105 research outputs found

    False-positive urine pregnancy tests - clinicians as detectives

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    Reliably diagnosing pregnancy in women presenting with nonspecific abdominal pain can be lifesaving. If diagnostic tests are unreliable, however, valuable time and resources can be wasted pursuing unnecessary and potentially harmful interventions. After four false positive-urine pregnancy tests in one week, we began investigating the laboratory’s entire process involving the UPreg tests. We discovered that, as is common in resource-poor settings, the laboratory repeatedly reused test tubes. We found that the false-positive tests resulted from performing the UPreg tests in test tubes that were improperly cleaned and, for the most part, had been used immediately beforehand to test women coming into the maternity ward. Sufficient residua from the pregnant women’s high ß-HCG levels had remained in the test tubes to cause subsequent false-positive results in our emergency ward patients. Although pregnancy can now be reliably diagnosed with inexpensive, disposable and simple tests, these tests must not only be used properly, but also, when used in the laboratory, be accompanied by appropriate cleaning and quality-control procedures. This is particularly essential in resource-constrained environments

    Synthesis and characterization of smectite clay Zn-stevensite

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    Argila do grupo das esmectitas foi obtida com êxito em baixa temperatura de processamento por via hidrotérmica utilizando como precursores metassilicato de sódio, nitrato de zinco e uréia. Durante a etapa de síntese a composição molar da mistura reacional e a temperatura permaneceram constantes, variando-se o tempo de reação. As amostras sintetizadas foram caracterizadas por difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, espectroscopia de refletância difusa no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier, análise térmica diferencial e gravimétrica, análise de adsorção gasosa de nitrogênio pelo método BET e capacidade de troca de cátions. Os resultados evidenciam que com a metodologia empregada obtêm-se Zn-estevensita apresentando uma área superficial total na faixa de 171,6 a 203,4 m2/g e boa cristalinidade; sendo esta a única fase presente no produto sintetizado após reação estática a 90 ºC por um período de 44 a 138 h, indicando ser o aumento no tempo de síntese um parâmetro importante para o processo de cristalização da argila

    Desarrollo Empresarial en el rubro de café orgánico de la Empresa Familiar café Don Luis en el municipio de Estelí

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    Conociendo la limitada visión estratégica – empresarial de las MIPYMES en el municipio de Estelí y la inexistencia de un estudio sobre el desarrollo empresarial; se pretende que esta investigación brinde información útil para el análisis y la toma de decisiones de las micros, pequeños y medianos empresarios del municipio de Estelí. El conocimiento de algunas variables de la micro economía y la macro economía que condicionan el desarrollo empresarial, como la demanda, disponibilidad de materia prima, fijación de los precios, y el poder adquisitivo, inversiones de capital, la planificación administrativa – contable y la publicidad, permitirá a los pequeños empresarios formular estrategias que fortalezcan e impulsen sus empresas. Los conocimientos que se obtendrán, a partir del uso de instrumentos de recolección de datos como la entrevista, se podrá utilizar como fuente de información para la formulación de futuros proyectos que fomenten el desarrollo de las MIPYMES ya que la mayoría de estas son empresas familiares; o para propósito que la universidad y otras organizaciones consideren convenientes. De igual manera este estudio será de mucha utilidad para los estudiantes que deseen consultar este documento, con la finalidad de informarse sobre el desarrollo empresarial aplicado a una empresa familiar del Municipio de Estelí. A partir del desarrollo de este estudio se pondrán en práctica los conocimientos, y así se demostrará la importancia del desarrollo empresarial de las MIPYMES

    Taraxacum Genus: Extract Experimental Approaches

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    This chapter presents factors or considerations to be taken into account when selecting the procedure or method for obtaining extracts and bioactive compounds. The genus Taraxacum has proved to have several interesting properties and there are numerous techniques and bioassays used to test the antimicrobial properties of extracts. However, the extraction process is crucial to optimize the final biological outcomes. Extraction procedures that until now have been used are simple and inexpensive, however, we wanted to report a series of studies that group valuable results, which could be useful for future studies, enhancing the research carried out by authors from all over the world and also allowing the interrelated study of this genus

    Taraxacum Genus: Potential Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity

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    Plants have been used in traditional medicine for centuries as antibacterial and antifungal agents. Taraxacum spp., commonly known as dandelion, is a well-known herbal remedy with a long history; however, limited scientific information is available to explain its traditional use. This review aims to provide current information and a general overview of the available literature concerning the antibacterial and antifungal properties of the Taraxacum genus to support its potential as a powerful herbal medicine. Though Taraxacum has demonstrated that it is capable of inhibiting the growth of a wide range of bacteria and fungi, the technical aspects of methodology lack standardization, and, therefore, the overall results of processing are difficult to compare between studies. Phytochemical composition and antimicrobial activity in Taraxacum are neither directly related, nor does the published data provide sufficient information for identifying the group of unique extraction conditions that are optimal against specific microorganisms. Antimicrobial research indicates that this plant is a promising species for treating several common infections in humans, animals, and plants

