466 research outputs found

    Molecular-genetic aspects of the endometrium state on the day of the tentative implantation window in women with recurrent miscarriage in the programs of assisted reproductive technologies

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    Golovatyuk K. P., Nosenko O. M., Makshayeva E. T., Trofimov D. Yu., Donnikov A. E., Kolin V. V. Molecular-genetic aspects of the endometrium state on the day of the tentative implantation window in women with recurrent miscarriage in the programs of assisted reproductive technologies. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(9):621-626. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1068361 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/5076 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 15.08.2017. Revised: 20.09.2017. Accepted: 29.09.2017. MOLECULAR-GENETIC ASPECTS OF THE ENDOMETRIUM STATE ON THE DAY OF THE tentative IMPLANTATION WINDOW IN WOMEN WITH recurrent miscarriage IN THE PROGRAMS OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES 1K. P. Golovatyuk, 2O. M. Nosenko, 1E. T. Makshayeva, 3D. Yu. Trofimov, 4A. E. Donnikov, 3V. V. Kolin 1Limited Liability Company Medical Center for Reproductive Health "Gameta", Odessa, Ukraine; 2Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine; 3Limited Liability Company "NPF DNA-Technology", Moscow, Russia; 4FGBU Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology. named after acad. V.I. Kulakov Ministry of Health care and Social Development of Russia, Moscow, Russia; e-mail: [email protected] Abstract More than 50% of pregnant women after the programs of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) face the problem of recurrent miscarriage (RMC), especially in the first trimester. Significant role in the development of RMC has infectious factor and chronic inflammation in the endometrium. The aim: to reveal the peculiarities of immune response mRNA genes of the inflammatory component expression in the period of the tentative implantation window (TIW) in women with RMC in ART programs. Material and methods. The main group consisted of 240 patients with RMC in ART programs; the control group included 100 conditionally healthy fertile women. On the ground of PCR reverse transcription, the mRNA of the IL-1β, IL-2, IL-10, Foxp3, TLR9, IL-2Rα cytokine genes was examined in endometrial samples obtained with the help of biopsy on the TIW day. Results. Analysis of the transcriptional profile of the immune response genes in the endometrium on TIW day revealed that the relative level of mRNA expression of the IL-1β, IL-2, Foxp3, TLR9, IL-2Rα genes did not differ significantly in the main and control groups. Statistically significant decrease in mRNA expression of IL-10 gene was observed in women with RPL. Conclusions. A feature of mRNA expression of the inflammatory component of the immune response in TIW period in women with RMC in ART programs is a decrease in the expression level of the IL-10 gene mRNA, which may be one of the reasons for the unfavorable outcomes of the onset pregnancy. Key words: recurrent miscarriage, assisted reproductive technologies, immune response, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, tentative implantation window

    Hadroproduction of the Chi1 and Chi2 States of Charmonium in 800 GeV/c Proton-Silicon Interactions

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    The cross sections for the hadroproduction of the Chi1 and Chi2 states of charmonium in proton-silicon collisions at sqrt{s}=38.8 GeV have been measured in Fermilab fixed target Experiment 771. The Chi states were observed via their radiative decay to J/psi+gamma, where the photon converted to e+e- in the material of the spectrometer. The measured values for the Chi1 and Chi2 cross sections for x_F>0 are 263+-69(stat)+-32(syst) and 498+-143(stat)+-67(syst) nb per nucleon respectively. The resulting sigma(Chi1}/sigma(Chi2) ratio of 0.53+-0.20(stat)+-0.07(syst), although somewhat larger than most theoretical expectations, can be accomodated by the latest theoretical estimates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Challenges in QCD matter physics - The Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment at FAIR

