years (M=28.78±6.15) and a heterogeneous distribution, representing 69.4% of the male gender and 30.6% of the female gender. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) and an Ad-Hoc questionnaire were used to record socio-demographic aspects. Finally, it is observed that, for burnout syndrome, the subscale with the highest score is emotional exhaustion, followed by self-fulfilment and depersonalisation. For resilience, the highest scoring subscale is personal competence, followed by positive acceptance, control and purpose, tolerance of negative events and spiritual influences

    Una historia del factor religioso estadounidense según sus Estudios culturales: un planteamiento sociológico y cultural desde las colonias hasta la globalización

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    This paper offers a sociological and cultural global vision (fixing Sociology of Religion, Legal Sociology, Cultural Studies, etc.) about the American religious factor and its dimensions in various frameworks (i.e. religious liberty, Church-State relations, welfare state &amp; solidarity). With this aim in mind, it begins with a brief notion of the evolution of religious issues, from colonial Sunday regulation or the Blue Laws, up to current regulation on freedom of religion and non-discrimination. Also, this paper offers a systematic set of diverse legal sources (i.e. Executive orders and rulings, Legislative statutes, Judicial cases and resolutions). This paper also evaluates the allegedly paradoxical policies and regulations referring to this issue during two previous presidential Administrations, those of CLINTON and G.W. BUSH.This paper offers a sociological and cultural global vision (fixing Sociology of Religion, Legal Sociology, Cultural Studies, etc.) about the American religious factor and its dimensions in various frameworks (i.e. religious liberty, Church-State relations, welfare state &amp; solidarity). With this aim in mind, it begins with a brief notion of the evolution of religious issues, from colonial Sunday regulation or the Blue Laws, up to current regulation on freedom of religion and non-discrimination. Also, this paper offers a systematic set of diverse legal sources (i.e. Executive orders and rulings, Legislative statutes, Judicial cases and resolutions). This paper also evaluates the allegedly paradoxical policies and regulations referring to this issue during two previous presidential Administrations, those of CLINTON and G.W. BUSH

    Relationship of sclerostin and secreted frizzled protein polymorphisms with bone mineral density: an association study with replication in postmenopausal women

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    Objectives.- Secreted frizzled-related protein and sclerostin, encoded by FRZB and SOST genes, respectively, are extracellular Wnt inhibitors that tend to decrease bone formation. The purpose of this study was to explore the association of sets of polymorphisms capturing common variations of these genes with bone mineral density (BMD). Methods.- Twelve polymorphic loci of the FRZB gene and 7 of the SOST gene were genotyped in postmenopausal women from two Spanish regions (Cantabria, n=1043, and Valencia, n=342). The polymorphisms included tagging SNPs and SNPs with possible functional consequences assessed in silico. Results.-The rs4666865 polymorphism of the FRZB gene was associated with spine BMD in the Cantabria cohort in the single-locus (p=0.008) and the haplotypic analysis. However, the results were not replicated in the Valencia cohort. Several polymorphisms at the 5´region of the SOST gene, and particularly rs851056, were associated with BMD in women from both cohorts (p=0.002 in Cantabria and 0.005 in Valencia). When the results of both cohorts were combined, the mean BMD difference across rs851056 genotypes was 47 mg/cm2 or 0.31 standard deviations (p<0.001). No differences in FRZB and SOST expression was detected across genotypes. Conclusions.- Polymorphisms in the 5’ region of SOST gene are associated with BMD in postmenopausal women, and consequently contribute to explain in part the hereditary influence on bone mass

