205 research outputs found

    Abandono de cultivos tradicionales en diferentes contextos paisajísticos: efectos sobre las comunidades de artrópodos beneficiosos en parcelas de olivo y almendro e implicaciones para la conservación

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    Tesis por compendio de publicaciones[EN]From a conservation perspective, abandoned orchards increase landscapeheterogeneity and provide complementary habitats for some arthropod groups (e.g.,spiders). However, this positive effect is limited to simple landscapes, where semi-naturalhabitats are scarce. In these landscapes, abandoned orchards are habitats of conservationvalue and they should be managed to ensure that they reach late successional stages. Incomplex landscapes, on the other hand, priority should be given to the conservation oftraditional orchards. Furthermore, conservation measures designed in Mediterraneancountries should take into account the high community turnover throughout the seasons,especially considering future climate scenarios. Landscape simplification through theloss of semi-natural habitats has negative consequences for arthropod biodiversity, evenin traditional agricultural landscapes with small fields and high crop diversity. Our resultssuggest that maintaining both a high cover of semi-natural habitats and traditionallymanaged orchards in the landscape could have synergistic effects for arthropodconservation (Chapters 1-4). [ES]Desde el punto de vista de la conservación, las parcelas abandonadas aumentan la heterogeneidad del paisaje y proporcionan hábitats complementarios para algunos grupos de artrópodos (por ejemplo, las arañas). Sin embargo, este efecto positivo se limita a los paisajes simples, donde los hábitats seminaturales son escasos. En estos paisajes, los cultivos abandonados constituyen hábitats de gran valor desde el punto de vista de la conservación y deberían ser manejados para garantizar que alcancen etapas sucesionales tardías. En cambio, en paisajes complejos, convendría dar prioridad a la conservación delos cultivos tradicionales. Además, las medidas de conservación aplicadas en los países mediterráneos deberían tener en cuenta la elevada tasa de recambio que sufren las comunidades a lo largo de las estaciones, especialmente si se consideran los futuros escenarios climáticos. La simplificación del paisaje mediante la pérdida de hábitats seminaturales tiene consecuencias negativas para la biodiversidad de artrópodos, incluso en paisajes agrícolas tradicionales con un parcelario pequeño y gran diversidad de cultivos. Nuestros resultados sugieren que mantener en el paisaje una alta cobertura de hábitats seminaturales y de cultivos manejados de forma tradicional podría tener efectossinérgicos para la conservación de los artrópodos (Capítulos 1-4)

    Cálculo de la línea piezométrica de una EDARU

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    El principal propósito del proyecto es el estudio y cálculo de la línea piezométrica de una estación depuradora de aguas residuales (EDARU). Una estación depuradora de aguas residuales tiene como meta transformar agua sucia en agua apta para el consumo, es decir, el reciclaje de agua usada procedente de los sistemas de alcantarillado, de vertidos industriales, de las viviendas de la población a la que sirve y de la misma lluvia. Después del tratamiento al que se somete el agua para dotarla de condiciones sanitarias y ambientales aptas, ésta se devuelve a los efluentes naturales con unas características compatibles con la sostenibilidad del ecosistema. Para lograr su objetivo, el agua pasa por diferentes procesos que consiguen eliminar las sustancias sólidas y liquidas que contiene. Para que el agua circule por toda la instalación de la manera que nosotros queremos, es necesario conseguir desplazar ese agua. Para ello dotamos a la estación depuradora de un sistema de impulsión por bombeo que envíe el agua desde el pozo de salida hasta la zona de vertido al efluente final. En este proyecto realizaremos los cálculos de dimensionamiento del bombeo en cabecera de planta y de recirculación de fangos. Además, una vez elegidas las bombas que se van a utilizar, calcularemos el consumo eléctrico, así como los componentes electrónicos que vamos a requerir para el control y el funcionamiento de los equipos de bombeo. Sin embargo, nos centraremos en el cálculo de la línea piezométrica, la cual se obtiene mediante la suma de las pérdidas de carga en los diferentes procesos, equipos y accesorios por los que pasa el agua a tratar y que forman la EDARU. La línea piezométrica será la referencia para la elección de las bombas.The main purpose of this project is the research and calculation of the hydraulic grade line of a urban wastewater plant. The goal of an urban wastewater plant is to transform dirty water into suitable for consumption water, that is to say, to recycle previously used water coming from the sewage system, industrial discharges, houses of towns and the water fron the rain. After the treatment water is subjected to provide sanitary and environmental suitable conditions, it is delivered to the natural effluents with compatible properties with the ecosystem sustainability. To reach its target, the water goes through different processes that manage to remove the solid and liquid substances that it contains. To make water flow throughout all the plant the way we want, it is necessary to displace it. To achieve that flow we need to provide the plant a pumping impulsion system which sends water from the output of pumping to the discharge out to the effluence. In this project we will make the dimensioning calculation of the pumping system in the head of the plant and the pumping system of recirculation of mud. Moreover, once we have chosen which pumps to use, we will also calculate the power consumption, as well as all the electronic components that will be required for the control and operation of the pumping equipment. However, we will focus the project on the calculation of the hydraulic grade line, obtained by adding all the load losses in the different processes, equipments and accessories where the water flows and that make up the wastewater plant. The hydraulic grade line will be important to choose the pump we will use.Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriale

