123 research outputs found

    Naphthalene trans-dihydrodiols

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    Master's thesis in Environmental TechnologyThe currently used GC-MS method for analysis of PAH metabolites in fish bile only focus on phenols; 1-naphthol, 2-naphthol, 1-hydroxyphenanthrene, and alkylated derivatives. 1- Hydroxypyrene is also included, but not alkylated forms. However, since trans-naphthalene dihydrodiol and methylated derivatives are formed in vivo and are known carcinogens, their presence in fish bile should be further investigated. Due to the absence of commercially available standards of trans-dihydro diols and their methylated derivatives, these compounds need to be synthesized. trans-1,2-Dihydronaphthalene-1,2-diol (13±), trans-6-methyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene-1,2- diol (19±), trans-5,7-dimethyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene-1,2-diol (20±) and trans-4,6,7- trimethyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene-1,2-diol (21±) were synthesized from commercially available starting materials, and their overall yield were 40%, 59%, 28% and 3%, respectively. The compunds were prepared from 1,2-naphthoquinone, 6-methyl-1-tetralone, 5,7-dimethyl-1- tetralone, 1,2-dihydroxybenzene and 2,3-dimethyl-1,3-butadiene, and oxidation was performed by using 2-iodoxybenzoic acid (IBX) or Laccase-catalyzed Diels-Alder reaction, following reduction by sodium borohydride (NaBH4) to give the trans-naphthalene dihydrodiols. Fish bile samples obtained from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), exposed to dispersed crude oil, were prepared by de-conjugation, extraction and derivatisation, following standard procedure in order to prepare the samples for GC-MS analysis

    Back on track: Approaches to managing highly disruptive school classes

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    Teaching and learning are at stake when classrooms become highly disruptive and pupils ignore the teacher’s instructions and leadership. Re-establishing teacher authority in a highly disruptive school class is an understudied area. This instrumental multiple case study aimed to reveal concepts and conceptual frameworks that are suitable for describing, analysing and discussing interventions in highly disruptive school classrooms. The tentative conceptual framework for turnarounds in highly disruptive classrooms revealed two main strategies: (1) a cognitive strategy appealing to pupils’ rationality and responsibility, which involves creating an awareness among students about preferred learning environments and training them to obtain the skills needed to behave in accordance with the chosen standards; (2) a systems strategy addressing the class as a social system in which the teacher’s loss of authority has become beneficial to some pupils. Re-establishing teacher authority implies a power takeover by teachers, and success depends on leadership by use of social dynamics. The data cover seven cases, each based on an experienced practitioner’s model for helping highly disruptive classes get back on track. The seven informants had worked as external experts in schools that had given up on coping with classes in which teachers had lost control.publishedVersio

    Industry engagement in work-integrated learning - exploring the benefits, challenges and realities

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    Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to identify benefits and challenges for businesses serving as hosts for business students involved in work integrated learning (WIL) initiatives. A student and educator perspective on WIL targeting businesses is also identified. A literature review is applied for analyzing work integrated learning in a business perspective. This perspective is supplied with statistical data from a survey of business students and business educators revealing the extent and relevance of connectedness to businesses within curriculum and learning process. Four gaps between business schools and businesses are identified, which should be closed for a successful WIL. These are related to institutional support systems, the student mentor at the business school versus the host firm mentor, the student versus the host firm mentor/business peers, and gaps between curriculum and business cases/tasks. The findings have primarily implications for the business school both on institutional level and on mentor level. It is assumed that WIL has a marginal focus within businesses unless students are directly contributing in solving real business problems. Literature employing a business perspective on WIL is limited, and calls for further empirical research in order to design realistic and relevant WIL assignment in a business context

    En litteraturstudie om angst basert skolevegring "Se meg"

