385 research outputs found

    Computerized Generation and Finite Element Stress Analysis of Endodontic Rotary Files

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    Introduction: The finite element method has been extensively used to analyze the mechanical behavior of endodontic rotary files under bending and torsional conditions. This methodology requires elevated computer-aided design skills to reproduce the geometry of the endodontic file, and also mathematical knowledge to perform the finite element analysis. In this study, an automated procedure is proposed for the computerized generation and finite element analysis of endodontic rotary files under bending and torsional conditions. Methods: An endodontic rotary file with a 25mm total length, 0.25mm at the tip, 1.20mm at 16mm from the tip, 2mm pitch and squared cross section was generated using the proposed procedure and submitted for analysis under bending and torsional conditions by clamping the last 3mm of the endodontic rotary file and applying a transverse load of 0.1N and a torsional moment of 0.3N.cm. Results: The results of the finite element analyses showed a maximum von Mises stress of 398MPa resulting from the bending analysis and a maximum von Mises stress of 843MPa resulting from the torsional analysis, both of which are next to the encastre point. Conclusions: The automated procedure allows an accurate description of the geometry of the endodontic file to be obtained based on its design parameters as well as a finite element model of the endodontic file from the previously generated geometry

    Genetic Analysis of the Individual Contribution to Virulence of the Type III Effector Inventory of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola

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    Several reports have recently contributed to determine the effector inventory of the sequenced strain Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (Pph) 1448a. However, the contribution to virulence of most of these effectors remains to be established. Genetic analysis of the contribution to virulence of individual P. syringae effectors has been traditionally hindered by the lack of phenotypes of the corresponding knockout mutants, largely attributed to a high degree of functional redundancy within their effector inventories. In support of this notion, effectors from Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pto) DC3000 have been classified into redundant effector groups (REGs), analysing virulence of polymutants in the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana. However, using competitive index (CI) as a virulence assay, we were able to establish the individual contribution of AvrPto1PtoDC3000 to Pto DC3000 virulence in tomato, its natural host, even though typically, contribution to virulence of AvrPto1 is only shown in strains also lacking AvrPtoB (also called HopAB2), a member of its REG. This report raised the possibility that even effectors targeting the same defence signalling pathway may have an individual contribution to virulence, and pointed out to CI assays as the means to establish such a contribution for individual effectors. In this work, we have analysed the individual contribution to virulence of the majority of previously uncharacterised Pph 1448a effectors, by monitoring the development of disease symptoms and determining the CI of single knockout mutants at different stages of growth within bean, its natural host. Despite their potential functional redundancy, we have found individual contributions to virulence for six out of the fifteen effectors analysed. In addition, we have analysed the functional relationships between effectors displaying individual contribution to virulence, highlighting the diversity that these relationships may present, and the interest of analysing their functions within the context of the infection

    Detection of active hepatitis C in a single visit and linkage to care among marginalized people using a mobile unit in Madrid, Spain

