50 research outputs found

    Callus Induction and Cellular Suspensions from Murtilla (Ugni molinae Turcz.) for trans-resveratrol Production

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    The present study reports for the first time the quantification of resveratrol and the use of biotechnological techniques applied to stilbene productions in species from genus Ugni and calli production from adult explants (fruits). Resveratrol is synthesized by a series of families of higher plants, which has generated much interest in recent years for its antioxidant, anticancer and antitumor properties, which would allow longevity of cells to be prolonged. In this study, leaves and mature fruits were collected from three sites in Southern Chile and correspond to three ecotypes of the Chilean endemic species Ugni molinae Turz. (murtilla). These were established in vitro to prepare the callus and subsequent development of cellular suspensions for trans-resveratrol production. Our results showed that these stilbenes are present in murtilla and that their concentrations vary between ecotypes and tissues, reaching up to 553.5 µg g-1 of t-resveratrol produced in ecotype 3 callus. These values are relatively higher than those found in other plant species. Under optimum culture conditions, extraction of resveratrol from Ugni molinae is scalable to industrial levels, which makes it a viable alternative for obtaining stilbenes.This research was supported by a project of the Innova BíoBío, Corfo-Chile No.12.247

    Canciones y baladas infantiles: ¿transmisión oral de modelos culturales?

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    Este trabajo se enmarca dentro de la necesidad de buscar, ante la carencia de información sobre este tema, toda la documentación posible relacionada con las actividades musicales de las colectividades infantiles en el ámbito de Castilla y León. Las baladas infantiles pueden ser definidas como una manifestación cultural que aúna un contenido, a través de los textos recitados, una música que es inseparable a ese texto, y una gestualidad y organización espacial de los sujetos, que es lo que entendemos coloquialmente como juego. Los ejes música, texto y juego introducen, a su vez, distintos niveles de manifestación cultural

    Estudios preliminares de propagación in vitro de una especie endémica de Chile, Vestia foetida (Solanaceae)

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    The in vitro germination of seeds of Vestia foetida (Ruiz et Pav.) Hoffmanns. and their multiplication was performed. A 20%in vitro germination was obtained. The best proliferation medium was MS supplemented with BAP (1.0 mg L-1) plus AIB(0.01 mg L-1), with an average of 1.7 new axillary buds per microshoot after two subcultures.The in vitro germination of seeds of Vestia foetida (Ruiz et Pav.) Hoffmanns. and their multiplication was performed. A 20%in vitro germination was obtained. The best proliferation medium was MS supplemented with BAP (1.0 mg L-1) plus AIB(0.01 mg L-1), with an average of 1.7 new axillary buds per microshoot after two subcultures

    Macropropagación de Paulownia elongata x fortunei a partir de esquejes de raíz en la Región del Biobío, Chile

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    Growing Paulownia was recently introduced in Chile. Results of vegetative propagation of hybrid Paulownia elongata x fortuneiare presented in this research, using root cuttings, The aim of this study was to determine the capacity of root cuttings of hybrid P.elongata x fortunei to form adventitious shoots, to get new plants which conserve the genotype and characteristics of hybrid using asimpler and low-cost technique. For this, were used root cuttings of plants with one year old, obtained from experimental plantings,with the purpose to study the propagation behavior according to three variables: cutting diameter (three levels), substrate type (twolevels), and exogenous stimulus BAP/IBA (two levels). Twelve treatments were generated, each one with three repeats. The bestresult was obtained with small diameter cuttings (0.65-0.79 cm), planted in compost:perlite and not treated with hormones, generatingplants 9.44 cm of height in a period of 50 days. It can be concluded that to generate Paulownia plantlest, vegetative propagation bycuttings root of one year old trees is a viable option.El cultivo de Paulownia fue recientemente introducido en Chile. En esta investigación se presentan resultados de la propagaciónvegetativa del híbrido Paulownia elongata x fortunei, utilizando esquejes de raíz. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar lacapacidad de los esquejes de raíz del híbrido P. elongata x fortunei de formar brotes adventicios para obtener nuevas plantas, queconserven el genotipo y las características del híbrido mediante una técnica más sencilla y de menor costo. Para ello se utilizaronesquejes de raíz de plantas de un año de edad, obtenidos desde plantaciones experimentales, con el propósito de estudiar elcomportamiento de la propagación según tres variables: diámetro de esqueje (tres niveles), tipo de sustrato (dos niveles) y estímuloexógeno con BAP/AIB (dos niveles). Se generaron doce tratamientos, cada uno con tres repeticiones. El mejor resultado se obtuvocon esquejes de diámetro pequeño (0,65-0,79 cm), plantados en compost:perlita y no tratados con hormonas, generando plantas de9,44 cm en un periodo de 50 días. Se concluye que para generar plántulas de Paulownia, la propagación vegetativa mediante el usode esquejes de raíz de árboles de un año de edad es una opción viable

