937 research outputs found

    Effect of afterbody geometry and sting diameter on the aerodynamic characteristics of slender bodies at mach numbers from 1.57 to 2.86

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    Afterbody geometry and sting diameter effect on aerodynamics of slender bodies at supersonic spee

    Freshwater megafauna diversity: Patterns, status and threats

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    Aim: Freshwater megafauna remain underrepresented in research and conservation, despite a disproportionately high risk of extinction due to multiple human threats. Therefore, our aims are threefold; (i) identify global patterns of freshwater megafauna richness and endemism, (ii) assess the conservation status of freshwater megafauna and (iii) demonstrate spatial and temporal patterns of human pressure throughout their distribution ranges. Location: Global. Methods: We identified 207 extant freshwater megafauna species, based on a 30 kg weight threshold, and mapped their distributions using HydroBASINS subcatchments (level 8). Information on conservation status and population trends for each species was extracted from the IUCN Red List website. We investigated human impacts on freshwater megafauna in space and time by examining spatial congruence between their distributions and human pressures, described by the Incident Biodiversity Threat Index and Temporal Human Pressure Index. Results: Freshwater megafauna occur in 76% of the world s main river basins (level 3 HydroBASINS), with species richness peaking in the Amazon, Congo, Orinoco, Mekong and Ganges-Brahmaputra basins. Freshwater megafauna are more threatened than their smaller counterparts within the specific taxonomic groups (i.e., fishes, mammals, reptiles and amphibians). Out of the 93 freshwater megafauna species with known population trends, 71% are in decline. Meanwhile, IUCN Red List assessments reported insufficient or outdated data for 43% of all freshwater megafauna species. Since the early 1990s, human pressure has increased throughout 63% of their distribution ranges, with particularly intense impacts occurring in the Mekong and Ganges-Brahmaputra basins. Main conclusions: Freshwater megafauna species are threatened globally, with intense and increasing human pressures occurring in many of their biodiversity hotspots. We call for research and conservation actions for freshwater megafauna, as they are highly sensitive to present and future pressures including a massive boom in hydropower dam construction in their biodiversity hotspots. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons LtdBundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Grant/Award Number: “GLANCE” project (01 LN1320A); European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for Research, Technological ?evelopment and demonstration, Grant/Award Number: AQUACROSS (642317); Villum Fonden, Grant/Award Number: VKR023371; Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (Erasmus Mundus Joint ?octorate programme “SMART”); EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie programme, Grant/Award Number: H2020-MSCA-IF-2015-706784, H2020-MSCA-IF-2016-748625; Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg (Junior Professorship Program

    Brightness, distribution, and evolution of sunspot umbral dots

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    We present a 106-minute TiO (705.7nm) time series of high spatial and temporal resolution that contains thousands of umbral dots (UDs) in a mature sunspot in the active region NOAA 10667 at μ\mu=0.95. The data were acquired with the 1-m Swedish Solar Telescope on La Palma. With the help of a multilevel tracking (MLT) algorithm the sizes, brightnesses, and trajectories of 12836 umbral dots were found and analyzed. The MLT allows UDs with very low contrast to be reliably identified. Inside the umbra we determine a UD filling factor of 11%. The histogram of UD lifetimes is monotonic, i.e. a UD does not have a typical lifetime. Three quarters of the UDs lived for less than 150s and showed no or little motion. The histogram of the UD diameters exhibits a maximum at 225km, i.e. most of the UDs are spatially resolved. UDs display a typical horizontal velocity of 420m/s and a typical peak intensity of 51% of the mean intensity of the quiet photosphere, making them on average 20% brighter than the local umbral background. Almost all mobile UDs (large birth-death distance) were born close to the umbra-penumbra boundary, move towards the umbral center, and are brighter than average. Notably bright and mobile UDs were also observed along a prominent UD chain, both ends of which are located at the umbra-penumbra boundary. Their motion started primarily at either of the ends of the chain, continued along the chain, and ended near the chain's center. We observed the splitting and merging of UDs and the temporal succession of both. For the first time the evolution of brightness, size, and horizontal speed of a typical UD could be determined in a statistically significant way. Considerable differences between the evolution of central and peripheral UDs are found, which point to a difference in origin

    Combining eight research areas to foster the uptake of ecosystem-based management in fresh waters

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    Freshwater ecosystems are under a constant risk of being irreversibly damaged by human pressures that threaten their biodiversity, the sustainability of ecosystem services (ESs), and human well-being. Despite the implementation of various environmental regulations, the challenges of safeguarding freshwater assets have so far not been tackled successfully. A promising way forward to stop the loss of freshwater biodiversity and to sustain freshwater-based ESs is by implementing ecosystem-based management (EBM), an environmental planning and adaptive management approach that jointly considers social and ecological needs. Responsible for considerable recent success in sustainably managing and conserving marine ecosystems, EBM has not yet been championed for fresh waters. A major reason for the delayed uptake of EBM in fresh waters is likely to be its complexity, requiring planners to be familiar with the latest developments in a range of different research areas. EBM would therefore benefit from becoming more tangible to receive attention on the ground. To facilitate uptake, eight core research areas for EBM and their innovations are introduced, and the way in which they feed into the workflow that guides the EBM planning stage is explained. The workflow links biodiversity distributions with ES supply-and-demand modelling and SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely) target planning, including scenario- and cross-realm perspectives, the prioritization of management alternatives, spatial prioritization of biodiversity conservation and ES areas, and the quantification of uncertainties. Given the extensive resources, time, and technical capacity required to implement the full workflow, a light and an ultralight version of the workflow are also provided. Applied in concert, the eight well-known research areas allow for better planning and operationalizing, and eventually for implementing EBM in freshwater ecosystems. EBM has great potential to increase public acceptance by introducing the consideration of human needs and aspirations into typically biodiversity-driven conservation and management approaches. This will ultimately improve the integrity of freshwater ecosystems. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Grant/Award Number: 01 LN1320A; Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, Grant/Award Number: 642317; Marie Sklodowska‐Curie Global Fellowship, Grant/Award Number: 748625; Ramón y Cajal, Grant/Award Number: RYC‐2013‐1397

