1,314 research outputs found

    Transportation Management in a Distributed Logistic Consumption System Under Uncertainty Conditions

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    The problem of supply management in the supplier-to-consumer logistics transport system has been formed and solved. The novelty of the formulation of the problem consists in the integrated accounting of costs in the logistic system, which takes into account at the same time the cost of transporting products from suppliers to consumers, as well as the costs for each of the consumers to store the unsold product and losses due to possible shortages. The resulting optimization problem is no longer a standard linear programming problem. In addition, the work assumes that the solution of the problem should be sought taking into account the fact that the initial data of the problem are not deterministic. The analysis of traditional methods of describing the uncertainty of the source data. It is concluded that, given the rapidly changing conditions for the implementation of the delivery process in a distributed supplier-to-consumer system, it is advisable to move from a theoretical probability representation of the source data to their description in terms of fuzzy mathematics. At the same time, in particular, the fuzzy values of the demand for the delivered product for each consumer are determined by their membership functions.Distribution of supplies in the system is described by solving a mathematical programming problem with a nonlinear objective function and a set of linear constraints of the transport type. In forming the criterion, a technology is used to transform the membership functions of fuzzy parameters of the problem to its theoretical probabilistic counterparts – density distribution of demand values. The task is reduced to finding for each consumer the value of the ordered product, minimizing the average total cost of storing the unrealized product and losses from the deficit. The initial problem is reduced to solving a set of integral equations solved, in general, numerically. It is shown that in particular, important for practice, particular cases, this solution is achieved analytically.The paper states the insufficient adequacy of the traditionally used mathematical models for describing fuzzy parameters of the problem, in particular, the demand. Statistical processing of real data on demand shows that the parameters of the membership functions of the corresponding fuzzy numbers are themselves fuzzy numbers. Acceptable mathematical models of the corresponding fuzzy numbers are formulated in terms of bifuzzy mathematics. The relations describing the membership functions of the bifuzzy numbers are given. A formula is obtained for calculating the total losses to storage and from the deficit, taking into account the bifuzzy of demand. In this case, the initial task is reduced to finding the distribution of supplies, at which the maximum value of the total losses does not exceed the permissible value

    Is This a Joke? Detecting Humor in Spanish Tweets

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    While humor has been historically studied from a psychological, cognitive and linguistic standpoint, its study from a computational perspective is an area yet to be explored in Computational Linguistics. There exist some previous works, but a characterization of humor that allows its automatic recognition and generation is far from being specified. In this work we build a crowdsourced corpus of labeled tweets, annotated according to its humor value, letting the annotators subjectively decide which are humorous. A humor classifier for Spanish tweets is assembled based on supervised learning, reaching a precision of 84% and a recall of 69%.Comment: Preprint version, without referra

    A stochastic model of Min oscillations in Escherichia coli and Min protein segregation during cell division

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    The Min system in Escherichia coli directs division to the centre of the cell through pole-to-pole oscillations of the MinCDE proteins. We present a one dimensional stochastic model of these oscillations which incorporates membrane polymerisation of MinD into linear chains. This model reproduces much of the observed phenomenology of the Min system, including pole-to-pole oscillations of the Min proteins. We then apply this model to investigate the Min system during cell division. Oscillations continue initially unaffected by the closing septum, before cutting off rapidly. The fractions of Min proteins in the daughter cells vary widely, from 50%-50% up to 85%-15% of the total from the parent cell, suggesting that there may be another mechanism for regulating these levels in vivo.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures (25 figure files); published at http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/physbi

    Clique-width for graph classes closed under complementation.

