78 research outputs found

    Genomic and cytogenetic localization of the carotenoid genes in the aphid genome

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    Data published in the scientific literature suggests a possible link between chromosomal rearrangements involving autosomes 1 and 3 and the presence of red morphs in the peach-potato aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer). In order to begin a study of this relationship, we analysed the genomic and chromosomal location of genes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis in M. persicae and the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), since carotenoids are the basis of the colour in many aphid species. Genomic analysis identified a DNA sequence containing carotenoid genes in synteny between the 2 species. According to the results obtained using in situ PCR, carotenoid genes were located in a subterminal portion of autosome 1 in both species. The same localization has also been observed in the onion aphid Neotoxoptera formosana Takahashi that, as M. persicae and A. pisum, belongs to the tribe Macrosiphini, thereby suggesting a synteny of this chromosomal region in aphids. In situ PCR experiments performed on 2 M. persicae asexual lineages bearing heterozygous translocations involving autosomes 1 and 3 revealed that carotenoid genes were located within chromosomal portions involved in recurrent rearrangements. We also verified by bioinformatics analyses the presence of fragile sites that could explain these recurrent rearrangements in M. persicae

    Narrative Review of the Complex Interaction between Pain and Trauma in Children: A Focus on Biological Memory, Preclinical Data, and Epigenetic Processes

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    The incidence and collective impact of early adverse experiences, trauma, and pain continue to increase. This underscores the urgent need for translational efforts between clinical and preclinical research to better understand the underlying mechanisms and develop effective therapeutic approaches. As our understanding of these issues improves from studies in children and adolescents, we can create more precise preclinical models and ultimately translate our findings back to clinical practice. A multidisciplinary approach is essential for addressing the complex and wide-ranging effects of these experiences on individuals and society. This narrative review aims to (1) define pain and trauma experiences in childhood and adolescents, (2) discuss the relationship between pain and trauma, (3) consider the role of biological memory, (4) decipher the relationship between pain and trauma using preclinical data, and (5) examine the role of the environment by introducing the importance of epigenetic processes. The ultimate scope is to better understand the wide-ranging effects of trauma, abuse, and chronic pain on children and adolescents, how they occur, and how to prevent or mitigate their effects and develop effective treatment strategies that address both the underlying causes and the associated physiological and psychological effects

    Redefining operant conditioning of escape behaviour in lymnaea stagnalis

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    The escape behaviour is one of the many behavioural responses that can be operantly conditioned in a stimulus-dependent manner in both vertebrates and invertebrates. By exposing the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis repeatedly to a negative reinforcement its natural tendency to explore its surroundings can be operantly conditioned in both adult and aged snails. When adult snails were trained with 100 mM of KCl their number of escapes was significantly decreased and the latency to first escape was significantly increased. Our behavioural protocol allowed us to investigate memory acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval in pre-and post-training sessions over different days. From the 3rd day of training the learned response was strengthened: the number of the escapes in the post-test session remained significantly reduced even when animals were presented with distilled water. Moreover, adult snails exposed to the negative reinforcement for at least 4 days started to escape significantly less than the control group also in the pre-test session. This effect became more pronounced in the following days and was accompanied by a significant increase in the latency to first escape at the beginning of the pre-test on day 6 and 7. Aged snails, instead, showed selective deficiencies when operantly conditioned: memory retention appeared only after 7 days, while memory retrieval could not be induced. This redefined paradigm can help unravelling a variety of sophisticated cognitive phenomena in L. stagnalis and could be employed also to study the basis of memory impairment occurring during neuro-aging

    LPS-Induced Garcia Effect and Its Pharmacological Regulation Mediated by Acetylsalicylic Acid: Behavioral and Transcriptional Evidence

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    Lymnaea stagnalis learns and remembers to avoid certain foods when their ingestion is followed by sickness. This rapid, taste-specific, and long-lasting aversion—known as the Garcia effect—can be formed by exposing snails to a novel taste and 1 h later injecting them with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). However, the exposure of snails to acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) for 1 h before the LPS injection, prevents both the LPS-induced sickness state and the Garcia effect. Here, we investigated novel aspects of this unique form of conditioned taste aversion and its pharmacological regulation. We first explored the transcriptional effects in the snails’ central nervous system induced by the injection with LPS (25 mg), the exposure to ASA (900 nM), as well as their combined presentation in untrained snails. Then, we investigated the behavioral and molecular mechanisms underlying the LPS-induced Garcia effect and its pharmacological regulation by ASA. LPS injection, both alone and during the Garcia effect procedure, upregulated the expression levels of immune- and stress-related targets. This upregulation was prevented by pre-exposure to ASA. While LPS alone did not affect the expression levels of neuroplasticity genes, its combination with the conditioning procedure resulted in their significant upregulation and memory formation for the Garcia effect

