109 research outputs found


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    Resumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a reutilização da solução aquosa de sanitizante, empregada na sanitização de alface, referente a preparação para o consumo e otimização do processo de sanitização. A solução aquosa de sanitizante geralmente é descartada sem a análise do teor de cloro restante. Como em escala industrial a quantidade de água utilizada para sanitização é elevada, por consequência, a quantidade de produto químico também será. Sendo assim, faz-se necessário verificar a possibilidade de reutilização desta solução na sanitização de hortaliças. Neste trabalho foi empregado um sistema em fluxo contínuo, para processamento das soluções das amostras e monitoramento da presença da bactéria Escherishia coli nas mesmas. As amostras de alface A, B, C e D foram analisadas em um intervalo de 6 horas, para determinação do desenvolvimento positivo ou negativo da bactéria presente nas amostras. Os resultados mostram que a solução pode ser reutilizada até quatro vezes. Conclui-se que os resultados das amostras de alface, foi identificada a presença de bactéria E. coli, portanto faz-se necessário a higienização destas hortaliças usando solução sanitizante, para total eliminação destes microorganismos. A solução sanitizante proposta apresentou resultados satisfatórios quanto a eliminação das bactérias presentes nas amostras de alfaces. Palavras-chave: Sistema em fluxo; Sanitização de microrganismos; Condutividade

    Calidad de vida de mujeres viviendo con HIV/aids en un municipio del interior paulista

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    A terapia antirretroviral de alta potência beneficia os indivíduos com HIV/aids na sobrevida, cronicidade e qualidade de vida. Este estudo de corte transversal, com abordagem quantitativa, objetivou avaliar a qualidade de vida de mulheres com HIV/aids, utilizando o WHOQOL - HIV bref e sua associação com variáveis sociodemográficas. Foi realizado em dois ambulatórios especializados no atendimento a indivíduos com HIV/aids. De 106 mulheres participantes, 99,1% eram heterossexuais e 92,4% foram infectadas por via sexual. Dentre os domínios de qualidade de vida, espiritualidade obteve maior escore (65,7), seguido pelo físico (64,7), psicológico (60,6), relações sociais (59,5). Menores escores foram atingidos nos domínios nível de independência (58,6) e meio ambiente (54,5). Evidenciou-se que os fatores baixo nível socioeconômico e educacional tiveram associação com diferentes domínios, denotando a relação entre qualidade de vida e condições de vida. Concluiu-se que persistem os desafios no âmbito das relações sociais, afetivas, financeiras, requerendo intervenções efetivas focando o empoderamento das mulheres com HIV/aids.High potency antiretroviral therapy brings benefits to people with HIV/AIDS, related to survival, chronicity and quality of life. The objective of this quantitative and cross-sectional study was to assess the quality of life of women with HIV/AIDS, using the WHOQOL - HIV bref and its association with sociodemographic variables. The study was performed in outpatient clinics specialized in care to HIV/AIDS patients. Of the 106 interviewed women, 99.1% were heterosexual and 92.4% were infected sexually. Among the domains of quality of life, spirituality had the highest score (65.7), followed by physical (64.7), psychological (60.6), social relationships (59.5). Level of independence (58.6) and environment (54.5) scored the lowest. The factors low socioeconomic and educational levels were associated with different domains of quality of life, showing the relationship between quality of life and living conditions. Challenges persist in the scope of social, affective and financial relations, which require effective interventions regarding empowerment of women with HIV/Aids.La terapia retroviral de alta potencia es beneficiosa para los individuos con HIV/AIDS en su sobrevida, cronicidad y calidad de vida. Este estudio de corte transversal, con abordaje cuantitativo objetivó evaluar la calidad de vida de mujeres con HIV/AIDS utilizando el WHOQOL-HIV BREF y su asociación con variables sociodemográficas. Fue realizado en dos ambulatorios especializados en la atención a individuos con HIV/AIDS. De 16 mujeres participantes, el 99,1% eran heterosexuales y el 92,4% fueron infectadas por vía sexual. Entre los dominios de calidad de vida, espiritualidad obtuvo el mayor puntaje (65,7), seguido por el físico (64,7), psicológico (60,6), relaciones sociales (59,5). Menores puntajes fueron alcanzados en los dominios nivel de independencia (58,6) y medio ambiente (54,5). Se evidenció que los factores bajo nivel socioeconómico y educacional estuvieron asociados con diferentes dominios, denotando la relación entre calidad de vida y condiciones de vida. Los desafíos persisten en el ámbito de las relaciones sociales, afectivas, financieras, requiriendo intervenciones efectivas, enfocando al empoderamiento de las mujeres con HIV/AIDS.Santander - Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científic

    Differences in code terminology and frequency of findings in meat inspection of finishing pigs in seven European countries

