15 research outputs found

    Small Scale Ecology and Society: Forest-Culture of Papua Nutmeg (Myristica argentea Warb.)

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    Identities and entities can be found in the cultural and ecological environment of a community when its members interact with each other. The Papua nutmeg (Myristica argentea Warb.) has been utilized by the Baham-Matta ethnic in the western part of Papua for centuries as part of their traditional ecological knowledge of nontimber forest products (NTFPs). However, this practice has not been scientifically constructed as part of social forestry science. Therefore, this paper seeks to contribute to an empirical understanding of the forest-culture of the local community and its implications for adaptive forest governance in West Papua. This study found that adaptive resource management has been applied to the Papua nutmeg, which is called henggi in Iha language and endemic to the tropical forest of the western part of Papua. The treatment of Papua nutmeg consists of three stages, namely pre-harvest, harvest, and post-harvest, all of which form a holistic unity which is sustainable until today. The Papuan nutmeg is traditionally managed and locally conserved using a traditional method known as the sasi system.Ekologi dan Masyarakat Skala Lokal : Hutan Budidaya Pala Papua (Myristica argentea Warb.)IntisariIdentitas dan entitas dapat ditemukan pada lingkungan budaya dan ekologi masyarakat saat mereka berinteraksi. Pala papua (Myristica argentea Warb.) telah dimanfaatakan selama berabadabad oleh etnis Baham-Matta di Papua Barat berdasarkan sistem pengetahuan ekologis tradisional sebagai bagian dari hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK) unggulan. Namun disayangkan fenomena ini belum dikonstruksi secara ilmiah sebagai bagian dari ilmu perhutanan sosial. Oleh karena itu makalah ini berusaha memberi kontribusi pada pemahaman empiris tentang hutan-budaya dari praktik masyarakat lokal dan implikasinya terhadap tata kelola hutan adaptif di Papua Barat. Hasil kajian ini menemukan bahwa pengelolaan sumber daya adaptif pala papua yang disebut Henggi dalam bahasa Iha adalah tumbuhan endemik yang berasal dari hutan alam tropis di Papua Barat. Pemanfaatan pala papua terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu pra panen, panen dan pasca panen. Pengelolaaannya masih sangat sederhana dan bersifat tradisional dengan salah satu keunggulannya adalah konservasi tradisional menggunakan sistem “Sasi”.

    Persepsi Masyarakat Lokal Terhadap Pengembangan Hutan Mangrove Sebagai Kawasan Ekowisata Di Kampung Ruar Distrik Biak Timur Kabupaten Biak Numfor

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    The mangrove forest area of Kampung Ruar, East Biak District, is an area that has traditionally been a place for fishing and lime-making efforts by the community who have been hereditary. This condition raises questions from various parties whether this location is suitable to be developed as a mangrove ecotourism destination. Development of Mangrove Ecotourism by the Papua Provincial Forestry Service as a tourist attraction by utilizing local natural potential and supporting tourism policies in Biak Numfor Regency. This study aims to see the socio-cultural conditions of local communities in the Mangrove Forest Area of Kampung Ruar, Biak Timur District, Biak Numfor Regency as an ecotourism area and to assess the local community's perceptions of the development of ecotourism areas in providing benefits to the community both economically and socio-culture in Kampung Ruar Distik Biak Regency. Timur Biak. The study hasli revealed that the perception of local communities about ecotourism (60%), community knowledge about resources (70%) and understanding of community knowledge about forest damage and aspects of forest protection are very good (67), most (49%) people who understand that the potential for ecotourism development has future prospects. The four alternative strategies for mangrove ecotourism in Kampung Ruar, Biak Timur District, Biak Numfor District in Kampung Ruar are as follows: (a) Development of a Tour Package between Mangrove Ecotourism and TBTA Biak; (b) Increase Knowledge and Community Empowerment; (c) Mangrove Rehabilitation and Community Empowerment; and (d) Mentoring and involvement of local communities in management

    HABITAT KELELAWAR BUAH (Dobsonia minor) DI HUTAN TROPIS DATARAN RENDAH NUNI PANTAI UTARA MANOKWARI (Habitat of Fruit Bats (Dobsonia minor) in Nuni Tropical Lowland Forest of Northern Area in Manokwari)