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    Det er blitt gjort en del forskning knyttet til skolevegring og forebyggende tiltak over de seneste år, men det er ikke gjort like mye forskning i forhold til hvordan man griper situasjonen an når fraværet har vart over tid. Forskere peker på at det er gruppen i overgang mellom barneskole og ungdomsskole som gjerne har det høyeste og mest alvorlige, ikke bare fravær, men også psykiske vansker og at det er behov for å tenke annerledes når man skal hjelpe denne gruppen tilbake. Forskning viser at langvarig skolevegring er en risiko for psykisk uhelse, rus, kriminalitet, dårligere skoleprestasjoner og dårligere fremtidsutsikter. Formålet med denne studien var å finne mulige årsaker til angstbasert skolefravær og hva som må til for å få ungdommer med langvarig skolefravær tilbake på skolen. Jeg var spesielt opptatt av ungdommer i alder 12-16 år, da overgangen barneskolen/ungdomskolen pekes på som en ekstra sårbar tid for utvikling av skolevegring. Det er viktig å kunne identifisere og kartlegge årsaker. Videre komme raskt i gang med tiltak, ettersom langvarig fravær med underliggende psykiske vansker kan være vanskeligere å snu. Kunnskapen opparbeidet er viktig både for å skape forståelse for ungdommene som strever med dette samt for finne gode tiltak for å få dem tilbake. Problemstilling i oppgaven er følgende: «Hva kan være årsaker til langvarig angstbasert skolevegring hos ungdommer og hvordan få dem tilbake på skolen». Problemstillingen besvares og belyses ut fra et hermeneutisk vitenskapelig ståsted. Erfaringer fra mitt arbeid i barnevernstjenesten, miljøarbeid i skole vil også trekkes inn i og kanskje påvirke mine tolkninger i studien. Oppgaven er en systematisk litteratur studie som skal belyse og besvare problemstillingen gjennom eksiterende forskningslitteratur på de aktuelle temaene. Tematisk analyse er brukt for å analysere forskningslitteraturen. Resultater viser at ulike faktorer ved individet, familien eller skolen kan være medvirkende for utvikling av angstbasert skolevegring. Nyere forskning og intervjuer av ungdommer og foreldre viser at spesielt skolefaktorer utpeker seg. Når det gjelder å få ungdommene tilbake til skolen virker dette å være en prosess der både behandling, samarbeid og alternative løsninger for skole er viktige faktorer.Some research has been conducted in regard to school refusal and preventive measures over the recent years, but not as much research has been conducted in regard to how to approach the situation when the absence has lasted over time. Researchers say the transition between lower and upper secondary school suffers the highest and most sever degree not just school refusal, but also psychological difficulties. One needs to address the issues in a new way in order to help this group back. There is evidence showing that long term school refusal carries increased risk of psychological difficulties, substance abuse, criminal behavior, poor academic results and poor future prospects. The purpose of this study was to find possible causes of anxiety triggered school refusal and what may help the youth back to school. The study was primarily focused on the age group 12 to 16 years as this is referred to as an especially difficult age in terms of developing school refusal. It is important to identify and map the causes. It is important to implement measures promptly as long-term school refusal can be hard to reverse. The knowledge gained may be of importance in order to build understanding for the youth struggling with this, but also to find good measures in order to bring them back to school. The problem in the study is stated as: "What may be possible causes of long-term anxiety based school refusal and how can we help them back to school". The problem is answered and enlightened from a hermeneutist standpoint. My experience from child social services, school social services may be considered to have affected my interpretations during this study. The study is a systematical literature study, it will answer the problem based upon existing literature and research on the subject. Thematic analysis has been used to analyze the literature. Results evidence that different factors of the individual, the family and the school may be contributing in the development of school refusal. Recent research and interviews of youth and parent points in the direction of school as the most evident factor. In regards to bringing youth back to school, it seems a process of treatment, cooperation and alternative school arrangement may be key factors

    Omsetning av metylklorid til hydrokarboner over H-SAPO-34 og H-SSZ-13

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    Metylklorid-til-hydrokarboner (MeXTH)-prosessen er et trinn i oppgraderingen av naturgass til alkener. Prosessen unngår produksjon av syntesegass som er en energikrevende prosess. I dette arbeidet sammenlignes to mikroporøse katalysatorer til MeXTH-prosessen, zeolitten H-SSZ-13 og zeotypen H-SAPO-34. Begge katalysatorene har CHA-topologien, men har ulik syrestyrke på grunn av forskjellig nettverkskomposisjon. Katalysatorene ble testet i en stasjonær-sjikt-reaktor, og reaksjonstemperaturen ble variert mellom 325oC til 450oC. Produktselektivitet og utbytte for begge katalysatorene var omtrent den samme. Analyser av koksen viser at de inneholder de samme forbindelsene ved samme temperaturer, men i ulik mengde. H-SSZ-13 ble testet ved to forskjellige partikkelstørrelser. Omsetningen, selektiviteten og utbyttet er omtrent det samme, men de minste partiklene gir høyere omsetningskapasitet. Ved å sammenligne H-SAPO-34 og H-SSZ-13 med omtrent den samme partikkelstørrelsen, er det funnet at H-SAPO-34 gir mye høyere omsetningskapasitet. Det er også utført forsøk med to forskjellige partialtrykk av reaktanten. H-SAPO-34 gir som forventet lavere omsetningskapasitet ved lavere partialtrykk, men for H-SSZ-13 observeres det en økt omsetningskapasitet ved å senke partialtrykket. Regenereringsforsøk ble utført med begge katalysatorene, og viste at de mister lite aktivitet etter fire regenereringer. Produktselektiviteten, omsetningen og omsetningskapasiteten etter regenereringene er omtrent den samme. Pulver XRD viser at katalysatorene er lite berørte av regenereringene, men FTIR viser at det en liten økning av ekstra-nettverks-Al i H-SSZ-13. Isotopmerkingsforsøk er utført med H-SAPO-34, og 13C-innholdet øker med økende antall metylgrupper i benzenforbindelsene. Heksametylbenzen er dermed det mest aktive mellomproduktet inne i H-SAPO-34. Det er også utført forsøk med eten eller propen kofødet med isotopmerket 13C-metylklorid for H-SAPO-34. Dette ble utført for å studere om produktene hadde en inhiberende virkning på omsetningen av metylklorid. Resultatene viser at eten og propen ikke inhiberer omsetningen for H-SAPO-34

    Sykefravær i barnehager : «Det sitter ikke i veggene, det er folka»

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    Managing in conflict: How actors distribute conflict in an industrial network

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    IMP researchers have examined conflict as a threat to established business relationships and commercial exchanges, drawing on theories and concepts developed in organization studies. We examine cases of conflict in relationships from the oil and gas industry's service sector, focusing on conflicts of interest and resources, and conflict as experienced by actors. Through a comparative case study design, we propose an explanation of how actors manage conflict and manage in conflict given that they tend to value and maintain relationships beyond episodes of exchange. We consider conflicts in relationships from a network perspective, showing that actors experienced these while adapting to changes in their business setting, modifying their roles in that network. By identifying conflict with the organizing forms of relationship and network, we show how actors formulate conflict through pursuing and combining a number of strategies, distributing the conflict across an enlarged network