72 research outputs found

    Time as the Enemy? Disjointed Timelines and Uneven Rhythms of Indigenous Collective Land Titling in Paraguay and Cambodia

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    Indigenous Land law reforms in Paraguay and Cambodia proposed collective land titling to secure land tenure through community ownership. When we look at land formalization through a temporal lens, we see the on-the-ground dynamics of how communal title may or may not be achieved by examining the ethnographic case studies of Guarani and Bunong land titling. We argue that the temporality of land titling processes creates disjointed, shifting timelines mediated by relationships of power and disrupted by fast-tracked private and state concessions. This uneven relationship between time and titling interrupts, undermines and fragments Indigenous land possession with serious ecological and livelihood impacts

    Indigenous collective land titling and the creation of leftovers: Insights from Paraguay and Cambodia

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    Collective land titling often drags on for decades, while private land concessions and holdings do not face the same problem, creating ‘leftovers’ of land available for Indigenous peoples to attempt to collectively title. In two ethnographic case studies in Cambodia and Paraguay, we analyse community‐based Indigenous land titling by focusing on the on‐the‐ground dynamics of property relations, Indigenous livelihood shifts and ecological change. In both countries, large agricultural players implemented a staggering change in local landscapes through deforestation, configuring new realities that in turn feed into local environments and titling processes. Adapting their livelihoods to living in the leftovers, in Cambodia, the Indigenous Bunong shifted from rice to rubber as they navigated the slow titling process. In Paraguay, some Indigenous Guarani shifted from corn to cattle by renting out their collectively titled land. The case studies show that the liberal titling approach to secure Indigenous lands overestimates the ability of title to remove land from capitalist logics such as the push to rent or sell, while some spaces of autonomy are opened. We critique the liberal approaches to formalising title, where Indigenous struggles for their ways of life are funnelled into fighting for collective property

    Nunca dejamos de ser Paĩ: estudio de caso sobre las tierras recuperadas por los Paĩ Tavyterã Guaraní en Paraguay

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    En este estudio presento el caso de la recuperación de tierras por parte de una comunidad Paĩ Tavyterã en Amambay que fueron tituladas por una misión evangélica escandinava en la década de 1970. En vista de los conflictos por la tierra en Paraguay, rastreo este proceso histórico para arrojar luz sobre la cooperación y las tensiones entre los Paĩ, las ONGs, la misión evangélica, el administrador paraguayo, y el marco jurídico del país. El caso revela algunas tensiones a nivel de base que hoy en día siguen vigentes en la resistencia frente acaparamiento de tierras. Este estudio permite historizar las prácticas actuales de los Guaraní y las ONG en cuanto a sus reclamos jurídicos


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    UPT Ragam Metal adalah lembaga yang dimiliki oleh Badan Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna (BPTTG) yang dioperasikan untuk memproduksi produk berbahan dasar logam sejak tahun 1981. Produk yang pernah dihasilkan yaitu ember bangunan yang terbuat dari bahan logam. Pada tahun 2000an, Pemerintah mengimbau masyarakat untuk mengganti penggunaan kompor minyak menjadi kompor gas. Tahun 2005 UPT Ragam Metal berhenti melakukan produksi, tetapi masih ada beberapa alat dan mesin yang masih layak untuk digunakan. Pada tahun 2018, dilakukan revitalisasi UPT Ragam Metal untuk memproduksi produk dengan berbahan logam. Penelitian sebelumnya menghasilkan hasil riset pasar serta analisis proses produk, kapasitas mesin, perancangan stasiun kerja, sehingga langkah selanjutnya adalah merancang tata letak untuk UPT Ragam Metal. Merevitalisasi UPT Ragam Metal diperlukan perencanaan ulang tata letak dan fasilitas, supaya dapat mendukung proses produksi yang akan dilakukan. Perancangan tata letak ini dilakukan menggunakan Metode Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) dan diperjelas langkah-langkahnya dengan Metode Meyers. Langkah-langkah pada SLP digunakan untuk mengolah data dan menghasilkan beberapa alternatif tata letak usulan yang dapat disesuaikan menggunakan BLOCPLAN dan dilanjutkan dengan CRAFT supaya mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik. Penelitian tentang perancangan tata letak fasilitas ini menghasilkan sebuah tata letak yang baru, dimana Mesin Punch Baru ikut disertakan. Luas area yang dibutuhkan untuk perancangan sebesar 63 m2. Tata letak yang baru dipilih dari total cost terkecil yang dihasilkan oleh perangkat lunak CRAFT, yaitu sebesar Rp 520.717,60. Kata Kunci: Layout, Tata Letak, UPT Ragam Metal, SLP, Meyers, BLOCPLAN, CRAFT

    Didactic Solo Piano Works by Alexandre Tansman.