    Gestión del talento humano y productividad laboral del personal médico de un hospital III de Lima, 2017

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general establecer la relación que existe entre la gestión del talento humano y la productividad laboral del personal médico de un hospital III de Lima, 2017. El método que se utilizó fue hipotético deductivo con un enfoque cuantitativo dentro del paradigma del positivismo fue de tipo sustantiva con un nivel descriptivo – correlacional , el diseño que se trabajo fue el no experimental de corte transversal con una población 260 médicos y la muestra estuvo conformada por 152 médicos de las diferentes especialidades de un hospital III de Lima, el muestreo que se realizo fue probabilístico estratificado, la técnica utilizada fue la encuesta y se aplicó dos cuestionarios para las variables de estudio los cuales pasaron por las dos propiedades básicas de todo instrumento de medición tener validez a través de los juicio de expertos y tener confiabilidad a través del alfa de Cronbanch por encontrarse en una escala de Likert. La investigación llegó a la siguiente conclusión general existe relación significativa la gestión del talento humano y la productividad laboral del personal médico de un hospital III de Lima, 2017; puesto que el nivel de significancia calculada es p < .05 y el coeficiente de correlación de Rho de Spearman tiene un valor de ,478

    Chitosan-based hydrogels obtained via photoinitiated click polymer IPN reaction

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    Chitosan (CTS) is a polysaccharide with a wide variety of applications in the biomedical field, owing to its outstanding disinfectant properties, biocompatibility and biodegradability, but with limited mechanical properties. The proposed strategy to improve CTS-based hydrogel properties in this study is the formation of a semi-interpenetrating polymer network (semi-IPN). In this way, a photo-initiated radical click reaction was proposed to obtain a synthetic polymer, whose components were included in a CTS solution, resulting in the semi-IPN network after UV illumination. Different crosslinking degrees (CD) and CTS/polymer ratios were evaluated through rheological characterization, along with an assessment of both variables based on an experimental model design, obtaining that, for every CTS/polymer ratio, intermediate values of CD (8 %) offered the best rheological properties. In addition, chemical and microstructural characterization were carried out for selected hydrogels, obtaining consistent results according to rheological characterization, as the 1/1 CTS/polymer ratio with CD 8 % hydrogel displayed the most homogeneous pore size and distribution, consequently leading to the best rheological performance.This study was financially supported by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/5 01100011033/FEDER, UE, through the project PID2021- 124294OB-C21. The authors gratefully acknowledge their financial support. This work was also possible thanks to the postdoctoral contract of Víctor M. Pérez Puyana from the ‘‘Contratación de Personal Investigador Doctor” supported by the European Social Fund and Junta de Andalucía (PAIDI DOCTOR – Convocatoria 2019–2020, DOC_00586)