    Emotional, Behavioral, and Physical Health Consequences in Caregivers of Children with Cancer: A Network Analysis Differentiation in Mothers’ and Fathers’ Reactivity

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    Background: Pediatric cancer presents mental and physical challenges for patients and their caregivers. However, parental distress has been understudied despite its negative impact on quality of life, disability, and somatic disorders. Parents of oncopediatric patients experience high levels of suffering with their resilience tested throughout their children’s illness. Identifying at-risk parents and offering specific treatments is crucial and urgent to prevent or alleviate negative outcomes. Methods: This study used statistical and network analyses to examine symptom patterns assessed by the Kellner Symptom Questionnaire in 16 fathers and 23 mothers at different time points: diagnosis, treatment, and discharge. Results: The results indicated significantly higher distress levels in parents of oncopediatric children compared to the control reference population. Gender-specific differences in symptom profiles were observed at each time point, and symptoms showed a gradual but non-significant decrease over time. Conclusions: The network analysis yielded valuable insights that, when applied in clinical practice, can guide the implementation of timely treatments to prevent and manage parental distress, thus addressing long-term, stress-related issues in primary caregivers of children diagnosed and treated for cancer

    Trigger and Aperture of the Surface Detector Array of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The surface detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory consists of 1600 water-Cherenkov detectors, for the study of extensive air showers (EAS) generated by ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. We describe the trigger hierarchy, from the identification of candidate showers at the level of a single detector, amongst a large background (mainly random single cosmic ray muons), up to the selection of real events and the rejection of random coincidences. Such trigger makes the surface detector array fully efficient for the detection of EAS with energy above 3×10183\times 10^{18} eV, for all zenith angles between 0^\circ and 60^\circ, independently of the position of the impact point and of the mass of the primary particle. In these range of energies and angles, the exposure of the surface array can be determined purely on the basis of the geometrical acceptance.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure

    Aging and disease-relevant gene products in the neuronal transcriptome of the great pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis): a potential model of aging, age-related memory loss, and neurodegenerative diseases

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    Modelling of human aging, age-related memory loss, and neurodegenerative diseases has developed into a progressive area in invertebrate neuroscience. Gold standard molluscan neuroscience models such as the sea hare (Aplysia californica) and the great pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) have proven to be attractive alternatives for studying these processes. Until now, A. californica has been the workhorse due to the enormous set of publicly available transcriptome and genome data. However, with growing sequence data, L. stagnalis has started to catch up with A. californica in this respect. To contribute to this and inspire researchers to use molluscan species for modelling normal biological aging and/or neurodegenerative diseases, we sequenced the whole transcriptome of the central nervous system of L. stagnalis and screened for the evolutionary conserved homolog sequences involved in aging and neurodegenerative/other diseases. Several relevant molecules were identified, including for example gelsolin, presenilin, huntingtin, Parkinson disease protein 7/Protein deglycase DJ-1, and amyloid precursor protein, thus providing a stable genetic background for L. stagnalis in this field. Our study supports the notion that molluscan species are highly suitable for studying molecular, cellular, and circuit mechanisms of the mentioned neurophysiological and neuropathological processes

    Risk in one is not risk in all: snails show differential decision making under high- and low-risk environments

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    Predation is a major force that shapes prey phenotypes, species interactions and ecological communities. Prey respond to variation in predation risk and intensity by either increasing or decreasing vigilance and balancing energy requirements under high-or low-risk scenarios. We test the possible mechanism of sensory adaptation and decision making while responding to risk in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis. We maintained three risk treatment groups (no risk, low risk and high risk) for 20 days before testing them under multiple cognitive and behavioural challenges involving a predatory stimulus. Under a configural learning procedure where snails learned to forgo feeding when encountering food in the presence of a predatory threat, the high-risk group snails did not show learning/memory formation. However, when high-risk group individuals were transferred to a no-risk environment for 20 days, they were able to form configural learning memory. In a social interaction trial, snails from the no-risk group reduced interactions under threat whereas the high-risk group showed no change between risk environments. All risk groups responded similarly to an operant conditioning training under predation threat that enhanced memory. The decreased antipredator response of the high-risk group in comparison to the low-risk groups shows that snails are able to respond to risk based on past experience, especially when there exists a trade-off between survival and antipredator response. The variation in response to predation threat under different circumstances provides evidence of decision making rather than sensory adaptation as the mechanism involved in prey response. Our study combines multiple phenotypic responses to elucidate animal decision making under different intensities of risk and highlights the importance of experience in shaping antipredator responses.(c) 2022 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved