607 research outputs found

    Efficiency studies of the effect of moisture on the power consumption of mine scrapers

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    Many years of practice have resulted in the standardization of several types of scrapers which are now commonly manufactured for use in mining. Although experience has brought out much information on scraping operations, no systematic studies of the efficiency of mine scrapers have been carried out before the experimental works done in the last few years at Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. Purpose of Problem : The purpose of this present study is to consider the effect which moisture in the muck has on the efficiency as regards power consumption and amount of material scraped, of different types of mine scrapers. Scraper weight, rope speed, and moisture content were the variables considered for each scraper type. Problem Procedure : Two kinds of scrapers were tested, namely: The box scraper and the crescent scraper. They were available in the mining laboratory. The model scrapers were constructed at a scale of 1 to 6. A small electrically-driven hoist was used to pull the buckets on a 15 foot-long table. A Westinghouse watt-meter connected with the electric motor graphically recorded the power consumed. The weight of material scraped after a given number of passes was determined. The power consumed was computed from the graphic registration of the wattmeter --Introduction, page 1-2

    Is translation studies the Cinderella of the spanish university sector, or is it its new milkmaid?

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    This paper purports to describe the evolution, current situation and foreseeable future of Translation undergraduate university programmes in Spain. After describing the beginnings, incomparable growth and current success of Translation as an academic discipline, we pinpoint some of the challenges that it is still facing and some of the problems which still remain unsolved, after which we envisage what the future may hold for Translation Studies in Spain and question whether it could go from being the Cinderella of Humanities (that is, an ever increasing discipline in terms of students, researchers and trainers) to become a victim of its own success

    El grupo de discusión como técnica de investigación en la formación de traductores: dos casos de su aplicabilidad

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    La técnica de investigación cualitativa denominada grupo de discusión resulta especialmente conveniente para recabar datos relativos a las opiniones, creencias, percepciones, intereses y actitudes de un grupo de personas implicadas en un determinado objeto de estudio. En este artículo, nos centramos, en primer lugar, en las principales prescripciones metodológicas que deben regir toda aplicación del grupo de discusión, detallando tanto sus características como las fases del diseño de una investigación basada en esta técnica. A continuación, describimos dos casos prácticos en los que se ha aplicado con éxito el grupo de discusión para obtener información valiosa sobre dos problemáticas que se circunscriben en el ámbito de la evaluación de la formación de traductores. Así ponemos de manifiesto la utilidad y validez de esta técnica en este tipo de investigaciones.G.I. HUM 767 (ayudas a Grupos de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía) / Editorial Comares (colección interlingua

    Some consequences of a spatially varying cosmological constant in a spherically symmetric distribution of matter

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    This paper investigates the effects of the spatial variation of the cosmological constant Λ on the spacetime geometry within and outside a massive object. It is seen that the variation of Λ with the radial coordinate introduces non-trivial changes leading to spacetime closing on itself around a massive object. It may also be possible to generate interior solutions that lead to flat rotation curves of galaxies


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    This teaching experience was designed for and implemented in a university module on legal translator training in the German (as second foreign language or C language) - Spanish (first language or A language) language pair. It describes the applications of a simulated yet realistic project, whereby students were asked to translate a German court summons into Spanish. Following the main theories on textual genre (Borja, 2013; Orts, 2017), as applied to the pre-translation analysis of the communicative situation in legal translation (Prieto, 2013), trainee translators are able to develop their legal translation competence and to establish a decision-making framework (Way, 2014) that allows them to justify their solutions to the translation problems identified. Accordingly, they can continue their specialization in the translation of legal texts from German into Spanish with greater autonomy and self-confidence, by developing greater awareness of factors influencing the adequacy of decisions taken by the legal translator.Esta experiencia docente, diseñada e implementada para la formación universitaria en traducción jurídica del alemán (como segunda lengua extranjera o lengua C) al español (primera lengua o lengua A), describe las aplicaciones didácticas derivadas de la explotación de un encargo de traducción, simulado pero realista, de una cédula de citación alemana al español. Siguiendo los postulados de las teorías de género textual (Borja, 2013; Orts, 2017) aplicados al análisis pre traductológico de la situación comunicativa en traducción jurídica (Prieto, 2013), los estudiantes puedan desarrollar su competencia en traducción jurídica y elaborar un marco de toma de decisiones (Way, 2014) que les permita justificar las soluciones que ofrecen a los problemas de traducción identificados. De este modo, profundizan en su especialización en la traducción jurídica alemán-español con mayor autonomía y autoconfianza, al cobrar mayor consciencia de los factores que influyen en la idoneidad de las decisiones adoptadas por un traductor jurídico.Esta experiência de ensino, desenhada e implementada para a formação universitária em tradução jurídica de alemão (como segunda língua estrangeira ou língua C) ao espanhol (primeira língua ou língua A), descreve as aplicações didáticas derivadas da exploração de um encargo de tradução, uma simulação bastante realista, de um mandato de citação alemão para espanhol. Seguindo os postulados das teorias do gênero textual (Borja, 2013; Orts, 2017) aplicados à análise pré-tradutológica da situação comunicativa em tradução jurídica (Prieto, 2013), os alunos podem desenvolver sua competência em tradução jurídica e desenvolver um quadro de tomada de decisões (Way, 2014) que lhes permite justificar as soluções que oferecem aos problemas de tradução identificados. Desta forma, eles aprofundam sua especialização na tradução jurídica alemão-espanhol com maior autonomia e autoconfiança, à medida que se tornam mais conscientes dos fatores que influenciam na idoneidade das decisões adotadas por um tradutor jurídico