    Discriminant analysis of solar bright points and faculae I. Classification method and center-to-limb distribution

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    While photospheric magnetic elements appear mainly as Bright Points (BPs) at the disk center and as faculae near the limb, high-resolution images reveal the coexistence of BPs and faculae over a range of heliocentric angles. This is not explained by a "hot wall" effect through vertical flux tubes, and suggests that the transition from BPs to faculae needs to be quantitatively investigated. To achieve this, we made the first recorded attempt to discriminate BPs and faculae, using a statistical classification approach based on Linear Discriminant Analysis(LDA). This paper gives a detailed description of our method, and shows its application on high-resolution images of active regions to retrieve a center-to-limb distribution of BPs and faculae. Bright "magnetic" features were detected at various disk positions by a segmentation algorithm using simultaneous G-band and continuum information. By using a selected sample of those features to represent BPs and faculae, suitable photometric parameters were identified in order to carry out LDA. We thus obtained a Center-to-Limb Variation (CLV) of the relative number of BPs and faculae, revealing the predominance of faculae at all disk positions except close to disk center (mu > 0.9). Although the present dataset suffers from limited statistics, our results are consistent with other observations of BPs and faculae at various disk positions. The retrieved CLV indicates that at high resolution, faculae are an essential constituent of active regions all across the solar disk. We speculate that the faculae near disk center as well as the BPs away from disk center are associated with inclined fields

    SST/CRISP Observations of Convective Flows in a Sunspot Penumbra

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    Context. Recent discoveries of intensity correlated downflows in the interior of a sunspot penumbra provide direct evidence for overturning convection, adding to earlier strong indications of convection from filament dynamics observed far from solar disk center, and supporting recent simulations of sunspots. Aims. Using spectropolarimetric observations obtained at a spatial resolution approaching 0'.'1 with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) and its spectropolarimeter CRISP, we investigate whether the convective downflows recently discovered in the C i line at 538.03 nm can also be detected in the wings of the Fe i line at 630.15 nm Methods. We make azimuthal fits of the measured LOS velocities in the core and wings of the 538 nm and 630 nm lines to disentangle the vertical and horizontal flows. To investigate how these depend on the continuum intensity, the azimuthal fits are made separately for each intensity bin. By using spatially high-pass filtered measurements of the LOS component of the magnetic field, the flow properties are determined separately for magnetic spines (relatively strong and vertical field) and inter-spines (weaker and more horizontal field). Results. The dark convective downflows discovered recently in the 538.03 nm line are evident also in the 630.15 nm line, and have similar strength. This convective signature is the same in spines and inter-spines. However, the strong radial (Evershed) outflows are found only in the inter-spines. Conclusions. At the spatial resolution of the present SST/CRISP data, the small-scale intensity pattern seen in continuum images is strongly related to a convective up/down flow pattern that exists everywhere in the penumbra. Earlier failures to detect the dark convective downflows in the interior penumbra can be explained by inadequate spatial resolution in the observed data.Comment: Revised and expanded by 2.5 pages. Fig. 14 adde

    Models and Observations of Sunspot Penumbrae

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    The mysteries of sunspot penumbrae have been under an intense scrutiny for the past 10 years. During this time, some models have been proposed and refuted, while the surviving ones had to be modified, adapted and evolved to explain the ever-increasing array of observational constraints. In this contribution I will review two of the present models, emphasizing their contributions to this field, but also pinpointing some of their inadequacies to explain a number of recent observations at very high spatial resolution. To help explaining these new observations I propose some modifications to each of them. These modifications bring those two seemingly opposite models closer together into a general picture that agrees well with recent 3D magneto-hydrodynamic simulations.Comment: 9 pages, 1 color figure. Review talk to appear in the proceedings of the International Workshop of 2008 Solar Total Eclipse: Solar Magnetism, Corona and Space Weather--Chinese Space Solar Telescope Scienc

    High Resolution Observations using Adaptive Optics: Achievements and Future Needs

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    Over the last few years, several interesting observations were obtained with the help of solar Adaptive Optics (AO). In this paper, few observations made using the solar AO are enlightened and briefly discussed. A list of disadvantages with the current AO system are presented. With telescopes larger than 1.5m are expected during the next decade, there is a need to develop the existing AO technologies for large aperture telescopes. Some aspects of this development are highlighted. Finally, the recent AO developments in India are also presented