134 research outputs found

    BeppoSAX observations of low power radio galaxies: possible detection of obscured nuclei

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    We present the first results of BeppoSAX observations of a small sample of low brightness FRI radio galaxies. The flux of all the targets is consistent with a thermal spectrum, as due to the presence of hot intracluster gas or galactic corona. Moreover in three sources a non thermal absorbed spectrum can be present in the MECS spectrum at energies larger than 7 keV, while for a fourth object a high energy flux has been detected in the PDS instrument at energies larger than 15 keV. This component could be related to the inner AGN surrounded by an obscuring torus.Comment: 4 pages, LateX, 3 figures (included). Uses espcrc2.sty (included). To appear in: "The Active X-ray Sky: Results from BeppoSAX and Rossi-XTE", Rome, Italy, 21-24 October, 1997, Eds.: L. Scarsi, H. Bradt, P. Giommi and F. Fior

    SUDARE-VOICE variability-selection of Active Galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field South and the SERVS/SWIRE region

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    One of the most peculiar characteristics of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) is their variability over all wavelengths. This property has been used in the past to select AGN samples and is foreseen to be one of the detection techniques applied in future multi-epoch surveys, complementing photometric and spectroscopic methods. In this paper, we aim to construct and characterise an AGN sample using a multi-epoch dataset in the r band from the SUDARE-VOICE survey. Our work makes use of the VST monitoring program of an area surrounding the Chandra Deep Field South to select variable sources. We use data spanning a six month period over an area of 2 square degrees, to identify AGN based on their photometric variability. The selected sample includes 175 AGN candidates with magnitude r < 23 mag. We distinguish different classes of variable sources through their lightcurves, as well as X-ray, spectroscopic, SED, optical and IR information overlapping with our survey. We find that 12% of the sample (21/175) is represented by SN. Of the remaining sources, 4% (6/154) are stars, while 66% (102/154) are likely AGNs based on the available diagnostics. We estimate an upper limit to the contamination of the variability selected AGN sample of about 34%, but we point out that restricting the analysis to the sources with available multi-wavelength ancillary information, the purity of our sample is close to 80% (102 AGN out of 128 non-SN sources with multi-wavelength diagnostics). Our work thus confirms the efficiency of the variability selection method in agreement with our previous work on the COSMOS field; in addition we show that the variability approach is roughly consistent with the infrared selection.Comment: Published in A & A, 15 pages, 6 figure

    Optically variable active galactic nuclei in the 3 yr VST survey of the COSMOS field

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    The analysis of the variability of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at different wavelengths and the study of possible correlations among different spectral windows are nowadays a major field of inquiry. Optical variability has been largely used to identify AGNs in multivisit surveys. The strength of a selection based on optical variability lies in the chance to analyze data from surveys of large sky areas by ground-based telescopes. However the effectiveness of optical variability selection, with respect to other multiwavelength techniques, has been poorly studied down to the depth expected from next generation surveys. Here we present the results of our r-band analysis of a sample of 299 optically variable AGN candidates in the VST survey of the COSMOS field, counting 54 visits spread over three observing seasons spanning > 3 yr. This dataset is > 3 times larger in size than the one presented in our previous analysis (De Cicco et al. 2015), and the observing baseline is ~8 times longer. We push towards deeper magnitudes (r(AB) ~23.5 mag) compared to past studies; we make wide use of ancillary multiwavelength catalogs in order to confirm the nature of our AGN candidates, and constrain the accuracy of the method based on spectroscopic and photometric diagnostics. We also perform tests aimed at assessing the relevance of dense sampling in view of future wide-field surveys. We demonstrate that the method allows the selection of high-purity (> 86%) samples. We take advantage of the longer observing baseline to achieve great improvement in the completeness of our sample with respect to X-ray and spectroscopically confirmed samples of AGNs (59%, vs. ~15% in our previous work), as well as in the completeness of unobscured and obscured AGNs. The effectiveness of the method confirms the importance to develop future, more refined techniques for the automated analysis of larger datasets.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in A&