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    Substantial experimental and theoretical efforts worldwide are devoted to explore the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter. At LHC and top RHIC energies, QCD matter is studied at very high temperatures and nearly vanishing net-baryon densities. There is evidence that a Quark-Gluon-Plasma (QGP) was created at experiments at RHIC and LHC. The transition from the QGP back to the hadron gas is found to be a smooth cross over. For larger net-baryon densities and lower temperatures, it is expected that the QCD phase diagram exhibits a rich structure, such as a first-order phase transition between hadronic and partonic matter which terminates in a critical point, or exotic phases like quarkyonic matter. The discovery of these landmarks would be a breakthrough in our understanding of the strong interaction and is therefore in the focus of various high-energy heavy-ion research programs. The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at FAIR will play a unique role in the exploration of the QCD phase diagram in the region of high net-baryon densities, because it is designed to run at unprecedented interaction rates. High-rate operation is the key prerequisite for high-precision measurements of multi-differential observables and of rare diagnostic probes which are sensitive to the dense phase of the nuclear fireball. The goal of the CBM experiment at SIS100 (sqrt(s_NN) = 2.7 - 4.9 GeV) is to discover fundamental properties of QCD matter: the phase structure at large baryon-chemical potentials (mu_B > 500 MeV), effects of chiral symmetry, and the equation-of-state at high density as it is expected to occur in the core of neutron stars. In this article, we review the motivation for and the physics programme of CBM, including activities before the start of data taking in 2022, in the context of the worldwide efforts to explore high-density QCD matter.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Published in European Physical Journal

    Proton-proton interactions and onset of deconfinement

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    The experiment of the NA61/SHINE Collaboration at the CERN SPS is performing a unique study of the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter by varying collision energy and nuclear mass number of colliding nuclei. In central Pb+Pb collisions, the experiment of the NA49 Collaboration found structures in the energy dependence of several observables in the energy range of the CERN SPS that had been predicted for the transition to a deconfined phase. New measurements of the NA61/SHINE Collaboration find intriguing similarities in p+p interactions for which no deconfinement transition is expected at the energies of the SPS. Possible implications will be discussed

    Measurements of π\pi ^- production in 7^7Be + 9^9Be collisions at beam momenta from 19A to 150A GeV  ⁣/ ⁣cA\,\text{ GeV }\!/\!c in the NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS

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    The NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) studies the onset of deconfinement in hadron matter by a scan of particle production in collisions of nuclei with various sizes at a set of energies covering the SPS energy range. This paper presents results on inclusive double-differential spectra, transverse momentum and rapidity distributions and mean multiplicities of π±\pi ^\pm , K±K^\pm , p and pˉ\bar{p} produced in the 20% most central7^7Be+9^9Be collisions at beam momenta of 19A, 30A, 40A, 75A and 150A GeV ⁣/ ⁣c{\mathrm{Ge} \mathrm{V}}\!/\!c. The energy dependence of the K±K^\pm /π±\pi ^\pm ratios as well as of inverse slope parameters of the K±K^\pm transverse mass distributions are close to those found in inelastic p+p reactions. The new results are compared to the world data on p+p and Pb+Pb collisions as well as to predictions of the Epos, Urqmd, Ampt, Phsd and Smash models

    Measurements of π±\pi ^\pm , K±K^\pm , p and pˉ\bar{p} spectra in 7^7Be+9^9Be collisions at beam momenta from 19A to 150A GeV ⁣/ ⁣c{\mathrm{Ge} \mathrm{V}}\!/\!c with the NA61/SHINE spectrometer at the CERN SPS

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    The NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) studies the onset of deconfinement in hadron matter by a scan of particle production in collisions of nuclei with various sizes at a set of energies covering the SPS energy range. This paper presents results on inclusive double-differential spectra, transverse momentum and rapidity distributions and mean multiplicities of π ± π± , K ± K± , p and p ¯ p¯ produced in the 20% most central 7 7 Be+ 9 9 Be collisions at beam momenta of 19A, 30A, 40A, 75A and 150A GeV/c GeV/c . The energy dependence of the K ± K± /π ± π± ratios as well as of inverse slope parameters of the K ± K± transverse mass distributions are close to those found in inelastic p+p reactions. The new results are compared to the world data on p+p and Pb+Pb collisions as well as to predictions of the Epos, Urqmd, Ampt, Phsd and Smash models

