4,120 research outputs found

    Cryptocurrencies: a theorical and financial analysis.

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    Treball Final de Grau en Finances i Comptabilitat. Codi: FC1049. Curs acadèmic: 2018/2019Cryptocurrencies represent an alternative and modern pay mode, through new technologies. Although cryptocurrencies were used before the Great Recession of 2008, this fact achieved the development and international boom of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin. The objective of this paper is to analyze cryptocurrencies, on one hand from a theoretical view (explaining history, functioning, legislation and economic effects), and on the other hand from a practical view, showing the price index between the main cryptocurrencies and other currencies, with the objective of showing the effect of cryptocurrencies, trying to find out if they suppose an investment and an alternative payment, or cryptocurrencies, or they are just unstable and at risk of become an economic "bubble". Finally, in the conclusion of this paper the potential that cryptocurrencies could have in the future will be explained

    Fretting-Fatigue Analysis of Shot-Peened Al 7075-T651 Test Specimens

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    Shot peening is a mechanical treatment that induces several changes in the material: surface roughness, increased hardness close to the surface, and, the most important, compressive residual stresses. This paper analyzes the effect of this treatment on alloy Al 7075-T651 in the case of fretting fatigue with cylindrical contact through the results of 114 fretting fatigue tests. There are three independent loads applied in this type of test: a constant normal load N, pressing the contact pad against the specimen; a cyclic bulk stress σ in the specimen; and a cyclic tangential load Q through the contact. Four specimens at each of 23 different combinations of these three parameters were tested—two specimens without any treatment and two treated with shot peening. The fatigue lives, contact surface, fracture surface, and residual stresses and hardness were studied. Improvement in fatigue life ranged from 3 to 22, depending on fatigue life. The relaxation of residual-stress distribution related to the number of applied cycles was also measured. Finally, another group of specimens treated with shot peening was polished and tested, obtaining similar lives as in the tests with specimens that were shot-peened but not polished.Junta de Andalucía P12-TEP-263

    Radiological protection in the Spanish nuclear industry under Franco, 1939-1975

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    Este trabajo es una reelaboración del capítulo de la memoria de doctorado de Sánchez Vázquez, 2010, p.189-215, dedicado a la protección radiológica.En los debates sobre la controversia nuclear pocas veces se presenta en primera plana la cuestión de la seguridad laboral en las instalaciones radiactivas. Históricamente se ha priorizado la atención a los potenciales daños a la población general frente a la propia seguridad de los trabajadores empleados en instalaciones de riesgo. Con objeto de cubrir parcialmente ese vacío historiográfico, este trabajo pretende llevar a cabo un acercamiento al desarrollo de la protección radiológica laboral en España durante la dictadura del general Franco (1939-1975). Para ello repasaremos el surgimiento de las medidas de protección radiológica en el ámbito internacional y el posterior desarrollo legislativo en el caso español, proceso que fue paralelo al crecimiento del programa nuclear nacional. Para finalizar, exploraremos las principales evidencias del impacto de las radiaciones ionizantes sobre la población laboral españolaIn debates about nuclear controversy, the issue of occupational safety in radioactive facilities is rarely foregrounded; it has historically been relegated to second place compared to the attention given to potential harm to the general population. Aiming for, al least, partially filling this historiographical gap, this article deals with the development of occupational radiological protection in Spain under the dictatorship of General Franco (1939-1975). It covers the rise of radiological protection measures on an international level and the subsequent development of legislation in the case of Spain, a process that paralleled the growth of the nation’s nuclear program. Finally, it explores the main evidence of the impact of ionizing radiation on Spain’s working population

    The Pentacyclic Triterpenes , -amyrins: A Review of Sources and Biological Activities

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    Pentacyclic triterpenes are ubiquitously distributed throughout the plant kingdom, in a free form as aglycones or in combined forms, and have long been known to have a number of biological effects. The compounds alpha-amyrin and beta-amyrin are commonly found in medicinal plants and oleo-resin obtained by bark incision of several species of Bursera or Protium of the Burseraceae family. Both in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that beta- amyrin also has important biological functions. In light of the considerable interest recently generated in the chemistry and pharmacological properties of amyrins and their analogs, we have undertaken this review in an effort to summarize the available literature on these promising bioactive natural products. The review will detail the recent studies on the chemistry and bioactivity of alpha, beta-amyrins, which is presented in the following sections: the isolation and distribution of alpha-amyrin and beta-amyrin, giving a brief introduction to amyrins as natural products and the methods used in their isolation; the biological activities of amyrins, examining the biological properties associated with these compounds with a focus on their potential chemotherapeutic applications

    Aplication of remote senging techniques to the study of internal waves in the strait of Gibraltar

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    The generation and propagation of internal waves is one of the most interesting oceanographic processes in the Strait of Gibraltar. In this paper, radar (ASAR) and ocean colour images (MODIS y MERIS) have been used in order to characterize this phenomenon. The processing of instantaneous colour images has allowed the analysis of the relationship between physical processes of the internal waves and the biological implications. During internal waves generation, MODIS and MERIS images show a chlorophyll maximum structures in the coastal areas of Camarinal Sill. When these waves are located in Alborán Sea, the colour images illustrate the presence of chlorophyll maximum associated to the waves front. The results seem to indicate that a suction of coastal water take place during the internal waves generation and this rich chlorophyll water entry in Alborán Sea travelling joint to the internal waves.Peer Reviewe

