1,158 research outputs found

    Long-distance structure of the X(3872)

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    We investigate heavy quark symmetries for heavy meson hadronic molecules, and explore the consequences of assuming the X(3872) and Zb(10610)Z_b(10610) as an isoscalar DDˉ∗D\bar D^* and an isovector BBˉ∗B\bar B^* hadronic molecules, respectively. The symmetry allows to predict new hadronic molecules, in particular we find an isoscalar 1++1^{++} BBˉ∗B\bar B^* bound state with a mass about 10580 MeV and the isovector charmonium partners of the Zb(10610)Z_b(10610) and the Zb(10650)Z_b(10650) states. Next, we study the X(3872)→D0Dˉ0π0X(3872) \to D^0 \bar D^0\pi^0 three body decay. This decay mode is more sensitive to the long-distance structure of the X(3872) resonance than its J/ψππJ/\psi\pi\pi and J/ψ3πJ/\psi3\pi decays, which are mainly controlled by the short distance part of the X(3872) molecular wave function. We discuss the D0Dˉ0D^0 \bar D^0 final state interactions, which in some situations become quite important. Indeed in these cases, a precise measurement of this partial decay width could provide precise information on the interaction strength between the D(∗)Dˉ(∗)D^{(*)}\bar D^{(*)} charm mesons.Comment: Talk presented at the "XI International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons (BEACH 2014)", Birmingham (U.K.), July 201

    Renormalization of chiral two pion exchange NN interactions with delta excitations: correlations in the partial wave expansion

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    In this work we consider the renormalization of the chiral two-pion exchange potential with explicit delta-excitations for nucleon-nucleon scattering at next-to-leading (NLO) and next-to-next-to-leading order (N2LO). Due to the singular nature of the chiral potentials, correlations between different partial waves are generated. In particular we show that two-body scattering by a short distance power like singular attractive interaction can be renormalized in all partial waves with a single counterterm, provided the singularities are identical. A parallel statement holds in the presence of tensor interactions when the eigenpotentials in the coupled channel problem also coincide. While this construction reduces the total number of counterterms to eleven in the case of nucleon-nucleon scattering with chiral two-pion exchange interactions with delta degrees of freedom, the differences in the scattering phases as compared to the case with the uncorrelated partial wave renormalization become smaller as the angular momentum is increased in the elastic scattering region.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, a section has been added discussing cut-off dependence. Accepted for publication in PR

    Caracterizacion sintomatologica y molecular del virus de la mancha anillada del papayo (PRSV) que infecta Carica papaya L. en el norte del Peru

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    The objective of present study was symptomatic and molecular characterization of the virus that infects Carica papaya L. in areas of northern Peru. To do this, of different fields were collected leaves of C. papaya with mosaic symptoms, chlorosis and distortion the leaf. Sap of these leaves was inoculated mechanically onto virus-free plants of C. papaya, Chenopodium murale, Ch. amaranticolor, Ch. quinoa, Cucumis melo, C. sativus and Cucurbita pepo; which they were kept at room temperature for 45 days, after which young leaves in of C. papaya, mosaic, distortion and reduction of the leaf blade was observed; in the species C. melo, C. sativus and Cucurbita pepo systemic chlorosis. Ch. murale, Ch. amaranticolor and Ch. quinoa they no showed symptoms evident. The plants infected were analyzed by serological technique NCM-ELISA and RT-PCR proving that the virus that is infecting the plantations assessed in the north of Peru, it is the papaya ringspot virus (RSVP).El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo la caracterización sintomatológica y molecular del virus que infecta Carica papaya L. en zonas del norte peruano. Para ello, de diferentes campos en producción se colectaron hojas tiernas de C. papaya con síntomas de mosaico, clorosis, aclareo de nervaduras y distorsión de la lámina foliar. Savia de estas hojas fue inoculada en forma mecánica sobre plantas libres de virus de C. papaya, Chenopodium murale, Ch. amaranticolor, Ch. quinoa, Cucumis melo, C. sativus y Cucurbita pepo; las que fueron mantenidas a temperatura ambiente durante 45 días al cabo de los cuales en las hojas jóvenes de C. papaya se observó aclareo de nervaduras, mosaico, distorsión y reducción de la lámina foliar; en las especies C. melo, C. sativus y Cucurbita pepo clorosis sistémica, en Ch. murale, Ch. amaranticolor y Ch. quinoa no se evidenciaron sintomas. Las plantas de C. papaya, C. melo, C. sativus y Cucurbita pepo infectadas, fueron analizadas por la técnica serológica de NCM-ELISA y RT-PCR comprobándose que el virus que se encuentra infectando las plantaciones de las zonas evaluadas en el norte del Perú, es el virus de la mancha anillada del papayo (PRSV)

