343 research outputs found

    Особенности развития гаптофитовых и динофитовых водорослей в олигоценовых бассейнах Северного Перитетиса

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    На основании изучения наннопланктона и диноцист проведены палеоэкологические реконструкции разных типов олигоценовых бассейнов Северного Перитетиса. Установлены ассоциации фитопланктона морских глубоководных, мелководных, относительно холодно- и тепловодных, а также лагунных палеобассейнов. Гаптофитовые (наннопланктон) присутствуют только в карбонатных прослоях пород, наиболее благоприятные условия для их развития были в Карпатском бассейне кросненского типа, в бассейнах самого раннего рюпеля Германии и юга Украины. Диноцисты представлены во всех типах олигоценовых бассейнов. Установлены корреляционные уровни по нанно- и динопланктону, позволяющие обосновать нижнюю и верхнюю границы олигоцена и уровень опреснения в середине рюпеля.Вивчення нанопланктону та диноцист з різних типів олігоценових басейнів Північного Перитетіса дозволило провести палеоекологічні реконструкції. Встановлені асоціації фітопланктону морських глибоководних, прибережно-мілководних відносно холодно- и тепловодних, лагунних, напівізольованих з ендеміками. Нанопланктон виявлено лише в карбонатних прошарках, найбільш сприятливі умови для його розвитку були у Карпатському басейні кросненського типу, у самому ранньому рюпелі Німеччини та півдня України. Диноцисти виявлені у всіх типах олігоценових басейнів. Встановлені корелятивні рівні за нано- та динопланктоном, які дозволяють обґрунтувати нижню і верхню границі олігоцену та рівень розпріснення в середині рюпелю.A study of nannofossils and dinocysts from different types of Oligocene basins of the Northern Peri-Thetys resulted in paleoecological reconstructions. The following phytoplankton associations were recognized: cold-water; littoral shallow-water relatively cold- and warm-water; lagoon; semi-isolated with endemics. Nannofossils were present in carbonaceous sediments, with more favorable conditions for them being in the Carpathian basin of Krosnensky type, in the earliest Rupelian of Germany and Southern Ukraine. Dinocysts were identified in all types of Oligocene basins. Correlation levels identified by nannofossils and dinocysts allowed us to substantiate the lower and upper Oligocene boundaries and degree of desalination in the Middle Rupelian

    Contribution of Case Reports to Brain Metastases Research: Systematic Review and Analysis of Pattern of Citation

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    Research activity related to different aspects of prevention, prediction, diagnosis and treatment of brain metastases has increased during recent years. One of the major databases (Scopus) contains 942 scientific articles that were published during the 5-year time period 2006–2010. Of these, 195 (21%) reported on single patient cases and 12 (1%) were reports of 2 cases. Little is known about their influence on advancement of the field or scientific merits. Do brain metastases case reports attract attention and provide stimuli for further research or do they go largely unrecognized? Different measures of impact, visibility and quality of published research are available, each with its own pros and cons. For the present evaluation, article citation rate was chosen. The median number of citations overall and stratified by year of publication was 0, except for the year 2006 when it was 2. As compared to other articles, case reports remained more often without citation (p<0.05 except for 2006 data). All case reports with 10 or more citations (n = 6) reported on newly introduced anticancer drugs, which commonly are prescribed to treat extracranial metastases, and the responses observed in single patients with brain metastases. Average annual numbers of citations were also calculated. The articles with most citations per year were the same six case reports mentioned above (the only ones that obtained more than 2.0 citations per year). Citations appeared to gradually increase during the first two years after publication but remained on a generally low or modest level. It cannot be excluded that case reports without citation provide interesting information to some clinicians or researchers. Apparently, case reports describing unexpected therapeutic success gain more attention, at least in terms of citation, than others

    Long-Lasting Metabolic Imbalance Related to Obesity Alters Olfactory Tissue Homeostasis and Impairs Olfactory-Driven Behaviors.

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    Obesity is associated with chronic food intake disorders and binge eating. Food intake relies on the interaction between homeostatic regulation and hedonic signals among which, olfaction is a major sensory determinant. However, its potential modulation at the peripheral level by a chronic energy imbalance associated to obese status remains a matter of debate. We further investigated the olfactory function in a rodent model relevant to the situation encountered in obese humans, where genetic susceptibility is juxtaposed on chronic eating disorders. Using several olfactory-driven tests, we compared the behaviors of obesity-prone Sprague-Dawley rats (OP) fed with a high-fat/high-sugar diet with those of obese-resistant ones fed with normal chow. In OP rats, we reported 1) decreased odor threshold, but 2) poor olfactory performances, associated with learning/memory deficits, 3) decreased influence of fasting, and 4) impaired insulin control on food seeking behavior. Associated with these behavioral modifications, we found a modulation of metabolism-related factors implicated in 1) electrical olfactory signal regulation (insulin receptor), 2) cellular dynamics (glucorticoids receptors, pro- and antiapoptotic factors), and 3) homeostasis of the olfactory mucosa and bulb (monocarboxylate and glucose transporters). Such impairments might participate to the perturbed daily food intake pattern that we observed in obese animals