    Evaluation of the incorporation of waste generated from titanium dioxide manufacturing in red ceramics

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    Rotary-vacuum-filter mud (RVFM) is waste generated during the manufacturing process of titanium dioxide. In this work, RVFM and ceramic bricks containing different ratios of this waste are investigated. The mud samples were characterized using thermal analysis (TG/DTG). The aim of the present work was to determine the effect of adding RVFM on the ceramic properties of clay, such as apparent porosity, water absorption, linear shrinkage and flexural strength, used to produce red ceramics (bricks and roofing tiles). Samples were dried out at 110°C and fired at 800°C, 950°C and 1100°C. The addition of RVFM tends to increase the apparent porosity and water absorption and to decrease the flexural strength of the ceramic specimens. Based on the results, ceramic specimens with 20% RVFM content that are burned at 800ºC can not be used as bricks, and ceramic specimens with 20% RVFM content that are fired at 800ºC and 950°C can not used as roofing tiles, according to Brazilian standards

    Análisis económico del uso de clorhidrato de zilpaterol en la alimentación de corderas

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    Con el objetivo de realizar un análisis económico sobre el uso de clorhidrato de zilpaterol en ovinos se realizó una investigación con datos provenientes de la engorda de 24 corderas Dorper - Pelibuey en finalización mediante la técnica de costos, ingresos y rentabilidad. Los animales se dividieron en dos grupos de 12 corderas cada uno: Testigo (T1), alimentados con una dieta basal + 100 g de trigo molido, y (T2), que recibieron la dieta basal + 100 g de trigo molido con 10 mg de clorhidrato de zilpaterol (CZ) cada animal durante 24 horas, por 34 días. El contenido de la dieta tuvo 15.8% de proteína cruda (PC) y 2.8 Mcal/kg de energía metabolizable (EM), con un costo de producción de 3.96porkg.Lasvariablesdeintereˊsfueronpesoinicial,pesofinal,gananciadepeso,conversioˊnalimenticiaypesoencanal.ParaT1elcostodeproduccioˊn,ingresoyganancia/animal,porventaencanal,fueronde3.96 por kg. Las variables de interés fueron peso inicial, peso final, ganancia de peso, conversión alimenticia y peso en canal. Para T1 el costo de producción, ingreso y ganancia/animal, por venta en canal, fueron de 823.1, 918.4y918.4 y 95.3, mientras que para T2 fueron de 863.8,863.8, 1,111.0 y $247.1, respectivamente. Asimismo,la relación beneficio-costo (RB/C) en canal para T1 fue de 1.11 y para T2 de 1.29. Se concluye que la rentabilidad fue mayor en animales suplementados en la dieta con clorhidrato de zilpaterol en relación con los animales testigo

    Sistema de monitoreo para pacientes de alto riesgo integrando módulos GPS, GSM/GPRS y Zigbee

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    This article shows the design and implementation of a remote monitoring system for vital signs in high-risk patients, it is described the design of a pulse oximeter using a microcontroller and an analog electrocardiograph (bipolar leads). A GPS XM0110 module is configured by the microcontroller in order to receive data of the current position of the patient and store them in memory for subsequent release by making use of a AirPrime SL6087 modem, as well as the heart rate, the SaO2 and the time in which the measurement was taken, using a text message. Also, by making use of a ZigBee module the captured signals are transmitted wirelessly to a computer where they are processed and displayed using software designed on LabVIEW. In turn, there is the possibility to view the ECG signal on a LCD graphic.En el presente artículo se muestra el proceso de implementación de un sistema de monitoreo remoto de señales vitales en pacientes de alto riesgo, se describe el diseño de un oxímetro de pulso haciendo uso de las prestaciones de un microcontrolador y de un electrocardiógrafo analógico (derivaciones bipolares). Mediante el microcontrolador se configura el modulo GPS XM0110 para recibir las coordenadas de la posición actual del paciente y guardarlas en memoria para posteriormente transmitirla haciendo uso del modem AirPrime SL6087, junto al valor de la frecuencia cardiaca y el SaO2, así como la hora en la cual se tomó la medición, mediante un mensaje de texto. También, haciendo uso de un módulo ZigBee se trasmiten inalámbricamente las señales tomadas a un computador en donde se procesan y visualizan mediante un software diseñado en la programa LabViewTM. A su vez, se tiene la posibilidad de visualizar la señal ECG en una LCD gráfica

    Distribución y frecuencia de tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV) en diferentes variedades de Rubus idaeus en la Región del Maule, Chile

