126 research outputs found

    Design and validation of a rubric to assess the resolution of practical cases on human rights

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    La valoración del aprendizaje de los derechos humanos presenta una gran dificultad por la indefinición de las dimensiones que comprende; así mismo, porque se confrontan la subjetividad inherente a las actitudes y desempeños en los cuales se manifiesta dicho aprendizaje y la objetividad que requiere una evaluación. Para valorar estos aspectos, la rúbrica puede ser una herramienta idónea. Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de presentar una rúbrica útil para evaluar las respuestas en la resolución de casos prácticos relativos a cuestiones relacionadas con derechos humanos, describiendo su proceso de diseño y validación. Mediante la técnica de viñetas con casos, la rúbrica se ha aplicado para evaluar las respuestas del alumnado. Se ha podido valorar de manera objetiva aspectos subjetivos en las respuestas, tales como el compromiso con los valores de los derechos humanos y el ejercicio del pensamiento crítico, que a su vez evidencian la comprensión adecuada de los aspectos teóricos. Se ha obtenido un instrumento apropiado para evaluar objetivamente las respuestas abiertas sobre el aprendizaje en el campo de los derechos humanosThe assessment of human rights learning face a large difficulty due to the lack of definition of its dimensions; likewise, because are confronted both, the inherent subjectivity of attitudes and the performances in which is manifested this learning, and the objectivity that their evaluation requires. To assess these subjects, the rubric can be a suitable tool. This work describes the process of design and validation of a useful rubric to evaluate the answers in the resolution of practical cases on human rights issues. Using the case vignettes method, the rubric has been applied to evaluate student responses. It has been possible to value objectively subjective aspects such as commitment to the values of human rights and critical thinking related to them, which also demonstrate an adequate understanding of the theoretical aspects. An appropriate instrument has been obtained to objectively assess open answers about ethical learning in the field of human right

    Establishing semantic research graphs in humanities\u27 research practice

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    This paper presents approaches and challenges to developing research software for qualitative humanities and social sciences research. While these methods so far lack a digital enhancement, we realized a range of research environments based on semantic graph technologies in research practice. In order to understand the researchers\u27 needs and take the existing research practice seriously, a participatory and agile design approach was used by which several researchers were involved in realizing concrete research projects. A user-centered agile approach with fast prototyping was included. To materialize the needed interaction at an early stage of the research life cycle, this was accompanied by trainings, workshops, and joint paper publications in the different research communities. (DIPF/Orig.

    A search tool for the digital biodiversity resources of KeyToNature

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    The European KeyToNature project has created a framework to gather large amounts of biodiversity-related digital data and metadata from cooperating providers and to make them publicly available via an advanced search engine tool. The novelty of the solution consists in the creation of specific queries for the search web service in the KeyToNature digital repository, in the implementation of a communication protocol between the client application and the repository server, and in other original solutions for metadata presentation

    Work-life balance strategies for productive and reproductive work in double-income couples from the city of Talca, Chile

