223 research outputs found

    Observations and modeling of the early acceleration phase of erupting filaments involved in coronal mass ejections

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    We examine the early phases of two near-limb filament destabilization involved in coronal mass ejections on 16 June and 27 July 2005, using high-resolution, high-cadence observations made with the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE), complemented by coronagraphic observations by Mauna Loa and the SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The filaments' heights above the solar limb in their rapid-acceleration phases are best characterized by a height dependence h(t) ~ t^m with m near, or slightly above, 3 for both events. Such profiles are incompatible with published results for breakout, MHD-instability, and catastrophe models. We show numerical simulations of the torus instability that approximate this height evolution in case a substantial initial velocity perturbation is applied to the developing instability. We argue that the sensitivity of magnetic instabilities to initial and boundary conditions requires higher fidelity modeling of all proposed mechanisms if observations of rise profiles are to be used to differentiate between them. The observations show no significant delays between the motions of the filament and of overlying loops: the filaments seem to move as part of the overall coronal field until several minutes after the onset of the rapid-acceleration phase.Comment: ApJ (2007, in press

    Do quasi-regular structures really exist in the solar photosphere? I. Observational evidence

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    Two series of solar-granulation images -- the La Palma series of 5 June 1993 and the SOHO MDI series of 17--18 January 1997 -- are analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. New evidence is presented for the existence of long-lived, quasi-regular structures (first reported by Getling and Brandt (2002)), which no longer appear unusual in images averaged over 1--2-h time intervals. Such structures appear as families of light and dark concentric rings or families of light and dark parallel strips (``ridges'' and ``trenches'' in the brightness distributions). In some cases, rings are combined with radial ``spokes'' and can thus form ``web'' patterns. The characteristic width of a ridge or trench is somewhat larger than the typical size of granules. Running-average movies constructed from the series of images are used to seek such structures. An algorithm is developed to obtain, for automatically selected centres, the radial distributions of the azimuthally averaged intensity, which highlight the concentric-ring patterns. We also present a time-averaged granulation image processed with a software package intended for the detection of geological structures in aerospace images. A technique of running-average-based correlations between the brightness variations at various points of the granular field is developed and indications are found for a dynamical link between the emergence and sinking of hot and cool parcels of the solar plasma. In particular, such a correlation analysis confirms our suggestion that granules -- overheated blobs -- may repeatedly emerge on the solar surface. Based on our study, the critical remarks by Rast (2002) on the original paper by Getling and Brandt (2002) can be dismissed.Comment: 21 page, 8 figures; accepted by "Solar Physics

    Quasi-periodic Fast-mode Wave Trains Within a Global EUV Wave and Sequential Transverse Oscillations Detected by SDO/AIA

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    We present the first unambiguous detection of quasi-periodic wave trains within the broad pulse of a global EUV wave (so-called "EIT wave") occurring on the limb. These wave trains, running ahead of the lateral CME front of 2-4 times slower, coherently travel to distances >Rsun/2>R_{sun}/2 along the solar surface, with initial velocities up to 1400 km/s decelerating to ~650 km/s. The rapid expansion of the CME initiated at an elevated height of 110 Mm produces a strong downward and lateral compression, which may play an important role in driving the primary EUV wave and shaping its front forwardly inclined toward the solar surface. The waves have a dominant 2 min periodicity that matches the X-ray flare pulsations, suggesting a causal connection. The arrival of the leading EUV wave front at increasing distances produces an uninterrupted chain sequence of deflections and/or transverse (likely fast kink mode) oscillations of local structures, including a flux-rope coronal cavity and its embedded filament with delayed onsets consistent with the wave travel time at an elevated (by ~50%) velocity within it. This suggests that the EUV wave penetrates through a topological separatrix surface into the cavity, unexpected from CME caused magnetic reconfiguration. These observations, when taken together, provide compelling evidence of the fast-mode MHD wave nature of the {\it primary (outer) fast component} of a global EUV wave, running ahead of the {\it secondary (inner) slow} component of CME-caused restructuring.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures; accepted by ApJ, April 24, 201

    Large-scale horizontal flows in the solar photosphere II: Long-term behaviour and magnetic activity response

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    Recently, we have developed a method useful for mapping large-scale horizontal velocity fields in the solar photosphere. The method was developed, tuned and calibrated using the synthetic data. Now, we applied the method to the series of Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) dopplergrams covering almost one solar cycle in order to get the information about the long-term behaviour of surface flows. We have found that our method clearly reproduces the widely accepted properties of mean flow field components, such as torsional oscillations and a pattern of meridional circulation. We also performed a periodic analysis, however due to the data series length and large gaps we did not detect any significant periods. The relation between the magnetic activity influencing the mean zonal motion is studied. We found an evidence that the emergence of compact magnetic regions locally accelerates the rotation of supergranular pattern in their vicinity and that the presence of magnetic fields generally decelerates the rotation in the equatorial region. Our results show that active regions in the equatorial region emerge exhibiting a constant velocity (faster by 60 +/- 9 m/s than Carrington rate) suggesting that they emerge from the base of the surface radial shear at 0.95 R_sun, disconnect from their magnetic roots, and slow down during their evolution.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Discriminant analysis of solar bright points and faculae I. Classification method and center-to-limb distribution