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    This research has been done in a cave ecosystem at Nuni tropical lowland forest in the northern coastal area of Manokwari, from 21 - 25 May 2005. A descriptive method with the observation technique has been used. The research's stages are; preliminary survey outside the cave's ecosystem to get an easy and proper observation plant for the surronding vegetation. While a survey inside the cave (interior survey) aims to describe the climatic condition, cave's shape and other ecological aspects. The result indicates that this cave ecosystem is located in the northern coastal area of Manokwari or exactly at the coordinate 00º46,778 South lattitude and 133º55.928 East langitude, at the altitude of 210 metre above sea level. The fruit bats in the Lowland forest of Nuni use this cave as roosting site during the day. The length of this cave is around 800 metre in the form of a tunnel, the height is 8 metre and the floor consist of sharp pointed rocks. The microclimate within the cave has an average temperature of 30º C, the relative humidity 81 % while the condition outside the cave; the average temperature is 29.3º C and relative humidity is 82 %. The total plant species found arround the bat's cave is 36 species from 27 families, the distribution based on their life stages are; seedlings 22 species, sapplings 15 species, poles 14 species and trees 12 species. The amount of the vegetation, ecologically support significantly the development and existence of these fruit bats.Keyword: Tropical Forest of Nuni, Dobsonia mino

    PENGELOLAAN ADAPTIF PEMANFAATAN BUAH HITAM (Haplolobus monticola Blumea) ETNIS WANDAMEN-PAPUA (Adaptive Management Utilization of Black Fruit (Haplolobus monticola Blumea) Ethnic Wandamen-Papua)

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    ABSTRAKKajian ekologi budaya bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik lingkungan ekologi dan sosial-budaya masyarakat adat etnis Wandamen-Papua dalam mengkonstruksi pengelolaan sumberdaya alam adaptif untuk pemanfaatan buah hitam (Haplolobus monticola Blumea) sebagai salah satu dasar pertimbangan penting bagi penyusunan kebijakan pengelolaan hutan berkelanjutan di Papua. Pengelolaan sumberdaya alam adaptif buah hitam dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik sosial budaya etnis Wandamen yang memiliki pola kepemilikan dan penguasaan sumber daya alam (SDA) meliputi: tanah, perairan, dan hutan. Masing-masing dalam lingkungan wilayah adatnya yang bersifat komunal, dibentuk dari pola kekerabatan dengan tipe Iroquois dan diwariskan melalui sistem patrilineal. Struktur sosial etnis Wandamen-Papua bersifat askriptif dalam kemajemukan sosial-budaya (banyak sub-etnis), namun dalam perkembangnnya hanya sub-etnis Wamesa yang memiliki kearifan lokal tentang pemanfaatan tumbuhan buah hitam yang dijumpai pada tipologi habitat ekologi, meliputi: hutan alam, hutan sekunder, dan kebun-pekarangan. Konstruksi etnoekologi pemanfaatan SDA buah hitam bagi etnis Wandamen memiliki enam wujud, yaitu sebagai sumberdaya lokal, pengetahuan lokal, nilai lokal, teknologi lokal, mekanisme pengembilan keputusan lokal, serta solidaritas kelompok lokal. ABSTRACTStudy of cultural ecology aimed to describe the characteristics of the ecological factors and socio-culture of indigenous ethnic of Wandamen-Papua in constructing the adaptive management of natural resources for the use of black fruit (Haplolobus monticola Blumea) that is necessary for policy-making of the sustainable forest management in Papua. Adaptive management of natural resource of black fruits depend mainly on the characteristics of social culture of Wandamen ethnic. The management have a pattern of ownership and control of Natural Resources (NR) i.e.: soil, water, and forests. They are the customary territory on the community that are from the pattern of kinship with the type of Iroquois and passed through the patrilineal system. Social structure of Wandamen-Papua ethnic is ascriptive in the plurality of socio-cultural (micro sub-ethnic). However, only sub-ethnic Wamesa patterns have local knowledge regarding the use of plants black fruits found on the typology of habitat ecology such as natural forest, secondary forest and home garden. The construction of ethno ecology utilization of black fruit as natural resource by Wandamen ethnic can be described in six types namely local resource, local knowledge, local value, local technology, procedure to make decision and solidarity of local community

    Customary Forests in West Papua: Contestation of Desires or Needs?

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    The challenge of integrating ecological, economic and social aspects of forest management is still a critical issue among stakeholders who agree on community-based forestry and the rights of indigenous peoples. In West Papua, the contrast of abundant natural resources with serious social inequalities and structured poverty is a continuing challenge for implementing a social forestry program. The process of establishing customary territories in West Papua is an important milestone in recognising its community entities. Is this scheme definitively able to answer the interests of access and management of indigenous peoples? This can help in achieving the sacred goal of protecting 70% of the forest area. This paper examines the dynamics of forest management in West Papua by the parties in customary forests. The low area designated for customary territories in West Papua, which has only reached 2,554.2 hectares, and the absence of a decree on the existence of customary forests is a form of injustice to the interests of local communities. The social forestry acceleration program intended to end the uncertainty surrounding customary forests is still in process. The roles of both on-site and off-site parties have not been optimal in realising customary forests in West Papua due to the complex and incomplete translation process at the site level. The results of the review show that interest is still focused on achieving an indicative-annual figure, which is still dominated by the village forest scheme. Hopefully, this year's acceleration of customary forests will become a milestone in West Papua, based on mutual need and desire