    First results in the development of a genetic marker based on the storage proteins in two species of the Nothofagus genus

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    The Nothofagus genus (Nothofagaceae) in Chile includes 12 species and some hybrids among them. Some of these species are seriously threatened, presenting a low distribution and high genetic erosion. In this study a molecular marker based on seed storage proteins Nothofagus sp. was developed. Seed samples of Nothofagus alessandrii and N. glauca from two locations in southern Chile were analysed for each species. Among the different fractions of seed proteins (albumins, globulins, prolamins and glutelins) analyzed, the glutelins showed the best results, presenting conspicuous bands. Up to 39 bands were detected in both species; 22 in N. alessandrii (including 14 polymorphic) and 26 in N. glauca (21 polymorphic), with seven of them common to both species. There was a clear difference between the protein profiles of both species; we detected a preliminary value of genetic diversity in N. glauca greater than in N. alessandrii. These results, although preliminary, suggest that this marker could be useful for assessing genetic diversity in the Nothofagus genus.El género Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae) comprende 12 especies y algunos híbridos entre las mismas. Algunas de estas especies se encuentran seriamente amenazadas, presentando una distribución reducida y una gran erosión genética. En este estudio fue desarrollado un marcador molecular basado en las proteínas de reserva de la semilla de especies del género Nothofagus. Para ello se tomaron muestras de semilla de dos especies del género, N. alessandrii y N. glauca. De las diferentes fracciones de proteínas de la semilla (albúminas, globulinas, prolaminas y glutelinas), las glutelinas mostraron los mejores resultados al presentar bandas más conspicuas. Hasta 39 bandas fueron detectadas entre las dos especies, 22 en N. alessandrii (14 de ellas polimórficas) y 26 en N. glauca (21 polimórficas), siendo siete de ellas comunes a ambas especies. Se encontró una clara diferencia entre los perfiles proteicos de ambas especies, detectándose mayor diversidad genética en N. glauca que en N. alessandrii. Aunque estos resultados son preliminares, sugieren que este marcador podría ser útil para la evaluación de la diversidad genética en especies del género Nothofagus

    Variabilidad genética mediante AFLP en tres relictos de Gomortega keule (Molina) Baillon, especie endémica chilena en peligro de extinción