    Экспрессия рецепторов к стероидным гормонам в эндометрии при его неатипической гиперплазии как причина нарушений женской фертильности и неудач гормонотерапии

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    При неатиповій гіперплазії ендометрія (ГЕ) у жінок репродуктивного віку в 94,4 % спостерігається безпліддя, в 31,5 % – невиношування вагітності. Метою дослідження стало оцінка стану стероїдного рецепторного статусу ендометрія при його неатиповій гіперплазії у пацієнток з порушеннями фертильності. Обстежено 72 жінки з ГЕ і розладами фертильності і 30 здорових жінок. Проведено визначення експресії рецепторів естрогенів-α (RE-α) і прогестерону (RР) в ендометрії імуногістохімічним методом в день передбачуваного вікна імплантації. Виявлено, що при неатиповій ГЕ спостерігається значуще, нерівномірне по інтенсивності та концентрації збільшення експресії рецепторів до RE-α і RР в залозах ендометрія, ніж в стромі, при цьому переважає підвищення експресії RР. Але у 27,78 % жінок з неатиповою ГЕ спостерігається відсутність або сліди імунозабарвлення в залозах ендометрія RE-α і 15,28 % – RР, в стромі – відповідно 41,67% і 45,83 %. Автори роблять висновок, що порушення експресії RE-α і RР при неатиповій ГЕ може приводити до порушень децидуалізації, імплантації та плацентації, а також невдач гормонотерапії.In non-atypical hyperplasia of endometrium (GE) in women of reproductive age in 94,4% cases infertility is observed, in 31,5% - miscarriages. The aim of the study was to assess the status of the steroid receptor expression in the endometrium with its non-atypical hyperplasia in patients with impaired fertility. 72 women with GE and fertility disorders and 30 healthy women were examined. The expression of estrogen-α (RE-α) and progesterone (RP) receptors in the endometrium was determined by the immunohistochemical method on the day of the implantation window. It was found that at the nonatypical ET a significant increase in the expression of receptors to RE-α and RP in the endometrial glands is noticeably uneven in intensity and concentration, compared with the stroma, with an increase in the expression of RP. But in 27.78% of women with non-atypical GE there is a lack or traces of immune staining in the endometrial glands RE-α and in 15,28% - RP, in the stroma - 41,67% and 45,83% respectively. The authors conclude that the violation of the expression of RE- α and RP in non-atypical GE can lead to violations of decidualization, implantation and placentation, as well as failure of hormone therapy.При неатипической гиперплазии эндометрия (ГЭ) у женщин репродуктивного возраста в 94,4% наблюдается бесплодие, в 31,5% - невынашивание беременности. Целью исследования стала оценка состояния стероидного рецепторного статуса эндометрия при его неатипической гиперплазии у пациенток с нарушениями фертильности. Обследовано 72 женщин с ГЭ и нарушениями фертильности и 30 здоровых женщин. Проведено определение экспрессии рецепторов эстрогенов-α (RE-α) и прогестерона (RР) в эндометрии иммуногистохимическим методом в день предполагаемого окна имплантации. Обнаружено, что при неатипической ГЭ наблюдается значимое, неравномерное по интенсивности и концентрации увеличение экспрессии рецепторов к RE-α и RР в железах эндометрия по сравнению со стромой, при этом преобладает повышение экспрессии RР. Но у 27,78% женщин с неатипической ГЭ наблюдается отсутствие или следы иммунного окрашивания в железах эндометрия RE-α и у 15,28% – RР, в строме – соответственно – у 41,67% и у 45,83%. Авторы делают вывод о том, что нарушение экспрессии RE-α и RР при неатипической ГЭ может приводить к нарушениям децидуализации, имплантации и плацентации, а также неудачам гормонотерапии