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    The overall objectives of meat inspection are to contribute to food safety, animal welfare, and animal health. In the European Union (EU), there is a request for a modernised meat inspection system that addresses these objectives in a more valid, feasible and cost-effective way than does the traditional system. One part of the modernisation deals with the coding system to register meat inspection findings. Although unified standards are set at the EU level for judgement criteria regarding fitness of meat for consumption, different national systems are in force. The question is the extent of the differences and whether there is a basis for harmonisation. To investigate this, information was gathered about the code systems in Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal and Spain. Moreover, meat inspection data covering pigs slaughtered in 2019 were collected. A comparison of the number of codes available, the terminology and the frequencies of the findings registered was undertaken. Codes with a similar meaning were grouped. Hereby, two lists were compiled showing the most common codes leading to total and to partial condemnation. Substantial variations in the percentage of condemned pigs and in the terms used were identified, and possible reasons behind this are discussed. Moreover, a strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats (SWOT)-like analysis was applied to the coding systems. Finally, the reasons for unfitness of meat given in the EU Food Inspection Regulation 2019/627 were compared to the national code lists. The results show the systems in force varied substantially, and each system had its advantages and disadvantages. The diverse terminology observed made it a challenge to compare data between countries. Development of harmonised terminology for meat inspection findings is suggested, enabling comparison of data between abattoirs, regions, and countries, while respecting the national epidemiological situation, the local food safety culture, and the trade agreements in force.Peer reviewe

    A European survey on post-mortem inspection of finishing pigs: Total condemnation criteria to declare meat unfit for human consumption

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    Meat inspection (MI) is essential to verify compliance with legal requirements related to human and animal health and animal welfare protections. Judgement criteria applied during MI, resulting in condemnation data of importance, among other things, for livestock producers and for benchmarking reasons. However, although the Meat Inspection Regulation sets out judgement criteria, most are generic, favouring flexibility, but also subjectivity. To address the degree of variation on total condemnation (TC) criteria applied during post-mortem inspection (PMI) of finishing pigs, an online survey was prepared aiming to collect this information from several European countries. The focus was on TC criteria regarding the following PMI findings: abscesses, arthritis, cachexia, erysipelas, icterus, Mycobacterium-like lesions, osteomyelitis, peritonitis, pleuritis and pneumonia. From September to November 2020, a total of 44 completed questionnaires were obtained from 26 European countries. The results showed a substantial variation in the TC criteria in place in the participating countries. One of the main reasons for the variability seen in the respondents' reported answers was related to the indicators used to define a generalised condition related to the 10 PMI findings addressed, making harmonisation a challenge and avoiding to draw conclusions when comparing condemnation causes between abattoirs. This implies that it would make sense to look into how a generalised condition can be identified/described and how it should be judged. The results should be used as inspiration towards possible harmonisation, improving decision-making, and permitting comparative analysis between different reports to allow trend analyses and benchmarking


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    The play represents one of the more important aspects in the life of the child and It must be prioritized on the care of recovery of their health. The current research it's justified by the knowledge of the consequences that the hospitalization brings on the life of the child (anxiety, fear, break from routine), difficult stage for the pediatric patient, therefore, raised the guiding question of the research "What is the importance of therapeutic toys on the nursing assistance to hospitalized child in a pediatric ward?", with objectives of demonstrating through the scientific evidence the importance of differentiated nursing assistance on the sector of pediatric ward used the therapeutic toy. It's about of integrative literature review made on the bases Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Base de Dados da Enfermagem (BDENF), e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS). The sample result account with 14 included articles. The therapeutic toy helped since the entrance on the hospitalization of the child patient, until in the explication of procedures that would be performed, cited the use of the dolls, puppets, procedure gloves and others was mentioned. Yet, still they exist barriers to implementing this benefical resource on the routine of nursing professionals.El juego representa uno de los aspectos más importantes en la vida de un niño y debe ser priorizado a la hora de cuidar su recuperación de salud. La presente investigación se justifica por el conocimiento de las consecuencias que trae la hospitalización a la vida del niño (ansiedad, miedo, ruptura de la rutina), etapa difícil para el paciente pediátrico, por lo que se planteó la pregunta rectora de la investigación "¿Cuál es la importancia de los juguetes terapéuticos en el cuidado de enfermería del niño hospitalizado en una sala de pediatría?", con el objetivo de demostrar, a través de evidencia científica, la importancia de los cuidados de enfermería diferenciados en el sector de la sala de pediatría utilizando juguetes terapéuticos. Se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura, realizada sobre la base Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Base de Dados da Enfermagem (BDENF), e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS). El resultado de la muestra tiene 14 artículos incluidos. El juguete terapéutico ayudó desde el momento del ingreso de los niños al hospital, hasta explicarles los procedimientos que se llevarían a cabo, incluyendo el uso de muñecos, títeres, guantes de procedimiento y otros. Sin embargo, aún existen barreras para implementar este recurso beneficioso en la rutina de los profesionales de enfermería.O brincar representa um dos aspectos mais importantes na vida da criança e deve ser priorizado no cuidado da recuperação da sua saúde. A atual pesquisa é justificada pelo conhecimento das consequências que a hospitalização traz na vida da criança (ansiedade, medo, quebra de rotina), etapa difícil para o paciente pediátrico, portanto, foi levantada a questão norteadora da pesquisa "Qual é a importância do brinquedo terapêutico na assistência de enfermagem à criança internada em uma enfermaria pediátrica?", com objetivos de demonstrar através das evidências científicas a importância da assistência de enfermagem diferenciada no setor de enfermaria pediátrica utilizando o brinquedo terapêutico. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, feita nas bases Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Base de Dados da Enfermagem (BDENF), e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS). O resultado da amostra conta com 14 artigos incluídos. O brinquedo terapêutico auxiliou desde a entrada da hospitalização dos pacientes infantis, até na explicação de procedimentos que seriam realizados, citou-se o uso de bonecas, fantoches, luvas de procedimento e outros. Contudo, ainda existem barreiras na implementação desse recurso benéfico na rotina dos profissionais de enfermagem.O brincar representa um dos aspectos mais importantes na vida da criança e deve ser priorizado no cuidado da recuperação da sua saúde. A atual pesquisa é justificada pelo conhecimento das consequências que a hospitalização traz na vida da criança (ansiedade, medo, quebra de rotina), etapa difícil para o paciente pediátrico, portanto, foi levantada a questão norteadora da pesquisa "Qual é a importância do brinquedo terapêutico na assistência de enfermagem à criança internada em uma enfermaria pediátrica?", com objetivos de demonstrar através das evidências científicas a importância da assistência de enfermagem diferenciada no setor de enfermaria pediátrica utilizando o brinquedo terapêutico. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, feita nas bases Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Base de Dados da Enfermagem (BDENF), e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS). O resultado da amostra conta com 14 artigos incluídos. O brinquedo terapêutico auxiliou desde a entrada da hospitalização dos pacientes infantis, até na explicação de procedimentos que seriam realizados, citou-se o uso de bonecas, fantoches, luvas de procedimento e outros. Contudo, ainda existem barreiras na implementação desse recurso benéfico na rotina dos profissionais de enfermagem

    Salmonella enterica prevalence, serotype diversity, antimicrobial resistance and control in the European pork production chain

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    Background: A risk assessment conducted by EFSA identified Salmonella enterica (Salmonella) as a high-risk hazard at the EU level in the context of meat inspection of swine. Despite pork being considered an important source of S. Typhimurium and its monophasic variant, Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 does not set criteria for specific Salmonella serotypes. Enforcing specific criteria for Salmonella target serotypes could result in a reduction in the prevalence of Salmonella in the pork production chain, as has happened in broiler flocks. Scope and approach: This study gives an overview of Salmonella enterica in the European pork chain, discussing prevalence, serotype diversity, antimicrobial resistance and epidemiological importance during the last 20 years. Additionally, future trends and recommendations regarding control of Salmonella in the European pork production chain are introduced. Key findings and conclusions: The highest proportions of Salmonella-positive samples were observed at the fattening pig farm level, whereas the prevalence of Salmonella on pig carcasses was much lower. Among epidemiologically important serotypes, isolates of S. Typhimurium, and its monophasic variant were found to be resistant to ampicillin, sulfamethoxazole, streptomycin and tetracycline. Future Salmonella control in the pork production chain can preferably be conducted through a risk-based meat safety assurance system. In conclusion, a fit-for-purpose strategy applied to the pork production chain and adapted to the national epidemiological situation can deliver acceptable consumer safety

    Additional post-mortem inspection procedures and laboratory methods as supplements for visual meat inspection of finishing pigs in Europe-Use and variability

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    In the EU, a post-mortem inspection of finishing pigs comprises visual inspections of the carcass and offal followed by additional examinations, such as palpation and incision of parts, when needed. Moreover, it can include various laboratory tests. Since European meat inspection is regulated by the EU, one may assume that post-mortem inspection is performed in the same way in the Member States. However, previous studies showed that variations exist. This article shows the results of a survey performed in September 2020 on how visual meat inspection of finishing pigs is applied in Europe. By using a questionnaire, palpations, incisions and other procedures for 10 gross pathological findings and laboratory methods applied by official veterinarians to evaluate the fitness of meat for human consumption were assessed. We received 44 responses from 26 European countries. Most respondents reported that visual meat inspection was a generally applied inspection method. The main reason for not applying visual meat inspection was export requirements. The most important reasons for applying palpations and incisions in addition to visual inspection were findings detected in ante- or post-mortem inspection. There was considerable variation in the use of palpations and incisions, other post-mortem procedures and laboratory tests to assess meat fitness for human consumption. The respondents mentioned some country-specific practices, but we also observed variations within the responding official veterinarians that could not be explained by country of origin or years of work experience. Additional detailed studies on the variation are needed before harmonisation of meat inspection procedures are attempted.Peer reviewe