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    The musical career of the Polish composer Alexandre Tansman (1897-1986) was multifaceted. He frequently performed as a pianist and conductor, and he composed numerous works for various performance media. Tansman was a well-respected musician, having received during his lifetime many awards and honors for his compositions. Among Tansman\u27s music are numerous didactic works for solo piano. These pieces expose the student to a variety of musical genres and styles, while at the same time providing practical experience in the acquisition of musical and technical skills. This monograph examines the didactic solo piano works of Tansman, focusing primarily on the collections Pour les enfants (1934), Les jeunes au piano (1951), and Happy Time (1960). Following an introductory chapter that briefly outlines Tansman\u27s life and career, Chapter 2 provides a discussion of the genres (dances, barcaroles, marches, etudes) and styles (contrapuntal, blues, ethnic) used by Tansman in his didactic music. Chapter 3 focuses on the technical and musical features found in these works. A final chapter summarizes the information in the previous chapters and contains recommendations for making this music more readily available to piano teachers and students. Three appendices provide supplemental information on Tansman\u27s didactic music. A brief description and list of the contents of each of the collections (including the publishers) is found in Appendix I. Appendix II lists the pieces that are examples of the genres and styles discussed in Chapter 2 (in addition to the works illustrated in that chapter). Appendix III lists the pieces in which the technical and musical features discussed in Chapter 3 are found

    ‘Look into the Book of Life’: Muslim musicians, Sufism, and postmodern spirituality in Britain

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    Spirituality has been theorised as a characteristic of late-modern society, a consequence of individualisation and of a relativized marketplace of religion. Drawing on findings from ethnographic fieldwork conducted with Muslim musicians in the UK, the author claims that spirituality can indeed be considered a postmodern discourse of belief – with trans-religious applicability – but that at the same time it can be articulated from within a clear understanding of group/religious membership. The concepts of ‘spiritual capital’ and ‘expressive communalism’ are used to explain the ways through which a postmodern discourse of spirituality is utilised by Muslim musicians from within contemporary networks of Sufism in the West. The author suggests that the cosmopolitan and inclusive nature of these types of Sufism in Britain – particularly amongst third and fourth generation Muslims – represents a frontier of religious change in the UK and a challenge to traditional forms of religious authority, discourse and membership

    La estructura factorial de las habilidades cognitivas en la infância

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    Recent studies have shown contradictory evidence regarding cognitive abilities differentiation and organization in childhood. Cattell’s investment theory postulated that duringthe early stages of life, the individual begins with a single and general ability (fluid intelligence), in which the relevance tends to decrease during adolescence, due to the appearance of differentiated abilities developed through the process of socialization and associated with the motivations, interests and experiences. This study analyses whether the factorial structure of the results in a battery of tests supports the existence of a general factor or, instead, a structure formed by different specific factors. A sample of 472 Portuguese children, aged between 4 and 10 years old, completed the Cognitive Competencies Scale for Children (ECCOs 4/10),and four subtests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III) and Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence - Revised (WPPSI-R). The adjustment of some models that reflect different psychometric theories of intelligence was tested by several confirmatory factor analyses (CFA). The implications of the tested models in the organization of cognitive abilities for cognitive development and school learning in childhood are also discussed.Estudios recientes señalan evidencias contradictorias con respecto a la diferenciación y organización de las habilidades cognitivas en la infancia. La teoría de la inversión de Cattell sostiene que durante las primeras etapas de la vida, el individuo comienza con una habilidad general (inteligencia fluida), cuya relevancia tiende a disminuir debido a la aparición durante la adolescencia de habilidades diferenciadas desarrolladas a través del proceso de socialización y que están asociadas a las motivaciones, intereses y experiencias. Con este estudio se pretende investigar si la estructura factorial de los resultados en una batería de pruebas apoya la existencia de un factor general o, en cambio, una estructura formada por diferentes factores específicos. Una muestra de 472 escolares portugueses, con edades entre los 4 y 10 años, llevó a cabo la Escala de Competências Cognitivas para Crianças (ECCOs 4/10) y cuatro sub-pruebas del Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Third Edition (WISC-III) y Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence – Revised (WPPSI-R). El ajuste de algunos modelos que reflejan diferentes teorías psicométricas de la inteligencia se puso a prueba mediante varios análisis factoriales confirmatorios (AFC). Se analizaron además las implicaciones de los modelos probados en la organización de las habilidades cognitivas para el desarrollo cognitivo y para el aprendizaje escolar en la infancia.This work is funded by the Fundacão para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP (FCT) and the POPH/FSE under the SFRH/BD/84153/2012 project