    Heavy quark spin symmetry and SU(3)-flavour partners of the X (3872)

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    In this work, an Effective Field Theory (EFT) incorporating light SU(3)-flavour and heavy quark spin symmetries is used to describe charmed meson-antimeson bound states. At Lowest Order (LO), this means that only contact range interactions among the heavy meson and antimeson fields are involved. Besides, the isospin violating decays of the X(3872) will be used to constrain the interaction between the D and a (D) over bar* mesons in the isovector channel. Finally, assuming that the X(3915) and Y(4140) resonances are D* (D) over bar* and D-s* (D) over bar (s)* molecular states, we can determine the four Low Energy Constants (LECs) of the EFT that appear at LO and, therefore, the full spectrum of molecular states with isospin I = 0, 1/2 and 1

    Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Wave Energy Converter (WEC)

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    Honorable Mention Winner The UNF CREW competing in the U.S. Department of Energy 2021 Marine Energy Collegiate Competition developed a Wave Energy Converter (WEC) for quick deployment in disaster relief areas. When natural disasters disable coastal power grids, a WEC can be easily deployed close to shore and serve as a source of electricity. The ocean waves move magnets through a coil wired within the WEC to generate electricity. To initiate the design process, ANSYS AQWA software simulated both the oceanic environment and the device’s response in the WEC’s testing conditions. AQWA allows the user to change device dimensions easily and optimize the design ahead of physical construction. The resulting WEC proof of concept minimized prototype manufacturing waste and cost by eliminating poor designs in advance. The simulated geometry neglected hollow sections and used unidirectional, regular waves to account for software limitations. The software simulated the WEC for 20 seconds in an oceanic environment with a 40-meter depth and a 0.25-meter amplitude regular wave. Simulations produced graphs and animations describing the forces acting on the WEC as well as the WEC’s movement. The animation proved that the WEC reacts well in similar physical testing conditions. Based on the simulation results, the team constructed a 3D model for small-scale testing. Future investigations will involve more complex designs. Research conducted onward will focus on mass-damper systems and contact surfaces provided in the software

    Termodinámica de sistemas metálicos (ii). extensión y refinamiento de los modelos energéticos de pares

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    Se analizan k and gt;s posibles refinamientos de los modelos de pares aplicados a soluciones metálicas liquidas. Como una extensión de los mismos se discute el tratamiento estadístico de Takeuchi y se presenta su aplicación a los sistemas Ag-Ge, Ag-Sn, Cu-ln y Cd-Cu. Cd-Sb, St and gt;- Zn, El comportamiento de mini- estructuras en estos sistemas es también bien presentado y discutido

    Optimization of Power Performance of a Wave Energy Converter

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    With climate change on the rise, unprecedented dependence on electricity, and an increased incidence of extreme weather, the UNF team participating in the U.S. Department of Energy 2021 Marine Energy Collegiate Competition: Powering the Blue Economy wants to give an alternative solution to provide renewable energy in areas that lose electricity as a result of a natural disaster, or that due to their isolated location cannot use traditional renewable energy sources. This led to the creation of the Osprey C.R.E.W (Cheap Reliable Energy from Waves). The Osprey C.R.E.W. is a wave energy converter that uses the vertical motion of the ocean waves to generate electricity. The principle of energy conversion is Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction, which states that a magnetic field moving past a conductor will generate electricity. The UNF team has developed a numerical simulation to test how different parameters influence the output and has built three small-scale prototypes that have been tested in a wave tank. A medium-sized prototype and a wave pool are being constructed, with the expectation that the size will also increase the output

    Cost Analysis of Osprey C.R.E.W.

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    Renewable energy adoption is on the rise in the U.S. and abroad. More than ever, energy sourcing needs to shift away from harmful fossil fuels and towards fully renewable energy sources. Adapting from traditional fossil fuel energy sources to renewable energy sources is paramount for environmental health and public health. Fossil fuels emit harmful pollutants, which have led to changing weather conditions and exasperated natural disasters. Existing renewable sources are not ideal, either. For instance, solar cannot run continuously and wind turbines are subject to weather changes. The recent energy debacle in Texas shows the need for alternative renewable energy sources. The Osprey C.R.E.W. wave energy converter (WEC) alleviates many of the current problems existing renewable energy systems cannot solve. First, it provides reliable and constant service. With other renewable energy services, there will be stops in production. However, there are no stops in wave energy because the waves are constant. Another positive of the WEC device is that their deployments are flexible and scalable. This means that energy production levels can be changed rapidly and without delay. The average cost per device falls significantly with seamless scalability, making large increments of devices procured in a relatively cost-effective manner. Cost comparisons between competing energy sources show that the WEC is very cost-efficient as well. The cost of producing wave energy is found to be more efficient than solar energy and wind alternatives. Our cost figures also show that Osprey C.R.E.W provides a very competitive alternative to the primary fossil fuel producers such as coal and fuel

    Bile salts in digestion and transport of lipids

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    Because of their unusual chemical structure, bile salts (BS) play a fundamental role in intestinal lipid digestion and transport. BS have a planar arrangement of hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties, which enables the BS molecules to form peculiar self-assembled structures in aqueous solutions. This molecular arrangement also has an influence on specific interactions of BS with lipid molecules and other compounds of ingested food and digestive media. Those comprise the complex scenario in which lipolysis occurs. In this review, we discuss the BS synthesis, composition, bulk interactions and mode of action during lipid digestion and transport. We look specifically into surfactant-related functions of BS that affect lipolysis, such as interactions with dietary fibre and emulsifiers, the interfacial activity in facilitating lipase and colipase anchoring to the lipid substrate interface, and finally the role of BS in the intestinal transport of lipids. Unravelling the roles of BS in the processing of lipids in the gastrointestinal tract requires a detailed analysis of their interactions with different compounds. We provide an update on the most recent findings concerning two areas of BS involvement: lipolysis and intestinal transport. We first explore the interactions of BS with various dietary fibres and food emulsifiers in bulk and at interfaces, as these appear to be key aspects for understanding interactions with digestive media. Next, we explore the interactions of BS with components of the intestinal digestion environment, and the role of BS in displacing material from the oil-water interface and facilitating adsorption of lipase. We look into the process of desorption, solubilisation of lipolysis, products and formation of mixed micelles. Finally, the BS-driven interactions of colloidal particles with the small intestinal mucus layer are considered, providing new findings for the overall assessment of the role of BS in lipid digestion and intestinal transport. This review offers a unique compilation of well-established and most recent studies dealing with the interactions of BS with food emulsifiers, nanoparticles and dietary fibre, as well as with the luminal compounds of the gut, such as lipase-colipase, triglycerides and intestinal mucus. The combined analysis of these complex interactions may provide crucial information on the pattern and extent of lipid digestion. Such knowledge is important for controlling the uptake of dietary lipids or lipophilic pharmaceuticals in the gastrointestinal tract through the engineering of novel food structures or colloidal drug-delivery systems
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