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    Background: The burden of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among marginalized people in Spain is high, despite the fact that HCV prevalence has decreased in recent years. We aimed to assess the effectiveness of a simplified point-of-care (PoC) model for screening for active HCV infection via a mobile unit and subsequent linkage to care with the assistance of navigators. Methods: We carried out a prospective study on 2001 participants from Madrid, Spain. A nurse and a navigator/educator screened for hepatitis C in a mobile unit, using the OraQuick HCV Rapid Antibody Test and Xpert HCV VL Fingerstick assay. Participants with active HCV were referred to the hospital the same day with a navigator for evaluation and treatment of HCV. Results: Overall, 1621 (81%) participants had not been exposed to HCV, 380 (18.9%) were positive for HCV antibodies, and 136 (6.8%) had active hepatitis C. Among the latter, 134 (98.5%) received the HCV screening results, 133 (97.8%) had an appointment at the hospital, 126 (92.8%) were seen by a physician once they were at the hospital, and 105 (77.2%) started HCV treatment. Being over 50 years old and a person who uses drugs, particularly people who inject drugs (PWID), was directly associated with active hepatitis C (p<0.05). PWID were the only patients with HCV reinfection (4.3% in people without recent injecting drug use and 5.9% in people with recent injecting drug use). Among PWID, no income and daily alcohol intake were also directly associated with active hepatitis C. People with recent injecting drug use showed the lowest rates of attendance at the hospital (91.8%) and starting HCV treatment (70.4%). Conclusion: HCV screening using a two-step PoC-based strategy and its linkage to care was extremely efficient for identifying and treating marginalized people with active hepatitis C, thanks to the use of a mobile unit with personnel and technical equipment, an interdisciplinary team, and collaboration between institutions.This work was funded by a research grant from Gilead Science (IN-ES-987-5391 and GLD20_0144) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCII; grant numbers PI20CIII/00004 and RD16CIII/0002/0002 to SR). It also received funding from AbbVie, Asociación Española para Estudio del Higado (AEEH), and Madrid Positivo Association.S

    Ultrasonic evidence of an uncorrelated cluster formation temperature in manganites with first-order magnetic transition at T_C

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    Ultrasonic attenuation and phase velocity measurements have been carried out in the ferromagnetic perovskites La_{2/3}Ca_{1/3}MnO_3 and La_{2/3}Sr_{1/3}MnO_3. Data show that the transition at the Curie temperature, T_C, changes from first- to second-order as Sr replaces Ca in the perovskite. The compound with first-order transition shows also another transition at a temperature T* > T_C. We interpret the temperature window T_C < T < T* as a region of coexistence of a phase separated regime of metallic and insulating regions, in the line of recent theoretical proposals.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Transgenic expression of the dicotyledonous pattern recognition receptor EFR in rice leads to ligand-dependent activation of defense responses

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    Plant plasma membrane localized pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) detect extracellular pathogen-associated molecules. PRRs such as Arabidopsis EFR and rice XA21 are taxonomically restricted and are absent from most plant genomes. Here we show that rice plants expressing EFR or the chimeric receptor EFR::XA21, containing the EFR ectodomain and the XA21 intracellular domain, sense both Escherichia coli- and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo)-derived elf18 peptides at sub-nanomolar concentrations. Treatment of EFR and EFR::XA21 rice leaf tissue with elf18 leads to MAP kinase activation, reactive oxygen production and defense gene expression. Although expression of EFR does not lead to robust enhanced resistance to fully virulent Xoo isolates, it does lead to quantitatively enhanced resistance to weakly virulent Xoo isolates. EFR interacts with OsSERK2 and the XA21 binding protein 24 (XB24), two key components of the rice XA21-mediated immune response. Rice-EFR plants silenced for OsSERK2, or overexpressing rice XB24 are compromised in elf18-induced reactive oxygen production and defense gene expression indicating that these proteins are also important for EFR-mediated signaling in transgenic rice. Taken together, our results demonstrate the potential feasibility of enhancing disease resistance in rice and possibly other monocotyledonous crop species by expression of dicotyledonous PRRs. Our results also suggest that Arabidopsis EFR utilizes at least a subset of the known endogenous rice XA21 signaling components

    The Arabidopsis protein phosphatase PP2C38 negatively regulates the central immune kinase BIK1

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    Plants recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) via cell surface-localized pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), leading to PRR-triggered immunity (PTI). The Arabidopsis cytoplasmic kinase BIK1 is a downstream substrate of several PRR complexes. How plant PTI is negatively regulated is not fully understood. Here, we identify the protein phosphatase PP2C38 as a negative regulator of BIK1 activity and BIK1-mediated immunity. PP2C38 dynamically associates with BIK1, as well as with the PRRs FLS2 and EFR, but not with the co-receptor BAK1. PP2C38 regulates PAMP-induced BIK1 phosphorylation and impairs the phosphorylation of the NADPH oxidase RBOHD by BIK1, leading to reduced oxidative burst and stomatal immunity. Upon PAMP perception, PP2C38 is phosphorylated on serine 77 and dissociates from the FLS2/EFR-BIK1 complexes, enabling full BIK1 activation. Together with our recent work on the control of BIK1 turnover, this study reveals another important regulatory mechanism of this central immune component