    Dispensaries and Medical Marijuana Certifications and Indications: Unveiling the Geographic Connections in Pennsylvania, USA

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    Introduction: Pennsylvania opened its first medical marijuana (MMJ) dispensary in 2018. Qualifying conditions include six conditions determined to have no or insufficient evidence to support or refute MMJ effectiveness. We conducted a study to describe MMJ dispensary access in Pennsylvania and to determine whether dispensary proximity was associated with MMJ certifications and community demographics. Methods: Using data from the Pennsylvania Department of Health, we geocoded MMJ dispensary locations and linked them to US Census Bureau data. We created dispensary access measures from the population-weighted centroid of Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs): distance to nearest dispensary and density of dispensaries within a 15-min drive. We evaluated associations between dispensary access and the proportion of adults who received MMJ certification and the proportion of certifications for low evidence conditions (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, epilepsy, glaucoma, Huntington’s disease, opioid use disorder, and Parkinson’s disease) using negative binomial modeling, adjusting for community features. To evaluate associations racial and ethnic composition of communities and distance to nearest dispensary, we used logistic regression to estimate the odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), adjusting for median income. Results: Distance and density of MMJ dispensaries were associated with the proportion of the ZCTA population certified and the proportion of certifications for insufficient evidence conditions. Compared to ZCTAs with no dispensary within 15 min, the proportion of adults certified increased by up to 31% and the proportion of certifications for insufficient evidence decreased by up to 22% for ZCTAs with two dispensaries. From 2018 to 2021, the odds of being within five miles of a dispensary was up to 20 times higher in ZCTAs with the highest proportions of individuals who were not White (2019: OR: 20.14, CI: 10.7–37.8) and more than double in ZCTAs with the highest proportion of Hispanic individuals (2018: OR: 2.81, CI: 1.51–5.24), compared to ZCTAs with the lowest proportions. Conclusions: Greater dispensary access was associated with the proportions of certified residents and certifications for low evidence conditions. Whether these patterns are due to differences in accessibility or demand is unknown. Associations between community demographics and dispensary proximity may indicate MMJ access differences

    Cognitive differentiation during childhood: A study on cognitive profiles of 5, 7, and 9-year-old children

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    No seio do debate sobre se a inteligência é mais bem definida por um fator geral ou por aptidões específicas, ganha relevância a hipótese da diferenciação cognitiva. Análises recentes enfatizam o interesse dessa questão para a investigação e alertam para a relevância das suas implicações na área educativa. Este estudo analisou a possibilidade de a diferenciação das aptidões cognitivas ocorrer já na infância e também o efeito moderador do Quociente de Inteligência na magnitude da relação entre as habilidades cognitivas. Aplicou-se uma bateria de provas que avaliam várias funções cognitivas a uma amostra de 231 crianças com 5, 7 e 9 anos, distribuídas por três grupos de desempenho cognitivo. Os resultados de uma análise de clusters hierárquica e de uma análise de variância apontam para a não diferenciação das funções cognitivas na infância. Contudo, uma análise mais cuidadosa aponta para alguma diferenciação suportada pela heterogeneidade dos perfis cognitivos junto dos alunos com Quociente de Inteligência elevado.Within the debate about whether intelligence is best defined by a general factor or specific skills, the hypothesis of cognitive differentiation gains relevance. Recent analyses have emphasized the importance of this issue in the investigation of cognitive skills and have highlighted its implications in education. This study examined the possibility that the differentiation of cognitive abilities may occur during childhood and investigated the moderating effect of Intelligence Quotient on the magnitude of the relationship between cognitive abilities. A battery of tests for assessing cognitive function was administered to 231 children aged 5, 7, and 9 years old, who were divided into three cognitive performance groups. The results of hierarchical cluster analysis and variance analysis indicate the lack of differentiation of cognitive functions during childhood. However, a more careful analysis suggests some differentiation supported by the heterogeneity of cognitive profiles among students with high Intelligence Quotient.FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(SFRH/BD/84153/2012