    Condrosarcoma metatarsiano: aportación de un caso

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    Se presenta un caso de condrosarcoma de bajo grado de malignidad, de localización y evolución inusual. Se revisa la literatura y los criterios disponibles en la actualidad para el diagnóstico de estas lesiones controvertidas tanto histológica como clínicamente.We report a low grade chondrosarcoma with atypical behaviour and localitation. The main histologic features in the diagnosis of these controversial lesion are discussed

    El cooperativisimo vitivinícola en España. Un estudio exploratorio en la denominación de origen de Alicante

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    El cooperativismo vitivinícola es una importante realidad en España. En este trabajo se efectúa una caracterización del cooperativismo vitivinícola en nuestro país con especial interés en una zona geográfica determinada, la correspondiente a la Denominación de Origen (D.O.) Alicante, donde se realiza un estudio exploratorio a nivel de significación y representatividad de las bodegas cooperativas frente al total de empresas vitivinícolas (S.A., S.L. y empresas particulares) en las principales magnitudes de producción y comercialización. Por otra parte se presenta un estudio empírico, centrado en un análisis bivariante basado en una encuesta realizada a las bodegas de la D.O. Alicante durante el periodo de marzo a junio de 2007, con la finalidad de conocer el sector desde la perspectiva de la oferta.The wine growing cooperativism is an important fact in Spain. In this study a portrayal of cooperativism in own country, with special interest in a concrete geographic area, the one referred to the Origin Denomination of Alicante where a exploratory study in a level of signification and representativeness in the cooperative wine cellars in opposition to the wine growing companies (S.A. and S.L. and private companies) in the main magnitudes of production and marketing. On the other hand, an empiric study is presented, focused on a bivariant analysis based on a survey carried out in the wine cellars of the Origin Denomination of Alicante for a period from March to June of 2007, with the aim of knowing the sector from an offer perspective.Le cooperativisme vinicole est une réalité importante en Espagne. À ce travail on effectue une caractérisation du cooperativisme vinicole dans notre pays avec un intérêt spécial dans une zone géographique déterminée, la correspondante à la Dénomination d'Origine (D.O.) Alicante, où une étude exploratoire est réalisée à un niveau de signification et à une représentativité des caves coopératives en face du total entreprises vinicoles (S.A., S.L. et des entreprises particulières) dans la grandeur principale de production et de commercialisation. D'autre part une bivariante présente une étude empirique, pointée sur une analyse basée sur une enquête réalisée aux caves de la D.O. Alicante pendant la période du mars à un juin 2007, dans le but de connaître le secteur depuis la perspective de l'offre

    On-board autonomous conflict detection for UAS platforms

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    En aquest treball volem crear un algorisme de deteccio de conflictes entre aeronaus, mes especificament per un avio no tripulat (UAV). Per aixo abans de tot necessitem saber i coneixer tot referent als missatges ADS-B, els missatges pels quals es comuniquen les dades del avio al centre de control aeri. En segon lloc fem un breu estudi sobre els algorismes ja existents tan per deteccio de conflictes com per a resolucio de conflictes. Un cop acabada la investigacio previa, harem de investigar una mica sobre els software que farem servir com es el cas del programa eDEP de simulacio de trafic aeri i el programa C# per la implementacio del nostre algorisme. A continuacio ja tenim dades suficients com per poder crear el nostre algorisme de deteccio que un cop acabat podrem evaluar els resultats amb satisfaccio

    L’infant a Roma, Baetulo i el Museu de Badalona

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Pedagogia, Facultat d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs:2015-2016 ,Tutor: Núria Obiols SuariEl següent projecte girarà entorn la construcció d’una proposta pedagògica tal com l’elaboració d’un paquet d’activitats que miraran de complimentar la funció formativa del Museu de Badalona i què anirà dirigida a escoles. Concretament, aquesta proposta s’ha dut a terme per a infants de deu i onze anys d’edat i la temàtica principal d’aquesta serà la vida l’infant a l’antiga Roma. En aquest punt, ens hem centrat en aspectes diversos com: la vida del mateix nen o nena, el context en què n’era partícip, com era l’educació que rebia o els jocs i joguines amb els quals jugava i gaudia del seu temps lliure. Tot aquest projecte s’ha vist emmarcat dins els esquemes del mateix museu de Badalona el qual té com a temàtica principal (degut al passat de la ciutat de Baetulo i el gran nombre de jaciments trobats) el dia a dia dels romans.The next project will focus on building an educational approach as drawing up a package of activities that will look to fill the educational function of the Museum of Badalona and which will target schools. Specifically, this proposal has been carried out by children of ten and eleven years old and this is the main theme of the child's own life in ancient Rome. At this point, we have focused on several aspects such as the life of this child, the context in which he was a participant, as was the education received or games and toys with which he played and enjoyed their time free. Although this project has been framed within schemes Badalona museum which has as main theme (due to past city Baetulo and the large number of sites found) the daily life of the Romans