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    Clique-width is an important graph parameter due to its algorithmic and structural properties. A graph class is hereditary if it can be characterized by a (not necessarily finite) set H of forbidden induced subgraphs. We initiate a systematic study into the boundedness of clique-width of hereditary graph classes closed under complementation. First, we extend the known classification for the |H|=1 case by classifying the boundedness of clique-width for every set H of self-complementary graphs. We then completely settle the |H|=2 case. In particular, we determine one new class of (H1, complement of H1)-free graphs of bounded clique-width (as a side effect, this leaves only six classes of (H1, H2)-free graphs, for which it is not known whether their clique-width is bounded). Once we have obtained the classification of the |H|=2 case, we research the effect of forbidding self-complementary graphs on the boundedness of clique-width. Surprisingly, we show that for a set F of self-complementary graphs on at least five vertices, the classification of the boundedness of clique-width for ({H1, complement of H1} + F)-free graphs coincides with the one for the |H|=2 case if and only if F does not include the bull (the only non-empty self-complementary graphs on fewer than five vertices are P_1 and P_4, and P_4-free graphs have clique-width at most 2). Finally, we discuss the consequences of our results for COLOURING

    Spin-orbit final state interaction in the framework of Glauber theory for (e,e'p) reactions

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    We investigate the reactions D(e,e'p)n and D(\vec e,e'p)n at GeV energies and discuss the opportunities to distinguish between different models for the nuclear ground state by measuring the response functions. In calculating the final-state interaction (FSI) we employ Glauber theory, and we also include relativistic effects in the electromagnetic current. We include not only the central FSI, but also the spin-orbit FSI which is usually neglected in (e,e'p) calculations within the Glauber framework and we show that this contribution plays a crucial role for the fifth response function. All of the methods developed here can be applied to any target nucleus.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, minor change in figures 3 and 4 (changed beam energy), correction of error in figure 4 in the previous replacemen

    Kleene Algebras and Semimodules for Energy Problems

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    With the purpose of unifying a number of approaches to energy problems found in the literature, we introduce generalized energy automata. These are finite automata whose edges are labeled with energy functions that define how energy levels evolve during transitions. Uncovering a close connection between energy problems and reachability and B\"uchi acceptance for semiring-weighted automata, we show that these generalized energy problems are decidable. We also provide complexity results for important special cases

    Gravity-mode period spacings as seismic diagnostic for a sample of gamma Doradus stars from Kepler space photometry and high-resolution ground-based spectroscopy

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    Gamma Doradus stars (hereafter gamma Dor stars) are gravity-mode pulsators of spectral type A or F. Such modes probe the deep stellar interior, offering a detailed fingerprint of their structure. Four-year high-precision space-based Kepler photometry of gamma Dor stars has become available, allowing us to study these stars with unprecedented detail. We selected, analysed, and characterized a sample of 67 gamma Dor stars for which we have Kepler observations available. For all the targets in the sample we assembled high-resolution spectroscopy to confirm their F-type nature. We found fourteen binaries, among which four single-lined binaries, five double-lined binaries, two triple systems and three binaries with no detected radial velocity variations. We estimated the orbital parameters whenever possible. For the single stars and the single-lined binaries, fundamental parameter values were determined from spectroscopy. We searched for period spacing patterns in the photometric data and identified this diagnostic for 50 of the stars in the sample, 46 of which are single stars or single-lined binaries. We found a strong correlation between the spectroscopic vsini and the period spacing values, confirming the influence of rotation on gamma Dor-type pulsations as predicted by theory. We also found relations between the dominant g-mode frequency, the longest pulsation period detected in series of prograde modes, vsini, and log Teff.Comment: 61 pages, 61 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Schottky barrier lowering with the formation of crystalline Er silicide on n-Si upon thermal annealing

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    The evolution of the Schottky barrier height (SBH) of Er silicide contacts to n-Si is investigated as a function of the annealing temperature. The SBH is found to drop substantially from 0.43 eV for the as-deposited sample to reach 0.28 eV, its lowest value, at 450 C. By x-ray diffraction, high resolution transmission electron microscopy, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the decrease in the SBH is shown to be associated with the progressive formation of crystalline ErSi2-x