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    En un escenario de intensas transformaciones sociales y familiares, y de búsqueda de equilibrio en la distribución de roles al interior de las familias, la conciliación del trabajo productivo y reproductivo emerge como un elemento central en el desarrollo social de los países. Este estudio busca contribuir a dilucidar los tipos de estrategias de conciliación del trabajo productivo-reproductivo, (según presencia o no de hijos/as y algunas variables socio demográficas de interés) utilizadas por parejas de doble ingreso de la ciudad de Talca (Chile), para conciliar ambas esferas y su posible relación con variables sociodemográficas como género, grupo socioeconómico o nivel educacional. La metodología incluyó entrevistas semiestructuradas, seleccionando a 15 parejas de doble ingreso, menores de 45 años, en las cuales ambos integrantes trabajaran fuera del hogar, con el objetivo de identificar la perspectiva del sujeto estudiado, categorías recurrentes en sus discursos y los motivos de sus actos sobre la base de un marco comparable, pero flexible. A pesar que los principales resultados constatan una mayor participación de los varones en las tareas domésticas, su presencia está marcada por una lógica patriarcal que define su rol desde la dominación en la esfera reproductiva.In a scenario of intense social and family transformations, and the search for balance in the distribution of roles within families, the productive-reproductive work balance emerges as a central aspect in the social development of the countries. This study seeks to contribute to elucidating the types of strategies for reconciling productive-reproductive work, according to the presence or absence of children and some sociodemographic variables of interest, used by double-income couples in the city of Talca (Chile), to worl-life balance and its possible relationship with socio-demographic variables such as gender, socioeconomic group or educational level. The methodology included semi-structured interviews, selecting 15 double-income couples, under 45 years of age, in which both members worked outside the home, in order to identify the perspective of the subject studied, their mental categories and the reasons for their acts on the basis of a comparable, but flexible framework. Despite the fact that the main results confirm a greater participation of men in domestic tasks, their presence is marked by a patriarchal logic that defines their role from domination in the reproductive sphere.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    A atuação do professor na avaliação do conhecimento adquirido pelos estudantes no ambiente de aprendizagem dos cursos de Ciência da Computação e Informática com uso do conceito “integração de conteúdos”. / The evaluation of the knowledge acquired by students in the Learning environment of Computer Science and Computer Courses With the concept “integration of content”.

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    O objetivo deste artigo consiste em avaliar o conhecimento do estudante adquirido nas disciplinas do curso a partir de uma abordagem fundamentada em integração de conteúdos e pensamento crítico, e contribuir com o processo de ensino-aprendizagem para melhorar o aprendizado do estudante nos conceitos computacionais. Para esse objetivo, primeiramente, propusemos uma verificação nos conhecimentos adquiridos pelo estudante com questões elaboradas de conceitos computacionais. Para a verificação do conhecimento foram utilizadas a Taxonomia de Bloom como instrumento de avaliação do conhecimento do estudante. Com o entendimento desse conceito, uma distinção importante é formalizada: a aprendizagem dos conceitos computacionais não pode ser pensada apenas no nível de integração de conteúdos, mas basicamente no nível de integração de conhecimentos parciais, específicos, tendo em vista um conhecimento geral. Considera-se que o conceito de integração de conteúdos pode ser introduzido no contexto de aprendizagem como uma forma de desencadear um melhor grau de conhecimento do acadêmico

    Compost Increases Soil Fertility and Promotes the Growth of Five Tropical Species Used in Urban Forestry

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    Abstract This study aims at assessing the impact of compost application on the physical (porosity, volumetric-moisture and bulk density) and the chemical traits of soil (pH, organic carbon, electrical conductivity, cation exchange capacity and soil nutrients) on the leaf nutrient concentration and growth (height, diameter, new leaf-structures and chlorophyll content) of five native species used in urban forestry. Using a two-way factorial design, we evaluated three substrates: i) Soil (ii) Soil-compost mixture SC-12.5 (12.5 % compost (v/v)) (iii) Soil-compost mixture SC-25 (25 % compost (v/v)) and five species: Retrophyllum rospigliosii, Inga edulis, Citharexylum montanum, Caesalpinia spinosa, and Citharexylum sulcatum. We found that SC-25 and SC-12.5 increased the electric conductivity, cation exchange capacity, organic carbon, and soil base saturation. Moreover, compost addition increased the growth of the five native species evaluated. Such results suggest that compost-application is a viable option to improve soil fertility and promote the growth of native trees

    Estrategias de conciliación trabajo productivo y reproductivo en parejas de doble ingreso de la ciudad de Talca, Chile

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    En un escenario de intensas transformaciones sociales y familiares, y de búsqueda de equilibrio en la distribución de roles al interior de las familias, la conciliación del trabajo productivo y reproductivo emerge como un elemento central en el desarrollo social de los países