    Variabilité et antigénicité de <em>Dermatophilus congolensis</em>

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    Les auteurs étudient plusieurs souches de Dermatophilus congolensis en provenance des différents territoires d'Afrique Occidentale, Centrale et de Madagascar. Ils concluent que ces souches à leur isolement sont comparables du point de vue des caractères morphologiques et biochimiques. Elles présentent de plus une structure antigénique très voisine, sinon identique. Toutefois de nombreuses mutations peuvent survenir, mutations s'accompagnant de variations morphologiques et biochimiques ainsi que d'une dégradation antigénique du germ

    Effect of time of harvest on the incidence of Fusarium spp. in kernels of silage corn

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    The effect of time of harvest (at 75, 50 and 25% of milkline) on the incidence of kernel-borne Fusarium spp. was examined in four silage corn (Zea mays) hybrids (MAIZEX Leafy 4, NK BRAND Enerfeast 1, PIONEER 37M81 and MYCOGEN TMF94) in Ottawa, Ontario, in 2001 and 2002. Eleven Fusarium species were isolated over the 2 yr. Fusarium subglutinans was the dominant species recovered from 28.8% of the kernels. Other frequently isolated species included F. oxysporum (2.6%), F. graminearum (2.5%), F. proliferatum (0.3%) and F. sporotrichioides (0.2%). Trace amounts (< 0.1%) of the remaining six species, F. avenaceum, F. crookwellense, F. culmorum, F. equiseti and F. solani, were recovered from the kernels. When the kernels were harvested at 75, 50 and 25% of milkline, the incidence of F. subglutinans increased from 20.9 to 26.7 and to 38.7%, respectively; that of F. graminearum increased from 1.7 to 2.9 and to 3.1%; and for the total of the five main Fusarium species it increased from 28.7 to 32.2 and to 42.3%. Incidence of the other species was not affected by harvesting date. Of the four silage corn hybrids, NK BRAND Enerfeast1 had a significantly lower incidence of Fusarium species in kernels than the other hybrids, indicating a genotypic variation in resistance to kernel-borne infection by Fusarium species.L’effet de trois temps de récolte, correspondant à 75, 50 et 25 % de l’état laiteux, sur l’incidence des espèces de Fusarium a été étudié chez les grains de quatre hybrides de maïs (Zea mays) ensilage (MAIZEX Leafy 4, NK BRAND Enerfeast 1, PIONEER 37M81 et MYCOGEN TMF94) en 2001 et 2002 à Ottawa, en Ontario. Onze espèces de Fusarium ont été isolées pendant ces deux années. Le F. subglutinans a été l’espèce dominante, trouvée sur 28,8 % des grains. Les autres espèces détectées ont été les F. oxysporum (2,6 %), F. graminearum (2,5 %), F. proliferatum (0,3 %) et F. sporotrichioides (0,2 %). Des traces (< 0,1 %) des six autres espèces, les F. avenaceum, F. crookwellense, F. culmorum, F. equiseti et F. solani, ont aussi été détectées sur les grains. L’incidence du F. subglutinans a augmenté respectivement de 20,9 à 26,7 puis à 38,7 % en fonction du temps de récolte (75, 50 et 25 % de l’état laiteux), tandis qu’elle a augmenté de 1,7 à 2,8 puis à 3,1 % pour le F. graminearum et de 28,7 à 32,2 puis à 42,3 % pour les cinq espèces principales confondues. L’incidence des autres espèces n’a pas été affectée par les dates de récolte. Parmi les quatre hybrides à l’essai, l’hybride commercial NK BRAND Enerfeast1 a eu la plus basse incidence d’espèces de Fusarium dans le grain, ce qui indique qu’il existe une variation génotypique de la résistance des grains aux infections causées par les espèces de Fusarium