440 research outputs found

    The public health benefits of insulation retrofits in existing housing in the United States

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    BACKGROUND: Methodological limitations make it difficult to quantify the public health benefits of energy efficiency programs. To address this issue, we developed a risk-based model to estimate the health benefits associated with marginal energy usage reductions and applied the model to a hypothetical case study of insulation retrofits in single-family homes in the United States. METHODS: We modeled energy savings with a regression model that extrapolated findings from an energy simulation program. Reductions of fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)) emissions and particle precursors (SO(2 )and NOx) were quantified using fuel-specific emission factors and marginal electricity analyses. Estimates of population exposure per unit emissions, varying by location and source type, were extrapolated from past dispersion model runs. Concentration-response functions for morbidity and mortality from PM(2.5 )were derived from the epidemiological literature, and economic values were assigned to health outcomes based on willingness to pay studies. RESULTS: In total, the insulation retrofits would save 800 TBTU (8 × 10(14 )British Thermal Units) per year across 46 million homes, resulting in 3,100 fewer tons of PM(2.5), 100,000 fewer tons of NOx, and 190,000 fewer tons of SO(2 )per year. These emission reductions are associated with outcomes including 240 fewer deaths, 6,500 fewer asthma attacks, and 110,000 fewer restricted activity days per year. At a state level, the health benefits per unit energy savings vary by an order of magnitude, illustrating that multiple factors (including population patterns and energy sources) influence health benefit estimates. The health benefits correspond to 1.3billionperyearinexternalitiesaverted,comparedwith1.3 billion per year in externalities averted, compared with 5.9 billion per year in economic savings. CONCLUSION: In spite of significant uncertainties related to the interpretation of PM(2.5 )health effects and other dimensions of the model, our analysis demonstrates that a risk-based methodology is viable for national-level energy efficiency programs

    Region prioritization for the development carbon capture and utilization technologies

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    In recent years several strategies have been developed and adopted to reduce the levels of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions emitted to the atmosphere. The adoption of Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) technologies may contribute towards carbon sequestration as well as to the creation of high value products. This study presents a methodology to assess the potential of CO2utilization across Europe, and to identify the European regions with the greater potential to deploy nine selected carbon dioxide utilization technologies. The results show that Germany, UK and France at the first level followed by Spain, Italy and Poland are the countries where the larger quantities of available CO2 could be found but also where the majority of the potential receiving processes are located, and therefore with the greatest potential for CO2 utilization. The study has also revealed several specific regions where reuse schemes based on CO2 could be developed both in Central Europe (Dusseldorf and Cologne – Germany, Antwerp Province and East Flanders –Belgium and Śląskie – Poland) and in Scandinavia (Etelä-Suomi and Helsinki-Uusimaa –Finland). Finally, among all the selected technologies, concrete curing and horticulture production are the technologies with the higher potential for CO2 utilization in Europe

    The STRIPES Trial - Support to Rural India's Public Education System

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    Background Performance of primary school students in India lags far below government expectations, and major disparity exists between rural and urban areas. The Naandi Foundation has designed and implemented a programme using community members to deliver after-school academic support for children in over 1,100 schools in five Indian states. Assessments to date suggest that it might have a substantial effect. This trial aims to evaluate the impact of this programme in villages of rural Andhra Pradesh and will compare test scores for children in three arms: a control and two intervention arms. In both intervention arms additional after-school instruction and learning materials will be offered to all eligible children and in one arm girls will also receive an additional 'kit' with a uniform and clothes. Methods/Design The trial is a cluster-randomised controlled trial conducted in conjunction with the CHAMPION trial. In the CHAMPION trial 464 villages were randomised so that half receive health interventions aiming to reduce neonatal mortality. STRIPES will be introduced in those CHAMPION villages which have a public primary school attended by at least 15 students at the time of a baseline test in 2008. 214 villages of the 464 were found to fulfil above criteria, 107 belonging to the control and 107 to the intervention arm of the CHAMPION trial. These latter 107 villages will serve as control villages in the STRIPES trial. A further randomisation will be carried out within the 107 STRIPES intervention villages allocating half to receive an additional kit for girls on the top of the instruction and learning materials. The primary outcome of the trial is a composite maths and language test score. Discussion The study is designed to measure (i) whether the educational intervention affects the exam score of children compared to the control arm, (ii) if the exam scores of girls who receive the additional kit are different from those of girls living in the other STRIPES intervention arm. One of the goals of the STRIPES trial is to provide benefit to the controls of the CHAMPION trial. We will also conduct a cost-benefit analysis in which we calculate the programme cost for 0.1 standard deviation improvement for both intervention arms

    Zircon ages in granulite facies rocks: decoupling from geochemistry above 850 °C?

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    Granulite facies rocks frequently show a large spread in their zircon ages, the interpretation of which raises questions: Has the isotopic system been disturbed? By what process(es) and conditions did the alteration occur? Can the dates be regarded as real ages, reflecting several growth episodes? Furthermore, under some circumstances of (ultra-)high-temperature metamorphism, decoupling of zircon U–Pb dates from their trace element geochemistry has been reported. Understanding these processes is crucial to help interpret such dates in the context of the P–T history. Our study presents evidence for decoupling in zircon from the highest grade metapelites (> 850 °C) taken along a continuous high-temperature metamorphic field gradient in the Ivrea Zone (NW Italy). These rocks represent a well-characterised segment of Permian lower continental crust with a protracted high-temperature history. Cathodoluminescence images reveal that zircons in the mid-amphibolite facies preserve mainly detrital cores with narrow overgrowths. In the upper amphibolite and granulite facies, preserved detrital cores decrease and metamorphic zircon increases in quantity. Across all samples we document a sequence of four rim generations based on textures. U–Pb dates, Th/U ratios and Ti-in-zircon concentrations show an essentially continuous evolution with increasing metamorphic grade, except in the samples from the granulite facies, which display significant scatter in age and chemistry. We associate the observed decoupling of zircon systematics in high-grade non-metamict zircon with disturbance processes related to differences in behaviour of non-formula elements (i.e. Pb, Th, U, Ti) at high-temperature conditions, notably differences in compatibility within the crystal structure

    Sustainability assessment of electrokinetic bioremediation compared with alternative remediation options for a petroleum release site

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    Sustainable management practices can be applied to the remediation of contaminated land to maximise the economic, environmental and social benefits of the process. The Sustainable Remediation Forum UK (SuRF-UK) have developed a framework to support the implementation of sustainable practices within contaminated land management and decision making. This study applies the framework, including qualitative (Tier 1) and semi-quantitative (Tier 2) sustainability assessments, to a complex site where the principal contaminant source is unleaded gasoline, giving rise to a dissolved phase BTEX and MTBE plume. The pathway is groundwater migration through a chalk aquifer and the receptor is a water supply borehole. A hydraulic containment system (HCS) has been installed to manage the MTBE plume migration. The options considered to remediate the MTBE source include monitored natural attenuation (MNA), air sparging/soil vapour extraction (AS/SVE), pump and treat (PT) and electrokinetic-enhanced bioremediation (EK-BIO). A sustainability indictor set from the SuRF-UK framework, including priority indicator categories selected during a stakeholder engagement workshop, was used to frame the assessments. At Tier 1 the options are ranked based on qualitative supporting information, whereas in Tier 2 a multi-criteria analysis is applied. Furthermore, the multi-criteria analysis was refined for scenarios where photovoltaics (PVs) are included and amendments are excluded from the EK-BIO option. Overall, the analysis identified AS/SVE and EK-BIO as more sustainable remediation options at this site than either PT or MNA. The wider implications of this study include: (1) an appraisal of the management decision from each Tier of the assessment with the aim to highlight areas for time and cost savings for similar assessments in the future; (2) the observation that EK-BIO performed well against key indicator categories compared to the other intensive treatments; and (3) introducing methods to improve the sustainability of the EK-BIO treatment design (such as PVs) did not have a significant effect in this instance

    The Prevalence of Chronic Diseases among Migrants in Korea According to Their Length of Stay and Residential Status

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    Background: Migrant health is becoming public health issues, as the migrant populations are increasing and their length of stayis prolonged. This study aims to analyze the differences in prevalence of chronic diseases among migrants according to length ofstay and residential status.Methods: An initial population pool were 3,024 who were assessed with health screening programs by Migrant Health Association.2,459 migrants were selected for final analysis. Via Stata 10 we conducted univariate logistic regression analysis to examine theeffects of their length of stay and residential status on the prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and obesity. In thefinal analysis, the result of each sex was adjusted for age, nationality, length of stay, and residential status via multiple logisticregression analysis.Results: Longer length of stay tends to increase the prevalence of hypertension in male; 4-6 year stay-duration groupdemonstrated statistically significant excess compared to 1 year or less stay-duration group (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 1.39;confidence interval [CI], 1.01 to 1.92). After adjustment, male migrants stayed more than 7 year showed considerably higherdyslipidemia than male migrants stayed less than 1 year (adjusted OR, 1.95; CI, 1.05 to 3.64). Compared to the group with 1 yearor less stay-duration, the prevalence of obesity in male was significantly higher among 4-6 year (adjusted OR, 1.65; CI, 1.17 to 2.32)and 7 year or more stay-duration group (adjusted OR, 1.65; CI, 1.11 to 2.45).Conclusion: Longer length of stay correlated to higher prevalence of hypertension, dyslipidemia, and obesity among somepopulation of migrants. So more researches and new developing policies are needed for this problem.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2012-01/102/0000052039/7SEQ:7PERF_CD:SNU2012-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000052039ADJUST_YN:YEMP_ID:A077862DEPT_CD:801CITE_RATE:0FILENAME:52 The Prevalence of Chronic Diseases among Migrants in Korea According.pdfDEPT_NM:의학과EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:NCONFIRM:

    Continued improvement of cardiovascular mortality in Hungary - impact of increased cardio-metabolic prescriptions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>During the last 35 years the poor ranking of Hungary on the list of life expectancy at birth among European countries, has not changed. In 1970 our lag behind the leading European countries was the smallest. The gap was growing between 1970 and 1993 but from 1994 onwards the life expectancy at birth in Hungary has increased continuously and somewhat faster than in other European countries. The aim of this study was to analyze the association between decreasing cardiovascular mortality rates, as a main cause of death and the increase in cardio-metabolic prescriptions and possible changes in lifestyle behavior.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Analyses were conducted on national data concerning cardiovascular mortality and the number of cardio-metabolic drug prescription per capita. The association between yearly rates of cardiovascular events and changes in antihypertensive, antilipidemic and antidiabetic prescription rates was analyzed. The changes in other cardiovascular risk factors, like lifestyle were also considered.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We observed a remarkable decline of mortality due to stroke and acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The fall was significantly associated with all prescription rates. The proportion of each treatment type responsible for suppression of specific mortality rates is different. All treatment types comparably improved stroke mortality, while antilipidemic therapy improved AMI outcome.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results emphasize the importance of a comprehensive strategy that maximizes the population coverage of effective treatments. Hungary appears to be at the beginning of the fourth stage of epidemiologic transition, i.e. it has entered the stage of delayed chronic noninfectious diseases.</p