    Satwa Liar di Hutan Ndaer, Kampung Ayapokiar, Miyah Kabupaten Tambrauw, Papua Barat

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    Hutan Ndaer yang terletak di Kabupaten Tambrauw memiliki potensi berbagai spesies satwa liar yang unik dan menjadi daya tarik wisata tetapi juga pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi satwa liar yang berada di Hutan Ndaer dan analisis status konservasi berdasarkan P.106.Tahun 2018, IUCN dan CITES 2022, untuk menunjang upaya pelestarian dan larangan perdagangan satwa liar illegal, juga sebagai media edukasi bagi masyarakat lokal dan berbagai pihak untuk kepentingan pelestarian satwa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, eksplorasi, dan studi pustaka yang relevan. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan ditemukan satwa liar yang terdiri dari avifauna (29 spesies), mamal (6 spesies), amfibi (4 spesies) dan reptil (1 spesies). Status perlindungan berdasarkan PERMENLHK.No. 106/2018 terdapat 22% satwa liar dilindungi (D) dan 21% tidak dilindungi (TD). Merujuk pada daftar merah redlist IUCN 2022 terdapat 37% satwa liar dengan resiko terancam rendah (LC), 3% satwa liar sedang menghadapi resiko tinggi kepunahan (VU), 1% beresiko tinggi menuju kepunahan (CR). Seseuai dengan CITES 2022 terdapat 15% satwa liar yang terancam punah apabila perdagangan dibiarkan berlanjut dan 1% dilarang diperdagangkan di Tingkat Internasional

    Ethnobotany and conservation applications in the Noken making by the Sougb Tribe of West Papua, Indonesia

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    Documenting local ecological knowledge is critical for understanding complex ecological-cultural interactions to protect indigenous community entities. Woven baskets known as Noken have been part of Papuan indigenous culture for centuries, yet ethnobotanical aspects of Noken making remain poorly understood. Hence, this study describes Noken-making from an ethnobotanical perspective. We acquired ethnoecological knowledge by interviewing respondents who were actively involved in the production of Noken. The results revealed that the Sougb Tribe (from South Manokwari District, West Papua, Indonesia) utilized pineapple as a primary material for weaving and other natural materials as dyes, with this process undertaken mainly by women. We also document the Sougb Tribe's adaptation and continuous interaction with their dynamic environment that has evolved during Noken's making. Moreover, the recommendation to conserve Noken preserves biocultural diversity and habitats for key plant species. Since Noken has played an essential part in shaping the Sougb Tribe's cultural identity, conserving the use of Noken will aid in preserving the habitats of plants used as materials for Noken. In the future, the provincial government should assist habitat biocultural conservation by granting tribes customary forest status to facilitate plant habitat protection in line with the sustainable development agenda of West Papua Province