    Spanish adaptation of the perinatal grief intensity scale

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    Aims/Background: Assessing the intensity of perinatal grief is very important for identifying the more complex cases in mothers and fathers. Despite this, there are few assessment tools available. The aim of this study was to analyse the psychometric properties (factorial structure, reliability, and validity) of the Spanish version of the Perinatal Grief Intensity Scale (PGIS). Design/Methods: An online survey was completed by 291 mothers and fathers who had suffered perinatal loss in the previous six years. Results: The results showed adequate fit indexes for the three-factor model of the PGIS: reality, confront others, and congruence. Reliability values for the overall scale and subscales were adequate. Finally, with regard to validity, significant (p < .05) and positive relationships were found with levels of complicated grief, event centrality, guilt, anxiety, and depression. There were also differences depending on whether participants exhibited high or low levels of complicated grief, and on the number of weeks of pregnancy at the time of the loss. Conclusion: In conclusion, the Spanish adaptation of the PGIS has adequate reliability and validity scores and a factorial structure consistent with the original version.This research was funded by Program Redes-I 3CE for Research in University Teaching of the Institute of Education Science (Vice-Chancellorship of Quality and Educational Innovation) of the University of Alicante, edition 2020-21 (Ref. 5537)

    RhoA–ROCK and p38MAPK-MSK1 mediate vitamin D effects on gene expression, phenotype, and Wnt pathway in colon cancer cells

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    The active vitamin D metabolite 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) inhibits proliferation and promotes differentiation of colon cancer cells through the activation of vitamin D receptor (VDR), a transcription factor of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Additionally, 1,25(OH)2D3 has several nongenomic effects of uncertain relevance. We show that 1,25(OH)2D3 induces a transcription-independent Ca2+ influx and activation of RhoA–Rho-associated coiled kinase (ROCK). This requires VDR and is followed by activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) and mitogen- and stress-activated kinase 1 (MSK1). As shown by the use of chemical inhibitors, dominant-negative mutants and small interfering RNA, RhoA–ROCK, and p38MAPK-MSK1 activation is necessary for the induction of CDH1/E-cadherin, CYP24, and other genes and of an adhesive phenotype by 1,25(OH)2D3. RhoA–ROCK and MSK1 are also required for the inhibition of Wnt–β-catenin pathway and cell proliferation. Thus, the action of 1,25(OH)2D3 on colon carcinoma cells depends on the dual action of VDR as a transcription factor and a nongenomic activator of RhoA–ROCK and p38MAPK-MSK1

    Noble gas isotopes reveal degassing-derived eruptions at Deception Island (Antarctica): implications for the current high levels of volcanic activity

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    Deception Island is one of the most active volcanoes in Antarctica with more than twenty explosive eruptions in the past two centuries. Any future volcanic eruption(s) is a serious concern for scientists and tourists, will be detrimental to marine ecosystems and could have an impact to global oceanographic processes. Currently, it is not possible to carry-out low and high frequency volcanic gas monitoring at Deception Island because of the arduous climatic conditions and its remote location. Helium, neon and argon isotopes measured in olivine samples of the main eruptive events (pre-, syn- and post caldera) offer insights into the processes governing its volcanic history. Our results show that: (i) ascending primitive magmas outgassed volatiles with a MORB-like helium isotopic signature (3He/4He ratio); and (ii) variations in the He isotope ratio, as well as intensive degassing evidenced by fractionated 4He/40Ar* values, occurred before the beginning of the main eruptive episodes. Our results show how the pre-eruptive noble gas signals of volcanic activity is an important step toward a better understanding of the magmatic dynamics and has the potential to improve eruption forecasting.This research was supported by the Spanish Government (MICINN) projects: RECALDEC (CTM2009-05919-E/ANT), PEVOLDEC (CTM2011-13578-E/ANT), POSVOLDEC (CTM2016-79617-P)(AEI/FEDER, UE), VOLGASDEC (PGC2018-095693-B-I00)(AEI/FEDER, UE), HYDROCAL (PID2020-114876GB-I00)(MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), EruptING (PID2021-127189OB-I00) (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), and Programa Propio’s project (Universidad de Salamanca-2019 modalidad 1B). A.A-V also thanks the JSPS invitation fellowship (S18113) at the University of Tokyo. A.P.S is grateful for his PhD grant “Programa Propio III Universidad de Salamanca-2021 cofounded by Banco de Santander”.Peer reviewe