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    While photospheric magnetic elements appear mainly as Bright Points (BPs) at the disk center and as faculae near the limb, high-resolution images reveal the coexistence of BPs and faculae over a range of heliocentric angles. This is not explained by a "hot wall" effect through vertical flux tubes, and suggests that the transition from BPs to faculae needs to be quantitatively investigated. To achieve this, we made the first recorded attempt to discriminate BPs and faculae, using a statistical classification approach based on Linear Discriminant Analysis(LDA). This paper gives a detailed description of our method, and shows its application on high-resolution images of active regions to retrieve a center-to-limb distribution of BPs and faculae. Bright "magnetic" features were detected at various disk positions by a segmentation algorithm using simultaneous G-band and continuum information. By using a selected sample of those features to represent BPs and faculae, suitable photometric parameters were identified in order to carry out LDA. We thus obtained a Center-to-Limb Variation (CLV) of the relative number of BPs and faculae, revealing the predominance of faculae at all disk positions except close to disk center (mu > 0.9). Although the present dataset suffers from limited statistics, our results are consistent with other observations of BPs and faculae at various disk positions. The retrieved CLV indicates that at high resolution, faculae are an essential constituent of active regions all across the solar disk. We speculate that the faculae near disk center as well as the BPs away from disk center are associated with inclined fields

    Transverse component of the magnetic field in the solar photosphere observed by Sunrise

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    We present the first observations of the transverse component of photospheric magnetic field acquired by the imaging magnetograph Sunrise/IMaX. Using an automated detection method, we obtain statistical properties of 4536 features with significant linear polarization signal. Their rate of occurrence is 1-2 orders of magnitude larger than values reported by previous studies. We show that these features have no characteristic size or lifetime. They appear preferentially at granule boundaries with most of them being caught in downflow lanes at some point in their evolution. Only a small percentage are entirely and constantly embedded in upflows (16%) or downflows (8%).Comment: Accepted for the Sunrise Special Issue of ApJ

    Evidence of small-scale magnetic concentrations dragged by vortex motion of solar photospheric plasma

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    Vortex-type motions have been measured by tracking bright points in high-resolution observations of the solar photosphere. These small-scale motions are thought to be determinant in the evolution of magnetic footpoints and their interaction with plasma and therefore likely to play a role in heating the upper solar atmosphere by twisting magnetic flux tubes. We report the observation of magnetic concentrations being dragged towards the center of a convective vortex motion in the solar photosphere from high- resolution ground-based and space-borne data. We describe this event by analyzing a series of images at different solar atmospheric layers. By computing horizontal proper motions, we detect a vortex whose center appears to be the draining point for the magnetic concentrations detected in magnetograms and well-correlated with the locations of bright points seen in G-band and CN images.Laura Antonia Balmaceda: [email protected]; Judith Palacios Hernández: [email protected]; Iballa Cabello García: [email protected]; Vicente Domingo Codoñer: [email protected]

    Fully resolved quiet-Sun magnetic flux tube observed with the Sunrise IMaX instrument

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    Until today, the small size of magnetic elements in quiet Sun areas has required the application of indirect methods, such as the line-ratio technique or multi-component inversions, to infer their physical properties. A consistent match to the observed Stokes profiles could only be obtained by introducing a magnetic filling factor that specifies the fraction of the observed pixel filled with magnetic field. Here, we investigate the properties of a small magnetic patch in the quiet Sun observed with the IMaX magnetograph on board the balloon-borne telescope Sunrise with unprecedented spatial resolution and low instrumental stray light. We apply an inversion technique based on the numerical solution of the radiative transfer equation to retrieve the temperature stratification and the field strength in the magnetic patch. The observations can be well reproduced with a one-component, fully magnetized atmosphere with a field strength exceeding 1 kG and a significantly enhanced temperature in the mid- to upper photosphere with respect to its surroundings, consistent with semi-empirical flux tube models for plage regions. We therefore conclude that, within the framework of a simple atmospheric model, the IMaX measurements resolve the observed quiet-Sun flux tube.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters on Aug 11 201

    Sunrise: instrument, mission, data and first results

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    The Sunrise balloon-borne solar observatory consists of a 1m aperture Gregory telescope, a UV filter imager, an imaging vector polarimeter, an image stabilization system and further infrastructure. The first science flight of Sunrise yielded high-quality data that reveal the structure, dynamics and evolution of solar convection, oscillations and magnetic fields at a resolution of around 100 km in the quiet Sun. After a brief description of instruments and data, first qualitative results are presented. In contrast to earlier observations, we clearly see granulation at 214 nm. Images in Ca II H display narrow, short-lived dark intergranular lanes between the bright edges of granules. The very small-scale, mixed-polarity internetwork fields are found to be highly dynamic. A significant increase in detectable magnetic flux is found after phase-diversity-related reconstruction of polarization maps, indicating that the polarities are mixed right down to the spatial resolution limit, and probably beyond.Comment: accepted by ApJ