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    The raspberry (Rubus idaeus) is one of the most important fruit for production in the Maule Region, Chile. Raspberries are affected by the tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV), which causes decreased yield and deformed fruit. The objective of this work is to study ToRSV spread in different raspberry varieties in the Maule Region, Chile. The virus was detected using the ELISA test and RT-PCR in the Heritage, Meeker, Chilliwack, Amity and Coho varieties. Bayesian analysis determined the relationship between the percentage of ToRSV incidence in the cultivated varieties and the locations in the different provinces of the Maule Region. It was observed that the Linares province showed the highest levels of the virus in the different varieties: Amity (70%), Meeker (39%) and Heritage (26%), compared to other provinces in the region. These results suggest a high spread of ToRSV through the Maule Region. Nei distance analysis suggests that 14 of the virus isolates coming from the Talca and Linares Provinces would show differences with the ToRSV accessions deposited in the global gene bank (NCBI).La frambuesa (Rubus idaeus) es un frutal menor de gran importancia productiva en Chile. Una de las enfermedades que lo afectan es tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV). Este estudio provee información sobre la dispersión de ToRSV en diferentes variedades de frambueso en la Región del Maule. El virus fue detectado mediante el uso de la prueba ELISA y RT-PCR en las variedades Heritage, Meeker, Chilliwack, Amity y Coho. Mediante un análisis Bayesiano se determinó la relación entre porcentaje de incidencia de ToRSV en las variedades cultivadas y las localidades, de las distintas Provincias de la Región. Se observó que la provincia de Linares presentó la más alta incidencia viral en Amity (70%), Meeker (39%) y Heritage (26%), con respecto a otras provincias de la Región. Estos resultados sugieren que existe una alta dispersión de ToRSV a través de la Región del Maule. El análisis de distancia de Nei propone que los 14 aislados del virus provenientes desde las Provincias de Talca y Linares, mostrarían diferencias con las accesiones de ToRSV depositadas en el banco de genes mundial (NCBI).Fil: González Silva, Gloria Rossana. Universidad Católica del Maule. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesFil: Concha Espinoza, Cynthia Macarena. Universidad Católica del Maule. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesFil: Valenzuela Bustamante, Myriam Andrea. Universidad Católica del Maule. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesFil: Cordero Alday, Luzmira Cecilia. Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT), Centro de Estudios en Alimentos Procesados ​​(CEAP), Regional, Gore Maule, Talca, Chile.Fil: Pico Mendoza, José Newthon. Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola (Lodana, Manabí, Ecuador)Fil: Cáceres Ruz, Pablo Alfredo. Universidad Católica del Maule. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesFil: García González, Rolando. Universidad Católica del Maule. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    First experience in human beings with a permanently implantable intrasac pressure transducer for monitoring endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms

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    ObjectivesEndovascular stent graft repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) prevents rupture by excluding the aneurysm sac from systemic arterial pressure. Current surveillance protocols after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) follow secondary markers of sac pressurization, namely, endoleak and sac enlargement. We report the first clinical experience with the use of a permanently implantable, ultrasound-activated remote pressure transducer to measure intrasac pressure after EVAR.MethodsOver 7 months, 14 patients underwent EVAR of an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm with implantation of an ultrasound-activated remote pressure transducer fixed to the outside of the stent graft and exposed to the excluded aortic sac. Twelve patients received modular bifurcated stent grafts, and 2 patients received aortouniiliac devices. Intrasac pressures were measured directly with an intravascular catheter and by the remote sensor at stent-graft deployment. Follow-up sac pressures were measured with a remote sensor and correlated with systemic arterial pressure at every follow-up visit. Mean follow-up was 2.6 ±1.9 months.ResultsExcellent concordance was found between catheter-derived and transducer-derived intrasac pressssure intraoperatively. Pulsatile waveforms were seen in all functioning transducers at each evaluation interval. One implant ceased to function at 2 months of follow-up. In 1 patient a type I endoleak was diagnosed on 1-month computed tomography (CT) scans; 3 type II endoleaks were observed. Those patients with complete exclusion of the aneurysm on CT scans had a significant difference in systemic and sac systolic pressures initially (P < .001) and at 1 month (P < .001). Initial sac diastolic pressures were higher than systemic diastolic pressures (P < .001). The ratio of systemic to sac systolic pressure increased over time in those patients with complete aneurysm exclusion (P < .001). Four of 6 patients with no endoleak and greater than 1-month follow-up had diminution of sac systolic pressure to 40 mm Hg or less by 3 months.ConclusionThis is the first report of a totally implantable chronic pressure transducer to monitor the results of EVAR in human beings. Aneurysm exclusion leads to gradual diminution of sac pressure over several months. Additional clinical follow-up will be necessary to determine whether aneurysm sac pressure monitoring can replace CT in the long-term surveillance of patients after EVAR
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