    Drivers, opportunities, and challenges of the European risk-based meat safety assurance system

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    The traditional meat safety system has significantly contributed to public health protection throughout the last century. However, it has been recognised that this system suffers many flaws ? the main being its limited ability to control the currently most important meat-borne hazards. The European Food Safety Authority evaluated meat inspection in the public health context, prioritised meat-borne hazards and proposed a generic framework for a new, risk-based meat safety assurance system. The proposed system aims to combine a range of preventive and control measures, applied at farms and abattoirs and integrated longitudinally, where official meat inspection is incorporated with producers? food safety management systems into a coherent whole. The modernisation process has recently started as a direct result of changes to relevant legislation in the European Union. Many challenges have been experienced while many opportunities are foreseen. More focus on targeted and risk-based inspection along the supply chain as well as use of new technologies may be a cost-effective and feasible way forward. Practical implementation of the system is expected to be a slow and careful process followed by thorough development, fine-tuning, and testing of practical feasibility and general impacts. Further progress that will lead to the full implementation is dependent on intensive research to fill knowledge gaps, enhance education and training and foster close collaboration of all the new system?s stakeholders

    A European survey on post-mortem inspection of finishing pigs: Total condemnation criteria to declare meat unfit for human consumption

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    Meat inspection (MI) is essential to verify compliance with legal requirements related to human and animal health and animal welfare protections. Judgement criteria applied during MI, resulting in condemnation data of importance, among other things, for livestock producers and for benchmarking reasons. However, although the Meat Inspection Regulation sets out judgement criteria, most are generic, favouring flexibility, but also subjectivity. To address the degree of variation on total condemnation (TC) criteria applied during post-mortem inspection (PMI) of finishing pigs, an online survey was prepared aiming to collect this information from several European countries. The focus was on TC criteria regarding the following PMI findings: abscesses, arthritis, cachexia, erysipelas, icterus, Mycobacterium-like lesions, osteomyelitis, peritonitis, pleuritis and pneumonia. From September to November 2020, a total of 44 completed questionnaires were obtained from 26 European countries. The results showed a substantial variation in the TC criteria in place in the participating countries. One of the main reasons for the variability seen in the respondents' reported answers was related to the indicators used to define a generalised condition related to the 10 PMI findings addressed, making harmonisation a chal-lenge and avoiding to draw conclusions when comparing condemnation causes between abattoirs. This implies that it would make sense to look into how a generalised condition can be identified/described and how it should be judged. The results should be used as inspiration towards possible harmonisation, improving decision-making, and permitting comparative analysis between different reports to allow trend analyses and benchmarking.Peer reviewe

    Withdrawal periods after treatment of pigs with oxytetracycline in- and outside the European Union

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    Withdrawal periods are used to avoid animals being delivered to slaughter before the concentration of the antimicrobial has declined to values below the maximum residue limit (MRL). This paper characterises the withdrawal periods in force for oxytetracycline 100 mg/ml for intramuscular use in pigs. We investigated the variation in duration of the withdrawal period between 68 oxytetracycline products from 29 countries in- and outside the European Union. More specifically, we tested whether there is a regional difference, a difference between major and minor pig meat exporting countries, whether the product is long-acting or not, and whether year of market authorisation correlated with the withdrawal period. The results showed a large variation in duration of the withdrawal periods, ranging from 5 to 40 days. Variation was observed both between and within countries. Moreover, major exporting countries were associated with a longer withdrawal period than minor exporting countries (P = 0.00099). There were no regional differences, and the year of market authorisation had no impact, but long-acting products had a shorter withdrawal period than short-acting products (P = 0.048). The variation in withdrawal periods observed questions the utility of using compliance with the withdrawal period as a means of assessing whether the meat is safe for consumption. This is particularly relevant when a pig producer unintentionally delivers pigs for slaughter before the withdrawal period has expired and, aware of this, informs the abattoir. The findings call for further harmonisation in determining the withdrawal periods for all veterinary medicinal products (VMP). Until this happens, if animals are prematurely sent to slaughter, we suggest that the concentration of the VMP at the time of slaughter is calculated and compared with the MRL to determine meat safety