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    Gomortega keule is an endemic woody species to Chile and the only member of the Gomortegaceae family. It is currently an endangered species and is of great scientific interest due to its small area of distribution. The aim of this research was to estimate genetic diversity of 24 individuals of G. keule selected from three isolated relict populations from the province of Concepción using AFLP (Amplified fragment length polymorphism) for future conservation issue. Sixteen combinations of primers for AFLP were tested and three combinations of them were selected as the most informative, revealing differences between individuals. These primer combinations generated 156 fragments, of which 62 % were polymorphic. The relict population with the highest percentage of polymorphisms was located in Cerro Neuque with 84.6 %, followed by Coroney and Hualqui with 59.6 and 42.3 %, respectively. The analysis of molecular variance detected 73 % variation within populations and 27 % variation amoung populations. This study supported that AFLP can be used in G. keule as a fast and reliable test to identified remaining populations of the species. Thus, this technique can be used to support ex situ or in situ conservation of G. keule.Gomortega keule, especie arbórea endémica de Chile y única representante de la familia Gomortegaceae, se encuentra catalogada en peligro de extinción y despierta gran interés científico por su restringida área de distribución. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar la variabilidad genética de 24 individuos de G. keule ubicados en tres relictos de la provincia de Concepción, mediante marcadores AFLP (polimorfismos en la longitud de los fragmentos amplificados) para futuros estudios de conservación. Se probaron 16 combinaciones de partidores y se eligieron las tres combinaciones más informativas para detectar diferencias entre individuos. Estas combinaciones generaron un total de 156 fragmentos, siendo un 62 % de ellos polimórficos. El sitio con mayor porcentaje de polimorfismos correspondió a Cerro Neuque, con un 84,6 %, seguido por Coroney y Hualqui con 59,6 y 42,3 %, respectivamente. El análisis de varianza molecular detectó un 73 % de variación dentro de las poblaciones y un 27 % de variación entre ellas. El estudio muestra que la técnica de AFLP puede ser utilizada en G. keule de forma rápida y confiable para identificar poblaciones remanentes y apoyar su conservación tanto ex situ como in situ

    Smart Building: Decision Making Architecture for Thermal Energy Management

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    Smart applications of the Internet of Things are improving the performance of buildings, reducing energy demand. Local and smart networks, soft computing methodologies, machine intelligence algorithms and pervasive sensors are some of the basics of energy optimization strategies developed for the benefit of environmental sustainability and user comfort. This work presents a distributed sensor-processor-communication decision-making architecture to improve the acquisition, storage and transfer of thermal energy in buildings. The developed system is implemented in a near Zero-Energy Building (nZEB) prototype equipped with a built-in thermal solar collector, where optical properties are analysed; a low enthalpy geothermal accumulation system, segmented in different temperature zones; and an envelope that includes a dynamic thermal barrier. An intelligent control of this dynamic thermal barrier is applied to reduce the thermal energy demand (heating and cooling) caused by daily and seasonal weather variations. Simulations and experimental results are presented to highlight the nZEB thermal energy reduction

    Towards an Emancipatory Education Located in the Transformative Teacher: Challenges and Demands in Educational Centers of Machala in Ecuador

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    Este artículo analiza la educación y docencia en la formación de sujetos con actitudes y aptitudes que impulsen rupturas de modelos promotores de quietud de la conciencia, obstaculizadores de la autodeterminación, que reprimen la auténtica libertad e impiden ampliar horizontes de universalidad. El objetivo, incentivar la reflexión sobre el rol protagónico de la educación y del docente en la educación emancipadora basada en procesos didáctico pedagógicos generadores de conocimientos en los estudiantes para que asuman actitudes de independencia y autonomía para la toma de decisiones en la resolución de problemas de su práctica cotidiana y de construcción de una sociedad justa, equitativa, inclusiva, democrática, con valores éticos y morales. Es una investigación básica, alcance exploratorio, descriptivo, explicativo; diseño no experimental, enfoque metodológico cuantitativo. Sustento epistémico: teorías críticas. Recolección de datos empirista, muestra probabilística. Técnica: encuesta. Los resultados muestran el 86,5% de coincidencias sobre la necesidad de una educación emancipadora y liberadora que desarrolle actitudes para la crítica, la autocrítica y la gestión política; que supere al docente artesano e incorpore profesionales de la docencia, creativos e innovadores, adaptables a flujos tecnológicos y globalizadores, con visión humanista en la formación de una sociedad consciente de su propia realidad.This article analyzes education and teaching in the formation of subjects with attitudes and aptitudes that promote ruptures of models that promote quietness of conscience, hinder self-determination that repress authentic freedom and prevent expanding horizons of universality. The objective is to encourage reflection on the leading role of education and the teacher in emancipatory education based on didactic-pedagogical processes that generate knowledge in students so that they assume attitudes of independence and autonomy for decision-making in solving educational problems. Its daily practice and construction of a just, equitable, inclusive, democratic society, with ethical and moral values. It is a basic research, exploratory, descriptive, explanatory scope; non-experimental design, quantitative methodological approach. Epistemic support: critical theories. Empiricist data collection, probabilistic sample. Technique: survey. The results show 86.5% agreement on the need for an emancipatory and liberating education that develops attitudes for criticism, self-criticism and political management; that surpasses the artisan teacher and incorporates teaching professionals, creative and innovative, adaptable to technological and globalizing flows, with a humanistic vision in the formation of a society aware of its own reality

    Composición, estructura y diversidad de poblaciones de Nothofagus glauca ubicadas en la zona mediterránea de Chile

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    The forests of Nothofagus glauca are located in the mediterranean zone of central Chile. Its elimination to enable soil for agricultural, forestry, more cattle use as well as the utilization of its wood for fuelwood and coal, reduced drastically its surface. Forests of N. glauca, that are located in the Coast and Andes chain mountain of the central zone of Chile, were studied. Across forest inventory, during summer of 2008 and 2009, it was recorded the composition, structure and diversity of the communities inhabited by N. glauca, some of which were selected to be climbed for seed collection to be used for genetic diversity studies. The results indicated a great difference between the forests of N. glauca located in Coast and the Andes. The forests of the Coast chain mountain, presented major species richness of each stand, dominance and diversity of species between communities. In all studied forests, N. glauca was the predominant species in all strata of crown (dominant, codominant, suppressed), with diameter class structures principally of the type “inverse J-shaped”. The best seed production, in quantity and quality, was registered in Coast chain mountain forest.Los bosques de Nothofagus glauca se encuentran ubicados en la zona mediterránea de Chile central. Su eliminación para habilitar suelo para uso agrícola, forestal y ganadero, más la utilización de su madera para leña y carbón, redujo drásticamente su superficie. Se estudiaron un total de cuatro bosques de N. glauca localizados dos en la Cordillera de la Costa y dos en la Cordillera de los Andes de Chile central. A través de inventario forestal, durante el verano de los años 2008 y 2009, se determinó la composición, la estructura y la diversidad de las comunidades habitadas por N. glauca, y se cosechó semillas escalando árboles seleccionados con el propósito de obtener información de la diversidad genética de la especie. Los resultados indicaron que existe gran diferencia entre los bosques de N. glauca ubicados en la costa y cordillera de los Andes. Los bosques costeros presentaron mayor riqueza dentro del rodal; dominancia y diversidad de especies entre rodales. En los bosques estudiados, N. glauca fue la especie principal en todos los estratos de copa (dominante, codominante y suprimido), con estructuras diamétricas principalmente del tipo “J invertida”. La mejor semillación, en cantidad y calidad, ocurrió en los bosques costeros

    Loneliness, Social Networks, and Health: A Cross-Sectional Study in Three Countries.

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    OBJECTIVE: It is widely recognized that social networks and loneliness have effects on health. The present study assesses the differential association that the components of the social network and the subjective perception of loneliness have with health, and analyzes whether this association is different across different countries. METHODS: A total of 10 800 adults were interviewed in Finland, Poland and Spain. Loneliness was assessed by means of the 3-item UCLA Loneliness Scale. Individuals' social networks were measured by asking about the number of members in the network, how often they had contacts with these members, and whether they had a close relationship. The differential association of loneliness and the components of the social network with health was assessed by means of hierarchical linear regression models, controlling for relevant covariates. RESULTS: In all three countries, loneliness was the variable most strongly correlated with health after controlling for depression, age, and other covariates. Loneliness contributed more strongly to health than any component of the social network. The relationship between loneliness and health was stronger in Finland (|β| = 0.25) than in Poland (|β| = 0.16) and Spain (|β| = 0.18). Frequency of contact was the only component of the social network that was moderately correlated with health. CONCLUSIONS: Loneliness has a stronger association with health than the components of the social network. This association is similar in three different European countries with different socio-economic and health characteristics and welfare systems. The importance of evaluating and screening feelings of loneliness in individuals with health problems should be taken into account. Further studies are needed in order to be able to confirm the associations found in the present study and infer causality