    The phylogenetically-related pattern recognition receptors EFR and XA21 recruit similar immune signaling components in monocots and dicots

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    During plant immunity, surface-localized pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). The transfer of PRRs between plant species is a promising strategy for engineering broad-spectrum disease resistance. Thus, there is a great interest in understanding the mechanisms of PRR-mediated resistance across different plant species. Two well-characterized plant PRRs are the leucine-rich repeat receptor kinases (LRR-RKs) EFR and XA21 from Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) and rice, respectively. Interestingly, despite being evolutionary distant, EFR and XA21 are phylogenetically closely related and are both members of the sub-family XII of LRR-RKs that contains numerous potential PRRs. Here, we compared the ability of these related PRRs to engage immune signaling across the monocots-dicots taxonomic divide. Using chimera between Arabidopsis EFR and rice XA21, we show that the kinase domain of the rice XA21 is functional in triggering elf18-induced signaling and quantitative immunity to the bacteria Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pto) DC3000 and Agrobacterium tumefaciens in Arabidopsis. Furthermore, the EFR:XA21 chimera associates dynamically in a ligand-dependent manner with known components of the EFR complex. Conversely, EFR associates with Arabidopsis orthologues of rice XA21-interacting proteins, which appear to be involved in EFR-mediated signaling and immunity in Arabidopsis. Our work indicates the overall functional conservation of immune components acting downstream of distinct LRR-RK-type PRRs between monocots and dicots

    Single-field inflation, anomalous enhancement of superhorizon fluctuations, and non-Gaussianity in primordial black hole formation

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    We show a text-book potential for single-field inflation, namely, the Coleman-Weinberg model can induce double inflation and formation of primordial black holes (PBHs), because fluctuations that leave the horizon near the end of first inflation are anomalously enhanced at the onset of second inflation when the time-dependent mode turns to a growing mode rather than a decaying mode. The mass of PBHs produced in this mechanism lies in several discrete ranges depending on the model parameters. We also calculate the effects of non-Gaussian statistics due to higher-order interactions on the abundance of PBHs, which turns out to be small.Comment: 22pages, 8figure

    HIV-1 Tat protein directly induces mitochondrial membrane permeabilization and inactivates cytochrome c oxidase

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    The Trans-activator protein (Tat) of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a pleiotropic protein involved in different aspects of AIDS pathogenesis. As a number of viral proteins Tat is suspected to disturb mitochondrial function. We prepared pure synthetic full-length Tat by native chemical ligation (NCL), and Tat peptides, to evaluate their direct effects on isolated mitochondria. Submicromolar doses of synthetic Tat cause a rapid dissipation of the mitochondrial transmembrane potential (ΔΨm) as well as cytochrome c release in mitochondria isolated from mouse liver, heart, and brain. Accordingly, Tat decreases substrate oxidation by mitochondria isolated from these tissues, with oxygen uptake being initially restored by adding cytochrome c. The anion-channel inhibitor 4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DIDS) protects isolated mitochondria against Tat-induced mitochondrial membrane permeabilization (MMP), whereas ruthenium red, a ryanodine receptor blocker, does not. Pharmacologic inhibitors of the permeability transition pore, Bax/Bak inhibitors, and recombinant Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL proteins do not reduce Tat-induced MMP. We finally observed that Tat inhibits cytochrome c oxidase (COX) activity in disrupted mitochondria isolated from liver, heart, and brain of both mouse and human samples, making it the first described viral protein to be a potential COX inhibitor