    Quasar Spectral Slope Variability in the Optical Band

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    We performed a new analysis of B and R light curves of a sample of PG quasars. We confirm the variability-redshift correlation and its explanation in terms of spectral variability, coupled with the increase of rest-frame observing frequency for quasars at high redshift. The analysis of the instantaneous spectral slope for the whole quasar samples indicates both an inter-QSO and intra-QSO variability-luminosity correlation. Numerical simulations show that the latter correlation cannot be entirely due to the addition of the host galaxy emission to a nuclear spectrum of variable luminosity but constant shape, implying a spectral variability of the nuclear component. Changes of accretion rate are also insufficient to explain the amount of spectral variation, while hot spots possibly caused by local disk instabilities can explain the observations.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Ap.J., January 200

    X-ray spectroscopic survey of highly accreting AGN

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    Improving our understanding of the nuclear properties of high-Eddington-ratio (λEdd) active galactic nuclei (AGN) is necessary since at this regime the radiation pressure is expected to affect the structure and efficiency of the accretion disc-corona system. This may cause departures from the typical nuclear properties of low-λEdd AGN, which have been largely studied so far. We present here the X-ray spectral analysis of 14 radio-quiet, λEdd ≄ 1 AGN at 0.4 ≀ z ≀ 0.75, observed with XMM-Newton. Optical/UV data from simultaneous Optical Monitor observations have also been considered. These quasars were selected to have relatively high values of black hole mass (MBH ~ 108-8.5 M⊙) and bolometric luminosity (Lbol ~ 1046 erg s-1) in order to complement previous studies of high- λEdd AGN at lower MBH and Lbol. We studied the relation between λEdd and other key X-ray spectral parameters, such as the photon index (Γ) of the power-law continuum, the X-ray bolometric correction (kbol,X), and the optical/UV-to-X-ray spectral index (αox). Our analysis reveals that, despite the homogeneous optical and supermassive black hole accretion properties, the X-ray properties of these high-λEdd AGN are quite heterogeneous. We indeed measured values of Γ between 1.3 and 2.5, at odds with the expectations based on previously reported Γ-λEdd relations, for which Γ ≄ 2 would be a ubiquitous hallmark of AGN with λEdd ~ 1. Interestingly, we found that ~30% of the sources are X-ray weak, with an X-ray emission about a factor of ~10-80 fainter than that of typical AGN at similar UV luminosities. The X-ray weakness seems to be intrinsic and not due to the presence of absorption along the line of sight to the nucleus. This result may indicate that high-λEdd AGN commonly undergo periods of intrinsic X-ray weakness. Furthermore, results from follow-up monitoring with Swift of one of these X-ray weak sources suggest that these periods can last for several years

    African Americans respond to stigmatization: the meanings and salience of confronting, deflecting conflict, educating the ignorant and ‘managing the self’

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    Drawing on interviews with 150 randomly sampled African Americans, we analyse how members of a stigmatized group understand their experience of stigmatization and assess appropriate responses when asked about the best approach to deal with stigmatization and about responses to specific incidents. Combining in-depth interviews with a systematic coding of the data, we make original contributions to the previous literature by identifying the relative salience of modalities and tools for responding. We also examine closely through qualitative data the two most salient modalities of response, ‘confronting’ and ‘deflating’ conflict, the most salient tools, teaching out-group members about African Americans, and ‘the management of the self’, a rationale for deflating conflict that is largely overlooked in previous studies. We find that ‘confronting’ is the more popular modality for responding to stigmatization among African Americans.African and African American StudiesSociolog

    Geometries of Light and Shadows, from Piero della Francesca to James Turrell

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    This chapter addresses the problem of representing light and shadow in the artistic culture, from its uncertain beginnings, related to the studies on conical linear perspective in the Fifteenth Century, to the applications of light projection in the installations of contemporary art. Here are examined in particular two works by two artists, representing two different conceptual approaches to the perception and symbolism of light and shadow. The first is the so-called Brera Madonna by Piero della Francesca, where the image projected from a luminous radiation is employed with a narrative purpose, supporting the apparently hidden script of the painting and according to the artist\u2019s own speculations about perspective as a means to clarify the phenomenal world. The second is one of James Turrell\u2019s Dark Spaces installations, where quantum electrodynamics interpretation of light is taken into account: for Turrell, light is physical and thus can shape spaces where the visitors, or viewers, can \u201csee themselves seeing.\u201d In his body of work, perceptual deceptions are carefullyproduced by the interaction of the senses with his phenomenal staging of light and darkness, but a strong symbolic component is always present, often related to his own speculative interests. In both cases, light and shadow, through their geometries, emphasize both phenomenal and spiritual contents of the work of art, intended as a device to expand the perception and the knowledge of the viewer

    Simultaneous Planck, Swift, and Fermi observations of X-ray and gamma-ray selected blazars

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    We present simultaneous Planck, Swift, Fermi, and ground-based data for 105 blazars belonging to three samples with flux limits in the soft X-ray, hard X-ray, and gamma-ray bands. Our unique data set has allowed us to demonstrate that the selection method strongly influences the results, producing biases that cannot be ignored. Almost all the BL Lac objects have been detected by Fermi-LAT, whereas ~40% of the flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) in the radio, soft X-ray, and hard X-ray selected samples are still below the gamma-ray detection limit even after integrating 27 months of Fermi-LAT data. The radio to sub-mm spectral slope of blazars is quite flat up to ~70GHz, above which it steepens to ~-0.65. BL Lacs have significantly flatter spectra than FSRQs at higher frequencies. The distribution of the rest-frame synchrotron peak frequency (\nupS) in the SED of FSRQs is the same in all the blazar samples with =10^13.1 Hz, while the mean inverse-Compton peak frequency, , ranges from 10^21 to 10^22 Hz. The distributions of \nupS and of \nupIC of BL Lacs are much broader and are shifted to higher energies than those of FSRQs and strongly depend on the selection method. The Compton dominance of blazars ranges from ~0.2 to ~100, with only FSRQs reaching values >3. Its distribution is broad and depends strongly on the selection method, with gamma-ray selected blazars peaking at ~7 or more, and radio-selected blazars at values ~1, thus implying that the assumption that the blazar power is dominated by high-energy emission is a selection effect. Simple SSC models cannot explain the SEDs of most of the gamma-ray detected blazars in all samples. The SED of the blazars that were not detected by Fermi-LAT may instead be consistent with SSC emission. Our data challenge the correlation between bolometric luminosity and \nupS predicted by the blazar sequence.Comment: Version accepted by A&A. Joint Planck, Swift, and Fermi collaborations pape

    The optical variability of flat-spectrum radio quasars in the SDSS stripe 82 region

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    Context. Although a bluer-when-brighter trend is commonly observed in blazars, the opposite trend of redder-when-brighter has also been found in some blazars. Aims. We investigate the frequency of the redder-when-brighter trend in flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs). Methods. We investigate the optical variability of 29 FSRQs in the SDSS Stripe 82 region using SDSS DR7 released multi-epoch data covering about nine years. We determined the spectral index by fitting a powerlaw to SDSS ugriz photometric data, and explored the relationship between the spectral index and source brightness. Results. For all FSRQs studied, we detect variations in r band flux of overall amplitude between 0.24 mag and 3.46 mag in different sources. Fourteen of 29 FSRQs display a bluer-when-brighter trend. However, only one source exhibits a redder-when-brighter trend, which implies that this behavior is rare in our FSRQ sample. In this source, the thermal emission from the accretion disk may be responsible for the redder-when-brighter trend.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics accepted, title revised, the version after language editin

    The WEBT Campaign on the Intermediate BL Lac Object 3C66A in 2007-2008

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    Prompted by a high optical state in September 2007, the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) consortium organized an intensive optical, near-IR (JHK) and radio observing campaign on the intermediate BL Lac object 3C 66A throughout the fall and winter of 2007 -- 2008. The source remained in a high optical state throughout the observing period and exhibited several bright flares on time scales of ~ 10 days. This included an exceptional outburst around September 15 - 20, 2007, reaching a peak brightness at R ~ 13.4. Our campaign revealed microvariability with flux changes up to |dR/dt| ~ 0.02 mag/hr. Our observations do not reveal evidence for systematic spectral variability or spectral lags. We infer a value of the magnetic field in the emission region of B ~ 19 e_B^{2/7} \tau_h^{-6/7} D_1^{13/7} G. From the lack of systematic spectral variability, we can derive an upper limit on the Doppler factor, D <= 28 \tau_h^{-1/8} e_B^{3/16}. This is in agreement with superluminal motion measurements of \beta_{app} \le 27 and argues against models with very high Lorentz factors of \Gamma > 50, required for a one-zone SSC interpretation of some high-frequency-peaked BL Lac objects detected at TeV gamma-ray energies.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