    Giant aneurysmal bone cyst of the mandible with unusual presentation

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    Aneurysmal bone cysts are rare benign lesions of bone tissue, infrequent in craneofacial skeleton with regard to other structures like long bones or the spine. They are composed of sinusoidal and vascular spaces blood-filled and surrounded by fibrous tissue septa. We present a case of a 29-year-old Caucasian male with a big swelling in the left mandible associated to pain and rapid growth. He referred previous extraction of the left inferior third molar. On the X-ray study, an expansive multilocular and high vascularized bony lesion within the mandibular angle was observed. It produced expansion and destruction of lingual and buccal cortex. An incisional biopsy was performed showing a fibrous tissue with blood-filled spaces lesion suggestive of an aneurysmal bone cyst. After selective embolization of the tumour, surgical resection was done with curettage and immediate reconstruction of the defect with an anterior iliac crest graft. Aneurysmal bone cysts are non-neoplastic but locally aggressive tumours with occasional rapid growth that may be differenciated from other multilocular process like ameloblastoma, ossifying fibroma, epithelial cyst, giant cell granuloma and sarcomas. Treatment of choice consists on conservative surgical excision of the mass with curettage or enucleation. When resection creates a big defect, primary surgical reconstruction is recommended

    Recent stellar mass assembly of low-mass star-forming galaxies at redshifts 0.3 < z < 0.9

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    The epoch when low-mass star forming galaxies (LMSFGs) form the bulk of their stellar mass is uncertain. While some models predict an early formation, others favor a delayed scenario until later ages of the universe. We present constraints on the star formation histories (SFHs) of a sample of LMSFGs obtained through the analysis of their spectral energy distributions using a novel approach that (1) consistently combines photometric (broadband) and spectroscopic (equivalent widths of emission lines) data, and (2) uses physically motivated SFHs with non-uniform variations of the star formation rate (SFR) as a function of time. The sample includes 31 spectroscopically confirmed LMSFGs (7.3 < log M*/Msun < 8.0) at 0.3 < z_spec < 0.9 in the Extended-Chandra Deep Field-South field (E-CDF-S). Among them, 24 were selected with photometric stellar mass log M*/Msun < 8.0, 0.3 < z_phot < 1.0, and NB816 < 26 AB mag; the remaining 7 were selected as blue compact dwarfs (BCDs) within the same photometric redshift and magnitude ranges. We also study a secondary sample of 43 more massive spectroscopically confirmed galaxies (8.0 < log M*/Msun < 9.1), selected with the same criteria. The SFRs and stellar masses derived for both samples place our targets on the standard main sequence of star forming galaxies. The median SFH of LMSFGs at intermediate redshifts appears to form 90% of the median stellar mass inferred for the sample in the 0.5-1.8 Gyr immediately preceding the observation. These results suggest a recent stellar mass assembly for LMSFGs, consistent with the cosmological downsizing trends. We find similar median SFH timescales for the more massive secondary sample.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; ApJ, in pres

    Implementing a Gaze Tracking Algorithm for Improving Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

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    Car accidents are one of the top ten causes of death and are produced mainly by driver distractions. ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) can warn the driver of dangerous scenarios, improving road safety, and reducing the number of traffic accidents. However, having a system that is continuously sounding alarms can be overwhelming or confusing or both, and can be counterproductive. Using the driver&#34;s attention to build an efficient ADAS is the main contribution of this work. To obtain this &#39;attention value&#8221; the use of a Gaze tracking is proposed. Driver&#34;s gaze direction is a crucial factor in understanding fatal distractions, as well as discerning when it is necessary to warn the driver about risks on the road. In this paper, a real-time gaze tracking system is proposed as part of the development of an ADAS that obtains and communicates the driver&#34;s gaze information. The developed ADAS uses gaze information to determine if the drivers are looking to the road with their full attention. This work gives a step ahead in the ADAS based on the driver, building an ADAS that warns the driver only in case of distraction. The gaze tracking system was implemented as a model-based system using a Kinect v2.0 sensor and was adjusted on a set-up environment and tested on a suitable-features driving simulation environment. The average obtained results are promising, having hit ratios between 96.37% and 81.84%This work has been supported by the Spanish Government under projects TRA2016-78886-C3-1-R, PID2019-104793RB-C31, RTI2018-096036-B-C22, PEAVAUTO-CM-UC3M and by the Region of Madrid Excellence Program (EPUC3M17