    Novel diagnostic cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for pathologic subtypes of frontotemporal dementia identified by proteomics

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    Introduction: Reliable cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers enabling identification of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and its pathologic subtypes are lacking. Methods: Unbiased high-resolution mass spectrometry-based proteomics was applied on CSF of FTD patients with TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43, FTD-TDP, n = 12) or tau pathology (FTD-tau, n = 8), and individuals with subjective memory complaints (SMC, n = 10). Validation was performed by applying enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or enzymatic assays, when available, in a larger cohort (FTLD-TDP, n = 21, FTLD-tau, n = 10, SMC, n = 23) and in Alzheimer's disease (n = 20), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB, n = 20), and vascular dementia (VaD, n = 18). Results: Of 1914 identified CSF proteins, 56 proteins were differentially regulated (fold change >1.2, P <.05) between the different patient groups: either between the two pathologic subtypes (10 proteins), or between at least one of these FTD subtypes and SMC (47 proteins). We confirmed the differential expression of YKL-40 by ELISA in a partly independent cohort. Furthermore, enzyme activity of catalase was decreased in FTD subtypes compared with SMC. Further validation in a larger cohort showed that the level of YKL-40 was twofold increased in both FTD pathologic subtypes compared with SMC and that the levels in FTLD-tau were higher compared to Alzheimer's dementia (AD), DLB, and VaD patients. Clinical validation furthermore showed that the catalase enzyme activity was decreased in the FTD subtypes compared to SMC, AD and DLB. Discussion: We identified promising CSF biomarkers for both FTD differential diagnosis and pathologic subtyping. YKL-40 and catalase enzyme activity should be validated further in similar pathology defined patient cohorts for their use for FTD diagnosis or treatment development

    Live-Cell Microscopy Reveals Small Molecule Inhibitor Effects on MAPK Pathway Dynamics

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    Oncogenic mutations in the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway are prevalent in human tumors, making this pathway a target of drug development efforts. Recently, ATP-competitive Raf inhibitors were shown to cause MAPK pathway activation via Raf kinase priming in wild-type BRaf cells and tumors, highlighting the need for a thorough understanding of signaling in the context of small molecule kinase inhibitors. Here, we present critical improvements in cell-line engineering and image analysis coupled with automated image acquisition that allow for the simultaneous identification of cellular localization of multiple MAPK pathway components (KRas, CRaf, Mek1 and Erk2). We use these assays in a systematic study of the effect of small molecule inhibitors across the MAPK cascade either as single agents or in combination. Both Raf inhibitor priming as well as the release from negative feedback induced by Mek and Erk inhibitors cause translocation of CRaf to the plasma membrane via mechanisms that are additive in pathway activation. Analysis of Erk activation and sub-cellular localization upon inhibitor treatments reveals differential inhibition and activation with the Raf inhibitors AZD628 and GDC0879 respectively. Since both single agent and combination studies of Raf and Mek inhibitors are currently in the clinic, our assays provide valuable insight into their effects on MAPK signaling in live cells

    Evaluation of drug administration errors in a teaching hospital

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Medication errors can occur at any of the three steps of the medication use process: prescribing, dispensing and administration. We aimed to determine the incidence, type and clinical importance of drug administration errors and to identify risk factors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Prospective study based on disguised observation technique in four wards in a teaching hospital in Paris, France (800 beds). A pharmacist accompanied nurses and witnessed the preparation and administration of drugs to all patients during the three drug rounds on each of six days per ward. Main outcomes were number, type and clinical importance of errors and associated risk factors. Drug administration error rate was calculated with and without wrong time errors. Relationship between the occurrence of errors and potential risk factors were investigated using logistic regression models with random effects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty-eight nurses caring for 108 patients were observed. Among 1501 opportunities for error, 415 administrations (430 errors) with one or more errors were detected (27.6%). There were 312 wrong time errors, ten simultaneously with another type of error, resulting in an error rate without wrong time error of 7.5% (113/1501). The most frequently administered drugs were the cardiovascular drugs (425/1501, 28.3%). The highest risks of error in a drug administration were for dermatological drugs. No potentially life-threatening errors were witnessed and 6% of errors were classified as having a serious or significant impact on patients (mainly omission). In multivariate analysis, the occurrence of errors was associated with drug administration route, drug classification (ATC) and the number of patient under the nurse's care.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Medication administration errors are frequent. The identification of its determinants helps to undertake designed interventions.</p