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    Black fruit (Haplolobus sp.) is a local fruit that has been part of the Wondama people's tradition from Papua, Indonesia. This fruit is used as sago preservative from generation to generation. In order to increase the usability of black fruit, scientific exploration of this fruit's potential is necessary through proximate analysis, mineral composition, phytochemical analysis, and antibacterial activity testing of the part of this fruit, which in this study was the fruit peel. Proximate and mineral content was analyzed by AOAC methods, the extraction was carried out by maceration, and phytochemical screening was carried out by several testing using phytochemical screening reagents. Whereas the antibacterial assay was carried out by agar disc diffusion assay. The results show that black fruit peel contains high levels of nutrients in dry bases, namely carbohydrates (50.54±0.06%), fat (30.91±0.05%), protein (8.45±0.03%), vitamin C (238.37±1.52 mg/100 g), crude fiber 11.43±0.03%, and ash 4.23±0.01. Minerals content in black fruit from the largest to the smallest levels of K (120.74±2.34 mg/100 g), Ca (19.14±0.95 mg/100 g), Mg (15.47±1.13 mg/100 g), Na (13.13± 0.30 mg/100 g), Fe (3.33±0.31 mg/100 g), Zn (1.61±0.05 mg/100 g), and Cu (1.47±0.03 mg/100 g). Phytochemical analysis reveals that black fruit peel extract contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols, triterpenoids, and steroids. The antibacterial activity of the extracts of black fruit peel is more active against Staphylococcus aureus than Escherichia coli. The maximum inhibition zone (9.05 mm) is found at methanol extract at a concentration of 30% toward S. aureus. protein (8.45±0.03%), vitamin C (238.37±1.52 mg/100 g), crude fiber 11.43±0.03%, and ash 4.23±0.01. Minerals content in black fruit from the largest to the smallest levels of K (120.74±2.34 mg/100 g), Ca (19.14±0.95 mg/100 g), Mg (15.47±1.13 mg/100 g), Na (13.13± 0.30 mg/100 g), Fe (3.33±0.31 mg/100 g), Zn (1.61±0.05 mg/100 g), and Cu (1.47±0.03 mg/100 g). Phytochemical analysis reveals that black fruit peel extract contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols, triterpenoids, and steroids. The antibacterial activity of the extracts of black fruit peel is more active against Staphylococcus aureus than Escherichia coli. The maximum inhibition zone (9.05 mm) is found at methanol extract at a concentration of 30% toward S. aureus. protein (8.45±0.03%), vitamin C (238.37±1.52 mg/100 g), crude fiber 11.43±0.03%, and ash 4.23±0.01. Minerals content in black fruit from the largest to the smallest levels of K (120.74±2.34 mg/100 g), Ca (19.14±0.95 mg/100 g), Mg (15.47±1.13 mg/100 g), Na (13.13± 0.30 mg/100 g), Fe (3.33±0.31 mg/100 g), Zn (1.61±0.05 mg/100 g), and Cu (1.47±0.03 mg/100 g). Phytochemical analysis reveals that black fruit peel extract contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols, triterpenoids, and steroids. The antibacterial activity of the extracts of black fruit peel is more active against Staphylococcus aureus than Escherichia coli. The maximum inhibition zone (9.05 mm) is found at methanol extract at a concentration of 30% toward S. aureus. Minerals content in black fruit from the largest to the smallest levels of K (120.74±2.34 mg/100 g), Ca (19.14±0.95 mg/100 g), Mg (15.47±1.13 mg/100 g), Na (13.13± 0.30 mg/100 g), Fe (3.33±0.31 mg/100 g), Zn (1.61±0.05 mg/100 g), and Cu (1.47±0.03 mg/100 g). Phytochemical analysis reveals that black fruit peel extract contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols, triterpenoids, and steroids. The antibacterial activity of the extracts of black fruit peel is more active against Staphylococcus aureus than Escherichia coli. The maximum inhibition zone (9.05 mm) is found at methanol extract at a concentration of 30% toward S. aureus. Minerals content in black fruit from the largest to the smallest levels of K (120.74±2.34 mg/100 g), Ca (19.14±0.95 mg/100 g), Mg (15.47±1.13 mg/100 g), Na (13.13± 0.30 mg/100 g), Fe (3.33±0.31 mg/100 g), Zn (1.61±0.05 mg/100 g), and Cu (1.47±0.03 mg/100 g). Phytochemical analysis reveals that black fruit peel extract contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols, triterpenoids, and steroids. The antibacterial activity of the extracts of black fruit peel is more active against Staphylococcus aureus than Escherichia coli. The maximum inhibition zone (9.05 mm) is found at methanol extract at a concentration of 30% toward S. aureus. 47±0.03 mg/100 g). Phytochemical analysis reveals that black fruit peel extract contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols, triterpenoids, and steroids. The antibacterial activity of the extracts of black fruit peel is more active against Staphylococcus aureus than Escherichia coli. The maximum inhibition zone (9.05 mm) is found at methanol extract at a concentration of 30% toward S. aureus. 47±0.03 mg/100 g). Phytochemical analysis reveals that black fruit peel extract contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols, triterpenoids, and steroids. The antibacterial activity of the extracts of black fruit peel is more active against Staphylococcus aureus than Escherichia coli. The maximum inhibition zone (9.05 mm) is found at methanol extract at a concentration of 30% toward S. aureus

    Tipologi Pemanfaatan dan Pengelolaan Jenis Bambu di Distrik Rasiei Kabupaten Teluk Wondama

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    Salah satu hasil hutan bukan kayu adalah jenis bambu yang memiliki manfaat nilai ekonomi dan ekologi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis bambu, pola pemanfaatan dan model atau system pengelolaan bambu oleh masyarakat lokas di Distrik Rasiei sebagai produk unggulan yang dikembangkan di Kabupaten Teluk Wondama. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik survei dan wawancara. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat 9 jenis bambu. Bentuk pemanfaatan jenis bambu adalah sebagai bahan makanan, konstruksi, kerajinan, alat berburu, alat kesenian, dan perabot rumah tangga. Hasil analisis pengelolaan bambu digunakan analisis SWOT yang pengelolaannya meliputi luas wilayah potensi bambu, desain produk, ijin usaha pengelolaan, modal usaha, sumberdaya manusia dan sarana prasarana