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    Algumas espécies de animais, tais como peixes, são capazes de se manterem em grupo sem a necessidade de um líder para organiza-los e guia-los (OBOSHI et al, 2003). O modelo biológico de cardume conceituado por Huth e Wissel (1994) propõe que um grupo é capaz de se manter unido através de simples interações com seus indivíduos vizinhos. Fundamentado neste modelo, este trabalho teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento de um simulador de cardume hábil suficiente para reproduzir o comportamento deste grupo de animais. Sua modelagem matemática foi embasada em autômatos celulares de forma a garantir que este simulador seja capaz de aproveitar as vantagens dos autômatos celulares em simular com grande qualidade os fenômenos naturais e artificiais (SOUSA, 2002). Contudo a utilização de modelos em autômatos celulares demanda uma grande carga de processamento, o que é um problema, principalmente para dispositivos acessíveis via web. Em vista disto, a computação paralela pode ser uma boa solução desde quando não exija um grande custo adicional como a montagem de um cluster, por exemplo. O desenvolvido deste simulador visa torna-lo um modelo de computação paralela para sistemas de deslocamento espaço-temporal. Portanto a escolha do simulador de cardume esta associada a sua fácil compreensão e desenvolvimento. Neste trabalho o interesse reside em utilizar o poder de processamento das placas de vídeo, que têm um baixo custo se comparadas a um cluster de computadores

    Transposase interaction with the β sliding clamp: Effects on insertion sequence proliferation and transposition rate

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    Insertion sequences (ISs) are ubiquitous and abundant mobile genetic elements in prokaryotic genomes. ISs often encode only one protein, the transposase, which catalyzes their transposition. Recent studies have shown that transposases of many different IS families interact with the β sliding clamp, a DNA replication factor of the host. However, it was unclear to what extent this interaction limits or favors the ability of ISs to colonize a chromosome from a phylogenetically-distant organism, or if the strength of this interaction affects the transposition rate. Here we describe the proliferation of a member of the IS1634 family in Acidiphilium over ~600 generations of cultured growth. We demonstrate that the purified transposase binds to the β sliding clamp of Acidiphilium, Leptospirillum and E. coli. Further, we also demonstrate that the Acidiphilium IS1634 transposase binds to the archaeal sliding clamp (PCNA) from Methanosarcina, and that the transposase encoded by Methanosarcina IS1634 binds to Acidiphilium β. Finally, we demonstrate that increasing the strength of the interaction between β and transposase results in a higher transposition rate in vivo. Our results suggest that the interaction could determine the potential of ISs to be mobilized in bacterial populations and also their ability to proliferate within chromosomesThis work was funded by the Subdirección General de Proyectos de Investigación of the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness Grants No. CGL2010-17384 and AYA2011-24803, and by the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant No. 250350 (IPBSL). HDM has a FPI fellowship from the Spanish Governmen

    Modified penicillin acylase signal peptide allows the periplasmic production of soluble human interferon-γ but not of soluble human interleukin-2 by the Tat pathway in Escherichia coli

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    "Production of periplasmic human interferon-γ (hINF-γ) and human interleukin-2 (hIL-2) by the Tat translocation pathway in Escherichia coli BL21-SI was evaluated. The expression was obtained using the pEMR vector which contains the Tat-dependent modified penicillin acylase signal peptide (mSPpac) driven by the T7 promoter. The mSPpac-hINF-γ was processed and the protein was transported to periplasm. Up to 30.1% of hINF-γ was found in the periplasmic soluble fraction, whereas only 15% of the mSPpac-hIL-2 was processed, but hIL-2 was not found in the periplasmic soluble fraction.